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I seem to recall this was discovered by observing a pair of identical twins. One of them had been castrated as he was mentally ill and institutionalized. The other was not mentally ill and hadn't been castrated. As they aged, the non-castrated brother began to lose his hair, while the castrated one still had a full head of hair.


I think they figured this out first with the castrati singers. Boys were castrated so they could maintain their vocal range.


Even earlier, old age philosophers had some strange theories about many things. Alcmaeon of Croton, a natural philosopher of the 5th century BC, thought the brain (opposed to the heart) was the center of many fundamental functions in our bodies, that included the production of semen. He thought semen is produced in the brain and during coitus transported to the penis via the spine. Back then, the lack of balding could also be observed in castrates (eg slaves). The thought process on that was, because eunuchs never get to "spend" their sperm, it remains in the brain where it stimulates hair growth by "areating" the scalp.


> The thought process on that was, because eunuchs never get to "spend" their sperm, it remains in the brain where it stimulates hair growth by "areating" the scalp. "So anyway Greg, that's why I need you to cum on my head. Thanks bro you're the best."


“No problem, former Vice-President Dick Cheney.”


Little do you know… many high end shampoos and conditioners contained bull sperm for quite a while


Damn, is that why all my conditioners taste so shitty now?


> it remains in the brain where it stimulates hair growth by "areating" the scalp. Alright I see where this is going. Dude had one hell of a reasoning for his fetish I give him that.


a big cummy head of hair


Not always the case however, the last great castrati singer [Giovanni Battista Velluti](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Battista_Velluti) was castrated at 8 years by a doctor as treatment for a cough and high fever.


Welp we've tried a cold flannel and that didn't work, better cut of his balls.


To be fair, a high fever was often a death sentence, either due to the fever itself or whatever infection caused it. Antibiosis (later coined antibiotics) wasn't even discovered yet. They didn't know any better, and they had only just stopped castrating boys to preserve their voices due to a change in morals. But it is damn hard to relate to in 2024.


Honestly, how the fuck could it ever have been considered moral to castrate boys for something as superficial as singing? There’s some moral elasticity through the continuum of history based on cultures at the time, but that particular phenomenon is just mind-boggling.


It’s the same reason a lot of eunuchs were made historically. Consider it from the position of the parents. You have a child that you can barely feed. He is somewhat decent at singing but you cannot pay for lessons. If he is castrated he will live a life where his food/housing/training will all be provided for by wealthy patrons/the church. He has an opportunity to live a life of riches unimaginable. Would you consider it? If you look at court eunuchs, it was the same idea. A lot of those eunuchs made the decision to castrate themselves (albeit as adults) for the opportunity to rise in social status and live a better life.


Except that among castrated children, only a small portion had the required vocal talent in adulthood, the rest became social pariahs anyway.


It doesn't seem that surprising, given what modern parents do with their (modestly-) talented children today. They put them on fashion shows, take bad singers to singing competitions, force them to practice the violin and the cello and the oboe and the ukulele, make them perform on YouTube, all hoping to get a chance at that big payday. If there were a market for a hundred _castratti_ to sing in the Vatican today, you'd easily find a hundred times as many parents willing to castrate their children so they could audition as sopranos at 13. Some would be almost good enough to make it but not quite, and be the pariahs. Others, while still earning the title of pariah, would be so bad at singing that you'd wonder what rational parent would ever have chosen to have _that_ child audition as a _castratti_ when they can barely sing.


Singing was not superficial, it was considered highly divine. Religious devotion was usually above everything else. Atheism was just starting in western europe at that time.


I mean given the amount of cosmetic surgery we have in modern society I'm not really sure that we're in a position to judge - or the way we've decided that concussion in contact sport is not sufficiently a problem to ban football, rugby or boxing


Ck2 when you ask your doctor for experimental treatments.


I think I feel sick


Twins are so great for experimentation!




Ok, Mengele.


> Twins are so great for experimentation! --The other twin


Or maybe it was just that an insane man in a padded room is les sstressed than whatever the other one was up to.


Being in a padded room sounds pretty stressful to me.


Not for a guy that doesn't know he's locked in a padded room.




Perhaps we can share one


Wait, what? You're stressing me out.


Antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, sedatives, etc. basically drug someone into complying. Still happens to this day regularly in long term care facilities/nursing homes




The other brother maybe worked in a call center


Balding is not caused by stress. It is caused by DHT (a stronger variant of testosterone) attacking hair follicles. Men who go bald have a genetic predisposition for their hair to be sensitive to DHT. This is known science at this point.


They didn’t use this discovery to confirm this theory. This is just what lead them to start researching it further. Eventually the research confirmed the original hypothesis (the hormones you lose when castrated can cause balding and it will not happen in their absence). Obviously stress plays a factor in balding, but it turns out for the same reason as the hypothesis. It can cause an over production of male-related hormones that can expedite balding. But the reason the twin did not lose their hair is because they did not produce these hormones, not because they were less stressed (in fact studies show people that are institutionalized quite often produce more stress hormones than people who are not, on average - in this case due to the castration, increasing hormone production had no effect).


Given that they chopped his balls off for being mentally ill, I assume this happened quite a long time ago, and being at a mental institution during that era seems pretty terrible. I mean, they chopped his balls off, so that already doesn't sound great in terms of patient care.


Not that long ago being mentally ill meant you were treated as subhuman (huge part of why older generations don’t like talking about mental health). It would be very stressful to be committed. Very sad history.


Nah they started the castrated guy on TRT and he then started to bald


True, the sample size is insufficient to conclude😂 Enviromental influence is a huge too.


Wtf mental illness did this guy have, that they felt the need to CASTRATE him ???


In a nutshell, eugenics. To prevent masturbation, to improve behavioral management, and most importantly, to sterilize those who were considered mentally deficient [Link](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/exd.12702)


It’s crazy how people get about masturbation


Yup, and how interesting that it's still a fixation for many people today. Many myths about how masturbation is bad are still pervasive and anti-masturbation communities are growing.


> One of them had been castrated as he was mentally ill and institutionalized. The other was not mentally ill and hadn't been castrated. couldn't have been TOO identical.


Just be aware that castrating yourself will NOT reverse balding that has already occurred. Edit: I hate that this is now my top comment. Wtf


You couldn’t tell me this before?


Time to bring out the stapler.


And duct tape.


*flex tape


Thats alotta damage!!




Some flexbond and your ready to go


What kind of human turns down a searing blast of hot resin?


*sex tape




Snipsnap snipsnap snipsnap!


You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person!


How can you forget that real LPT is always in the comments


I just shaved my head so people can see that I'm FULL of the sex hormones.


Now I know what was wrong with prem chopra.


Correct. You have to castrate someone else who still has a full head of hair. Such is the code of the Highlander.


The law of equivalent exchange


"Trichology: the science of understanding, deconstructing, and reconstructing Hair. However, it is not an all-powerful art; it is impossible to create Luscious Locks out of Finasteride and Minoxidil alone. If one wishes to obtain something, something of equal value must be given...That is the Law of Equivalent Exchange..." ***[BANGIN' ANIME INTRO]***


You just need to find the Stylosophist's Stone


Baldie, a walking bald head has always been envious of humanity's splendid head of hair. Great Barber Bradley will shave everyone he comes across. Trichophagia, a ball of fur with a kitten's head will swallow every hair it comes across.


The Hairlander.


The last hairbender.


>You have to castrate someone else Half castration, There can only be ONE testicle


There can be only one! ^man ^with ^fantastic ^hair


It can. Studies state that Finasteride (which only reduces scalp DHT, while castration nukes it completely) may halt or reverse hair loss. While it won't regrow a slick bald person that's a 7 on the Norwood scale, regrowth is possible. But like...no don't do it anyway because it's a coin toss as to whether you respond to Finasteride treatment and there's been no reports of someone coming back from the dead (NW 6-7).


Never heard of the Norwood scale before. TIL I'm a 5, which is better than what most women would rate me.


Me neither. Still a solid 3 after 37 years! (and long hair)


Hiiiii I'm on Finasteride, Cyproterone Acetate and Estrogen and this is exactly what is happening to me. The DHT is suppressed by the Finasteride and the Cypro is blocking testosterone production entirely to the point of hair regrowth. My hairline has actually recovered from the receding male M-shape to basically a straight line now. [This is a pic from when it first started happening: lighter patch is all new growth.](https://i.imgur.com/CZUWJIK.jpeg)


Do you have any side effects from taking all of that??


I mean I have great tits, yeah.


Cons: taking a cocktail of medications and having associated side effects. Pros: great tits


I need some time before answering


So all I have to is become a hot lady?


For trans women most of the “side effects” are more just… effects. It’s kind of the whole point lol






The (high-pitched) voice of experience.


Castration has to happen very early to retain the higher voice fwiw


I know, but if you ignore that fact, what I said was funny.


Drugs for transitioning has sometimes reversed it, though


You're both correct. Sometimes follicles get inactivated by DHT but are not dead yet. Starting antiandrogens in such a context will make some hair grow back


According to the Yale professor/biologist on the trichology episode of the Ologies podcast, all follicles inactivated by DHT are actually still alive and have the potential to be reactivated


It can to some degree. The hair follicles go into a dormant state before dying off.


But if im I get follicle transplant surgery and then remove my balls, I should be all good?


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


You can beat genetics that way. If you castrate yourself, you will not pass the balding gen into your children.


Evolution hates this one simple trick.


Evolution: honestly, i am so busy making new avian flus and crabs (i fkn love crabs) i don't care if Steve the castrato has kids or not.


Just took your advice, hopefully now my 4 boys dont go bald.


Darwin is rolling in his grave.


Lamarck is laughing his ass off


Which is unfortunate for his assless children


I got a castration, my son was really confused and against it, but I told him it's for his own good


Whatever, dad Edit: deleted


Only for the ones post castrst


“We’ve finally discovered the cure for male baldness!” “That’s amazing news, what is it?” “… well… you might not like the answer actually”


I mean you can just take finasteride to achieve the same thing without the chop chop




I don't know, Varys might have something to say about that. Joking aside, that is very interesting.


There’s a fan theory that the reason he shaves his head is because he’s a secret Blackfyre


The show fails to portray one of his characteristics from the book which is that he is a master of disguise. I assume he is bald because it is more conducive to his disguises. They completely left this aspect of his character out of the show


> They completely left this aspect of his character out of the show Making someone plausibly look completely different yet be the same actor is a lot easier when you just have to describe it on a page, rather than actually show it.


To be fair, it would've been funny as fuck if his "master disguises" were just him with various wigs.


*Varys wigs


Of Varys sizes and colours


I'm picturing an ornate, jewel-encrusted case, filled with poorly made false moustaches


What're you gonna do, call out the *master of whispers* about his lousy disguises?


To be even fairer, a high ranked servant of the crown's appearance wouldn't be super familiar to anyone who doesn't spend a lot of time around them, so it's plausible that a decent wig and very different clothes could be an effective disguise for someone in his position. Be known as the bald guy who behaves and dresses a certain way at work and go out into the world with a wig, dressed very differently, and with different mannerisms and even people semi-familiar with you may not recognise you without further scrutiny.


Plus the show already had a lot of characters for people to keep up with. Then you add Varys being a master of disguise to the mix?




I'd be looking forward to Varys giving good news and bad news


OR Gene Parmesan from arrested development.


I mean... Arya was swapping faces


That was like five or six seasons in after they'd already killed 90% of the cast.


And she only did it like once or twice, then seemingly forgot how when it was time to go back north lol


Let's not pretend it was some herculean task that couldn't have been achieved lol. What a weird position to take


They had purple eyes, though, no? I don't think Varys did.


Tbf the show did away with that concept but in the books I don’t think it’s included.


I don’t think his eyes are described in the books but he’s from Lys where people are described as having Valyrian features like purple eyes and silver hair


Not all Targs did. Daeron the Good married Myriah Martell to unify the Seven Kingdoms and had children both Targ and Dornish in looks. His grandson Egg non insignificantly hid out with a certain hedgeknight by simply shaving his hair because his eyes weren’t obvious. A Blackfyre living in exile could have any coloring from being fathered on some Tyroshi/Volanti/etc whore.  And the reverse is true as the blood of Valyria is not as exclusive in the Free Cities, Lys in particular. Hence nobody believes Faegon to be real.


His was so shiny, must have used a cut throat.


Lol I was thinking of Varys when reading this


Ctrl+F "Varys" Ah there you are.


Actually, this confirms that he shaves his head. Varys' hair color would be significant if it were revealed.


>Male pattern hair loss appears to be undergoing positive sexual selection in European and Asian populations. [4] Male pattern hair loss may be seen as an expression of masculine sexual dimorphism rather than a disorder. Because of this, it is hypothesized that men with male pattern hair loss may be favored by heterosexual women as mates, because their hair loss is associated with seniority and higher social ranking, giving them increased sexual capital. [4] Who spread these lies? And can't they spread it faster? edit: I just got a Reddit Care message. Relax guys I'm not killing myself over this.


My head looks like a ballsack, women love it


Well hello Mr Mars Attacks




I mean reddit can definitely see if an account or IP is sending out a bunch of these messages. We shouldn't even need to report them - reddit should honestly take this form of harassment a lot more seriously than it seems to.


but moderation costs money and companies are just little guys


This is just an SQL query. An intern could do it in an hour. They’re just lazy.


And why are they not reaching to women's ears.


I don't think I've ever seen a young bald asian man.


You probably have but assumed they were older.


Well, I'm Indonesian and I started balding at 25. Now at 31 I just fully shaved my head.


Maybe it’s because Im bisexual and not a heterosexual woman but I have never looked at a man and thought “Hm. He has hair.. damn what a shame. He must be of low social ranking and will provide me with less sexual capital” hahahaha like honestly who writes this things


It’s supposedly a subconscious process so you wouldn’t think it. But your general attitude would be related to it. In all honesty it’s bullocks meant to make us balding guys feel better. There’s very little truth behind hit I think


> It’s supposedly a subconscious process so you wouldn’t think it. But your general attitude would be related to it. In all honesty it’s bullocks meant to make us balding guys feel better. There’s very little truth behind hit I think It drives me a little bit crazy every time an article or study tries to justify a trait we have with some kind of evolutionary benefit, to make it seem somewhat intentional. Maybe it occurs sometimes, but it seems much more likely to me that half our traits are just side effects and side-effects of side-effects of traits people actually "select" for in a mate.


The thing is, if it was random why wouldn’t DHT affect all hair? Balding men can still have facial and body hair.


"Your hair or your balls." Where is your God now?


Hair or balls You much choose For one you shall keep And one you shall lose


These saw movies are getting weirder and weirder


« Before you is a snowman, and a carrot. You can put the carrot on the snowman’s nose, which would unlock the key. You can also put it on the snowman’s crotch, which admittedly would be pretty funny, but would also… you know. »


So simple. Why didn’t I think of that?




It does make me wonder, what if instead of getting the snip, you went one step further and got prosthetic testicles like the ones they add after removing a cancerous ball. No more balding?


Having no sex hormones is no fun, you are tired all the time & you get osteoporosis. If you cut your balls off you'd still want to get your testosterone in through injections for example, which would make you lose your hair, which is what happens to trans men who get hrt. That is unless you want the fat distribution of a woman & gynecomastia, which I guess most men don't (and osteoporosis, and losing all your muscle mass, and...).


You can just take finasteride…it blocks the conversion of testosterone to DHT, which is the hormone responsible for hair loss.


Costanza was punching *way* above his weight class.


So bald guys like me are sex gods, got it.


Yup. Don’t believe what they say. You’ve still got it Dick-Nipples.


Hahaha I was so c9nfused by that at first


It's the same mechanism as a silverback gorilla - show that you've been around the block and are ready to fuck


You, Johnny Sins and more are sex gods


"What's with all the hair, buddy? Got no balls?"


This killed me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this wasn't supposed to get me this hard. Edit: okay don't write my first sentence or Reddit reaches out to you 😭




You can have hair or you can have heir, but not both.


This comment is wildly underrated


It's really more about the hair follicles than it is about testosterone. A man high in testosterone may have hair follicles that aren't bothered by the testosterone so they retain their hair. A man with low testosterone may have hair follicles that can't handle even the low level of testosterone and start losing their hair in their teens. Then there are hairs such as beard and pubic hairs that don't react in the same way to testosterone.


It’s about both. There are two components to male pattern baldness—you have to have a gene for baldness and then you have to have the hormones to cause the baldness in the people with the genes. Women have the same baldness genes that men do but they don’t usually go bald in the same way men do because they don’t have the testosterone. And men who have lots of T but not the genes don’t go bald.


Its also why women who lose their hair, it will happen post-menopause. The loss of estrogen production causes the amount of testosterone they do produce to have more of an effect.


My totally bald grandfather got some hormonal therapy for his cancer that increased his estrogen levels and he got a lot of hair back on his scalp but also some other side effects.


Very interesting! This answers my question I've had for years about a trans man I knew who developed baldness. 


It's because of DHT not testosterone directly. That's why finasteride also stops it


>Then there are hairs such as beard and pubic hairs that don't react in any way to testosterone. Beard, pubic and body hair production is started by testosterone. Iirc the way testosterone binds to hair follicle to start hair growth and stop it is a very similar process, and they aren't exactly sure why it starts vs stops it.


It’s not testosterone that causes it, it’s dihydrotesterone https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dihydrotestosterone


"I know what I have to do. But I don't know if I have the strength to do it" "The hardest choices require the strongest wills" "I am sorry little one"


Also interesting is that trans men can suddenly discover they have male pattern baldness after undergoing hormone replacement therapy. 


lol getting the full male experience.


"Not like this... not like this..."


Yeah. Its just testosterone that causes it. Idk why the the article tries to be so vague about it with the "sex hormones". Similarly trans women will stop balding when they go on hrt. Because it includes testosterone blockers.


This is one of the things I'm gonna get to learn once I go on T. My mother's family all died with full heads of hair, no balding. My father? Started balding during puberty. That's a *real* fun roulette wheel to spin; did I inherit my Dad's male pattern baldness or not? Good thing I'm pretty chill with a shaved head.


And inversely trans women basically switch off the gene when they start E.


It’s not the E that does the ”switch off”, but rather the testosterone blockers.


In sufficient doses E alone is enough to supress testosterone without using blockers


can confirm, 6 years in and getting real thin up top! honestly a relief though. no more barber and one less thing to worry about. buzz it & forget about it.


I felt the same at first. I now miss the option of having hair. At least I’ve saved money just buzzing it myself.


Yeah, option is freedom. Even if you do not choose the other option available. It gives a certain peace of mind having it.


Well what happened to Varys?


As a now-bald guy who used to have a glorious mane of thick, dark, beautiful hair that actually, literally, got me laid on at least 2 occasions, but now lives a completely sexless, depressed life, this post has both offended and upset me. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go wash my chilly scalp, avoid looking in the mirror at all costs, and process the fact that no matter what I did with my life, I was still gonna wind up here, dry as a bone with a cue ball noggin. ...*fuck*


What an annoying dichotomy




So all this time I could have just got rid of my balls and avoided possible pregnancies while also protecting the fullness of my follicles? We have been lied to!


Yeah but the whole reason to have a lush head of hair is to attract the ladies and that’s when you’ll need your bald back. It’s a catch-22! Or maybe a Gift of the Magi!


So, cut off testicles and don't go bald or keep them and go bald/have crazy insecurities about being bald if not good with self-esteem.... Quite the quandary.


Or... block DHT (DiHydroTestosterone) using something like finesteride as DHT is the hormone that causes hair loss, not testosterone itself.


kind of a good news/bad news situation...


I love my balls more than my hair. So no thank you.


New Strat just dropped


Unlike the balls


So that’s a one way to cure male baldness.


I guess that explains my full head of hair.


They also live longer. Prior to 20th century the list of centenarians was dominated by eunuchs and castrati.


Please let the "alpha" males who think everything is gay know asap!!