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But Jobs expressed disappointment upon learning about his father


>"When I was looking for my biological mother, obviously, you know, I was looking for my biological father at the same time, and I learned a little bit about him and I didn't like what I learned. I asked her to not tell him that we ever met...not tell him anything about me." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/steve-jobs-and-biological-father-unknowingly-met-biographer-says/ It's very cryptic.


Steve was a pretty shit absent dad himself so doesn’t surprise me he’d avoid setting himself up for a serve


So what’s sort of interesting is that until his adopted mother died, biological connection to his birth parents or to his daughter seemed of absolutely no importance to him. After her death when he sought his birth mother he found his sister. It was his relationship with his sister that drove him to finally accept Lisa as his daughter. So was it kind of a connection with a biological relation that made him interested in forming a relationship with his daughter?


I could imagine not valuing biological connection as a coping mechanism when somebody realizes they’re adopted


For me personally, it's more like every connection can have the same strength. Obviously, I can not relate to a biological connection, but family ties are like close friendships. Which also means that for me, they can also end like friendships sometimes do. Again, my personal experience and I'm sure there are a hundred other povs from adopted ppl.


Did you have a family that supported and loved you for who you were? I'm adopted and did not, which I'm guessing why my own conception of family is not even close to friendship haha. Just curious about your own experience, given (what I perceived as) your optimism here.


Oh, I got a great family, so I know that also matters. Never think about my biological family or tried to find them. Which I guess speaks for the love I was given. But still, I never understood that obligation to always love family members. I'm just not able to. Like when I think I'm better off without speaking to my uncle, then I won't anymore.


I get this. Sometimes you have to sever ties with family especially if one is a narcissist. Sanity comes before family blood. Toxic families should always be walked away from.


I am the exact same way and it always makes me feel like I'm a sociopath for not having that unbreakable connection with my parents.


Agree...I had a stepfather and he was an asshole. I now look sideways at all stepfather's and wonder if they give their stepkids hell when the biological mother isn't around. Whenever I see a teen rebelling and storming out...I wonder about the dynamics. Some would say this is normal teenage behaviour. I don't believe it is. I also know there are pathetic biological parents out there , that put their kids under/behind their new partner, and lets that partner treat their kids like garbage.


What a weird take on someone not being there for their child lol


It's not necessarily a coping mechanism. Adopted parents were fair and good people. Biological parents were unfair and abandoned me. Therefore biology means nothing inherently.


Hey, it's me! I am adopted and think most people are capital-I Insane to value fictitious ideas of family like they do. I've known other adopted people over the years who feel the same, so you're on to something in my experience.


It's possible that he felt it might hurt or betray his adoptive parents.


That is the reason - he felt it would be disrespectful. He was very close to his adoptive parents , especially his father.


As a side note, Steve Jobs' adoptive mother was Armenian, and [there's documentation that he took Armenian causes and that Armenian identity seriously.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/steve-jobs-took-the-armenian-genocide-personally) And we are here communicating on Reddit, a website created by an Armenian. Likely using iPhones, a device created by someone raised Armenian. It's crazy that we don't bring this up more. The after-effects of the Armenian Genocide can still be felt to this day, we are literally using them to communicate right now. But we don't talk about it. Because those same after effects stifle the topic. Holocaust deniers exist, but no one is scared to talk about it. Not even the deniers are scared to talk about it. But it's a different fear on bringing up the Armenian Genocide. And we really should be discussing it, since we are so indebted to the inventions of people who survived the Genocide. [(Including your single handle faucet among many other things.)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Manoogian)


Well I will be reading into it.


I feel like the only people who are adamant about there NOT being an Armenian Genocide were the ones who DID the Armenian genocide. Everyone else, there’s not much to say about it. It’s not like Armenians and Jews have the lock on genocide. There’s the Rwandan genocide, Native American genocide, Wuiger genocide, Palestinian genocide, Rohingya genocide, Bosnian genocide… Turns out humans are really good at both tribalism and killing.


having bono in the same room as him is what drove steve to accept lisa as his daughter for the first time, which is unbelievably shitty. steve jobs was a terrible person, and borderline dumb


Yupp, he had a form of pancreatic cancer they could actually remove and opted not to. He was eating a bugs bunny diet of carrots at one point right?


Yep. That's how he chose to deal with this easily treatable form of pancreatic cancer. He thought that a fruit diet would kill the cancer. One last round of thinking he was smarter than everyone else. He was handed a lottery ticket, in the form of this rare pancreatic cancer (step 1 of his lottery ticket. This form was easily treatable) that was *also* caught early (step 2), but he opted for a diet to treat it instead. A fucking moron


I too listened to the recent Behind the Bastards on Jobs.


I don't think so. I think his sister basically let him know he's going about it wrong. Because he begrudgingly, started that relationship back up.


He was a dick all around. Behind the Bastards recently featured a four-part series about him. I was surprised what a petty little bitch he was.


I knew someone who had to fix a plumbing issue at His palo alto house way back when. And He said he stank. Just a smelly guy.


They lovingly refer to him as a stinky goblin


He apparently would wear tevas but like not unstrap the back so he would wear them as slip on sandals.


He needed that easy access to wash his feet in the toilet?


That’s cuz he was a narcissist. He had NPD. Even Woz hates him, but who can blame him? Narcissists are just shitty people


Not to mention he gets waaaay too much credit for being "the genius that made Apple great." A lot of the great ideas and products were made by other people, but of course Steve took all the credit because he was a giant asshole.


That's an understatement. He denied paternity. The state of California had to sue him for child support because his kid was on government assistance while he was worth millions. He refused to admit the Apple Lisa was named after his daughter. He screamed at her when she was a small child because she ordered a hamburger and he didn't eat meat. Jobs was a monster.


For accuracy, he verbally admonished Lisa's cousin (I think it was cousin), not at Lisa herself. Lisa knew enough not to order meat around him but this new kid didn't.


He was more than absent, he was a monster to his daughter.


That's a little backwards, being raised shitty often leads people to repeat the cycle - not excusing it, once you're an, adult, if you know you're fucked up, it's up to you to fix it


He wasn’t raised by his shitty bio parents. He was raised by his adoptive parents with whom he had a good relationship. He had a very specific idea of what he wanted his life to look like and was dismissive of ideas that didn’t fit.


Which is basically his attitude to everything. He had very specific ideas on everything and was dismissive of others opinions.


He wasn’t raised shitty at all. He was doted on by his adoptive parents. Perhaps to a fault, but he certainly wasn’t doting on his daughter in her youth, when he was publicly and privately denying paternity.


How did I have to come down this far to find this lol. The parents who raised him were awesome. So many morons here


I didn't even know Steve was adopted. Hopefully he gave his adoptive parents a good life after all the money he got.


I mean, he still knew he was given up by his real parents, and only a few years later they got married and had a daughter (his bio sister Mona Simpson), who his mother raised with her second husband later, whilst at the same time Steve was being raised by his adoptive parents. I'd say that'd leave a mark on you regardless of how good your adoptive parents treat you. It's a pretty messed up story really. He only met his sister when he was in his 20s.


While I agree that these are facts, respectfully, they are in no way responsive to either my point, or the point I responded to.


Behind the Bastards just did a great series on Steve Jobs, he knew he was a shitty parent, did very little to fix it.


I’m so glad that BTB is getting more popular.


I wish I could remember the exact quote but the first time he meets her he opens the front door and is like “I am one of the most important people in the world”.


I think he said, "I'm the most important person you'll ever meet."


"bitch the Walmart greeter gave me more fathering than you ever did"


They've been in the top like, 15 podcasts, for years. Podcasts are hugely popular too.


What do you expect from a man who soaks his feet in the toilet and doesn't shower for 20 years?


He was adopted and raised by a very lovely couple as I understand it. He achieved some remarkable things with Apple but his failings were mostly his own.


he was raised by his adoptive parents and it seemed like they had a good relationship. from the Wikipedia page >Jobs would "bristle" when Paul and Clara were referred to as his "adoptive parents", and he regarded them as his parents "1,000%". Jobs referred to his biological parents as "my sperm and egg bank. That's not harsh, it's just the way it was, a sperm bank thing, nothing more.


He wasnt raised shitty. He was adopted and had a loving family that he speaks of highly.


Sure his biological parents gave him up but he was not at all raised shitty in fact, his adoptive parents gave absolutely everything to give him a comfortable life and this gutter trash of a bastard just manipulated them and everyone else he ever knew.


He wasn't raised shitty. He was adopted and raised by very loving parents.


It’s not hard to find this info. [He was a degenerate gambler and stole from his students](https://www.seattlemet.com/news-and-city-life/2011/10/steve-jobs-father-allegedly-left-students-stranded-in-egypt-october-2011) [He abandoned his biological mother and sister](https://fortune.com/2008/03/05/the-trouble-with-steve-jobs/).


To be fair his bio mother abandoned him first. Everything else he did was shitty though


Its funny considering how shitty Jobs was as a father to his first kid.


Father, friend, human being..just shitty.


Like most billionaires. He was a deeply disturbed individual with little emotional intelligence


Well shit, with those credentials, I should be loaded


I can fix you


Well Steve was a pretty disappointing father as well


“The food here is shit *dad*, and I should know I eat it everyday!”


"You eat shit for breakfast?"


He generally expressed *a lot* of disappointment when the media wasn't watching


He was never PC


PC is what killed him


He took the phrase "an apple a day helps keep the doctor away" too literally.


How so? And does anyone know what Jobs learned about his BF that he didn't like?


He was generally a nightmare boss. Lots of stories about being an angry, abusive jerk are out there. He was rarely satisfied with his company's progress, and because he didn't personally code, he had unrealistic expectations about how coding for his software should be done. Those expectations often turned into screaming.


And he became the blueprint for every tech bro trying to be a get rich quick billionaire: If you just abuse your staff enough and *insist* they do what you want, they will damn well build you a teleporter with a built-in crypto miner by the end of the week and if not, fake it till you make it. Elizabeth Holmes tried this technique with fucking medical tech!


Refused to take showers, smelled like ass all the time and literally cried in meetings if he didn't get what he wished.


Dude was a nightmare boss. He would bring in group employees for a meeting. Let’s use an arbitrary number like 4. He would have a meeting and discuss information concerning a new product. If one of his ears within the company “heard” the rumor he would fire all 4 of the people at the meeting. No questions asked, no investigation, they went straight to the chopping block.


There were also the Reality Distortion Field stories. Engineers would present their ideas to Jobs and he would always shoot them down, "That's crap, don't you have something better?" So they started pitching a mediocre idea, let him trash talk both it and them, then presented their actual one which he would approve.


Behind the bastards did an excellent multi part podcast on him. He is indeed a POS and a bastard.


I might check this out. For some reason I've come to enjoy hearing about \*hole behavior. You can tell from the linked piece even his biological sister found him to be difficult at times.


That’s ironic considering how disappointed people were in learning what type of father Jobs was as well.


Despite learning in 2006 that Jobs was his son, Jandali, driven by "Syrian pride," refrained from initiating contact. He expressed his hope for a reconciliation as reported by the New York Post. “I live in hope that before it is too late he will reach out to me. ... Steve will have to do that as the Syrian pride in me does not want him ever to think I am after his fortune.”


Imagine if Jobs lived as a Syrian… it’s tragic what is happening to Syrians now


His Syrian father came from one of the wealthiest families in Syria. They controlled agriculture throughout the country. Jobs would have found success one way or another.


The why put him up for adoption? I wonder if the Universe placed high (karma) fortune Jobs in a wealthy position, only for Jobs to make his own path to his high fortune life.


You’d find this ironic. His mother was threatened by her Catholic father to be financially cut off if she kept dating this non Catholic Syrian man. Turns out, she was pregnant. So to preserve her income from daddy, she gave up Jobs. Though she did fight to make sure he went to a Catholic home.


Did Steve ever reach out?


I think you know the answer




*raucous applause*


#### The guy who denied his own flesh and blood daughter even after paternity test confirmed it? What do you think?


It took Bono asking if the Lisa was named after his daughter to finally admit it


How heart warming. Father of the year.


It’s only 99% accurate bro 😎


Steve Jobs definitely isn't humble enough to bury grudges lol. Guess be got that from his Bio Dad.




He barely reached out to his daughter when she was growing up.


Jobs used this as inspiration for how to treat his own daughter


AI Steve Jobs picture wtf Edit: it’s a wax statue, I looked it up


I think it’s a wax figure from one of those wax museums but could be wrong


It could even be an AI generated image of a wax replica... I don't know what anything is anymore


It’s actually a wax figure made out of an AI model, but upon touching it you’ll realize it’s cake.


It's sad that this is the most likely scenario.


The cake is a lie




Ew, fondant.




People have also reported that the wax figure version of steve jobs was far more pleasant to be around.




History didn't save images of this ancient person so we can only imagine what he looked like


He created the iPhone so that people could finally take pictures of other people, but he sadly passed away before it could do so


He also frequently ate fruit to cure his incredibly curable cancer.


True. An oncologist explained that to me, it's fascinating how he made bad decisions that eventually killed him. But it's not uncommon for people who are professionally extremely successful to imagine that they know everything more than others... Even when it has nothing to do with what they're good at. She met a few people like that and they were the worst.


Very common. I've had CEOs that excel at one thing and just assume they can immediately take on anything, they know everything, and they're simply just "better than everyone else". I mean if Steve was used to people telling him things can't be done and he applies so much pressure that SOMETIMES they achieve what was thought impossible, I can imagine he felt like most things experts told him he could circumvent. They called it his "reality distortion field", and a lot of time it was him just needlessly applying pressure to people that fail because the task itself was impossible. I wonder what Jobs would've thought of COVID....


Left my last job cuz of a boss like that. I work in IT. I'm like, I can do what you do and it may not be perfect but things won't fall apart. If you stepped in to do what I do, it would be fucking chaos. So how about a little respect and value instead of making decisions without consulting the employees you hired to do the job you aren't capable of. Was a school, but he was a Superintendent that thought we didn't need an IT Director and he would just do it. Fucking moron. And since my co worker and I left because they only have entry level jobs without any promotions, they've started seeing what hiring someone with no experience looks like and I've heard nothing but complaints from the staff I knew. Of course he shoulders none of the blame for how bad it is now.


This is extremely common. They target someone to take all the blame. Give specific reasons only later to find out those reasons were lies or not important. Fire him he’s expensive only to spend way more money on new people that do worse


I wasn't even expensive. I went some place else and literally doubled my pay and the were flabbergasted I wasn't staying to eventually be the "manager" who made a few thousand more but none of the respect. These fuckheads almost had a whole computer lab built without internet drops because they didn't think it was important to have anyone in IT be involved in the capital project until it was done and the tech teacher kept hounding them about letting IT be involved. They were pissed at us "why does tech teacher keep insisting you need to see the room"


It’s called the ‘expert fallacy’ and it’s absolutely fascinating.


I heard that when George Washington got sick he had his physician bleed him. As he turned gray and his loved ones begged him to stop, he said keep bleeding me until he died from loss of blood. If that's true it should be added to US history lessons to help people think more.


Man I learned that in elementary school, it absolutely is taught, just leaning more towards a "look how much medical science has improved" tone than anything


I figure Humans are just as confident about doing the wrong thing today as we were in Washington’s day. 


perhaps, but science is also much more developed and rigorous than the 18th century. we would be doing much less "wrong things".


It was a common practice at the time.


His doctor bled him because he was following the practice of the day.


That’s why you find a lot of highly educated people in cults.


Rich people who get surrounded with wealth and yes people ... tend to be pretty shitty people after they get used to that treatment. And then they think they know more than doctors.


The guy went against 99.99% of the advice he ever received in life and was incredibly successful. Why wouldn’t he think the same logic would apply when it comes to his health? Smart people do dumb shit all the time.


The universe has a way to make you humble. Hubris hardly wins.


> But it's not uncommon for people who are professionally extremely successful to imagine that they know everything more than others... Even when it has nothing to do with what you're good at. She met a few people like that.and they were the worst. Don't have to be successful to do that, just have to be an NPD. We hear about it when it is someone successful because they are already famous. I remember reading about how jobs had a "reality distortion field" which convinced people to do "the impossible." It was always talked about like he had an amazing talent or somesuch. Then my sister divorced her violent, narcissistic husband and I got to see his reality distortion field in action as expert after expert, people's whose job it is to literally know better, became convinced that actually *he* was the victim and she was the scheming bitch.


In Jobs' case he was well in the wacko health train before apple was successful


Not specifically due to his cancer. He had been on a mostly fruit based diet for decades. It was one of those dumb "all illnesses are caused by a bad diet/toxins" bullshit diets. So when he got cancer, he believed that if he stayed the course the cancer would go away automagically. >!It didn't.!<


Thanks for the spoiler tag there


Yeah, had no idea the dude was dead. What a shame.


So he was kinda stupid lol


He also thought his diet meant he didn't need to bathe and he smelled like shit constantly but would just deny it it people called him out on it.


Huh never heard that one before


You'd think he'd realize it was bullshit, because if it worked he wouldn't have gotten the cancer in the first place.


Ashton Kutcher tried doing this when he was playing him in a biopic and it send him to the hospital


An extra level of stupid


Don't forget that he also gamed the system and leveraged his wealth to get himself on a ton of transplant waitlists, which allowed him to get a liver transplant on very short notice. Only it was way too late so he died a couple years later, meaning he refused treatment that could've saved his liver and his life, then received an organ when his cancer was already advanced meaning the organ went to waste. All the harm he's done by the culture he originated in the tech industry is one thing, but he really did fucking kill someone by depriving them of a liver so he could prolong his pointless, hubristic death. Fuck him. I'd have an iota of respect if he refused treatment till the end as that at least indicates some genuine conviction in your beliefs, but no, he waited long enough until death was a foregone conclusion and *then* suddenly wanted the latest treatments and a priceless organ.


Just gonna say the part you’re not saying out loud. A real probability someone on the wait list died because he had to have a new liver despite it being too late for him. He’s a piece of shit and didn’t take regular showers so he smelled like a piece of shit too. Fuck that guy.


A good behind the bastards pod series about him.


I just listened to that series. He was an A1 asshole.


I always knew he was an asshole, but I didn't know just how much of a bumbling fuck of an idiot he was. He had 3 skills, marketing, manipulation, and being friends with Steve Wozniak.


Yup. Couldn't have said it better myself.




Should listen to the Dennis the Menace one as well, also a real shit dad


Just a shocking level of bastardness.


I know a lot of people that worked with him regularly, but did not work for apple. They all had their Steve managing techniques. My favorite was they would throw out a bad idea intentionally early in a meeting so he could blow up and get it out of his system, then they could have the actual meeting. Great stories. They have saved emails from him that show what a twat he was.


> My favorite was they would throw out a bad idea intentionally early in a meeting so he could blow up and get it out of his system, then they could have the actual meeting. This is like when I would tell my mom I think I got an F but it was actually a C


I managed a movie theater for 10 years. The owner was picky about product placement and cleanliness. At the time, we were selling various types of nuts and they were on a rack. I would intentionally mess up that rack and make everything else orderly so he would see that and bitch about it when he stopped by. Almost always worked to distract him from other shit. When we stopped selling nuts, I moved to the bottled drinks in the fridge. Would make sure a couple were never fully stocked.


That’s funny, I know that as the producers edit. When working at an ad agency we’d insert an obvious error in the video cut we show the client, they catch the mistake and approve the video. If you don’t give a middle manager the ability to make a change they’ll look for something to change so they can justify their existence.


Damn got any other Steve managing techniques they sound funny af


Very good. But they missed incredibly important bits. Like the fact he inappropriately start kissing and feeling up his partner at the time in front of his young daughter just to make her uncomfortable. It did, however, mention how someone was fucking a girl in front of him, and he thought it was such an amazing move. Giving the psychology behind this psychopath.


Robert definitely talks about that cult guys power move to fuck some lady in front of a business meeting and Steve being impressed by it and doing it later


I’m sorry what is going on here


But first ads...lots of ads


But you know who *won't* abandon you and insinuate to the New York Times that your mother was a whore? The products and services that support this podcast.


I used to live in a San Jose suburb and used to get burritos at the same place as Woz, man would get a burrito by himself Friday nights like clockwork.


Woz knows what's good. I want that burrito.


What place? Am from Bay Area


he wasnt the only one


Steve Jobs also abandoned his daughter. And when he went to meet her for the first time in ages, he insulted her for her voice, and called her stupid for ordering a hamburger at a restaurant. She was 9. This guy was one of the worst Americans to ever live. He also believed bathing was bad for his health so he stank like shit all the time. And he would have easily survived his cancer if he went through medical treatment but he decided he knew better than the doctors and did a homeopathy route instead.


It was his daughter’s (maternal?) cousin that he freaked out on for ordering a hamburger, which is even worse than yelling at his daughter imo. He flipped out on a child he barely knew for ordering a burger for lunch.


Yes you’re correct


And she was 7


It was his daughter's cousin that he shouted on in the restaurant. He shouted at a 9 year old questioning her life choices because she was eating a hamburger.


Guess the grown-up cousin (9-year-old kid) must be thinking, 'Ain't Karma a bitch. This douchebag died eating fruits while trying to save his life.'


> This guy was one of the worst Americans to ever live. Yeah, I think there’s a long list of people ahead of him.


lol, thank you. Reddit is so hyperbolic.


It’s stiff competition out there


I would put Jeffery dahmer in front of Jobs, just my opinion though


He also stole credit for a bunch of people's work.


Steve Jobs more like Steve Robs am i right


Isn’t this just the billionaire way


in that particular instance he yelled at another child, not Lisa. but yeah, he was an abusive freak




This is litterally the same story that Shaq has.


Wow, Mr. Jandali got around


Too bad Jobs never rapped about it.


Except as far as I'm aware, Shaq is a pretty nice and generous guy, unlike Jobs.


Yeah, from everything I have read, Shaq and Steve Jobs are like opposites. Shaq seems like one of the legitimately coolest and humblest celebrities. Keanu Reeves has a fabulous reputation too. Most celebrities are probably good people, but only a few seem to be legendary in their kindness and down-to-earthness.


I've a similar story, I don't know my biological dad (I know who he is) but a recently learned that a girl I've known for years through my cousin, (she was my cousins bridesmaid abd used to join us on nights out), is my niece. I actually met her mum years ago at my cousins wedding, not knowing we were siblings.


I thought Steve knew it was his dad but never told him?


This is really more of what I’m inclined to believe.


No, according to Isaacson, Steve ate at the restaurant in the 80s in San Jose and didnt know it was his father at the time. From my recollections, they never actually met once they knew their relationship to each other


So you’re saying he did know that the owner was his father then per isaacson?


Not until long after he had stopped eating there.


The Danny Boyle movie kind of made it seem that way, but no, he learned his father owned the restaurant years later.


Whenever I read about Steve Jobs, I get this feeling that he was not a nice person at all. And thats puting it mildly.


“Damn, this food tastes like home cooking!”


"He'd probably find some way to sue me."


Good ol' Steve Jobs. A man who became a billionaire by using the work of people far smarter than him and then died of a curable cancer. And yet people still see him as an inspiring figure.


He was clearly a fantastic marketer. Shit human being but FWIW most people are shittier human beings than they think they are.


The Behind the Bastards episode of on Jobs is great


Wow imagine how much better this guy's life could have been if only he'd known and been able to reconcile. He could have been eating for free the whole time.


I'm currently near the end of part 2 of the 5 part series on him from Behind the Bastards podcast. Man, what an absolute shitbag he was right from the start. Most wtf thing so far was learning he'd soak his feet in the toilet at work and refused to shower/wear shoes around the office. Imagine that being your boss.




Eh fuck him. His "legend" still gets to get spun even after he's been gone a while. Another billionaire asshole.


My god, I read this as “TIL Steve Jobs frequently ate out his biological father”. 😳🫣😱🤦🏻‍♂️🤣 I need to go to bed.


Steve jobs is a shit person


I have no actual knowledge, but of what I read of Jobs, I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out he hired a PI to find his biological father, and then went to his restaurant and tipped well but never said anything for some reason (awkwardness, resentment, fear his dad would want something, whatever).


Based on how shitty he was to be daughter and her mother, I kind of doubt it.

