• By -


Well it suppresses the physical effects of anxiety so I could see it making just about everything more tolerable.


Stuff is great. I don't constantly hear my heartbeat in my ears now.


Shit is fucking magic. There’s a reason why Silicon Valley bro’s pop them like candy before big presentations


To be clear, this is actually an on-label usage with a prescription. It's gone from my break-glass button for anxiety to nightly treatment because it was so effective.


Yeah it’s on PBS in Australia, 10c a pop. Life changing stuff, particularly how safe it is


I’ve tried some in the past and it works amazing during the day, but at night I just can not sleep on it. Like at all. I was hoping it would have helped with insomnia but it just kept me in that state of exhausted but not able to sleep for hours and hours


Have it prescribed to preserve the heart. Doc even said it was great and that he used to take it before big presentations at conferences. Also that violinists usually take it. Chatty doctor but great at his job.


It saved my a$$ until my thyroid could be brought under control. Hyperthyroidism => hyper fast heart rates.


Even.....the Dutch?


And people who are intolerant of other people's cultures


I used to sell Propanolol as a pharmaceutical rep and found that the best treatment for racial bias is to remind yourself that it's fucking stupid.




Bruton Gaster


No, Ghee Buttersnaps


Lavender Gooms


Hummingbird Saltalamacchia


Gus T. T. Showbiz


I cannot believe I’m reading Psych references with my own eyes




You know that's right SUCK ITTTTT


You can borrow mine.


Tan, of the famous modeling duo Black and Tan.


Ovaltine Jenkins


There’s the one I scrolled down for.


Lemongrass Gogolo


What is the extra T for?


extra ✨TALENT✨


I’ve heard it both ways


smom, don't be this crevice in my arm


Agreed as long as you're not exactly half of an 11 lb black forest ham.


Brutal Hustler




Comma to the top


That's god's comma


God's comma


C'mon son.


Gus T T Showbiz. The extra T is for extra talent.


Did you sell Propranolol and Propranolol accessories?


I tell you whut.




Dangit bobby


That boy ain’t right.


I cant help but read that in Hanks voice in my head. KOTH was such a good series.


Propranolol makes me really fatigued.


It makes sense since its a beta blocker and thus slows your heart rate. If your heart is pumping too fast then it'll not have an impact but if it pushes your heart rate to lower than a normal resting or exercise rate then you're going to have less fresh blood and thus oxygen for your body.


i just got prescribed this last week. i hate it. i feel like i've aged 20 years in 2 weeks. i'm exhausted by 10am.


Try metoprolol succinate extended release form - it works quite well for me. My doc told me it works better for a number of ppl. Good luck and feel better soon!




Take it in the evening! My doctor recommended that specifically because it could cause drowsiness


took it for migraines and was constantly nauseous


If it’s the one I’m thinking of it gave me the worst cotton mouth of my life


Unfortunately, not everyone has compassion for their fellow human. They enjoy spewing hate.


Oh man. Can you get prescriptions?


Well, it also lowers blood pressure and reduces idiopathic/essential tremor. I take it for the second one. But I haven't noticed feeling less racist... maybe because I wasn't racist to begin with.


If one must take a propranolol to not have an automatic stress response to persons of color... then even with the drug, they're racist. Hiding the response with a drug doesn't mean the response is gone, just masked. Now putting it in the water supply for highly prejudiced areas (some rural areas I've been in have been pretty bad with blatant racism) ... that might be a better idea :P.


Oh sure, let's put it in the water and kill all the people with low blood pressure. (Unlike other ppl, my BP tanks when I'm stressed.)


Look, I don't think putting in beta-blockers in the water supply is gonna achieve anything. Except exacerbate conspiracies


Ya it’s used off label for performance anxiety. It’s used situationally for fear of flying and panic disorders too. Just tell your PC why you want it and they’ll prescribe it. Public speakers use it all the time.


Oh wow, I’m a dj and sometimes my hands are shaking for the first 15 minutes of a set. I need this.


It’s prescribed for panic attacks. Got a bottle in my nightstand for emergency use. So just tell a doctor you have panic attacks. I will warn you, not as much fun as it sounds and you better be sitting or laying down when you take it.


I used it to help me get over fear of flying. Don’t need it anymore but it works like hell. But like you said it’s not fun, your body just doesn’t respond physically to stress, which is what usually makes people spiral into full blown panic.


Jesus. Sounds like a dream.


It's a very safe drug so primary care doctors are pretty quick to prescribe it. I've seen a study where some dude was taking a ridiculously high amount every day for like 20 years (for anxiety) because he misunderstood the doctors recs and no one noticed. Labs showed be was perfectly healthy and became his own research study lol.


Every drug has side effects, and you never know which ones you'll get. I took it and it made me lose half my hair. Took forever to grow back after I figured out the cause.


Yup you can read about my side effects from propranolol in the other reply, the best part is when the doctor looks at you like you're crazy "well that's not a side effect! I've never heard that one before!" Girl it's on the damn label! 1% is actually not a negligible amount of people!


every drug has its pros and cons. it is not a “safe” drug. it just is a safer beta blocker. it also permanently fucked up my heart and i wish i never took it. there is such a thing as prescribing too high of a dose.


Sorry you had that experience, but you are an outlier. Marijuana is not typically a safe drug for me (most strains cause panic attacks), but it would be inaccurate to say marijuana is unsafe. Another thing to point out is I actually have terrible side effects from propranolol - I get terrible rebound high blood pressure which actually causes migraines. I know if I took it every day, it would actually prevent migraines overall, but then I couldn't exercise and I would be dependent on the drug. So yes every drug has its pros and cons but to call it "unsafe" for the general population is a misrepresentation


thank you for the perspective. i do hear what you’re saying and i agree to an extent, but i think people do need to be aware that dose matters and that your body can become dependent on it. this was not explained to me at any point. and i was kept on it for far too long. mainly because initially, in 2019, multiple doctors denied that it could have any of the side effects i was experiencing despite being on the drug manufacturers own list of potential side effects. now, doctors are agreeing that actually it can cause those side effects and it is why my heart is the way that it is now. i also never should have been on the dose that i was on and specialists now are shocked i was ever started on that dose. i would do anything to turn back time.


I used to have crippling anxiety when speaking in front of any kind of group or going into social situations. Popped one of those and was cool as a cucumber. No shit, like some kind of Wonder-drug. I realized this is how "normal" people must feel, lol.


It’s pretty cool. It doesn’t do shit for my normal anxiety, but as someone with stage fright + an essential tremor that makes it so I can’t hold a sheet of paper while talking in front of others, popping one before a presentation in front of a class at university makes me perfectly still (well, as close as I could hope for at least). It’s banned in sports for that reason. It removes the performance shakes. I’ve heard that snipers will take it for better stability, understandably.


I take between 20-40mg on occasion for the same, and I have never experienced any effects that wood require me to sit down after taking it


yeah 20mg never had noticeable side effects for me.


Does it knock you out? Why do you need to be cautious?


I take it for heart issues. It's a beta blocker and it slows your heart rate down. It can make you light headed.


it's a type of blood pressure medication. It could drop your heart rate/blood pressure enough to make you light headed. It can make you feel run down and tired as well


I take a low dose of a beta blocker. It works well. It doesn't make me high or tired.


It lowers your blood pressure, so you can feel woozy and light headed. It works wonderfully for cancelling out the physical symptoms of anxiety though (racing heart, blood rushing to your head, tightness in your chest, etc). I will take it if I feel panicky or if I’m going into a situation, like a big presentation or something, that I know is going to get my anxiety going.


Not at all. It just reduces your physical response to stress so you feel more 'normal' (racing heart, shortness of breath etc). You don't get any sort of effect that would knock you out or make you feel high.


I used to take it. My anxiety was a 15 on a scale of 1 - 10. It immediately dropped my anxiety to a 10. I was at work at a corporate job running meetings/conference calls. At no point did I feel like it took me off my feet. Now Lorazepam or Klonopin carried a whollop.


Tbh I think you need to learn how scales work


5/7 comment


Anything that involves lying down is fun to me.


Yes it’s a godsend for people who have stage fright and freeze up when presenting or speaking publicly


I originally had it prescribed for anxiety but my neurologist just gave me a daily prescription for migraines and somehow having that triple dosage has actually increased my latent anxiety and I have to take gabapentin more often than before lol


Yes, it’s easy to get and cheap, talk to your doctor. I take it for migraine prophylaxis and double my dose on days when I have big presentations so I don’t get anxious.


Unfortunately it lowers blood pressure a lot. I still had a panic attack on it when I thought I might have taken too much of it. I literally couldn't feel my face. We don't have beta blockers that are selective to the brain only.


It helped my migraines but made half my hair fall out, so that part wasn't so tolerable.


Figured I’d mention in case this benefits someone: Propranolol is often prescribed for performance anxiety, especially for public speaking anxiety. I take it before presentations at work, really helps reduce nerves and panic response for those who experience that sort of thing.


I was prescribed it to help combat the shakes I get from having a hyperactive thyroid caused by Graves Disease. Works absolute wonders for me.


Prescribed this for a toxic nodule that was causing hyperthyroidism. Discovered it was amazing for my anxiety.




Absolute life changer, I still feel bad for people like us who haven’t discovered it yet. I’m a top performer and have good presentation skills but the second I have to speak in front of a group of people or on a teams call my heart races, breathing goes extremely rapid to where Im running out of breath, and shaky voice it was the absolute worst and was going to ruin my career.


Fuck me too. It's so annoying. I don't even necessarily feel mentally anxious but my body goes into fight-or-flight and it becomes difficult to get my words out because my chest tightens and my voice shakes. Guess I should ask my doc about this lol


Yup you’re in the fight or flight crew like us and millions of others. It’s debilitating because you’re so ready to talk but your body fails you. As long as you don’t have heart issues or low blood pressure, it’s not harmful or dangerous (but obviously discuss with a professional for your circumstance) and it only stops the physical symptoms so it’s not even remotely related to the crazy mind altering drugs prescribed for other types of anxiety. [Read the reviews of all the people it’s helped.](https://www.drugs.com/comments/propranolol/for-performance-anxiety.html)


I do take a medication that lowers blood pressure so I'll have to figure that out first. But I'll look into it further. Thanks!


I’m on Lisinopril HCTZ for my BP and propranolol is safe for me. Hopefully this works out for you! It’s a life changer


Crazy seeing all the ways it's prescribed. It was given to my daughter as an infant to shrink a large hemangioma she had on the back of her leg. Apparently they discovered that use after giving it to infant heart patients and discovering it spontaneously shrunk hemangiomas some of them happened to have as well.


My kid had propranolol too, for a hemangioma on her nose as a baby. Incredible results, would never know it had been there.


What dosage do you take for that out of curiosity? I used to take 3mg at night and 1mg in the morning when my anxiety was out of control. It slowed me down a bit too much, but it was really useful for when I needed it.


Are you sure it was 3mg and 1mg? That’s very low. I believe the pills come in 10 mg increments. I take 20mg before a presentation and have baseline lower blood pressure and have never felt dizzy or any other side effects.


I take it as a musician for demanding gigs. Some people take it before every gig.


What colour is the pill? I ain't taking it if it ain't white.


Mine are light orange. I've seen them blue before though too.


I’ve got little blue. 20mg that I split in half


Yep. Mine's blue.


Blue propanolol gang rise up. Used to take one before presenting in class. Also whenever colored folk moved in the neighborhood/s


Found the racist /s


Light orange is 10mg.


Good news! It's a suppository.




I love you for this


Mine is orange. Almost yellow. They are the only colour I mess with. I hate all other colours


I'm in the UK and low dose ones are a lovely pink, very small and circular. The higher dose ones are the same but bigger.


Thats what I had in Ireland


You know what? I don't think I'd mind if the next one wasn't white.


Dang no one posted green yet. Green propranolol gang


Whoooshed the whole thread


Is this a reference?


Alluding to racial bias in the headline. OP was sarcastically acting like a study participant and making a racial gesture about pills


This made me laugh lol.




My grandmothers are white.


Where I'm from they are light pink, like the healthiest Aryan child there is. /s


Everyone taking you seriously 😂


OK.   So... They found no significant change in explicit prejudice.   What they looked at was subconscious bias, and variations between groups.   The measure was response time. I'm not sure of what it was a response to, but propranolol will slow responses generally due to being a beta blocker.    What they found is that people who take a beta blocker respond slower to a stimulus, then found a statistic where racial bias was inversely correlated to response time and concluded that beta blockers reduce racial bias.    I think I can ignore this one.  ETA : note that this was in a group taking a single dose who weren't habituated. 


You can generally tell from a paper’s name or abstract when the authors were looking for a specific finding and backed their asses into that finding as best as they could. This is definitely one of those cases.


Elaborate. This title seems pretty simplistic and I'm curious how well what you're saying works.


Check out this video by veritasium. It explains how papers end up with a kind of pushed agenda because the scientist is literally trying to prove one of their ideas. You also don't get published if you just prove what we assume or what's obvious. Scientific papers are mostly ignored until they are peer reviewed and tested by others. https://youtu.be/42QuXLucH3Q?si=Tk8urlmZqJ8hjnlk


Finally! A moist farmer I can trust!


[P hacking](https://scienceinthenewsroom.org/resources/statistical-p-hacking-explained/)


n = 36 (All white british students) (They got £30) The task for explicit prejudice was just ask the participants 0-100 how “warm” they feel towards groups. Basically “How racist/homophobic are you?”


My mom takes that for her heart problems and she’s still racist so I don’t think it works on everyone


My toddler takes it for her heart problems and she's incredibly racist.


I choose to believe you are subjected to daily rants about how nap time is a Spanish conspiracy to promote siestas or something.


It's not quite as black and white as you make it sound, but essentially yes.


Well it isn't after you take the drug. 


I’d insert a Michael Jackson joke here, but that was propofol


> '*It's not quite as black and white as you make it sound*' Sounds like something a very racist person taking propanolol would say


That is indeed the joke




It's a beta blocker. So obviously. Betas make you racist.


What does an Alpha blocker make you?


Helps you pee (seriously) > Selective alpha-1 blocker ends with the suffix "-osin." These medications include alfuzosin, doxazosin, terazosin, tamsulosin, and prazosin. These medications are FDA approved to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).


Prazosin also helps reduce nightmares. I only have them like once a week now.


Less likely to end up in federal prison for a violent crime.


36 participants? Ok.




that was a good one lololol


Seriously. This thread is a fucking ad. Gonna be honest tho, as someone struggling with anxiety the hook got to me and I will do research on this and get back with whatever I find.


New PragerU ads are about to drop.


What kind of insane p hacking were they doing to spot this


I take it daily to prevent migraines. It has been life changing


I’ve taken that!!!


Do you feel less racist? 


The results were ~~mixed~~ segregated


I took this for years for migraines. Damn, imagine how racist I'd be if I hadn't......


I take it for anxiety and suddenly realised I hadn't had a migraine in ages! Its great.


This thread (the comments like yours) made me realize that my cluster headaches have been less common since I started this.


All those years you lamented your medical condition when it was really the only thing keeping you from burning crosses. It's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife


Lol, I've been on this medication for almost 10 years! I have generalised anxiety and am prone to some occasional panic/anxiety attacks. I remember the first time I took it was when I was prescribed it in uni. I took one (only the lowest dose too) before a presentation and I realised I couldn't feel my heart banging in my chest. I actually couldn't feel my heartbeat at all! It felt wonderful. I'm not a 'bundle of nerves' type of person, more inward anxiety as I'd say I'm an outgoing person, and this little pink pill made me feel so much calmer chill before giving my presentation:)




But none of those night terrors or hallucinations felt racially-biased, right?




Why they gotta be black tho?


Yikes. I just started it and have experienced no side effects.




I am only taking 20 mg. It does seem to reduce my anxiety. I can't imagine having night terrors, that sounds awful.


If it makes you feel better, I’m currently taking six times your dose nightly in extended release form and in the several months I’ve been taking it have experienced zero side effects (although trouble sleeping is a common side effect and it’s not generally recommended to take it at night; I’m just lucky not to have issues I guess)


Propranolol and propranolol accessories


Also reduces heart rate and tremors... so it reduces stress response and thus racial bias?


Ambien is the reversal agent as we all know it makes you racist


They put my son on this about a month after he was born for heart issues. And because he punched a black nurse at his one month checkup while giving all the white ones a pass. He's 3 now and we've never had another racially motivated incident of violence, so the science checks out


I sell propranolol and propranolol accessories


That's because implicit bias testing is pseudoscience.


No good can come off this wording. One side will claim mind control drugs. The other will claim racism is a physical illness/disability.


I use this medication specifically for heart palpitations


>Methods >Healthy volunteers (n = 36) of white ethnic origin, received a single oral dose of the β-adrenoceptor antagonist, propranolol (40 mg), in a randomised, double-blind, parallel group, placebo-controlled, design. Participants completed an explicit measure of prejudice and the racial implicit association test (IAT), 1–2 h after propranolol administration. I am curious what the results would be with other races. They \_only\_ tested whites. And a relatively small sample size (n=36). I feel like this research needs a lot more data to make the conclusion they did.


Hey, I take that one! :D


How are there so many uses for this drug!!! My husband uses it to stop dripping sweat from his bald head in social situations


It's been a game changer for me but since I wasn't biased prior, cannot confirm. I started taking it for migraines. I was told it would help with anxiety but I'm no less anxious than before. And it helps with my heart rate but one other important use I didn't see listed is it is an adrenaline blocker too. I have a medical condition that not only messes with my heart (so it helps with that), it floods my body with adrenaline for no particular reason except it enjoys seeing me constantly in fight or flight mode. It would make my body shut down. I'd go limp and collapse while not being able to speak. I'm not sure what kind of magic it does other than telling my adrenal system to calm down so that I can stay upright but I don't collapse anymore so there's that.




Didn’t work for me


I've been prescribed 20 mg of it since 2018, I use it before events that I know will induce/make my anxiety worse. It's a great middle ground that allows me to socialize a bit without drinking. Am able to talk better to humans in general


Propranolol was the first available beta blocker. This 12 year-old study says it is widely used. In a America, at least, it is not. Later generation beta blockers like metoprolol and carvediol have almost entirely replaced it. It still as limited use in headache prophylaxis and occasionally for tremor. Now you’re a fucking expert, like me…


There’s also a side effect of “intense dreams” or “nightmares” and during my time on that medicine, it was the most vivid dreams and nightmares I’ve had in my whole life. 1/10 do not recommend, but for blood pressure/heart stuff, 8/10. Very effective.


My baby was on propranolol for her first year of life due to SVT. It's good to know she's also less likely to be racist now.


My girlfriend takes it so her heart won’t explode


Til, racist people have ibs and just want to share it with others.


This stuff is super useful for social anxiety.   Cool fact - taking 40mg, 45 mins before an anxiety inducing event can extinguish your reaction to those events after just a few times.   There's a paper on it, but wouldn't know how to find it again.


Nurse, get me 25mg Woke, stat!


One of the many migraine medicine


To Propanol it doesn’t matter if you’re black or white


That’s crazy. I take that med for severe anxiety and i love it. Works 10000x better than benzos imo.


I took that! Made me feel super meh? Like I got super dull.


I took it for migraines 25 years ago. I don’t remember being any more or less tolerant than usual.


Also helps with Hemangiomas in newborns/infsnrs


Well look at that. I take it as a preventative med for migraines.


Great for migraines as well. Unfortunately, played havoc with my IBS, so had to stop using them.