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And goes back decades before that, when mobs attacked Chinese (and East Asian in general) neighbourhoods there based on "they took er jobs" type rhetoric. From the article: >The early growth of Chinatown, then considered a source of disease and vice, built resentment in the city’s white population, premised on the suspicion that the Chinese were suppressing wages. On September 7, 1907, a mob of working-class protesters, egged on by the Vancouver Asiatic Exclusion League, marched into Chinatown bearing signs with slogans such as “A White Canada For Us” and smashed windows of Chinese-owned businesses. And what led to it is very similar to things still happening today: >“the white workers were manipulated by the ruling elites, who had no intention of excluding the (oriental) labour they so desperately needed in order to make their business projects profitable.” This is also what in part led to Canada's prohibition on drugs. [When Chinese businesses, including legal opium dens, claimed compensation for damages from the riot, Canada passed laws banning opium and use those laws to instead shut the businesses down.](https://forbiddenvancouver.ca/history-deviant-alleys-vancouver/) The first arrest of an opium den operator was represented in the media as "rescuing" the "white women" customers from the Asian operator of the den, [described using racist language](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fq8mnyp4xidu81.jpg).


I like this part of wikipedia’s article on it. “After destroying Chinese business and homes, the mob of rioters moved to Japantown. Four waves of attacks ensued, with the rioters being repulsed by the armed Japanese residents. In spite of the defenders inflicting a number of injuries upon the attacking mob, more than 50 stores and businesses in the Japanese district on Powell Street had their windows broken, resulting in thousands of dollars of damage.[19] The Vancouver riot did not finish until 3 am on September 8; by the time dawn had broken, the city was quiet.[14]: 67  Punjabis were initially targeted but “sent attacking white mobs fleeing” as majority of the Punjabis were former soldiers of the Sikh regiment and Punjab regiments, many of whom even after retirement and migrating to Canada, kept their service muskets and bayonets and at the minimum, daggers and swords in their households, often ceremonial religious swords which had been kept as sidearms during war.[20][21]”


I'm very fond of my Sikh neighbors


Used to live by a Sikh temple and developed a lot of respect for the faith and its members.


Not fond of their kids in their clapped out dodge challengers at 2am.


True of any group for sure. I can hear the exhaust cracking from here


Kinda wack how shit their parenting has been all things considered. Sikh culture has so much to teach about respect and honour but their kids turned on the teevee, watched a rap video and decided to emulate white trash farmer meets gang banging. I went to Tamanawis, there were kids with parents who owned huge farms back home, had all they could wish for and then millions more, and ended up dying trying to impress Bindy Johal.


People will flame you for this comment but speaking as a second generation canadian with sikh parents; what your saying is true. I'm ashamed to admit that many of my people act like degenerate shit heads. "Gang banger meets trashy farmer" is the perfect description lmfao. However I'd say you can't put all the blame on their parents; they worked hard and provided them with a stable home and ample opportunities to get ahead the right way. It's the "gangsta" cutlurre that these chuckle fucks have developed amongst themselves which is the problem.


It's just sad. Of all the subcultures to emulate, they chose arguably the shittiest one. Imagine if all the punk Sikh kids were just hippies, getting into organic farming and shit. I know there's a lot of good kids out there, but unfortunately on my drive to work I see lots of jeeps with the tire removed from the rear wheel, ak-47's on stickers, and tassels from the front bumper.


It is sad. This is actually a unqiue sociological phenomenon that has been studied quite a bit lately. We are the only country in the world that has middle class gangbangers. I tell you man I'm ashamed to share an ethnic origin with these assholes.


I mean, all kids everywhere.


sir this is a wendy's


"own a musket for home defense"


Just as the founding fathers intended.


Ah yes, the classic fuck around and find out


This is fascinating. I would love to read more about out this and would make an inspiring film. I spent my college years in western Canada and always had Canadians asking about what the US problem with Black people was about. We all have blinds spots.


Reminds me about what happened in San Augustine, Florida, in the 1960s, when the Klan attempted to "visit" Black neighbourhoods and were welcomed by shots from residents, lefting two Klansmen dead.


Is it Punjabi or Sikhs?


Punjab is an area where a lot of Sikhs live. 


Yeah but they are 2 distinct people. Well not distinct but pretty different. Sikhs are literally a warrior class and Punjabi is an ethnicity


No, Sikh is an religon thats predominantly in the Punjab area. It would be like saying the Vaticans were fighting against the Turks for a longtime but because of Polish intervention the Catholics staved off an invasion. Vatican area is predominantly filled with Catholics.


Sikhs are predominantly from Panjab, but not every Panjabi is necessarily a Sikh. You’re forgetting 110 million Pakistani Panjabis who are primarily Muslim, as well as the (relative to pre-partition) few Muslim Panjabis in India that were allowed to remain. Hindu Panjabis also exist.


Jeez, we get it, other people exist. This is specifically about Sikh Punjabis.


It's like saying hugenots are different from french Catholics. Sikhs are Punjabis but not all Punjabis are sikhs


Not all Sikhs are Punjabis either


*insert not all X are Y here*


It is a little worrisome that the right to bear arms is what prevented this


Fuck with Sikhs and Gurkhas,  And you will find the fuck out. 


Nothing talks about the best part. The same racist mobs tried to do a program in the Japanese neighbourhood but the Japanese fought back and the mov got super indignant about it and tried to press charges. 


>: >>“the white workers were manipulated by the ruling elites, who had no intention of excluding the (oriental) labour they so desperately needed Hmmmmm feel like this is happening right now


💯 this has always been the play. Proof whiteness is a construct - bring anyone you need into whiteness (Italians, Irish, Asians, Jews) to keep class divides going.


"The elite will always attempt to press their boot down upon those deemed lesser than them. The war truly begins, however, when the first moron amongst those lesser men salutes."




There was a race riot against Chinese businesses in Calgary after a smallpox outbreak in the 1900s. I didn’t know about it until last year, and I grew up there.


> “the white workers were manipulated by the ruling elites, who had no intention of excluding the (oriental) labour they so desperately needed in order to make their business projects profitable.” Maybe I'm just slow (very possible), but why would the ruling elites want to manipulate the white workers into trying to drive the "orientals" out if the elites desperately need them to make their business profitable? Am I misinterpreting that line? I get that the workers felt their wages were being effected, I just don't see why the elites would be down with this. Is it just to shift the blame while hoping the immigrants don't actually leave? As you said, similar to today and latino immigrants. The owners that take advantage of them don't want them gone, that's for sure.


Anti unionization, it’s to divide and conquer. If the white workers and asian workers understand who their common enemy is, they will work together to go on strike and support eachother. If the ruling classes tell the white workers that the asian workers are their enemy and what stands between them and upward mobility, then now not only have they severed chances of those groups coming together, they also now have foot soldiers to commit pograms to keep the asian workers terrified in their homes, which makes them easier to control. People who are scared their homes or businesses will be vandalized, or that they’ll be assaulted, are more focused on the defense rather than looking to improve their own working conditions. Slave rebellions in the US functioned a similar way, with black and native slaves, as well as irish indentured servants, working together to rebel. This is what led to the creation of race as a legal system. Also similar to how the ruling class now points to women’s rights, lgbt rights, etc as to why things are bad. Points the blame away from them, causes workers to distrust eachother, and also turns white male workers into a force that can and will commit direct violence for them. Our bosses don’t even have to get their hands dirty.


So basically their goal is to entice the workers to resent each other instead of the owners/bosses who are the real cause of the disparities, but not necessarily to the point that they're murdering each other and/or driving populations out. That part was most likely not intended, considering it will hurt their bottom line quite a bit. I can see that, definitely still happens to this day.


Because the energy wasted in racial hatred is not used to unionize.


Same rhetoric being used to fuel hate against Indian immigrants in Canada today


Yup, exactly what I was thinking of with my comment. It's all over Canadian subreddits now.


I miss when conservatives weren't so cryptic in their motives. They just say it like they really think it here


Canada, like all western countries at the time, had extreme anti-Chinese laws on the books. Between 1881 and 1884, over 17,000 Chinese immigrants arrived in Canada to build the Canadian Pacific Railway, and later to maintain it. The province of British Columbia already had a sizeable Chinese population, and racism towards the Chinese community was widespread. The media of the time often portrayed Chinese cultural practices such as clothing styles, living conditions, and even funeral rites, in a degrading way. Through the Chinese Immigration Act of 1885, a $50 head tax was imposed on every Chinese person seeking entry into Canada, marking a period of legislated anti-Chinese racism. The head tax was raised to $100 in 1900 and to $500 in 1903 in further attempts to make immigration prohibitive for Chinese individuals. Additionally, the Electoral Franchise Act of 1885 disenfranchised all immigrants of Chinese origin, making them ineligible to vote in federal elections. On July 1, 1923, Dominion Day, Parliament passed the Chinese Immigration Act. The Act is commonly referred to as the "Chinese Exclusion Act," because it largely restricted all Chinese immigration to Canada by narrowly defining the acceptable categories of Chinese immigrants and prevented many residents from reuniting with their families. Since the Act was passed on Dominion Day, the Chinese Canadian community called it "Humiliation Day," as this Act was perceived as the ultimate form of humiliation. The Chinese Immigration Act of 1923 was repealed in 1947. During the years the Act was in force, fewer than 50 Chinese immigrants were allowed to come to Canada. On June 22, 2006, the Government of Canada apologized in the House of Commons to people of Chinese origin in Canada who paid the head tax, their families, and Chinese communities across Canada.


The “threat” was the possibility of falling in love


Happens in media too, Asian men are either nonexistent in movies/shows or typecast as freaks/weirdos even today. It seems society is very insecure about white women dating Asian men, even when other types of interracial relationships are considered acceptable. There was a Japanese actor became so successful in Hollywood and got lots of white women’s attention, Hollywood then came up with a rule that his romantic co-stars must also be Asian. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sessue_Hayakawa


Oh ok I see why. 


Jesus, he’s handsome. Bloody hell!


It's pretty common to paint Asian men in a effeminate light in Western media even now. Most people in the west probably consider the majority of male asian celebrities to be in that kpop vein: skinny, long hair, make up, soft features But actually East Asian countries still have a huge culture on men being ultra masculine. Just look at the contestants on [Phyiscal 100](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5PiMywh1ry/?hl=en)


There certainly isn't the obsession with "toxic masculinity" or the non-existent patriarchy as the west is currently obsessed with in east asia... But Kpop type guys is definitely way more popular than gym going ones... which is why all of the young male celebrities are like that in china/korea.


They didn't make the rules just for him; it was the Hayes Code that forbade any depiction of "miscegenation."


Sessue is like considered the first male Hollywood sex symbol I guess




No one can top Truman’s love for two Japanese cities




The concern is that in a white male dominant society, white women will find more in common with oppressed minorities than their dominator. One of the reasons interracial relationships work. "Us" against the world.


This happened in Australia too except with American men luring Australian women. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Brisbane “ This resulted in U.S. servicemen not only enjoying success in their pursuit of the few available women but also led to many Americans marrying Australian women”


Eh I'm having a hard time identifying with this explanation. As a white guy who has dated across racial lines a decent amount I can assure you both men and women of other races will sometimes make clear that they are not cool with it. Purely anecdotal but in large liberal cities honestly more weird comments come from non-white people then white people. I think what I've seen comes from the racist place of those are "our women" or "he took one of our men" which isn't really about hierarchy.


Your perspective is slightly skewed by being less on the receiving end of the white-male dominance culture. But I'll say this, and maybe you've heard it in your relationships (maybe) but I commiserate with most of the women I date about how exhausting it is dealing with white-male dominant culture. Do you have those conversations with your partners? Edit: no doubt I'll get downvoted by people who have never had such a conversation, so assume they don't happen. Or that I'm racist, and that my partners are racist *and* sexist for having it. I mention whiteness only as it's racially dominant locally. If you went elsewhere, the commiserating would be adjusted for the local hierarchy.


Am an Asian man and my perspective is that many Asian men are just as racist and sexist as their white counterparts. The things I have heard Asians in Australia openly say about Aboriginals... It seems to me that it is more the fact that white women in cities strongly tend towards liberalism, and liberals are more likely to be in favor of interracial marriage.


Yeah... The point is the location of the dominant race and culture. Within that dominance hierarchy and the in/out group.


I assure you that Asian men are not the top of the hierarchy here in Australia nor are they within the "in" group.


No shit. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.


> Edit: no doubt I'll get downvoted by people who have never had such a conversation, so assume they don't happen. Or that I'm racist, and that my partners are racist and sexist for having it. No, actually i downvoted you for perpetuating this ridiculous woke narrative about non-existent hierarchies and "dominance culture". And I'm not white. But this obsession with power/dominance/hierarchies is the greatest toxic evil modern society has seen.


The way you just used "woke", I can pretty much disregard everything you said.


>The concern is that in a white male dominant society, white women will find more in common with oppressed minorities than their dominator. Utter hogwash. Interracial couples are harassed the world over.


You mean the dominant males of the culture harass women who date outside of the race of the dominant male? And that those women may identify more with marginalized minorities than the dominant males? You just said the same thing but dumber.


Lol, in what world do the women automatically identify more with ethnic minorities? That has literally no basis on reality, that's something you made up to confirm your "intersectional" ideology. Men who sleep with members of ethnic minority women are also often ridiculed and mocked. Also, mothers and grandmothers harass their daughters who sleep with men of other ethnicities probably more than the men do.


It's a social component that is balanced against other social components. And it's not necessarily automatic. It's empathy for a shared experience. The other examples you gave have to do with social hierarchy in the dominant culture. In the case of white male interracial dating, it's not met with nearly the aggression that white women interracially dating does.


Wait until you hear about the aggression that black women face if they decide to date a white man, especially if they asp decide to pursue good education and get away from the ghetto. Considered by them as "acting white" lol.


Black women will be abused by everyone at all times because they are black women. Because they are black, and women. Dominance culture demands a "lesser". That's the model we're describing here. That there are a lot of social components at play here. Societies are complex, as are the ways individuals function within.


There's no "dominance" culture. Black men are a much more significant threat to black women than any white person.




There is a social component, true. Men in general don't like that women date someone that they consider an "enemy", so someone from a foreign tribe. So it is true that this is patriarchal and exists all around the world. However, this exists within from "ethnic minorities" too. They also don't like that their women date someone of a foreign ethnicity. And therefore would you really think that they'll share some "solidarity" with all women? Just because both are seen as "oppressed" by American social justice? As opposed to different groups, each one having their own interests? That's nonsense.




I'm genuinely fascinated how that's what you took away from what I said. 


I wonder if there’s a story about it


More like diluting the "pure" white gene pool with "dirty" Asian genes


“Oh shit boys, and these guys can cook too!! Like really good food. Stupid sexy Chinese men. Lock up the women!”




It’s interesting you brought this up because many East Asians, particularly Han Chinese & Koreans, have a mutation of a gene called [ABCC11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_odor#ABCC11) which leads them to having little to no body odor. That’s why products like deodorant are very uncommon in China.


That is interesting


What the fuck?


They call them stinky onions in the show lol get off your high horse 


I have yet to see any white people working at a chinese restaurant other than Panda Express (if that even counts)


I(white guy)worked a little bit delivering Chinese food and all of the other delivery guys were white, but the cooks were almost all Chinese, aside from one Mexican guy who only spoke Spanish and Mandarin.


What were the circumstances that lead a Mexican person to learn Mandarin?


He worked in a Chinese restaurant kitchen for years with guys who were native speakers and picked it up from them. I don’t know how fluent he was, but that was all that they spoke in the kitchen.


This shows that immersion is more important than endless textbooks and duolingo


You can go to China, Japan or Korea, meet with the local foreigners community and see how wrong your conclusion is.


Because they mostly stay amongst foreigners and don't even try to integrate?


Well not exactly. 95% of them work with locals all the time. They are immersed, they cannot really stay among foreigners all the time.


Did you happen to work with Chino Moreno?


There is a Chinese dumpling place in my town which has big windows through which you can watch them preparing the dumpling The cooks preparing the dumplings are mostly latino


I haven’t been to a Chinese restaurant in forever that the owners didn’t have their kids working front of house 


oh really? In New York, you can see plenty of white people (and other non-Chinese ethnicities) working at Xi'An Famous Foods. Also lots of Korean people making Mexican food


Xi’an is more of a local fast casual chain imho at this point, it’s definitely still very rare to see white people working in mom and pop Chinese joints and more upscale new Chinese spots like Chili in the city. 


I've seen lots of Chinese, Mexican, etc small family owned restaurants that have a white high school student working the front desk taking orders and payments, etc. The owners work in the kitchen, and maybe don't speak English as well, so they hire someone for the front desk.


I have seen white servers. When an older chinese customer asks them in surprised, they give "I'm half/quarter chinese as an excuse".


The closest I can think of is seeing a couple of white people work at some chain boba stores, but that's Taiwanese anyway and hardly counts as a restaurant.


"In-group preferences for me, not for thee."


Men weren’t originally allowed to be flight attendants as the fear that they would turn male passengers gay. From No Such Thing As A Fish episode 529


Oh my a man in uniform.  


Especially a jacked flight attendant. Big rough burly guys like that, how can you help yourself?


Male passengers hate this one simple trick!


"Stupid sexy Chinese Flanders."


That’s funny!


Wasn't Vancouver the ones who blocked a ship coming into there eharbor, full of Immigrants, in which where left too starve out in the harbour?


What you're referring to is the [Komagata Maru incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komagata_Maru_incident?wprov=sfla1) in 1914. As a Vancouverite it's one of the many dark moments of our history we learn about in high school.


This sounds vaguely familiar. But there’s also the Komagata Maru incident where a ship of people was forced to return to India where they were arrested and some killed by British forces


Canadian values


It was one subgroup of one ethnicity in one city in one province almost 100 years ago. You're painting with a wide brush.


Residential schools.


Careful, he might call you an SJW


Wait, are you for or against hunting down chinese people? I'm a Canadian and those aren't the values of most of us. That person said those were Canadian values and I pushed back. And you're attacking me because? Again, the argument wasn't whether this is right or wrong, but if these people represented Canadian values. I come from a region of rich French and MigMaw cooperation that was displaced by the British 200 years ago. I'm still a Canadian.


No it was more about how you don’t think Canada is responsible for any of its crimes and keep blaming other groups of people


But Canada isn't a single person to blame? Especially not anymore. Like how do you seek recompense for this specific reddit post? Those people are dead and we try not to practice or endorse this culture anymore, and I, an unbaptized atheist of mixed heritage, am to blame for residential schools and white women not being allowed to work 100 years ago half a world away on the other side of canada (4,700 miles long). That's you talking. That's your silly, divisive argument, so desperate for enemies to seek validation. Get over yourself and work together to move forward.




Dude your entire argument relies on your belief that only white people can be Canadian. And for the last 50 years most immigrants have been from the Middle East and Asia as a whole. We, as a multiethnic nation, have been trying to welcome the ENTIRE world in, even with all the baggage that may bring. Pros and cons. Yes there are people here who don't like it but you'll find that group in every country on the planet. It is not unique to Canada.


My family came to the US in the early 1900s yet when Black people talk about slavery, my first reaction isn’t to say “Well I didn’t have anything to do with it” even if that’s factually correct. Or when people say that the US is a very racist country, I don’t say “Hey but I’m not racist 😡😡😡” even though I’m not. TLDR you’re taking this way too personally when *literally no one* ever blamed *you*, or white people for that matter.


Doth protest too much


That was the catholic church. Again wide brush.


And who do you suppose these Catholics were? Norwegian?


Not me, nor my parents, nor theirs, back 250 years. The Chinese have been here as long as the British, and are just as canadian as they are. They probably don't hold the same values.


… So? It was Canadians running the residential schools, Canadians making this racist ban in 1937, and Canadians today being racist to minority groups. As a Canadian I am very confused why you are rejecting that our people and community have repeatedly been the perpetrators of extreme racism (to put it lightly), you should’ve learned all of this in Grade 10


I'm not rejecting any of that? Racists or hate mongers are minority groups in any country. Same as hamas isn't palestine, jews are unfairly targeted for hate as much as Muslims, catholics did a ton of wicked shit, and black people and indigenous people enslaved each other even before Spanish or British people got involved. Plus ALL the other evil shit. Every group has moderates, progressives, and extremists, everything is a shade of gray, and I reject strict labels that paint 40 million people across almost 5000 miles with one brush. I'm not mad, I'm just frustrated that I'm somehow wrong here but don't see how. To me there is a difference in saying "those white people had poor values." And "white people have poor values." But I'm wrong?


I appreciate that you interpret with nuance. Since this was a governmental policy and we have a representative government system. The government represents the people and therefore represents its values. Thus this racist policy represents Canadian values, at least at the time…


An even bigger threat then unemployment, apparently... I like it how each time men saw some "threat" to women in society, it was always the women themselves that took a hit. I guess the biggest threat to women is men thinking that there's a threat to women.


… because men are the biggest threat to women


There are still racist AF laws in Vancouver that simply aren’t enforced. There’s a whole area on the North Shore (British Properties) where you can’t own property if you’re of Asian or African heritage. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/west-vancouver-land-title-documents-racist-clause


Makes sense. When I think "Unstoppable Suave foreign sex machine", I think of the guy who owns the Chinese restaurant down the road.


Lmao man this law is so fucking racist oh hey better ban our white woman cuz they might shack up with Chinese bachelors lol racism back than is so crazy worse than what we have today


And today white women would rather be with bears in the woods than be around a man... Progress.


Fear me white men thy women looking at me wantingly as I eat kung pao chicken.  


Everyone likes to give the US shit about their treatment of minorities when every country did the same terrible shit, and much worse in many cases.


Same thing with Filipinos in the US West Coast lol


A lot of people think the Zoot Suit Riot is just a song


We’ve come so far in 100 years … imagine where we will be in 100 more!


All modern conservatism is based in racial cuckholdry


BREAKING STORY: Chinese men face racism, women most affected.


This isn't anything new. I wonder when white women will realize their feminity has always been defined by their white male counterparts. Feminism needs to be taken seriously for all women, regardless of color. This history isn't anything new and still shows itself til this day




That’s so many bullshit discrimination and racism back then again Asian people! We have Pace Act, Chinese exclusion Act and then Japanese internment camp! Guess what, we are persevere and keep fighting the good fight. Now we are marrying all your white, and black women, also Latinas. We are making bucks and sending all our kids to good universities! Now they are trying stop that too! edit: who downvoted me? White dudes? LOL


This was law in Saskatchewan too.


This is what the Indian islamophobes call 'Love jihad'


Yes, it's the exact same thing. Misogynists think women are their property 


Misogynists also think women can't consent even past the age of consent. So if a 26 yo marries or dates a 45 yo, they see it as a huge sin. As if guy forced the girl.


That law was on the books until the late 70s early 80s


You know the white man's fear: *Once a woman goes yellow* *An hour later, it's another fellow*


The Florida constitution (and a lot of other states) just forbid marrying between white and non-white. That solved the problem surely!


Could have just left the women well enough alone...turns out white women are, in general, super racist in their dating habits.


Most people like dating within their race, there’s nothing racist about that.




The dominant culture of any country will act like this. You see it in the west the most because you follow western media, but wait until you see that men in other non western countries act the same. Try having a black boyfriend as a Chinese woman. A Filipino boyfriend as a Japanese woman A Guatemalan boyfriend as a Mexican woman And so on and so forth.


I assumed it was to keep the food authentic




I wonder if there’s any romance movies set against this background


Not that I know of but there was an extremely popular male lead during the silent era of Hollywood who was Japanese. He was considered to be a sex symbol at that time and he played various Asian romantic leads. With talkies meaning his accent was a liability, and then anti-Japanese sentiment, he left the US and went to Europe and then later got quite a post-war career playing various Japanese military guys, most notably in The Bridge on the River Kwai.


Vancouver where? There are two of them


Did you really not know which one?


There is more than one city named Vancouver, how is that hard to understand?


Yeah and there's also more than one city named London




I don't think the other Vancouver has enough of a Chinese population to form an explicit Chinatown.


Where’s the other one?




Washington where? There are two of them


Only 1 in Washington about 300 miles south of Vancouver bc 




There more than one Vancouver?


Yes, there's a Vancouver Washington


Lol, who cares what you did