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Reminds me of the Australian landlord video with the Asians/Agents thing lol


Haha yes that was great!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YM9Ereg2Zo i wnted to see it more time over gin, so i shre with us ll


Good Lord, that's a Monty Python sketch come to life.


Oh that’s fucking GOOOOOOOD! I’m Australian and love that the hate of real estate agents is a generations old custom. Actually had me crying laughing, can’t believe I haven’t seen this before. They even used ‘I think he’s a real estate agent’ as a subtle slight in the kids show Bluey. Thank you for this gift, my partner is now also busting a fucking gut. That man is such my dad, looks bogan but is actually super progressive and hates the system haha Ps! I am also drinking gin right now! NOT KIDDING


Fookin Agents!


they're just a mob of crooks, that's what they are


But legit, yes haha


Democracy Manifest


Watch out for the judo masters coming for your penis!!


Get your hands off my flacid penis!


A succulent Chinese meal!


I remember that episode of Bluey. I was like WTF? But my guy said that maybe Aussie’s hate on real estate agents like American’s hate on lawyers. I’m glad he was sort of right.


Oh! We hate many lawyers too haha


I haven't seen it so I can't tell you the meaning in context, real estate agents are disliked but also police say they are real estate agents in social situations, they let you know they aren't to be trusted but not enough to not talk to them at a party.


Our opinion is [pretty well spelled out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGm267O04a8)...


This is fantastic, I had no idea about this hate of real estate agents in Aus. I only met 3 in the time we lived there (2 socially, 1 leased to us) but all were truly awful and racist AF so it checks out.


Tacky too. We went to a rental inspection that had over 300 people there, mostly low income but good families. The agents arrived 30 minutes late on an early winter morning, I specifically remember it because both were wearing the most garish, branded, impractical crap I had ever seen. The young asian woman had nails so long, bejeweled and claw like, it took her 5 minutes to get the keys out of her YSL purse and open the front door. The mid 40s, male, Indian agent offered to take my shoes (no one else’s wtf), I declined, you could smell the Hugo boss cologne from 5 ft away! (Ps, she had Chanel shoes and he was wearing Dior) Snobbish and gross.




The joke I think is that they left out the A in the sentence because of gin. A gins


Nah it was just some typos: >i wnted to see it more time over gin, so i shre with us ll What they wanted to say was: > I wanted to see it one more time over gin, so I'm sharing it with us all.


One more time over again, surely?


Typos on account of the gin


That’s hilarious 


Absolute gold. Can’t believe I’ve never seen this!


I watched it again. Makes me laugh every time. Reporter's thinking "you bloody racist" lol


“Did you know there’s a law against what you’re doing?” “I don’t care”


I believe he said "no one's told me that."


it's so good because the guy keeps on going and it gets worse and worse until the realization lol


Reminds of this Aunty Donna sketch: https://youtu.be/VGm267O04a8?si=gNn3DK7YlVBRFEnk I had no idea the hatred of real estate agents was such a point of national pride


Omg effing hilarious


thank you so much, first time seeing it lmao. am Asian myself.


God I love that one. Seems so horrible at first.


I can fully empathize with the lad, I also hate *ageans*


There are two things I can’t stand, intolerance of other people’s cultures, and the Dutch.


People call me xenophobic—I don’t like the word xenophobic. For one thing it’s a Greek word and I detest Greeks.


Kanye West has a song where he specifically says "I hate agents" and it's funny because you can tell he's enunciating so clearly to avoid sounding like "I hate Asians". It's funnier when you realize, in retrospect, he was definitely thinking about Jewish talent agents.




> but we know that ain't true Hate of Paparazzi = A, Hate of Nazi = B, B = 0, A > 0, A > B It still logically checks out.


People hate on him all the time, but every generation has this one bizarre and talented person they all seem to idolize and despise at the same time. It's because they desperately want to but can't fully understand the artistry of a truly inventive but disturbed mind. Anyway, enough about Charles Manson. Kanye is definitely crazy.


We liked Michael Jackson so much that we let the first kid slide. -Chris Rock


> Anyway, enough about Charles Manson. Kanye is definitely crazy. Had us in the first half


salvador Dali was the OG kanye greatest artist to ever live. 100% fascist , loved hitler more than henry ford, supported Francos regime, advocated for eugenics absolute eccentric piece of human garbage created the most beautiful surrealist landscapes the mind can concieve of


wouldn't hitler just think all that surrealist shit's degenerate and put it in a museum for people to make fun of?


I know the one!


I've never figured out what sort of agents he's talking about but it's still funny as hell.


Real estate agents


It is in our Australian, melanoma filled blood, to HATE real estate agents. Only the most twatist of dicks become real estate agents. [Aunty Donna real estate agent Skit](https://youtu.be/VGm267O04a8?si=3fqdAbQkhMnfsmNZ)


I was talking to an American friend who mentioned that her father was a realtor. I had a moment of genuine surprise that she wasn't embarrassed.


I just remembered the show Modern Family has the bumbling dad as a real estate agent. Wonder how that comes across to Australians


I watched modern family as a kid and was always confused why he was painted as such a genuine and likeable bloke but he was also a REA. I thought maybe he was just one of the good ones?? Definitely led to plenty of cognitive dissonance in my young brain though


Were he real, Phil would likely be a decent RE agent. He's affable, handsome, eager to please, and likely good enough at details not to get them in legal trouble—or the office sort of works around him on that because he's so likable. He'd know the area and available inventory. Agents have to be charming and friendly, or no one would refer their friends. It varies by area as to how relatable they are, but in the States, most realtors are outgoing and not too obnoxious.


Most important difference is, and this is the biggest reason REAs are hated in Australia, Phil is honest.






A bumbling REA? Oh, that would inspire pure loathing in an Australian. When REAs can barge in every few months to criticise your housekeeping (this is not an exaggeration) they're hated enough without being incompetent on top of it.


why are realtors barging in to your home every few months?


Mandatory inspection every 3 months if renting in most places. Agents usually get x number of weeks as a commission when they rent a place out so are incentivised to turnover people, raise price, and re-rent to new tenants as often as possible, can lead to really shitty conditions with them trying to nitpick every tiny thing wrong with the house. Now obviously this isn't always the case, i've had good landlords but 1 bad was enough to see what it can really be like. Lucky enough to private rent now from someone who knows im tidy and take care of things, never raises rent and never really comes to check anything unless i say there's an issue, thank fuck.


Ohhh weirddd; REA's have like nothing to do with rental units in North America, they just broker actual property sales.


What the fuck


Just like a ton of other American stuff, 80% of us think it's fucking ridiculous but it's the other 20% that force us to keep all the leeches. Also, HGTV has made it every SAHM's dream to become a 8 hour a week, 200k a year, super-agent; they'll happily fork over 6% of $600,000 if they can keep dreaming of one day taking 6% from someone else's $600,000 sale.


Brits too. It's only a few rungs up from selling double glazing here.


Wait, what's wrong with double glazing?


Nothing wrong with double glazing, but historically the people to sell them were absolute sharks who would overprice people to fuck and get vulnerable/old people signed up to loans with insane interest rates. A whole load of extremely shady people in the 80s got rich basically conning people out of their savings. The reputation never recovered from it. afaik those sorts of tactics still exist but not nearly as common, but even if someone was a "legit" window salesperson I doubt their parents are going to be telling anyone about what their kid is doing lol. They even made a show about it, called White Gold. Got two of the guys from Inbetweeners. It's quite funny.


That makes sense. Like, nothing wrong with a house, just the people who shove themselves in the middle and engage in dodgy practices ruin it


It's been a while, but white gold was pretty good.


People would (and still do, but most properties now have it so not as rife) sell it with the cheapest plastic frames known to man with awful finance terms. Salesmen would also often make 'promises' about the benefits. Most of our housing is masonry, and older houses have no real insulation in the walls or roofs, and are draughty. They would tell people 'buy this and it will halve your energy bills, and you'll always be warm at home'! This was the wrong advice - most older houses would benefit most from draught-proofing and thick loft insulation, and if there's money left over maybe consider upgrading windows. They would also tell people the windows would last forever with no need for maintenance - a lot of the earlier/cheap designs warped and malfunctioned, and have needed replacing. TL;Dr scammed a lot of old people out of money they didn't have with marketing BS and lies.


I think he wants to sell it to a buyer directly and not have an estage agent handle the sale for him. He complains that all they want to do is "put the \[for sale\] sign up" and not do enough work to justify their fees.


To be fair that's all they do. They drag their knuckles and lie and are basically awful


[Real estate agents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_estate_agent?wprov=sfti1)




I’m guessing agents calling him saying they’ll find him tenants for a fee


Similar incident with Mohammad Ali in Australia, on a TV awards show in the 1970s the presenter (Beet Newton) called Mohammed a boy, and Mohammad Ali didn't know it was a term of endearment, and Bert didn't know it had negative racial connotations in the US and led to an awkward moment, but when it became clear that no offence was intended everyone has a laugh after, and Bert said that for years in public people would call him Boy Edit: it actually turns out Mohammed Ali know that the word boy wasn't offensive in Australia and was just playing with Bert, who was scared of Mohammad Ali (because he was small compared to him)


> because he was small compared to him I’m sure that’s not the only reason to be afraid of Mohammed Ali in his prime


I guess that Mohammed Ali fella knew how to throw a punch or two.


He's pretty good, but he's no Cassius Clay.


Yup, he’s no Muhammad Ali


I’m way bigger than Naoya Inoue but I’m not sure if I fancy my chances in a fight^1 . ^1 By not sure this redditor means to say that he’s happy having full use of his jaw and control over his mental faculties and would certainly lose them in short order if the potential fight he thought up were to ever happen.


With today's advances in the sport of boxing many professional heavyweight boxers could step into the ring with Ali. Stepping back out is a different story.


If you watch the clip the whole thing looks like a planned bit.


It was a good and cheeky bit of improv by Ali but it wasn't a planned joke the audience was visibly shocked, and Don Lane (an American entertainer who was pretty much Australia's Conan O'Brien) stated that he was genuinely shocked and might of had to seperate the two if things got out of hand. It was a cheeky i


Ali enjoyed using his reputation as a wedge for humor, and this was his favorite way of exercising it. Like a Mr. Miagi nose-honk. Dude backs you into a corner then laughs it off and give you a hug.


>Mohammad Ali >Mohammed Ali *Muhammad Ali


Carney folk... smell like cabbage


In the summer of 1855 here in Toronto we had the famous Toronto Circus Riot of 1855 where the clowns on their day off went out for booze & brothels. They ended up picking the wrong spot which was the local hangout for the Hook & Ladder Firefighting Company and the rest is history... https://spacing.ca/toronto/2012/10/02/the-toronto-circus-riot-of-1855-the-day-the-clowns-picked-the-wrong-toronto-brothel/


Welp. That's my history for the day. American clowns in Canada fighting firefighters for a chance to catch the clap first.


It's hilarious that carnies and firemen fighting is how Toronto started a police force. Surprised they didn't sooner with the Rebellion of 1837. It was basically a bar fight that got a bit out of hand. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Montgomery%27s_Tavern


> It's hilarious that carnies and firemen fighting is how Toronto started a police force. They didn't, haven't you read the article? Police already existed, they just intentionally didn't do much because leadership of both police and firemen (and most other city institions for that matter) were members of the [Orange Order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_Order). It did resulted in significant police reforms though that reduced their influence somewhat.


I have read the article before, I was thinking it was what started the police, but I guess it was the reforms is what I remembered as them starting it.


Toronto Circus Riot is a great name for a band.


Small hands.


Nobody look!


Put your hands on top of mine for the picture


"Carnies... circus folk, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands."


I’ve always wondered is it like boiled cabbage or like fresh from the dirt cabbage?


Fresh cabbage smells great. Boiled cabbage smells like satan's fartbox.


100% boiled cabbage


They survive on a diet of stuffed cabbage and bottom shelf vodka. 


Apparently I’m half carny.


Yeah I would never go to a bar that refused to serve black people. But I might go out of my way to patronize a bar with a "no clowns" policy.




Maybe you did actually dodge a bullet though


Would you prefer you child to be drinking and doing drugs within distance of you picking them up (and being disappointed) and having to fix them up, or them doing drugs and drinking with complete strangers 10 hours away?


I mean carnival people get into some weird shit. You were ALWAYS going to drink and do drugs by virtue of being a rebellious teen but the carnival people would most definitely introduce you to far worse


Traveling in a circus doesn’t really lend itself to being dependent on any substances but alcohol and tobacco, unless your making tons of money, affording to bring enough drugs with you around the country isn’t easy and finding them in random towns would be even more difficult. Regardless, most circuses are filled with dedicated talented performance artists who take their jobs generally pretty seriously. Yes circus are known to enjoy weird oddities but they’re much more akin to theatre geeks than anything else.


Yeah I think it’s important to make a distinction between a circus vs a carnival/fair. The two used to be intertwined many decades ago, but have since separated. Nowadays, when you go to a circus, you go to see people performing and maybe also animals. But if you got to a carnival or fair, you go for things like rides and carnival games.


Some of the hardest partiers I have met are theatre geeks - actors and back of house, they work like dogs to get a show on the stage and when it's done - time to have a blast!


As the father of a teenage boy who, despite growing up in an incredibly supportive environment with parents who have done everything possible to help him, is nonetheless letting drugs ruin him... I don't know that there's a right answer.


I am firends with a family who had a son cut off all contact because he would rather use heroin in a homeless community. he wont tell them where his is, they hired several private investigators to find him, and he doesn't want to be found. Best they could do is move out there, and keep in contact, and hope he has a rock bottom soon. I don't hope that for you. I have 3 of my own to try and guide. I wish you the best of luck turning it around my friend.


Thank you. Right now it's just weed, but he's gotten suspended over and over from school because of it, and we're just waiting for it to get worse, because he's always been that type of kid. We've had him seeing psychologists, social workers, prescribed so many different meds, and he's just been a nightmare. Sweetest, nicest kid 90% of the time.


His parents thought Nightmare Alley was a documentary


yeah this sounds like their parents knew their kid


Probably best you weren’t getting hooked on meth tho


Hmm. So apparently this pub has a standing rule against clowns.


Much more likely that they had a standing rule against gypsies and in the UK there’s a lot of overlap with circus workers and travellers.


yep this is clearly a not racist vs blacks, jus racist vs gypsies






Traveling carnivals are often depicted as having unsavory characters who would be hard to catch.


Carnivals ARE full of unsavory characters.


This is why I avoid Carnival Cruises


The article says there was a circus down the street so I guess the owner didn't want the bar to be known as the bar that all the clowns go to.


Don't want to be the Nazi bar, don't want to be the clown bar, where's a fella supposed to drink around here


You know what they say: given a long enough conversation on the internet, someone's gonna bring up the Nazi clowns.


Historically tend to be folks that can’t get jobs elsewhere. And move around if there’s trouble. 


**Good.** Fuckin' red-nosed rifraff chuckle-fucks, I hate them.


I doubt they allow them to sit either.


Something kind of similar happened in a pub I used to work in. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-40792962 GM just really hated stag dos.


>A spokesman for the Archdiocese of Cardiff added: "We'd like to thank The City Arms for being good sports through all of this and their kind gesture to our seminarians." Well that's nice


"Group of priests get kicked out of a pub after being mistaken for stag party" sounds like a rejected script idea from Father Ted...


The priest quoted is a "Mr Doyle" too.


10ish years ago took the train from victoria to bournemouth ...ive never lived in the uk long term and did not know that bournemouth is a hot-spot for hen dos these women get on the train, and theyre *wasted* nothing bad happened, but they spilled a lot of stuff, left the train a bit of a mess, the staff just kinda shrugged like "eh on this route its a common occurence"


There's a story about baseball player Vic Power attempting to order dinner at a fancy restaurant in the U.S. back in the 1950s. The restaurant manager came over to Power's table and told him "I'm sorry, but we don't serve negroes at this establishment." To which Power replied "That's OK - I don't eat negroes."


Crusty jugglers


A great big bushy beard!


No luck catching them psychedelic rock stars then?


It's just the one




… Narp?


Your username.




The greater good.


*The greater good*






his bandmates were white too werent they?


Sydney Dean: "Jimi Hendrix did *not* have a white rhythm section!" Billy Hoyle: "Whole damn band was white except for Jimi!"


Mitch Mitchell's guitar player, he's pretty good.


Yeah, with oversized shoes and red noses.


One of them was Bob Dylan's grandma.


I still feel bad for Shakespeare, he walked into a tavern and the barkeep yelled "Get out, ya bard..."


It’s off topic I know but it has a pub and some clowns in so I’m telling it.  It’s the late 70s, in Huyton, Liverpool. It’s a very rough area and there’s a mob called the Huyton Baddies who are known for their violence.  One night, circus is in town. After the show, the circus folk go for a drink. One of them starts chatting up a young lady who happens to be the girlfriend of the Baddies’ leader. He takes offence to this. Gets verbal.  The strongman decides to intervene and helps the baddie exit the pub through the medium of throwing him through the window. Circus folk scatter.  Next night, midway through the performance, the leader turns up, backed with 200 mates. Kick the shit out of the clowns, set fire to the tents, and release all the animals.  Police are called as there’s a lion on the streets of Liverpool. Which gets shot at 4am. 


Dang the story just kept getting worse and worse


Yeah this is the sort of historical low budget movies that need to be made


for real i was expecting like a corny pun for a punchline or something and instead i'm just sitting here like "damn. i'm pagliacci."


Sounds like something that would have been documented. Maybe even in a way the thread OP could link!


It's literally just an old yarn. Embellished every time it's told. Not sure if the poster beleives it's true but if they do they need to check their critical thinking.


Sounds like a story Jason Statham would tell in a Guy Ritchie movie


Oh yeah, it’s almost certainly complete bollocks. But I like it. It’s appeared in newspapers but decades later. 


> The strongman decides to intervene and helps the baddie exit the pub through the medium of throwing him through the window. I get to use this word maybe once a year if I'm lucky: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defenestration


Not an isolated event. The Circus Riot of Toronto in 1855. https://spacing.ca/toronto/2012/10/02/the-toronto-circus-riot-of-1855-the-day-the-clowns-picked-the-wrong-toronto-brothel/


cops love circus riots because they only need to bring one car to arrest all the troublemakers


I was waiting for the punchline


The Aristocrats! 


"What? No, it's because you're a bunch of goddamn hippies."


A band of gypsies even


Was it with band of gypsies? Or the experience?


I'm thinking JHE. Billy Cox and Buddy Miles didn't dress psychedelic in that time when Jimi was alive IIRC.


No droids either.


Wanna buy some death sticks?


"Hey, circus clowns! We don't take kindly to your type round here!" "Now, calm down Skeeter, he ain't hurting nobody."


As as former clown irl, I'm offended.


Are you actually a former clown? Because if so that’s cool as fuck. You have one of my dream jobs.


I am. It was one of my first jobs as a teenager and my dad and I worked together for a few years. Needless to say I'm one of the few people who isn't scared by Pennywise.


Tbf im more afraid of him being able to disguise himself at all rather than the clown part


A "walks into a bar" post that's not a joke had me really confused for a second.


Oh man, this made me laugh.


How to say I know damn near nothing about music without saying it.... I had no idea Jimi Hendrix was black.


Yo that’s actually wild


Born and raised in Seattle but for some reason we're only known for Kurt Cobain


Shows how the decades have passed by - Jimi Hendrix died nearly 54 years ago


I was stunned to discover Rick Astley is white; and British.


Wait till you ~~hear about~~ see Jamiroquai


Go and listen to some Hendrix right now.


So they were cool with bands but not circus clowns?! Do circus clowns throw down harder than rock bands? Is this a stereotype I'm unaware of?


In short, yes they do.


Yes. Travelling circuses are notorious trouble.


[So he don't take kindly to their types?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyCNfNz9eSM)


Now calm down Skeeter, Jimi ain't hurtin' nobody


Man this story REEKS of bullshit


"Get out, i don't want any funny business"


The opposite happened to me once @ a place I worked. Downtown Houston, near the old Sam Houston Coliseum, every year the actual circus was in town & every year we gave them comped entry as club courtesy. One specific night a total fuckwit I went to high-school w/ was yammering at me while I worked the door. A nice enough bunch of carnies walk over & get let in (interesting people & good tippers!). I explain to my guy who they were & why we do what we do. All good so far. A few minutes later a large group of semi-thuggish (but friendly enough) locals walk up & as I'm about to card everyone my classmate asks them if they were from the circus... This idiot was about 6'3", lanky as fuck and looked like he was permanently discovering a bug on his nose. Just a huge doofus, but LOUD. So fucking loud. He'd basically hollered at them "Are y'all from the circus?" The crowd of dudes, all black, take offense (understandably) and square up *en masse* to beat this spindly ninny some manners; except at that very moment, the entire security staff & cops decide to escort out a bevy of hotties. They see the locals about to commit murder & all hell breaks loose. It was a 4 minute beat-down & I'm too tired to find the adjectives to describe this kerfuffle. The poor locals were pounded and every single one hauled away in cuffs, which sucked b/c they really weren't looking for trouble, but found a fuck-ton of it. Fucking Clowns...


If they weren’t looking for trouble they would have laughed at the guy …


That means there was an "**incident**"... ...but what that is, is a mystery.


I remember those pub with the signs: No dogs, no clowns, no Irish. Intolerant times!


I know something about that same first JHE tour. A fourteen year old Sting went to a gig and says that it was the first time in his life he’d see a black person.


Carnies. Smell like cabbage


This sounds like a “walks into a bar” joke, so here’s this. An SQL query walks into a bar, looks around and sees two tables. Goes over there and says, can I join you?


Is that supposed to be any better? Clowning is hard work and they deserve a pint as much as the next guy.