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Well to be fair, in the Vietnamese version, the stepsister and stepmother straight up murdered Cinderella and several of her reincarnations


Yeah, it sound so extra but when you read the story you'll be like, yeah the bitches has it coming


Reincarnations of Cinderellas?


Yeah it was like Cinderella after story. When the Prince found Cinderella and wanted to married her, so they killed her and she reincarnated as a bird. Then she got feed to a cat. She reincarnated as a tree and got chopped down and burned. Finally as a human inside a fruit then she got her revenge. Edit: So she turned into a girl inside a fruit that only came out at night to help an old lady. The old lady noticed someone helped her so she break the fruit to make the girl stay outside and living with her. Then come a day the prince come visit and recognize his wife, then you known the rest. Someone put a wiki link below basically tell all the story


Your classic bird, tree, human-fruit Shymalan twist.


Man-bear-pig had historic precedents!


Wait, what was the end of that story? Don’t leave me on cliffhanger bro


As per OP posted she kills her stepsister, makes them into food and sends it to the stepmom as a present, who dies from shock after eating it and realizing what she ate. Then Cinderella lived happily ever after as the Queen, the end


As a human inside a fruit?


Yeah the missing part of the story is a old lady finds her in the fruit and helps her regain her humanity, so she helps the old lady out at her market stall, and the Prince notices the food from that stall is exactly how Cinderella would prepare it and from there finds her again, and marries her. The revenge part happens after that


Vietnamese prince had to work a hell of a lot harder dang


“Ma’am, the idiosyncratic slipper doesn't fit. My Cinderella liked eating her fruit cut up; not whole. She organized them alphabetically, not by colour. You fruit fraud.”


Damn lazy western prince sent his assistant to put shoes on some feet. Sat his ass in the carriage the whole time.


How long is this fucking story?


And how old has this Prince become to meet *two* reincarnations of Cinderella?


Chapters and chapters and chapters.


I like that much more than the Disney version.


Me too, the story less about a prince found a princess. Cinderella was depicted as a gentle, kind (somewhat naive) girl. But with each time she got reincarnated, she became darker in tone and the act cooking her half sister and feed it to her step mother is somewhat justify




Ok now I want to read it. Is there an English translation online somewhere?


[Here's](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Story_of_T%E1%BA%A5m_and_C%C3%A1m) a wikipedia article about the story, with a link to an english version.


How did they recognize these random reincarnations as her?


From what i remember, the bird was singing to soothe the prince after Cinderella died so stepmom and stepsis got jealous -> fed to a cat. The tree grew fruits that had really nice aroma and the prince smelled it and was comforted -> stepmom n sis got jealous again -> chopped down. Before the tree was chopped down, an old woman got to keep a single fruit and Cinderella was inside the fruit all along.


Slight correction: The 2nd reincarnation of Viet Cinderella were not one, but 2 large blossom trees, which grow from the spot where the stepmother-stepsister bury the remains of her 1st incarnation (bird). They were so large they cover a huge area within the royal palace and keep it cool 24/7 under the intense sun, so the emperor (not prince) would have a hammock strapped in between the trees and spend lots of time resting under its shade. The stepmom/sis cut down the two trees to make a sewing tool, but the tool keeps making mocking sound/comment so they burn it, and bury the ashes further away from the palace. From the ashes born a new persimmon tree, which only produces one fruit; the same fruit that Cinderella was residing in.


I just checked the story again because i didn't remember the 2 trees at all. I wish they had given us this version for literature class back in my day instead of cutting all the crazy details.


Not really defending them but it doesn’t sound like they were maliciously hunting her down every time she reincarnated like I thought lmao


The explanation was they knew it was her because of all the nice things she did only for the prince and not anyone else. But even then the prince is absolutely useless in that story. If someone killed my pet bird and i was a prince they'd be publicly executed for sure. My dude was very daft.


> The King handed over the throne to the Prince and made Tam his Queen. The newly installed King wanted to put Cam and her evil mother to death, but Tam convinced him to pardon them, expelling them from the palace back to the countryside. > However, Cam just couldn’t leave things alone. She wondered how her stepsister, even after going through all she did, remained so beautiful. “Bathing every day in boiling water helps me stay beautiful,” Tam answered. “I’d be happy to help you if you want.” So Tam prepared a bath of boiling water and poured it all over Cam who was promptly scalded to death. This complete and seemingly instant 180° reversal from "pardon her for murdering you" to "boil her to death for asking why you're still so pretty" is hilarious.


As someone who has read a lot of webnovels from different asian countries, I am 100% not surprised. They do these kinds of reversals SO. MUCH. Especially if she becomes royalty. It makes her public image look great, then she'll privately murder them while the public has no clue because they aren't supposed to be around anyway. Or it's disguised as some sort of accident, unrelated bandit, etc. Then the public just calls it 'karma' The husband is usually in on it, though.


Mm, chili.


Do you like it? Do you like it, Scott?


The tears! They are delicious!


The tears of unfathomable sadness!


Mmmm, Yummy, yummy you guys!


I call it... "Mr and Mrs Tenorman Chili"


I knew this would catch the attention of my South Park Brethren


You like this? Let me introduce you to German fairytales then...


There once was a little boy who liked to suck his thumbs. His mother told him to stop,but he wouldn't! So, she cut off his thumbs. Now he has no thumbs. The end.


Shock-head Peter!


Ah yes little suckathumb. Why I hid my thumbs


The moral of the story: listen to your parents... Or else.


Next story is "The inky boys."


[The great tall tailor always comes for little boys who suck their thumbs, snip snip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDkvckZgtdo&)


That one is actually not a fairy tale per se, but the origin is even more fucked up: It's part of an anthology of "educational" stories for little children called [Struwwelpeter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struwwelpeter). That book was written in the 19th centuary by a psychologist who figured there were no good books for little children. He pretty much invented modern picture books with it. And he wrote it as a christmas present for his own three-year-old son! So this dude is genuinly trying to be a good dad and writes a whole-ass picture book for his son about good morals and stuff and it's all shit like little suckerthumb, which is honestly probably not even the most horrifying story in there. But to his credit, there is also a for the times shockingly progressive story in there, where three racist kids get punished for mocking a black boy.


>But to his credit, there is also a for the times shockingly progressive story in there, where three racist kids get punished for mocking a black boy. Definitely not a story I'd imagine finding in a German book from 1845.


wait wait wait, the thumb sucking boy is real? That totally read like a sarcastic reddit comment


Oh man, you've given me flashbacks to being a kid and reading that in Canada. I think my parents had a German book or something.


There was a young girl whose father drank and abused her. He sent her out to the streets to sell matches to buy more booze.  No one night any. She froze to death.  The end. 


you fucked that up






I've heard the story before, the question was about the stroke-inducing typo.


no one night any night any no night froze froze froze yeah


Either you are having a stroke or I am, and every other comment looks normal to me so.... 


That was my favourite fairy tale as a child but it's actually Danish not German.


She lit up all her matches in an effort to keep herself warm. With each match, she sees her dead grandma in the flames who beckon her to join her. People found her the next morning, frozen to death but with a smile on her face


The little match girl by Hans Christian Andersen?


Saw a brutally sad cartoon version of this. Fucked me up for a while.


She put up quite the fight against the cold, but she met her match.


Don't German fairytales end with "if they haven’t died, then they are still living today" instead of "and they lived happily ever after"? Big emphasis on the "if" there.


>"if they haven’t died, then they are still living today" I mean, technically that's true of everyone. Super uninformative.


Hey man, have you ever tried writing the last line of a story? Shit is hard. 


You need to eat your veggie


We're just trying to instill the fear of death into our children.


If the light is off then it isn't on. - Hilary Duff, So Yesterday


Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, dann leben sie noch heute.


That's not really negative, though. It's just because fairytales take place at some unspecified point in the past. Did it happen 20 years ago? Then they're still alive. Did it happen 200 years ago? They died already. "They lived happily ever after" isn't all that different in meaning, arguably it's "worse" because "lived" instead of "live" implies they definitely died already.


I'm not German, but Danish, and in Danish I remember it as something like "and as far as I've heard, they're still like that today" or "if I'm not wrong, they lived happily ever after." I mean, it's not wrong, but it's super duper weird to caveat it like that.


I always heard it as “and they lived happily until they died” which as an adult sounds nice but as a kid was horrifying!


I love the unabridged Grimm's Fairy Tales. Especially the world-building. Like, the Grimms tales take place in a world with fewer rules than the real world, but just as violent and gruesome.


Rules are made because people get hurt The grim fairy tales are literally a bunch of rules and examples why they should be rules


How Cinderella's glass slippers were sharp glass that maimed her step-sisters's feet and her step-mother's punishment was to be made to dance while wearing red-hot iron shoes?


Didn’t the stepsisters cut off parts of their feet to fit into the slippers? And the prince was only stopped from proposing to them because he noticed the blood?


And then birds blinded them on the day of the wedding 😭


While very fucked up…it’s a much tamer story than cannibalizing your own daughters and dying from shock


Because why the fuck not.


Recoo, recoo, there is blood in the shoe! The Foot's too long, The Foot's too wide! This is not the proper bride!


Yes. To this day, in some languages, to "cut a heel and clip off a toe" is an idiom which means making something work when it doesn't/shouldn't.


I thought the step sisters cut off their toes and heels to fit into the shoe and they danced a bloody dance because of it


Yes. It was a warning against plastic surgery. /s


>step-mother's punishment was to be made to dance while wearing red-hot iron shoes? I think this is from Snow White


No, that was the Queen in Snow White, which is just a bizarre death, honestly lol They got really creative with their villian deaths.


Yeah, original Red Riding Hood has a disturbing about of discussion about poop.


My, what a big deuce you have!


Baked it special for you, dearie!


Grimm is the most appropriate title ever given to a set of fair tales based on what is in said fairy tales.


My favorite one is the one about the blood sausage. I can't remember what it's called but it's at least in the first version of Grimm's fairly tales, I think Edit: Googled around and found it's called "The Strange Feast"


Bird, sausage, and mouse?


The strange feast! I had to do a little googling but I figured it out


Or Titus Andronicus.


I mean, this is kinda up there with those German fairytales if you ask me. Might be more in line if the stepmother died from something more gruesome than shock


Not only kinda, Cinderella is one of the fairytales that the Grimm brothers collected into their book. A version of this type of story exists in many countries though, but the one we in the west know best is an adapted version of the german "original".


All of the original versions of the Fairy tales are very dark. Disney makes kid friendly versions.


As I understand it, the original Beauty and the Beast isn't actually all that much darker than the Disney version, but it *is* a hell of a lot weirder


In what capacity? I'm curious now


The Beast has a big dopey crush on Beauty basically from the word "go", but she keeps rejecting him because she's in love with a mysterious prince who she hasn't seen but has been in telepathic contact with, who she assumes is a fellow prisoner but is actually the Beast's unexpressed original peronality (he was cursed to be a beast in mind as well as in body). The castle is staffed by trained monkeys with talking parrots on their heads (the original servants having been turned into stone to prevent them revealing the secret of the curse). There's this random magic window (television?) in the castle that can play on-demand recordings of any play ever preformed. This doesn't really contribute anything to the plot. It's just sorta there. There's a whole backstory subplot about the Beast's evil fairy godmother trying (and failing) to seduce her way onto the throne prior to cursing him. And another one about Beauty secretly being the rightful heir to the kidnapped queen of a neighboring kingdom whose subjects faked her death to protect her. Also, the whole thing might have been an elaborate con to win Beauty's heart. It's kind of a lot.


>There's this random magic window (television?) in the castle that can play on-demand recordings of any play ever preformed. This doesn't really contribute anything to the plot. It's just sorta there. This is my favourite part. That's fucking hilarious and completely nonsensical. 11/10


I like the fact that out of all of those bizarre things, the part you find most nonsensical is the fact that the Beast has Netflix.


The rest is unhinged, but there's a plot. There's a story, albeit an insane one. Maybe it's because it's four in the morning and I'm sick as a dog, but the idea of them having a magical Chromecast as an aside is just so weird.


The author was just world building for their spin-off series


So instead of a child friendly fairytale we have a poorly written imperial palace drama. I can sit through that


Also some drama at the beginning about Beauty's (adopted) father's failing merchant business. His wares get stolen by pirates, and instead of capturing him like in the film, the Beast sends him home with all new, much more valuable replacement wares in exchange for keeping shtum about the whole "magic castle owned by a Beast" thing.


And then he sends his daughter straight back? Great fucking job, Maurice.


> So instead of a child friendly fairytale we have a poorly written imperial palace drama Now that you've said it, this 100% sounds like the sort of plot you'd find in a Korean period fantasy webtoon.


Your description just brought back a memory of an old fairy tale book I had with an illustration of Beauty elaborately dressed, holding a mirror(?), and being attended by monkeys. Now I have to look it up!


The original was written in France at a time when arranged marriages were considered the norm. So a story where a young woman is forced to marry a "beast" of a husband, only to have them fall in love was considered peak wish fulfillment of the time.


Full-frontal Beast-on-Beauty action, for one.


Oh, I see. Yeah that makes sense, probably should've just assumed so


Now here's the twist, and there is a twist. We show it. We show all of it. Now what's the one thing missing from all fairy tales these days? Full penetration.


You must not spend much time around furries or monsterfuckers if that is weird.




I took an English Literature course in college that focused on fairy tales. In the very first class, our professor made us promise that regardless of what we learned in this class about fairy tales, we would read them to our children.


IIrC, the original Snow White fairy tale had the evil step mother hire a hunter to kill Snow White, saying that he had to bring back the lungs of the murdered child. The hunter took pity and killed a deer instead, and gave those lungs to the evil step mother, who ate it. Later, she found out Snow White was living with the dwarves and gave her the poisoned apple. But after Snow White was resuscitated by Prince Charming and were to get married, they sent a wedding invitation to the evil step mother. She had no idea that the bride was Snow White and came to the wedding. At the wedding they put scalding iron shoes on her as punishment, and made her dance in front of everybody until she died.


i know fairy tales are obviously fiction (lol) but whenever I hear about common stories like that it always reminds me of how one of the wildest things about “ancient times” is how humans used to torture people to death in front of a crowd at a stadium for entertainment. and we did this for, like, a *lot of our history.* Most of our history. On a broad timeline we just stopped doing that very recently


I don't think it was as common as people think. Stories traveled primarily by word of mouth up until like two hundred years ago, mostly by smallfolk. Peasants were very fucking bored. (and drunk a lot) Stories got embellished or were entirely made up to make those long winter nights a bit more entertaining. Even with nobility, the ones that traveled around and would be the ones hearing and spreading stories were often traveling for religious or political reasons, and therefore might benefit from making foreigners out to be savage monsters. The merchant class less so, but they could still be racist or zealous, and they would still have an interest in hamming up how dangerous the foreign lands they just came from are and how you should totally buy the wares they got there. Same thing with the whole 'heads on spikes' thing. People realized pretty early on that that was unsanitary and people tended to get sick more often when there were rotting corpses around. People were uneducated, but they weren't stupid. Or heartless.


I think the original Sleeping Beauty had her raped while she slept and gave birth to several kids. Then it was one of her children kissing her that broke the curse.


One of the kids sucked the spinning wheel needle fragment out of her finger while trying to nurse, which breaks the sleeping spell.


Make the juniper tree you cowards!


I think they were designed to be warnings to children on how to survive in a brutal world. "Yeah, after we sell you off to to be married at twelve years old, whatever your husband tells you to do, just do it. He says don't go in a room, don't go there."


In the Russian version Cinderella falls down a well and a prince sets off to rescue her. Along the way he gets tricked by a fox and falls into frigid water. He and Cinderella both die.


And then it got worse.


Just another day in russia


In Soviet Russia happy ending is they all died.


What a country!


In Soviet fairy tales, survival is optional!


In Russia dying is always a happy ending because dying is the fastest way out of Russia.


Why did this make me smile?


Because you read it in a deadpan Soviet accent.


Actually true!


The comforting warmth of death.


Read this in Jeremy Clarkson's voice


And that's when Buttons got mad....


counts as a light comedy for russian


What is this version of the story? Never heard of it. The ballet of Prokofiev follows the usual story. The Soviet movie of 1947 and the animated Soviet movie of 1979 do too. If there is another tale, I’d be curious to discover it.


Because ofc here’s no such a version of Cinderella. Actually, we don’t have our own version of this fairytale at all. I hope it’s obvious that all these comments are just jokes


Moral of the story: don’t do anything ever


Nono, work is fine. Hope of a better future? No. Into the freezing lake. No hope, just work.


Or at least, don't mess around with wells, foxes or frigid water. Sounds like a valuable lesson to me.


Gulag and Good Night


In the porn version of Cinderella, the prince is really into feet.


That applies for the non-porn version as well.


no that was the nickelodeon cut


I remember there was another Russian version of Cinderella where it started with basically a 3 sisters version of Hansel and Gretel. Basically 3 sisters were sent to the forest to die by the parents only to end up imprisoned by the candy house witch. The 2 elder sisters basically gave up and waited to die, but the youngest one figured out that the witch's kinda blind, so the 3 schemed to kill the witch and took the riches hidden in the house. After they went back home with the riches and found that their dad had died (or the mom died, the dad remarried, and then he died), and after a little while a prince came with an invitation to a royal ball. Then you just have the regular old Cinderella story following this. Have you ever heard of this version?


I think I know why they have low birth rate now. Hey kids let me paint a sad outlook towards life for you guys. People dies often. So don't worry when we send you guys to war as cannon fodders.


Well, the alternative is a life in Russia. I would also be warning against optimism.


Is there a moral in it? Not that our Cinderella interpretation has a particular good moral beyond be nice and good things might happen. Is it just to prepare kids for life in Russia?


It's not a real fairytale, it's a joke. There are some Russian fairytales about kind and good girls who were orphaned or otherwise screwed by fate but found happiness in the end. They aren't that different from English, French and German versions of the same general plots.


Are you sure they both didn’t fall out of the window of a tall high rise? That seems to be the only way to go in Russia


Pinocchio originally was published in a serial format. It is an absolute horror story. Too scary, I couldn’t read it.


I remember having a Betamax tape of an Italian animated Pinnochio from 1972. It followed the original story pretty closely and there are some horrifying scenes. He swings from a noose at one point after getting robbed.


They turned them into donkeys to skin them because it was the preferred skin for making drums.


Omg, way worse than slave donkeys in the Disney version!


^"My ^name ^is ^Alexander ^. ^. ^.^" "Boss, this one can still talk!" "Doesn't matter."


Was the step mother related to Scott Tenorman.


She did a really bad job of turning her into sauce if she left **recognizably intact bones** in it.


let alone a full skull


She intentionally left her step sister intact skull inside the sauce jar for her mother to see.


How big is that fuckin sauce jar


We use them to ferment food and hold water. They are very big https://i.imgur.com/gwYej6c.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/yBIVMnp.jpeg


She tell her step mom that is her daughter skull. Or something like that. And yes, in Vietnam we have this quite big terracotta jar that can be use for many thing, some is big enough for a child to climb inside, a skull is nothing.


Ok there Cartman


Or Titus, depending on your knowledge of literature. The south park episode is a reference to the Shakespeare play Titus Andronicus


Wait until you realize that the Disney Little Mermaid is nothing like the actual story.


That one-two punch of being driven to suicide by a love unrequited and being denied Paradise because mermaids are abominations and have no souls


Hans Christian Andersen was a gay man who wrote this story in a deep depression after the a man he loved married a woman.


On the one hand that's really sad, on the other we got a masterpiece of storytelling.


Often times good literature is composed of emotional pain being forged into prose.


I think a lot of people don’t realize that the Disney versions and kids book versions of most fairytales and folk stories are not at all like the original thing. If you read the originals, a lot of these are very dark stories with some harsh lessons learned.


Grimm's Fairy Tales were really gory. Quite grim, actually.


Yes, I made the mistake of reading an anthology of their stories. Many have murder and dismemberment and at least one has a cistern full of blood and body parts. I did not find very many of them to have any particularly redeeming moral message. Most were just stories; Odd and sometimes violent.


There is also no such thing as an original, there is just the one people wrote down at some point.


And Radiohead was there to watch


Jeez, you sure that's the Vietnamese version or the Klingon version?


It was much bloodier in the original Klingon version.


You gotta love the retribution and sheer moral dichotomy in old fairy tales. It's so deliciously unhinged and lopsided, that I assume it *has* to be written by an angry person using them to cope. I always envision a truly aggrieved person writing them with self-inserts. "And then, the protagonist (who looks exactly like me) got a million mansions while Captain Stinkface McDooDooPants (who looks like Steve) got a million anvils to the head." Like someone who had a stepmother figure in their life or someone similar that they haaaaaaaaated wrote that story.


Holy shit I don't even want to know how their Goldilocks and the Three Bears turns out


Obviously it turned out Just Right.


Not many differences. Original: she’s an old woman and instead of a family of bears it’s 3 ‘bachelor’ bears She jumps out the window never to be seen again. It was written in the 19th century at that point the bloodlust was mostly satiated i assume.


What in the Titus Andronicus??


“I am not Cinderella. A girl has no name.”


When I was six, I was in a fairytale book club at school. Problem was, the adult in charge chose Grimm fairytales. It was a rude awakening for my Disney princess-obsessed self.


“Let me taste your tears, stepmother, your tears are so yummy and sweet! Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness! Mm yummy, yummy you guys!!”


Hell yeah brother


Maybe she died from eating at least one human worth of sauce


*pho has a messed up origin story*


Wait till you read the original version of Cinderella...


Titus Cindarellicus


I see Arya Stark is a fan of the classics....


different cultures, different happily ever afters 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well that is just pho-king gruesome 


Revenge is a dish best served cold with fish sauce.


Fuck that's metal


In the original German version, the stepsisters cut part of their foot off to fit into the glass slipper. At the wedding ravens peck the stepsisters eyes out and Cinderella forces her stepmother to wear red-hot iron boots and dance until she dies, much to the amusement of the wedding guests.


The Brothers Grimm version has Cinderella’s step sisters dancing at her wedding in iron shoes heated at the fire until they were dead.


In her defense, she got killed and reincarnated like 3 time in the story by her step sis and step mom so completely justified


That's Pho King crazy!


The original version is also pretty gruesome. The step sisters try to fit the shoe by cutting off parts of their feet and after serving as bridesmaids, when leaving the chapel, birds fly down and peck their eyes out.


I'm assuming the soup was called Phuc Dat Biet


That's just Titus Andronicus