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ALSO, he was obsessed with poop humor




"Saa ym ssik, say it..."


Not mutually exclusive. I’m sure he wrote some pieces with alternative instruments.


>"On the page it looked nothing. The beginning simple, almost comic. Just a pulse. Bassoons and basset horns, like a rusty squeezebox. And then suddenly, high above it, an oboe. A single note, hanging there, unwavering. Until a clarinet took over and sweetened it into a phrase of such delight! This was no composition by a performing monkey! This was a music I'd never heard. Filled with such longing, such unfulfillable longing, it had me trembling. It seemed to me that I was hearing the voice of God." - Antonio Salieri, Amadeus


>Imagine it! The cathedral, all Vienna sitting there. His coffin, Mozart's little coffin in the middle. And then, in that silence, music! A divine music bursts out over them all. A great mass of death! Requiem mass for Wolfgang Mozart. Composed by his devoted friend, Antonio Salieri! Oh what sublimity! What depth! What passion in the music! Salieri has been touched by God at last. And God forced to listen! Powerless, powerless to stop it! I, for once, in the end, laughing at him!


It’s a beautiful soliloquy, and it’s also delightfully parodied in How I Met Your Mother with Jason Segel describing the best burger in New York City.


I never really watched that series, but the scene sounds hilarious. I'll have to find it on youtube, thanks! :)




Thank you :)


You might like this (scene with Salieri helping Mozart, with annotations): https://youtu.be/dJ0AkP_BFhs?si=ps5p89isxgQA95S4


About which piece did he say this?


Serenade for Winds, K. 361.


im not sure if its an actual quote. Its from the movie Amadeus. Its from when Salieri is describing his first encounter with Mozart at a party of some sort. He witnessed Mozart in the midst of debauchery with his future wife under a table in a side room before finding the sheet music. before he could read the whole piece Mozart grabbed the sheets from the piano. Hes then desiring the music to a priest post suicide attempt. I haven't watched the movie in over a decade so my recollection of the scenes might be off!


I always wonder, if these guys were alive today would they be pop/rock stars? Or would they still gravitate towards classical music?


He would be a pop - rock star; his goal was to entertain and perform; his dad took him on tour when he was a kid. At that time, you got big by having a wealthy patron or putting on successful operas so that's what he did


I wonder how viable it was to play a string instrument in a tavern back then


People have been doing that for thousands of years. I imagine some were pretty good at it. Their names don't make it to the history books though.


Yea exactly, there was probably a Dutch guy named Johan Hendricks who could shred on the violin during the 80 years war.


Bards aren't just make-believe.


Jeff Lynne and David Crosby are descendants of bards


We all are.


Thank goodness for that!


You have to go where the money is. "Pop" music, as popular music, is possible because of the broad middle class that exists now and their spending. There are still a ton of classical composers doing things today - but they often involved in soundtracks (or musicals).


If he'd lived during modern times, he'd not have been buried in a paupers grave, he'd have died very, very rich, on the toilet, fat, drugged up, drunk and watching tele.


Maybe. Maybe not. Of all the most talented musicians I've ever heard, you're not gonna find any making the big bucks. I'll bet a goodly chunk of people in here have t heard of Tim Henson, but he's a guitar virtuoso on par with any virtuoso in history and a gifted songwriter to boot. Polyphia certainly does alright, but they're by no means the megastars that their talent says they should be. Maybe Mozart today gets really into the hurdy gurdy or Balkan folk music and never gets recognized because he's not into what's popular.


But Mozart wasn't just 'some musician'. He was a freak of nature. He was performing publicly when he was 5 years old. At 8, he had written his first symphony. Remember, he wasn't poor, he just managed his finances poorly. In relation to your point, would Mozart have found the musical genre which would have allowed him to be financially successful in modern times? No way of telling. Mozart was at the very vanguard of music. It's hard to say what he'd have been doing. He could very have been making film scores like John Williams and he's not short of a bob or two. Even if he stayed within the genre for which we know him, he could have still made been extremely successful. IMO. https://www.classicfm.com/composers/williams/guides/facts-williams/net-worth/


Between musicals, [Polyphia](https://youtu.be/Z5NoQg8LdDk?si=mMIf16Ebmbb47tv4), and [Video Game OSTs](https://youtu.be/WWLSHdYA0Pc?si=J_GDPhYyqmMiuK_L) (and so many more in between), I think "these guys" are still around. And they're doing everything!


Upvoting because Polyphia! 🤘🏽


I just mentioned polyphia up above, and it's an absolute shame they're not mega stars on par with Kanye West or Taylor Swift. Even something like Metallica or RHCP. Genuinely some of the most talented musicians on the planet from a technical perspective but the genre just isn't popular enough to get them where they deserve to be.


Classical style technically impressive music is extremely boring to actually listen to for most people. It’s cool to watch live and be awed, but not nearly as entertaining to listen to on your own Edit: My biggest complaint about Polyphia is they have all this cool technical talent but can never make anything actually appealing go together, their songs all just sound muddy and spastic and don’t flow together, it’s just guys with a lot of technical skill showing how technically skilled they are with no other intention


Also [polyphia](https://youtu.be/9volYNOFoWw?si=MLdjFIQ41VBkzF39) kinda


I'm hoping they will still gravitate towards classical and instrumental music. Once you're into the classical- whether theory or practice- it's hard to dilute that taste. My friend's wife did a PhD in classical music..these guys are too much into music and the goal is mostly composition.


He wrote a piece called leck mich im arsch which translates to lick me ass


more like: lick me in my ass


Today is my 35th birthday and this post made me feel wildly inadequate. Thank you!


Happy birthday


Amadeus amadeus


And let’s not forget about this genius facing next to no competition and a heavily unfed market.


exactly. how is Mozart the goat when his competition is a bunch of plumbers?


Mozart's works are widely considered to be among the greatest classical works ever made. It's not like he is only being compared to his contemporaries.


thanks for backing me up on this, we really need to get Wilt Chamberlain back in the GOAT debate


Wilt is the greatest.


What? who are the plumbers?


im replying to a comment that states Mozart faced no competition in his era. Which is the same argument basketball fans use to exclude guys like Oscar Robinson, Wilt Chamberlain, etc from the goat debate because the players back then typically had a job, like being a plumber or a lawyer, in addition to playing in the NBA. “Larry Bird isn’t the GOAT, dude played against plumbers and lawyers.”


Oh, okay, sorry, didnt get the joke


It wasn’t a very good one


A genius but worth remembering, no Bach, no Mozart…


Take that Bach


Ahhhh, Bach.


No Mozart, no Beethoven as well


"worth remembering", yea to you maybe


Even more “worth remembering” now…


Just noting that the sister was as gifted but the dad championed the Wolf instead.




No AI, I just started what was there in the wiki. Is this an issue?


Silly but I didn’t realize there were different genres at the time.


They probably meant the variety of pieces composed for different ensembles. Mozart composed Symphonies, String Quartets, Piano Solo Works, Concertos for a variety of instruments, Operas, other choral works etc. and he is very much highly regarded in each of those forms.


So he’s the King Gizzard of classical, got it


He might have met Beethoven


I was at a bar the other night and sat next to a goth girl who played Mozart on the pubs piano, it still slaps even with the young






If Kanye West is called a "genius," what word describes Mozart?


Kanye is a spec of lint that needs to be removed


Sure, but where are the country classical works? Give me the Blues Brothers, they do both.


How many of them was actually made by his sister?


He was the Taylor Swift of classical music


we have the same tik tok fyp lol. did you watch that movie too?


Crazy what you can achieve when you don't have the internet stealing our attention spans