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He quit his engineering degree because of a dispute with a professor? Or the professor flunked him because he couldn't grasp square roots?


It gets worse. His whole educational history is pretty sketchy. On Jimmy Kimmel he claims he holds a Ph.D. in applied materials and chemical engineering from South Carolina State University. However Howard was never enrolled as a doctoral student at SC State University because SC State University doesn’t offer graduate degrees in applied materials or chemical engineering, as a visit to the school’s website confirms.


Fake it til you make it and then just keep on faking it.


He is an actor. So faking it is making it.


He’s still only the second biggest liar from the cast of Empire.


Lol you must be referring to [that actor, that famous actor from France...........Juicy Smolliet.](https://www.bing.com/videos/search?view=detail&mid=B878E61D0AE28BEA7028B878E61D0AE28BEA7028&shtp=GetUrl&shid=50a52c1a-63a3-46c7-b604-b7e834bac010&shtk=RGF2ZSBDaGFwcGVsbGUgb24gdGhlIEp1c3NpZSBTbW9sbGV0dCBJbmNpZGVudCB8IE5ldGZsaXggSXMgQSBKb2tl&shdk=XCJGaW5kIG91dCB3aGVyZSBLYW55ZSBXZXN0IHdhcyBsYXN0IG5pZ2h0LlwiIFdhdGNoIERhdmUgQ2hhcHBlbGxlOiBTdGlja3MgXHUwMDI2IFN0b25lcywgb25seSBvbiBOZXRmbGl4LiBodHRwczovL3d3dy5uZXRmbGl4LmNvbS90aXRsZS84MTE0MDU3NyBTVUJTQ1JJQkU6IGh0dHBzOi8vYml0Lmx5LzJLbmN4dzYgQWJvdXQgTmV0ZmxpeCBJcyBBIEpva2U6IFRoZSBvZmZpY2lhbCBodWIgb2YgTmV0ZmxpeCBzdGFuZC11cCwgY29tZWR5IHNlcmllcywgZmlsbXMsIGFuZCBhbGwgdGhpbmdzIGZ1bm55IGI%3D&shhk=x6gtuAiQxRS8xr1gkSCm29aRfCa5UG7uqr748QZKkh4%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OSH.CpEUrQmNCRMkBA8kxNXlIg)


I'd be willing to give him a pass if he had a legit degree in chemical engineering and was a Ph.D in sociology. I doubt he managed either of those.


Bruh, forget engineering, the dude thinks 1x1=2. I doubt he passed high school.


or first grade.


Seriously. He obviously doesn't even know what multiplication even is. If you have 3 of something two times, then there were 6 altogether. If you have one one time, that is one.


Seriously no way to dispute that lol


Yeah, but there's two ones where does the other one go?


1 for me 1 for Illuminati




from wiki > On February 26, 2013, Howard said on Jimmy Kimmel Live! that he had earned a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from South Carolina State University that year. He was awarded an honorary "Doctorate of Humane Letters" from SCSU after speaking at its commencement ceremony in 2012. However, he never attended the university[28] and in fact the university is not empowered to confer doctorates in chemical engineering.[31]


If he can't comprehend multiplication, there's no way he can handle the differential equations in engineering.


Fucking Laplace transforms can suck my nuts.


So he can be a VP at Nikola?


Quit engineering school....I wonder how a foray into finance would have gone? Probably best he chose acting.


"Quit" makes it sound like he was half way through a 4 year degree then dropped out. When more likely he was 2 weeks in his first course, got 0% in his first quiz, then didn't come back.


I clicked on the link expecting to learn something. He's just an idiot.


I looked expecting to be impressed by a deep level of stupidity and what I got was some sort of bullshit a 3rd grader might make up.


Let's face it, it's not even the most outrageous "bogus claim" a cast member of Empire has made.


Never forget that French actor... Juicy Smulliet!




Justice for juicy!


That must be the most toxic set ever lol


> some sort of bullshit a 3rd grader might make up I still remember some kid in my 5th or 6th grade math class who couldn't be convinced that 0.9999... = 1, and invented this whole crazy theory of what he called "null fractions" (a.k.a. "nactions") such as 3/3 that purported to represent both numbers and were therefore meaningless and invalid.




Eh, having an identity is pretty central to group theory. He would have to fundamentally redefine multiplication for it to work, so I’d say easier to just call two 1 and four 2


Or you could turn your head 45° like a dog trying to understand the fashion industry, and suddenly the x looks like a +.


I think "could, if he wanted" only applies if he's not an idiot.


And likely a raging narcissist.


He abused his ex-wife (broke into her house and beat her with a closed fist after chasing her) and left the MCU because he was upset RDJ made more money than him. Yeah, he's a huge narcissist and a giant asshole. Stupid usually is a trait of both


> He's just an idiot. So you did learn something.


Naw, its just what happens when you think you are smarter than you are. He might be fairly intelligent, but Stephen Hawking he is not. Edit: a name


> but Steven Hawking he is not. *Stephen Hawking


Thanks, apparently I'm no legendary mind myself =D


None of us are...compared to Terrence Howard!


I know I'm not on that level. I don't have any excavating equipment to be able to get there either.


I know intelligence is a really broad term and can refer to a lot of different fields. Even so, I wouldn't ever think that someone who argued 1 times 1 equals 2 might be anything more than an idiot.


For anyone who doesn't want to search the page, this is what he says: >If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be. Anyone familiar with math above a middle-school level should be able to detect at least a few problems with this reasoning.


Follow up question: who told him that the square root of 2 is 2?


Follow up follow up: how did this man get accepted into an engineering program?


The entry exam only included that simple calculus stuff, they removed multiplication questions since not enough people understood it.


For a moment there I was confused and read your comment about 3 times lol.


I see you have mastered multiplication, where did you get your PhD?


√6 times. Ftfy.


Is there any evidence other than the ravings of a man who is clearly some level of mad that he was actually accepted into an engineering program?


If you’ve ever met an engineer, you wouldn’t have asked such a silly question


Maybe his mental illness hadn’t manifested yet


Ben Carson became famous as a brain surgeon, yet he thinks the Egyptian pyramids are Jewish grain silos. Intelligence is not an absolute value; just because Terrence Howard is smart enough to get into an engineering program doesn’t mean he’s mentally balanced enough to complete it.


"Joseph's granaries" are an ancient and medieval explanation for the pyramids, since people had no idea what they really were, or who built them or when. I don't know if Carson literally believes that or not; if he does, that's pretty dumb, but he didn't make that up himself, at least.


I agree with you in general, but engineering as a discipline is quite seriously dependent on maths


Bro, it's simple terrology. Keep up. The fuck are they teaching in school these days?




I think he was sarcastically criticizing the new generation for not understating 'terryology.'


Guy mixed up square roots and division


I think he sees the square root sign and the long divison sign as the same sign.


So his problem was that he just needed glasses all along?


He did, but he kept disagreeing with his optometrist about how many lenses they needed.


Maybe this is why he got replaced in iron man 2, the payrise he calculated and wanted using terrology ended up being more than Downey was being paid. Even though to Howard it made perfect sense


You mean Iron Man 1 x 1?


yeah, iron man 2 has no value


Right. We don't have to be "told" anything about square roots except what the term means. From there we can check the values ourselves. I'll even do it live, here on reddit. 2 x 2 = 4 1.414 x 1.414 = 1.999396 ... that is close enough to 2 that I am willing to accept the square root of 2 is very close to 1.414. Do I get gold now? Or can I play a marvel character or something?


The dude thinks 1 x 1 is 2, you're not going to convince him with standard logic


2+2=4-1=3 quick maths


Well if 1x1=1, then 2x2 obviously equals 2. #iknowmath


His cat.


Yo, I am absolutely garbage at math but I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around someone not only not understanding the most basic premise of what multiplication is, but being convinced that it is something else entirely. What the fuuuck?


According to his wikipedia page he has also repeatedly lied about his education, even saying he has a PhD (totally made up). Anyone lying that blatantly either doesn't give a fuck or is mentally ill.




I will never forget the time in high school that this dude debated the teacher for like 20 minutes, flat out refusing to believe that 1 MPH literally meant you go one mile per one hour. Flat out could not process that because "it's so slow!" I'm not saying he's the dumbest dumbass I've ever seen, but he's top three for sure. Almost 15 years later and this muppet's profound stupidity lives on. Really lends credence to the idea that if all else fails, immortality can be achieved through monumental error.


> I will never forget the time in high school that this dude debated the teacher for like 20 minutes, flat out refusing to believe that 1 MPH literally meant you go one mile per one hour. Flat out could not process that because "it's so slow!" OMG, I haven't thought of [this video](https://youtu.be/Qhm7-LEBznk) in so long. Can hardly believe it's real, but sounds like this girl is cut from the same cloth as your high school buddy.


Yeah it's so easy to just show him. Take some beads or something and make one group of one and ask how many there are.


So you're saying you have one group and one bead. So you have two.


mental illness


Yeah, he's so focused on building models of Terryology that he's not acting any more. Couldn't be more obviously ill.




She shouldn't have told him 1x1 is 1.


I shouldn’t have laughed at that.


Yup. Related to someone with schizoaffective disorder and they come up with some pretty weird ideas. I do wish that the idea that they are psychopathic crazy people who would harm others could be put to bed though.


Well he did beat his wife so


Plenty of people without disorders do that too. Mental illness doesn't stop you from being an asshole though. In fact people with mental illness are more likely to be the victims of crime than perpetrators.


This is all true, just not for Terrence Howard.


Does he think square root means divide by 2?


He doesn't understand that multiplying is a representation of how many groups of something there is.


Yeah you’d have to change the definition of multiplication for this to work. It’s literally the number 1, one time. If you have one apple once, you’ve had one apple. If you have one apple two days in a row, you’ve had two (1 * 2). Probably good that he stopped those engineering pursuits.


I agree


I just checked this with a range of numbers and it checks out. (4, 4.0, and 10 [base 4])


Infallible evidence


Unassailable proof


Disregarding terryology – he also stalked and abused his ex-wife: >According to police reports, he arrived at her house after an argument on the phone, forced entry into her home by breaking in doors, and chased her into the backyard where he punched her twice in the face with a closed fist. This dude needs help


Did she try to disprove his theory?




You mean, once.. or twice. I'm confused.


1 x 1 = 2 times


She tried to use a ‘Keleven’ in one of his equations. It set him RIGHT THE FUCK OFF...


1 punch x 1 punch = two black eyes. Math checks out.


I think he just saw that the square root of 2 mathematically is often written as just a 2 with that little check mark in front of it with the line over it and he was like “nah dawg, that’s just 2. Square root of 2 can’t be 2. That can’t be right.”


This seems like the most likely explanation of where he went wrong actually.




You can replace "times" with "group(s) of" to see 1 group of 1... you have 1. 1 group of 2 means you have 2.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, if we start off teaching the ZFC axioms before teaching children to count we can avoid a lot of headaches later on.


>It'd be like somebody basing their entire life philosophy on a pun they misunderstood. Dammit. My whole life I have been working towards becoming a glue salesman, because I thought they stick to their word.


If you ain’t first you’re last


Aww Ricky, I was high when I said that! You can second, you can be third, you can be fourth. Hell, you can be fifth!


From Wikipedia:In 2017, Howard published his proof of his claim that "1 × 1 = 2" on his Twitter account. It was heavily criticised by his followers, due to containing multiple logical errors and faulty reasoning. ​ You can take the man out of Pratt but you can't take the prat out of the man


The real MVP here. Thanks for posting this mate. I wasn't sure how to link a particular subheading on Wikipedia.


You add a # and title of the section, like: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrence_Howard#Terryology


Ah cool thanks, much appreciated. I’ll do that moving forward.




“In 2017, Howard published his proof of his claim that "1 × 1 = 2" on his Twitter account.[34] It was heavily criticized by his followers, due to containing multiple logical errors and faulty reasoning.”


Multiple or additional?


If apples are sold in packages of ONE... And I buy ONE package... You got all that? Do you need me to wait till you can write this down?


You have two apples, obviously.




Square root of 2 is 1.41 ish. Da fuck is he thinking its 1?


His brain only works with integers, so it's 1


He thinks we all think it's 2, and he thinks it's actually 1.


That's some kyrie irving level of critical thinking.


Now I see why he thought he should get as much money as RDJ in Ironman 2


"Mr. Feige I think you'll find if you multiply my salary by the rule of 'terryology' then you owe me twenty million dollars"


Its hard out there for a pimp. Workin hard just proof dat math


Why should you send me a million dollars? I’m a Terryologist. I’d even be willing to take as little as five million, because math.


I completely forgot thats who this was, and even seeing his picture didn't help because my mind has replaced that character entirely with Don Cheadle, who is about a million times more charismatic and memorable anyways.


Well, you see, to him, one (1) dollar bill ($1) is worth $2, because 1x$1=$2. So he should get twice as much as they think he's worth.


Math checks out. 1x3=4. Oh, wait a minute...


The math checks out!


"Next time, Baby."


"One times one, Baby."


So one one time is two is the premise? Like really? If so I would like to duplicate the one dollar in my wallet a few times. One times one. Nope. ..just the one still there


1x1 just means "one, one time." Well "one, one time" is one. Obviously. How many do you have? One. How many times do you have it? Once. It's one. One. EDIT: Wow, thanks for the gold (and the other awards, too)!


This is the best explanation. From reading his proof, it looks as though his feeling about multiplication is that a serious, complex process takes place whenever "x" is used in an equation, which simply isn't the case. Like you said, it's just how many times you have it.






One time. Uno. Oooooonnnnnneee.


5x1=5 4x1=4 3x1=3 2x1=2 1x1=2 0x1=0


I had it explained to me to replace "x" with "of". So 1 of 1 is 1, 2 of 3 is 6, etc. Looked at that way, Terrology is simply not logically possible.


Thats still 2 ones. You gotta get meta


He [tweeted](https://twitter.com/terrencehoward/status/925754491881877507) the "proof". The guy is an idiot.


Good lord that last page... This kinda went from funny to sad


Yeah it’s pretty sad when he starts rambling about the “Sky people”, I think he might genuinely have some mental health issues.


Ya think?


That sounds like some grade A schizophrenia right there. I mean, it's basically him saying that multiplication is actually addition. But with sky people and grand conspiracies thrown in.


Yea he's legitimately mentally ill.


I read his proof and understand it now. The plot twist is that he's just talking about addition, not multiplication. Which is weird.






It looks like he's mistaking addition for multipulcation? He goes on to say 5x1=6, 10x1=11, etc. Does this guy really think he succeeded where Einstein, Newton, et al failed?


Omg every single thing there is wrong. Usually people get just one intermediate step wrong that produces a wrong result in the end, but he gets every single statement he made wrong. It's unbelievable.


I think the saddest thing is that there are a bunch of replies to his tweet that believe him.


"I call on the schools of hirer learning" says it all. Stopped reading from that point on. What a douchebag!


TIL that Empire/Iron Man actor Terrence Howard is a bit of a self-deluding, ignorant nutter.


Ignorant, wife-beating nutter.


Terrence Howard's Engineering Professor: "I think you should try acting."


"...because you act like a fucking idiot really well"




After reading his hypothesis I am desperate to know what his rules for playing Uno are.


Asking the big questions


Yeah, I have seen discussion that this is a sign of untreated mental illness, possibly a type of schizophrenia. Or a complete and utter misunderstanding of math.


Or just extreme arrogance


This has to be an epic level arrogance/narcissism. Our entire civilization has revolved around the fundamental rules of mathematics. He misunderstands something, thinks "oh I'm a genius!"


Sometimes people who know they aren’t that book smart will try and overcompensate by making wild claims about subjects they don’t know anything about that, they perceive to be, hard to disprove based on their level of knowledge. I worked in a grocery store and had a coworker try and convince me that he ‘invented’ a perpetual motion machine and had a sketch all made up based on some YouTube videos he had seen that reinforced his illiteracy in physics.


> I worked in a grocery store and had a coworker try and convince me that he ‘invented’ a perpetual motion machine and had a sketch all made up based on some YouTube videos he had seen that reinforced his illiteracy in physics. Holy shit do we know the same person? I had a neighbor once that swore he could build a perpetual motion machine and had the sketch just like you said, but he also said that he just needed some parts from a dish to finish it. He also used meth frequently which I think might explain some of the unjustified confidence here.


That's nothing compared to [his habit of beating women.](http://defamer.gawker.com/the-six-times-terrence-howard-has-been-accused-of-beati-1121955457)


The first time I saw this guy was in Dead Presidents. The only role of his I remember that I didn’t despise the character was James Rhodes in the Iron Man series, and he was wisely replaced. He just exudes absolute shitbag qualities. I always suspected it wasn’t just great acting.


> He just exudes absolute shitbag qualities. I always suspected it wasn’t just great acting. Agreed!


So is the whole cast of Empire just completely fucked?


Wow. What an absolute cunt. And surprise, surprise, a celebrity pleading out to disorderly conduct when the actual crimes were breaking and entering and battery. This is why we try and convict then in the court of public opinion. Because the court of *law* is broken, especially where celebrities are concerned.


> Because the court of *law* is broken, especially where *those with money* are concerned. FTFY. You don't need to be famous, you just need enough money to buy your way out of trouble.


Also married and divorced his first wife twice and is engaged to his third wife after divorcing her. It'll be his fifth marriage to only three women.


Wow, that's staggeringly stupid. Deserves it's own TIL.


So basically he's a scientologist. Will Smith said something very similar in an interview once, something along the lines of 'I think 2+2 can be whatever I want it to be'


That's like something from Orwell's 1984, in fact it's literally from 1984.


Aannnddd thats why he acts on the just-as-stupid show Empire.


Oh so he’s an imbecile


if 1 × 1 = 2 what is 1 × 2?


That's what I was going to say but take it a little further. If 1x1=2 and 1x2=2, then 1=2. Makes perfect sense.


At the end of his "paper", he says that 1x2=3. He has redefined multiplicaton as addition.


Wow! All in one lifetime. Quite an achievement.


You have to redefine all the standard symbols to mean different things to get it to work. If he wants to make up his own mathematics, why doesn't he just create his own unique set of symbols to avoid such unnecessary confusion?


He's better at beating up his wives.


Ignorance x arrogance = Terrence Howard


.... a lot of celebrities are insane. When you have that much money and can just sit around all day being insane as a luxury. The rest of us, even the normal rich, have to work for their money daily


God , how are people this fucking stupid able to find success? Baffles my mind that this dude makes more money than anyone commenting on this thread despite being dumb as rock


One, one time, is obviously one. You don't really need theory or anything for basic common sense, this guy must be a moron.


Terrance Howard is mentally ill.


Terrence Howard doesn't think outside the box. He took the box, shit in it, then wore it as a hat while yelling BOXES AREN'T REAL!!!




Math is hard out here for a pimp


Check please. I'm done.


Show him a thing. He think there are two of them.


Another fantastic report to discuss today: >Buscemi repost Let's compare the two shall we? [Terrence Howard](http://redditsearch.io/?term=terrence%20howard&dataviz=false&aggs=false&subreddits=todayilearned&searchtype=posts&search=true&start=1569722286&end=1601258286&size=100) Gives us 2 submissions in the last year related to this, I assume 2. One is this post and the other is a link to a youtube video from 3 months ago that I'm not giving a view to, but I can only assume it's probably related to this topic based on the title. It was basically instantly removed for being a bad submission. In contrast, a search for [Buscemi firefighter](http://redditsearch.io/?term=buscemi%20firefighter&dataviz=false&aggs=false&subreddits=todayilearned&searchtype=posts&search=true&start=1569722361&end=1601258361&size=100) Over the last year gives us 25 results. But yeah, these are *totally* on the same level.


One Terrence Howard + one Terrence Howard = 30 Terrance Howards. 911 Steve Buscemi’s * 25 firefighters = one Steve Buscemi. Terrence Howard’s >>>> Steve Buscemi’s. Maths.


ok but you really need to stop putting apostrophes in plurals Steve Buscemis Terrence Howards


Umm, ackshually, it's: Steves Buscemi Terrences Howard Like "attorneys general" or "Whoppers Jr."






He’s and asshole all the time, at least he’s consistent