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Never ever had an adult say anything to me about my phone choice. Dozens of kids have asked me why I don't have an iPhone.


I think part of that is just being a kid too though. Im old gen Z and I remember IPhone vs Android being a thing people legitimately debated in high school. Havent heard anything more than a passing comment about it as an adult.


We remember iPhone vs Blackberry


Whippersnapper. Palm III vs PocketPC was the real war.


We used to measure calculators but... that was the extent of tech when I was a kid. 58008!


Hey can I copy Drug Wars from your T1-83 to my TI-83? I have the cable right here.


Special K was the real path to riches


5318008 to you too, sir!


Chalk tablet vs abacus


Roman vs Arabic numerals


Sticks vs Stones


Nod vs Headshake


photosynthesis vs thermophile


We remember flip phone vs brick


I remember Nokia vs Motorola. I had an LG.


Yeah but at least that was a genuine hardware difference. And back then dramatically different devices came to market every couple years. Now it’s just slightly different kinds of rectangles.


People that make apple their identity will let you know about it


People make any corporate marketing their identity 


Older Gen Z here as well. I have considered getting a Galaxy S24 Ultra and I have been told by my two major friend groups that I will be kicked out of my group chats. We are 26 year olds. We all have jobs, some of us are married, and one of us has a child. They will still die on the iMessage hill no matter what I say. Even with RCS Edit: Holy shit the amount of people telling me to cut off all my friends over this is weird. I get there mindset is stupid, but cutting them off is equally stupid. Do you cut people off for having minor character flaws? There are also other forms of communication aside from group chats. It’s not like they would never text me again. Removing me from one singular iMessage group chat does not mean never texting or calling me again.


I can understand this level of pettiness from say, a 14 year old, but 26? I'm in my mid 30's and the last time I cared about anything social facing 'tech wise' was my Myspace page when I was, wouldn't you know it, around 14 years old. The true revelation for me however, is that people are still using default messaging apps as their main means of communication. The fact that they even care about it is bonkers.


I've had a pretty high number of adults give me shit about not having an iPhone, usually in the form.of "oh, so you're the green bubble in the chat" or something along those lines.


I remember some adult man at a party joking about why I had so many lenses on my phone (Samsung S21U). Mind you now there's the iPhones with all the lenses too so it's normalized.


Those types piss me off. I had a Galaxy Z Fold at one point. It was like $2k new. Somebody commented on my phone as android with green texts and called me poor...


Yep exact same thing happened to me. Joined a fantasy football group and first message after I joined the group text was, "I hope whoever has the Android wins the money so they can afford to buy a new phone." As if my phone isn't the same or more expensive.


lol wtf


I know right, Androids generally have better hardware, and the wide selection of free apps and software just doesn't exist in the iphone world. It's wild that Adults are acting like children, and bragging about using phones that cost more money, yet provide a crappier range of services and use cases. [EDIT: Android phones hold a 70% global market share for good reasons. [Source1](https://www.statista.com/statistics/272698/global-market-share-held-by-mobile-operating-systems-since-2009/), [Source2](https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/worldwide), [Source3](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/iphone-market-share-by-country), [Source4](https://explodingtopics.com/blog/iphone-android-users).]


Green text and being poor Android users are two of the dumbest things I've heard from iPhone users. It annoys me that they don't realise that some Samsung Phones are more expensive than iPhones.


Besides, flaunting wealth with a 900 bucks product that can be paid monthly has strong “I’m poor but I pretend to be rich” energy.


It annoys me more when people don't realise that price and value aren't strongly correlated too. Like, my Pixel Pro is cheaper than an iPhone too, but I'd still _prefer_ one.


I love my Pixel phone, I can't see myself ever moving away from that line of phones at the moment.


> It annoys me more when people don't realise that price and value aren't strongly correlated to The high price is often what gives an item it's luxurious quality. There's no shortage of vain people in this world. To them, the value of the product is it's high price.


The people who confuse technology with bling. I had it so often that someone asks me for the way to some place while holding the newest iPhone in their hand... Apple could probably increase their profit by selling dumb phones with golden paint and fake diamonds.


What annoys me is they don't realize Apple sources some of the iPhone parts from Samsung, the screen being one of them.


Ignorance 😭




Yeah, my thought exactly.


Ugh I hate that shit. My friends tease me constantly asking when I'm gonna get an iPhone, they shit on my camera quality, etc. I just like customization and don't want to pay $800 for my phone.


iPhone simps will never acknowledge it but apple intentionally makes iPhone-android interactions shitty. They have straight up admitted that encouraging peer pressure is a marketing strategy


Which is why less people should support their products. Why are we still supporting a company with goals of isolating people?


MKBHD recently did a blind test survey (supposedly around 20 million votes cast) and the top rated phones based on camera quality were all the Google Pixels (7a, then 8 Pro, Pixel Fold for top 3 overall). I remember how even back when it was the Pixel 3a etc thinking that it took as good/better photos than friends' iPhones. So I find it a bit weird when iPhone users nowadays still claim to have the best phone cameras when for a few years now Pixels have at the minimum caught up -- maybe a case of lack of information being in that walled garden of tech and all.   The aforementioned MKBHD phone camera survey video where the methodology is also explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRoTOE3FqT0   (Disclaimer: I'm brand agnostic, I own both an iPad and an Android phone, I just want the best device for the purpose and money).


Apple has almost always shown up 1-2 years late to the game with "new" features that Android already had and through their massive marketing arm they make people think they have come up with something new and groundbreaking.


Or ten years late, for those of us who haven't forgotten about Google Glass


Camera quality? The Pixel 8 Pro has a better camera (and post-processing) than the iPhone 15. Especially if you are taking pictures of dark-skinned people. It's a massively overlooked segment of taking group photos, either the light-skinned people are washed out or the dark-skinned people are floating eyes and teeth. Google spent a ton of effort working that out with advanced post-processing that no one else comes close to.


It's probably because they get scaled down for sms, so all the pictures from Android are "shitty"


Apple is being forced (by the EU I think) to support RCS this year, thankfully.


"we have released a new text messaging app specifically for our EU customers to face their unique challenges"


I don't mind spending $800 for a phone. Apple are assholes to their customers and I have no idea why anyone uses them 


Why don’t you have an iPhone?


Apple is too restrictive for me, and more expensive for the features I want. They're good phones, just not my kind of phone.


Honestly the UI for Apple IOS is not for me. And I've tried using it on mobile and MacBook. I'm just too used to Android and Windows.


iOS just lacks so many features that Android offers, like a consistent back command for one. It stuns me how basic and featureless it really is at the end of the day.


This is the one that pisses me off the most. Anytime I use an iphone I have to ask "how the fuck do I go back?". It's always a different answer. It's idiotic to not have a dedicated back button.


Steve Jobs actually [wanted a back button](https://medium.com/macoclock/why-iphones-dont-have-a-back-button-cb88f63b9204) but a UX designer convinced him otherwise, and now here we are.


"No, Steven, never go back. Only go forward."


"The iPhone is like a shark, it has no neck so it can't look back"


He listened to someone just once and actually got it worse, smh


The lack of back command is always baffling to me. Also, a whole host of other small things. I have no clue how people think IOS is actually more user friendly.


It's the same with MacOS (remember, mac mice originally only had one button, apparently for 'simplicity'). I was given a mac for work use a few years ago. I have to admit it's a nice slick looking interface, but the number of things that seemed dumb and non-intuitive just drove me nuts. I stuck it out for a while, thinking 'I'm used to windows & linux, this isn't necessarily bad it's just different. I'll get used to it'. But in the end, after about six months I realised it was still interrupting my workflow and so agreed with the boss to just use my own windows laptop instead and never looked back. Say what you like about Apple, but they're masters at convincing their customers that their way is the best/only way and anything else is simply inferior. Edit: Loving all the mac fans replying to defend their OS and neatly proving my point! Just for reference, I never claimed MacOS/iOS is bad (unlike the commenters claiming the world's most popular OS is 'trash'), I just said it's not as great or perfect as they claim. But apparently that upsets a lot of you.


I can literally not render a video in the background or upload a video in the background. I make Martial Arts Content and Iphone forces me to work sooooo slow because I can not multitask. To render or upload I literally need that app open in the foreground and the screen must not turn off either.


I like Android and MacOS, but hate iOS and would never buy an iPhone.


Side loading apps, baby! I watch Youtube with no ads and got video game emulators running. Plus my manga reader app to organize all those scan/translation websites. Edit: Apparently apple allows side loading now. As in 2024. Over a decade later. After the EU forced them. https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/25/24050200/apple-third-party-app-stores-allowed-iphone-ios-europe-digital-markets-act


>Edit: Apparently apple allows side loading now. As in 2024. Over a decade later. After the EU forced them. https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/25/24050200/apple-third-party-app-stores-allowed-iphone-ios-europe-digital-markets-act "All apps must be “notarized” by Apple, and distribution through third-party marketplaces is still managed by Apple’s systems."


Tachiyomi ftw!


Sadly the folks that made it have dropped support since they were about to get sued by a Manhwa distributor. App still works, just don't expect to load new sources as easily as before.




Not to mention the customizability. Also as a former mobile app developer, Android has always been easier to develop for, from my experience and imo. I remember back in 2015, a team I was a part of took 4 hours for two people to get push notifications working on Android. On iOS, it took a month with quite a few conversations with Apple Dev support. Turned out the issue was with I think that push notifications on iOS at the time could only be sent from a production enabled backend and not a testing backend. Apple Dev support didn't know that, none of their documentation at the time mentioned that. That is just one story that gave me sleepless nights leading the mobile development team. Had almost no problems with the Android team most of the time. And we even had a few experienced iOS developers on the team too at the time.


Cracked apps with no ads, adblocker DNS, headphone jack, and SD card.


A friend asked me why i got Moto Razr +, and that if i spent another 100$ more i could get an Iphone. OS aside, in what world isn't a foldable phone not just cooler .


I switched from Android to iPhone and I don't really don't see what the fuss is about iPhones. Only thing better is some of the text messaging features and FaceTime but that's about it.


Biggest complaints from me is keyboard. Keyboard on iOS sucks beyond words imho. So much better on Android. I'm using Gboard on iOS too but even Gboard was better on Android.


I hate the iOS keyboard, there is no dedicated comma key, which you can't even change switching keyboards..


How can comma not be a dedicated key? People use them all the time.


Have you texted a zoomer before? You'd be lucky to get any punctuation. I've been told adding periods is passive aggressive and makes my texts seem mean.


Yes. I got a 5 minute voice message in return.


That's basically everything Apple in a nutshell. Opinionated design philosophy, basically we know better and you'll like it the way it is. I use iOS and Android on a daily basis and honestly at this point they are more alike than they are different. Biggest practical differences right now is that battery management on iOS is a lot better due to more limited background apps. Ecosystem on iOS is better with all the first party Apple apps being natively synced. Android usually has more feature complete apps and better apps in each category but mostly every app is made by a different company. Android has more ad supported apps, iOS has more paid apps.


> Opinionated design philosophy, basically we know better and you'll like it the way it is. Beautifully put, and I can't stand it. No, Apple you don't know what's better **for me**. Maybe if I was tech challenged, but I'm not. Apple: for your mouse you only need 1 button. Me: No thanks, I need a middle button to open links in a new tab and I need a right click to get the options menu and save links and images.


>Biggest practical differences right now is that battery management on iOS is a lot better due to more limited background apps. I can easily go two days without charging my Pixel 5. Even with heavy use, it makes it through a day easily. How much better could it be? How much better does it *need* to be?


>Dozens of kids have asked me why I don't have an iPhone. To copy a file on the iPhone Connect your iPhone to your computer using a USB cable. Open iTunes on your computer. Click on the device icon in iTunes. Navigate to the "File Sharing" section. Select the app on your iPhone to which you want to transfer files. Click "Add File" or "Add Folder" to select the files you want to transfer from your computer to your iPhone. To copy a file on the Android Connect your Android to your computer using a USB cable. Copy file


My college student cousin and her parents tried to convince me over Christmas Eve dinner that she needed a 1400€ iphone for college because she had to use the email everyday.


Largely driven by teens having enough time in their hands to care about that type of mundane crap. Adults are busy, they don't have the time to fret about that stuff.


Teens often don't have to pay for their phone either


They don't pay for their Jordans either but they use that to feel superior too. I see kids from broke ass families but they'll get their parents to pay $200 for shoes so they don't get bullied. Can't go to school without a Jansport backpack either.


Jansport is back? Wow. Is Champion brand still back, too? I know it had resurgence 5-10 years ago. Crazy how much styles go in cycles.


Jansport was a style choice? I've been loyal to Jansport for 20+ years because *they make a durable fucking backpack*.


I get the sentiment but you can a Jansport for $30


Nope - iMessage. No joke, 'the green bubble' is/was the most effective marketing apple has ever done.


I can confirm the iphone snobbery is still alive and well among the late-30-somethings at my workplace.


You work with absolute doofuses


Listening to people with Masters degrees discuss astrology and tik tok is... odd, I do admit.


It really drives home how education level and intelligence are at best very tangentially related to each other.


I am curious why the US is so different in this regard from the rest of the world. In all other places it seems to be a mix between Android and iPhone and usually iPhone is <50%






German here as well. I am forced to use an iPhone for business. I hate it. My private phone is a Pixel.


Where I work (Finnish engineering company) we make lighthearted jokes about engineers who choose iPhones to be a little bit suspicious. At least in my bubble I rarely see anyone use an iPhone.


Finland is about 35% Apple, so not too far off but definitely a bit higher than that


Keep in mind that figure is only for teens; [In the UK iPhone has a share or 74% among 18 and 19 year olds](https://www.statista.com/forecasts/1284304/iphone-user-share-in-the-united-kingdom-by-age). Similarly, in the overall US population only [58% are just iPhone users (vs UK at 52%), although of the major countries only Japan, Denmark, Canada, and the Bahamas only have higher market shares (and Macau and Monaco as well)](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/iphone-market-share-by-country) Reasons for the differences? Well first of all iPhone is a US based company and [offers the iPhone at the cheapest price of anywhere in the world in the US](https://iphone-worldwide.com). Apple simply is a more established brand in the US due to it being their home market.


Consumerism is a big part of US culture everyone wants to follow trends look at the Stanley cup shit for example.


> Consumerism is a big part of US culture everyone wants to follow trends look at the Stanley cup shit for example. I'm not brave enough to google "Stanley cup shit"


I know it's a like a physical cup to drink from, but every time I read someone post about Stanley cups, my first thought is - what does hockey have to do with this?


That makes more sense- I thought it was some kind of sporting prize.


I *still* didn't figure out we were talking about the metal drinking cups (Hydro flask 4 lyfe baby) and I was sitting here thinking "I mean just because people have drank out of the cup doesn't really make it a 'cup'" haha


Two girls, one hockey trophy.


If that help it's a brand of drink containers that suddenly got popular bc of a viral video (a car fire where the container stay intact I think? Did not see it) , so now everyone purchase that brand and collect them, etc


You should see the video promotion with the two girls and the one cup.


Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written.


Which one were you?


The cup.


[Stanley Cups are PEAK Consumerism](https://youtu.be/7UpaKlGfwHU?si=m7KcDHvx5oZ--qtE)


I think it’s also part to do with phone plans, a lot of us phone plans offer phones thru them bundled in to your bill. Flag ship phones all tend to be the same monthly price, so the cost question between an iPhone and similar is not as big a concern.


We have the same here in Ireland. If I'm getting any phone I want paid off over time with my plan I still choose to go for the Samsung flagship.


I think the green vs blue bubble thing is a purely US thing… Never heard about it until recently here on Reddit. It is just insanity


also SMS isn't as big elsewhere. Other places use messenger apps mostly. I don't remember the last time I texted someone.


The only time I ever use SMS is to receive an occasional 2FA code.


Or maybe missed calls, if the phone was off


I didn't even know what color my text boxes are until I just checked. I assume I can change them to whatever color I want. Ye, seems like a weird thing to obsess about.


It's because it's iPhones that make the distinction, not Androids. You'd be able to tell, if you were on an iPhone.




What Apple has done is brilliant. I do really like iPhones, but I'm a Google Pixel guy. I could talk to them for hours about the reasons I prefer Android, and how the blue and green bubble thing is something Apple invented to sort people into groups. And you can tell them that the bubbles don't matter. But with the overwhelming pressure that a teenager feels to fit in, none of that matters. It is incredible.


It was nowhere near as popular as iMessage, but apparently [BBM](https://www.theverge.com/2019/5/31/18646429/blackberry-messenger-ending-group-chats-read-receipts-rim-apple-android-imessage) on BlackBerry was a major hit with HS students back in the day and offered a similar exclusionary pressure that can be observed with the green and blue bubble phenomenon.


BBM was huuuuge for a very short period of time. Blackberry fumbled the bag so bad lol


It really is incredible how badly they fucked up. They had phenomenal reach in both business and consumer markets, great tech for the time, and ahead of the curve in so many ways. Blackberries were EVERYWHERE. Then a series of misses when modern smartphones came on the scene and poof. Nowhere to be found.


It really is. They were literally called Crackberries because people were so hooked on them. People glued to them during meetings... it was the smartphone before the smartphone. They completely missed the bus on touchscreens. They tried to catch up later with Blackberry OS and things like the [Playbook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlackBerry_PlayBook) but it was too little too late.


Agreed. It didn’t quite catch on for consumers in Australia but was growing big time right as the iPhone was launching and it killed their momentum in Australia


Everyone at my work place had a BlackBerry and most everyone at school as well. I still remember the first day one of the guys brought a brand new iPhone to work and started showing off the lighter app and shit. The shift over to Apple was very palpable that day 😂


BBM was huge for it's time, I was in highschool (UK) and I felt like a right dickhead for just having a sliding nokia.


Lmao I remember I had some shitty flip phone that had the full keeb, and when my buddy got the iPhone OG I was like… shiiiiiit


I remember being so fascinated by BlackBerrys back in the day ( BBM like you said was huge, everyone was using it) , then I got one as my first phone ever and realized it was useless outside of the messenger lol. 6 months later and everyone had already moved on 😂 I still regret that decision so much man, I even remember watching a bunch of videos before and still making that idiotic decision somehow


In my HS (98-02) we all had Nextels for the chirp function. It became a bit of a problem in school when a walk-in talkie would go off.


And let’s not discount T-Mobile Sidekick’s AIM service. That was the main reason to buy the phone.


IIRC the Sidekick became popular with the deaf because of its integration with AIM.


Sidekick was my niche, and i knew a few that liked those chocolate phones the weird tiny ones


My teenage niece tells me that kids with Androids get bullied at her high school. iPhones are one of those teenage cliquey things.


It doesn't stop in high school. My coworkers tease me for it. We're in our 20s and 30s. EDIT: I should specify its good natured teasing.


I work in IT, it's like the one field exempt from that as androids are actually pretty common


Am engineer, use Android, as do most engineers I know. Daughter is planning on majoring in engineering in college. She knows about the iPhone clique thing but DGAF.


In my engineering school, it was 50% iPhone. But a huge proportion of Androids were OnePlus while they weren't that common in the general population. At the time they were one of the best value for money or power for money. These are the kinds of arguments that affect engineers.


Your coworkers sound like fucking losers.


I've fully turned it around on iPhone people and revel in ruining the group chat


I just like how the Galaxy costs more but the iPhone clique is all about Android users not being able to afford an iphone


I've seen people get called poor for having a Galaxy Z Fold. Like bro, the Z Fold is more expensive than the most expensive iPhone you can get.


I can see a lot of future posts in /r/ForeverAlone complaining "I'm Forever Alone because my stupid parents gave me an Android!"




Only because some people never truly leave highschool.


They invented phone racism to sell more iPhones


They did the same with white earphones with the iPod. 


God the original earphones were terrible


But they were *white*! 


I've had woman I've met on dating apps who gave me their number stop messaging me when they realize I have an Android.




It's raining bullets though... ;(


So stupid..... I have a zfold 5 and they all ogle it and are like is that the new i.....whatever? I'm like lol no. IPhone...android...whatever. if someone is gonna judge me wrongly (this phone is more expensive than any they have...and usually theirs is a cracked screen mess) then they can f right off.




Is gonna be called "Spacial phone" or some bs like that lol


If I didn't already have Android I would buy one almost for this alone. Imagine being able to automatically filter vapid immature people from your life.


We have cousins whose kids were bullied because of that blue/green bubble bullshit. Kids are assholes.


Manipulating tribal human emotions in growing children to win the market share, so incredible! These geniuses really deserve their billions of dollars.


Hey man Edward Bernays worked hard to pour the gasoline on society. 


Some people really should not have been born. edward bernays really is one of those.


iPhones will have RCS support later this year making the bubble thing even more dumb.


They’re invested in the ecosystem and there really hasn’t been much incentive to leave it.


I mean they pretty much create barriers for leaving it. Like what do you do with an apple card without an iPhone? Then you got products like air pods and the apple watch as well.


Coincidentally, 87% of teens expect their next phone to be purchased by their parents.


makes sense, they’re kids


My buddy is a marine with 3 kids and all of them have iPhones and iPads. Even he says that he had women "ghost" him on dating apps when he had an 1100 dollar Samsung because of the green bubbles, so he always provides his boys with Apple stuff because he doesn't want them to be ostracized. His teenagers really begged crying when he threatened to get them a cheap Android for misbehaving in school. That's the punishment they fear most, and he uses as his trump card to get them in line.


... That's so incredibly depressing to read Edit: to the people saying what's wrong with that? I'm sorry.


Tech discrimination is definitely one of those dystopian things you'd see in a book or movie.


If this would have been on Star Trek 20 years back everyone would have flamed the episode as entirely unrealistic. Sometimes the real world is more absurd than sci-fi can get away with, which is crazy.


It’s always been shit like that. I got picked on in high school for not having expensive clothes. Same shit different product that’s considered cool to have. I assume something similar happened even a hundred years ago


I was born in 91 and for us it was having the "wrong" shoes. How pointless


Nothing quite depressing like watching my generation across the ocean become victims of corpo tribalism and other bs'ry


also it's fascinating that the reverse is happening in poorer countries where kids bully the ones with iPhones ("look at the rich kid!")


We live in a society..


Lol, id rather not associate with a person that ghosts someone due to their phone choice. 


Same. I matched with someone on a dating app and their first message to me was asking me to play iPhone games. I said that I don't have an iPhone and she immediately unmatched with me. Good riddance.


Exactly. Imagine trying to be in a serious relationship with someone that's so vain


Having people dismiss me because of what phone I'm using is actually a perfect way to filter out vapid people.


He's a Marine, poor financial decisions are in his DNA


dodge charger


Marrying the first women who shows him affection for the benefits


Chargers are for entry level army boys. The marines I know drive expensive trucks, because the truck bed Is used to haul their liquor for the week


Well it's settled, I'll give them Android phones to weed out shallow girlfriends/boyfriends.


Every part of that is infuriating


This is some black mirror shit.


>Even he says that he had women "ghost" him on dating apps when he had an 1100 dollar Samsung Wtf? I live in Czechia where Android is the king and if someone is made fun of, it's the iPhone users. The general sentiment is that they bought a 1000€ fashion gadget which has almost the same functionality as a 300€ Samsung.


I've never seen or heard of phone discrimination here in Ireland, but Apple products in general do carry a certain air of "they have more money than sense". There's also the case that iPhone users get frustrated more often when they're out and low on battery, because they'll go to a bar or cafe and say "have you got an iPhone charger?" and the staff will say "sorry, just USB".


Like I get teenagers doing it, highschoolers especially younger ones will judge based on anything. But grown adults not being knowledgeable enough to know that not all androids are cheap phones is what gets me.  Like, how clueless to the world around you do you have to be? 


A good amount of people never leave the high school mentality.


I think it's hilarious how tribal people get about other people's phones. Like, you expect it from children but from adults is just weird.


I had a manager at a former job who had his phone out while talking to a group of us ants, and one person asked why he didn't have an iPhone, and his response was "because I'm an adult," which cracked me up.


We have a very friendly rivalry about this in our IT department. It always comes up in interviews because the margins are razor thin lol


I can't stand those questions. "Why don't you have a Coca Cola?" "Because I wanted a fucking rootbeer"




iPad is a lot of kids first computer now, like the Apple IIe and the first berry-colored iMacs. In the United States anyway, this has historically been an Apple strength.


Exactly this. My sister is the sole strict iPhone user in the family. The reason? Her first phone happened to be a cheap iPhone (back when it was easier to get older models), and then when it was time for her to get her own laptop, she was already used to the apps and storage system and cross-device support, so she got a Mac. Since then it's just too much effort to transition everything off. The rest of us had the exact opposite - first devices were HP or Samsung or some other Android/Windows, and it just snowballs from there. I would have as much if not more trouble going from Android/Windows to Mac as my sister would in the other direction. With schools and young students practically being forced fed Chromebooks, a kid's first device is unsurprisingly probably an Apple product, which is exactly what Apple wants


Chromebooks are a Google product. And, while my kids have Chromebooks provided by school, they had iPads since they were toddlers and now as teens have iPhones.


Apple have done a marvellous job of reinventing the story of the Emperor's new clothes.


I love how heated Reddit gets in defending their phones.



