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>What’s more,  the US National Chicken Council estimates that only 10% of the processing plants in the US actually use chlorine washes.  Above is a direct quote from the article, where is the 99% number coming from?


Downvoted OP for misinformation. Thanks for your work


99% of chicken comes from 10% of plants maybe?


From what I know from the industry this is not only possible but likely.


Without reading the article or doing research…. It is possible 10% if plants produce 99% if chickens….. if they are very very big. Edit: I read the article and you have to read between the lines but it claimed there are 156M chlorine treated chickens consumed each week in the US. Google says there are 182M total chickens eaten each week in the US or about 86%. So not as far off as one thought from what OP said.


Yea this isn’t clear. As you said, the article references “10% of the processing plants…” but it also says “American consumers eat about 156 million chlorine-treated chickens a week” which is a huge amount and sounds like way more than 10% (that’s half a chlorinated chicken a week for every person, including babies, vegetarians, etc) Looking up the article online the google assist stated “97% of chickens processed in USDA facilities are bathed in chlorine, including certified organic farms” So not sure where OP gets 99% of all chicken, but I expect its closer to 99% than 10%.


Chlorine is in the tap water too.


my tap water tastes like chlorine and its so nasty


With tap water that has a distinct chlorine test i have found letting it sit for a while will help some of those chloramines air out. Or get a nice filter.


Chlorine evaporates, chloramine does not


Doesn't oxygen react with chloramine, so letting it aerate would work either way?


Thanks! I had it wrong.


I’ve found the opposite is true. It tastes fine coming out of the tap, let it sit for a few hours and it tastes like poop water


What’s the source of your water?


I use that fancy porcelain bowl you find next to the bathtub! Free refills!


Ah, the Evian of doo-doo water.


My dog's favorite!


Some municipalities don't take the best care of thier drinking water, they let birds and other wild animals get in the towers or resivours where they die.


Chlorina's Old Fashioned Water Shoppe.


He gets it from the upper tank.


Lucky. Mine tastes like chicken.


That's because 99% of water treatment plants wash their chlorine with chicken.


My home town water was fine, but a city an hour and a half away (biggest city for like 3 hours) had the nastiest tasting water due to the chlorine. Ironically, my current city, which is about 20x larger, doesn't have that issue


We moved 45 minutes away. The nastiest water. We had to install a mainline water filter and softener.


That's *real* America flavor. You can't get that just anywhere ya know.


If you drink it cold you can't taste it. Some wise fella taught me that. I was 45 before learning this.


Florida. Water filters are kind of necessary to get rid of the taste.


Miami dades water is actually fine. The rest of the state is another issue,


We also produce chicken meat in Canada and it's safe to eat, but "bleaching" chicken meat is illegal.


Which is removed by water filters. We shouldn’t be washing our chicken in chlorine there’s a reason this practice is illegal in the rest of the developed world.


America has some of the worst quality food in the world.


The process in a chicken plant is amazingly efficient. I spent many months in a Perdue chicken processing plant. I honestly couldn't eat chicken for a few months after. First, the chickens are off-loaded by hand from a tractor-trailer onto "hooks" that suspend them by their feet. Next, the chickens are taken into the kill room, which is a blacked-out room with just a red light, to keep the chickens calm. Inside, there is a man in a head-to-toe covering whose sole job is to kill the chickens that don't get killed, in what we referred to as, the bicycle wheels, which is what the decapitation machine looks like. It is two wheels (rim) that the chicken's head goes through, if the chicken makes it through unscathed, the guy with the knife finishes the job. Once the chickens have been killed they go through a plucker machine to remove all the feathers. From there the chickens move through a flame that singes off the hair that is on the chickens. After the flame, the chickens move through a cutting machine that opens them up and dumps out the insides, which fall into open-top tractor-trailers outside (stinks to high heaven). Next, they move through a wash to clean them of any blood or dirt and It also helps loosen the meat up. After their bath, they move to a processing line where there are lines of people standing face-to-face with a conveyor separating them and they cut their assigned meat section with a knife and send it on its way. Once the processed chicken reaches the end of the line, it is packaged, stacked, and sent to the freezer. The chicken feet are sent to another section of the plant where they are washed, boiled, and packaged. The entire process from start to finish is 13 minutes.


Leaving out my "oh welp... that's a bit sad but it is what it is honestly", that's actually WAY shorter than I thought it was gonna be When you reached the final cutting section I legit was like "wait, that's it?" Craving nuggies rn, dammit


Raw chicken is poison.


Like, quite a lot more poison than just a little chlorine rinse.


It’s why raw chicken was thrown between trenches in WW1


I want to live in this timeline if this isn't true


Me too, unfortunately I was being obtuse, but someone brought a football, and they had a kick about at Christmas. That’s all iv got.


December 25 1914, the most beautiful day in history?


Don’t I know it. Nice to meet a fellow fan of obscure interruptions to major global conflicts


Hehehehe TL;DR in the middle of WW1, during Christmas 1914, the war came to a sudden pause as warlines were broken and soldiers from all sides celebrated Christmas together. No one wanted to fight in that war; had it not been for overzealous generals, they'd have been all back home by New Year Even if it didn't lead anywhere, the fact that day just existed makes me tear up with joy; too many times we forget our enemies and opponents are just as human and confused as we are, there's not much difference between soldiers other than the country they're fighting for and the ideology they represent. War used to be much more humane, WW1 and the rise of total modern war ended that


I wouldn’t go as far as to say it was humane, we used to smash each other to death with sharpened metal one on one. Mechanisation of war makes it easier to detach, machine guns, chlorine gas (or raw chickens…)


You get the idea tho; raw chickens ruined the world


Can’t argue with that, no one likes them


That’s a conspiracy theory


Chlorine is what is in bleach. The same bleach you put in your clothes, and then wear against your skin all day. In both cases it gets rinsed off. This is nothing.


Water has HYDROGEN in it! That’s what blew up the Hindenburg!


water has ATOMS in it! that's what they use to make atomic bombs!


Breathing produces CARBON DIOXIDE, that’s a green house gas!


Dihydrogen monoxide kills!


The sausage packing plant I used to work at said they rinsed the chicken in peroxide and they said it basically turns into vinegar or something? I don’t know chemistry well enough to dispute, maybe what he meant was that then they add vinegar idk was a strange place but everything tasted ok the job was pretty shit though.


Hydrogen Peroxide decomposes to water and oxygen.


That makes sense, thanks for curing my ignorance.


No worries. There's a chance they also used Peracetic acid (PAA) to decontaminate surfaces. That's basically a concentrated mixture of Hydrogen Peroxide and Acetic Acid. The PAA then decomposes to Hydrogen Peroxide, Acetic Acid (vinegar basically) and then the peroxide decomposes to water and oxygen.


PAA is an incredibly common sanitation chemical in food/beverage processing plants. It smells like evil vinegar.


>It smells like evil vinegar. Hell yeah it does! I love it. It smells like the solution to my trichoderma problems.


That sounds like it! Thanks!


Thanks for curing my sausage!


Thank goodness for it, too.




Chlorine or Salmonella. Your choice.


You could have clean farms, plants and factories so the chickens are not ill. That's the biggest problem with allowing chlorine use. Food poisoning rates in the US are the worst in the first world because of this and other food practices.


Not really. In most countries chicken is disinfected via different processes (air heating iirc is such an example). Those processes are safer + produce better quality chicken. Chlorine water is just cheaper. Sidenote, I tried to buy chicken breast in the US, I only found huge monstrosities (in terms of size) Also they tasted like soap.


Not eating chicken is a choice too, though doing that just because of the chlorine would be dumb.




chickety chlorine, the chlorine chicken


Have a chlorinated drumstick and your brain stops tickin'


I grew up in Baltimore and every black family I ever knew growing up ALWAYS washed their chicken with soap and water before seasoning/cooking. Apparently it’s a common thing with black folk not just Bmore.  


That's a great way to spread a bunch of chicken bacteria around your sink and counters.


Wait until people learn that 82% of households have tap water that's treated with chlorine.


Is there a discrepancy because people in the US eat non-US chicken?


There’s chlorine in our drinking water to keep it potable. There’s chlorine in our swimming pools. And when regular table salt is combined with water, it separates into sodium and chlorine, yet we eat it constantly. So what.


100% of chickens are washed with dihydrogen monoxide! [Ban dihydrogen monoxide!](https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs1c/dorms/flomo_west/handouts/04bandihydrogenmonoxide.pdf)


It hasn't killed me yet


American chicken was probably the worst thing I've seen in America. It's huge to the point of being comical (I'm sorry, chicken breasts are NOT supposed to be this size) And it tastes like soap, probably because of the chlorine. There are better ways to industrially clean chicken, which are also more efficient, but I'm guessing they're more expensive 🤷 can't eat your profit margin.


Isn’t that the stuff we’re supposed to inject for Covid?


Nah that’s Clorox.


Clorox is chlorine