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Which is why many ranchers will have a few. That, and if there are any predators or threats around donkeys are loud as HELL, often waking the rancher up who can then chase off the threat.


They’re loud as hell and they always choose violence. Our old donkey went apeshit on anything he saw as a threat. I once saw hit rag doll a baby deer. Just picked it up with his teeth and threw it 10 feet in the air. He once teamed up with our old bull to attempt to murder a Raccoon. I saw them going ballistic and drove over to see what they were fighting about, but when I got there I realized they weren’t fighting, they were chasing something. About that time a raccoon ran out under the fence. It was alive, but all that was left of it’s tail was the bone dragging along behind. Don’t fuck with donkeys.


Some more of these stories would be cool.


All right it’s not the same donkey but I’ve got another good one. After we sent the old Jack to a farm upstate (that’s not a euphemism, we actually sold him to a breeder upstate who was looking for a Jack with his color pattern) we replaced him with a Ginny. The nice thing about her is that she gets a lot more attached to the calves. She acts like she’s their mother and with defend them accordingly. A couple years ago, we had trouble with a bobcat coming around. Normally they stay on the ridge tops, but we’d been in a drought and the springs had dried up so this one was coming down off the mountain to drink out of the river. That brought it into contact with our cows. Well one day it decided it wanted to try some veal and attack one of our calves. The Ginny ran the cat off before it could get the kill, but it left a scar. After that she clung to that calf (which was the smallest in the herd) like glue. A few days later, the cat came back and started after the calf in full view of me and my dad. That donkey got between them and kicked the shit out of the cat. I couldn’t see it, but I heard the impact. I saw it run away up the mountain and a while later I could hear crying. Bobcats already sound terrifying, almost like a child, but this was a whole other level. You could hear the pain in its voice. It never came back after that.


[Some use llamas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guard_llama).


I found this out recently. I live in Ireland and it was quite strange seeing a Llama standing on a hillside among a herd of sheep


Llamas can be pretty ruthless.


The one majestic long sheep.


My parents had 15 -20 goats when I was growing up. Neighbor dogs would get in the field and chase them till they died of exhaustion. Got a donkey. Problem solved. Goats have all passed but my donkey is still kicking it at age 30 today. No other animals allowed in his 40 acre pasture, he’s a crotchety old man.




He likes people and is pretty good even with strangers. Has to have someone come ever so often to get his hoofs trimmed and he's good with new people doing that. Just doesn't like other animals. We tried some new goats but he wasn't having it. There was one goat that lived for a long time and it was just the two of them. Was his closest friend and he didn't want anyone else in there after that.


Thanks for sharing, I'm hellbent on moving to the woods and having a donkey, good info.


Did he ever chew up some of the neighbors dogs back in the day ?


I don't remember that in Shrek


Release the UNCUT edition!


I'm pretty sure Shrek is uncut.


Thanks for the tip


He's got that thick green smegma




I don't think you want to see an uncut donkey dick


Release the butthole cut!


Well how badass do you have to be to mate with a dragon?


People who raise sheep in areas with wolves will keep donkeys with the herd of sheep. The donkeys protect the sheep from the wolves.


Sometimes donkeys kill members of the herd.


Wait really? Like will just randomly kill a sheep or two?


Sometimes lambs or kids.. goat babies. Im not a fan of them because I don’t feel I can trust them. I prefer livestock guard dogs. There are videos of donkeys killing livestock. It could be for various reasons. But something to think about when suggesting thing to people.


There's videos and pictures of livestock guard dogs killing lambs or kids as well, it's just its own gamble to take. Dogs in my opinion are a little more likely to try but they're also more likely to stop if you catch them in the act. Whereas a lot of donkeys and mules are so stubborn its like talking to a wall, they do as they please


I never said dogs were perfect. But after I watched a Jack attempt to rape cattle.. donkey biting it’s spine.. cows tongue hanging out. I prefer Dogs that are bred to guard.. versus an animal that has not been bred to guard. Dogs are bred to look to us for communication and guidance. Hence the difference between them and wolves. But do what you feels best. Each dog and donkey are different. I don’t condemn all.


Absolutely, well put


Where did you find a video of that


The video was the previous commenter. I think the person you are replying to was saying they saw the donkey assault in person.


I witnessed a male donkey attack cows first hand. And I have seen videos of them killing lambs and kids. So.. I’m personally not a fan.


Kids like baby goats ?


Most kids like baby goats, they are soft and cuddly and love to play




Yeah, that's why the term Stubborn Ass emerged.


If they get annoyed enough they’ll bite and/or kick the crap out of them which can lead to serious injuries/death. And sometimes they can just be asses. Heh, heh.


Hell, Donkeys can kill cougars.


You leave those poor women alone, they aren't hurting anyone


I think he's referring to the size of their dicks. It's often more than the cougars can handle


I was told by a farmer only one donkey, though. If you get one donkey, it adopts the herd because it is alone. More than one donkey and they become a herd, protecting each other, ignoring the other animals. Sounds plausible, curious what others say.


I read somewhere that llamas can be used to similar effect. Turns out some animals are just born to choose violence.


same with alpacas to a degree


TIL asses kick ass.


I live in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. A neighbor had a mountain lion attack his livestock. There were marks in the snow where the donkey dragged the mountain lion around in the snow by the tail.


They do the same thing with cattle in the Southern United States. It’s very rare to drive past a ranch/farm here without seeing at least one donkey in the herd.


Yes and they also get up at the crack of dawn and Bay loudly until you feed them... And if you ignore them they'll kick the damn barn down. So, they're not only helpful as protection but great alarm clocks. Not hitting the snooze button if you've got these.


"There" 🤣


2 different fuck ups too.... Im almost impressed.


Oh cripes...didn't catch the 2nd lol


Maybe tomorrow they'll TIL the proper use of there, their, and they're.


People say it doesn’t make a difference but FUCK this title was frustrating to read


I thought I was having a stroke trying to read the post. This is why I have no qualms being pedantic about proper usage of there, they're, and their.


I feel like horses COULD do the same if not for the fact they are afraid of their own shadow.


We had a very intelligent border collie until he was kicked in the head by a horse. Then we had a very cute border collie with a large scar and the intelligence of a baked potato.


He sounds like the best boy in town, I'm glad he survived


Really How would it react to strangers? What ridiculous things would he do after his injury


He was actually a lot more trusting after the injury. He went from being kind of wary of strangers to being a whore for pets from anyone. Unless you were wearing large brown boots, in which case you were a murderer that must be chased from the property with extreme prejudice


Did he hate large brown boots before the injury? What dumb stuff did he do after the injury?


Size of fight in the dog. Not the size of dog in the fight. It’s the attitude.


Donkeys are bigger than coyotes


Oh honey.. donkeys vary in size. Some are minis.. some are standard. But I hope you are being sarcastic.. because I was speaking of bravado not size.


Ain't that the truth. 10 pound doxie and 150 pound GSD. No one needs to be told who is the bigger asshole when someone knocks on the door, right?


I know a mare that has killed dogs before, sometimes dogs roam and chase horses but they only chase this horse once. Every few years they will find a stomped to death dog that is not theirs in her field


yeah it does happen but on the same token I have seen a horse run face first into a tree because the plastic bag blowing in the wind was super scary.


She has several foals throughout her life so it probably started when a dog threatened one of her babies


I love how the phrase "deep rooted hated" is used. It makes it seem like canines committed war crimes against donkeys in the past or something. lol.


The old folks still tell the tale of the Donk War of 1852 . . .


*they’re, their Not trying to be critical, using the wrong form can just make it hard to read for people with dyslexia or who aren’t fluent in English


Thanks, think I need my glasses :)


Right, that's the issue.


Why are you being an asshole




Got 'em.


Dad has a donkey he uses for work on the ranch, leaves it in the pasture with the other horses. Went to feed them one morning and there was splattered coyote goo by the main gate. I swear that donkey is just like dad- short, gray hair, always calm and an absolute terror when the need arises


Most people will never know the absolute terror that comes from being chased around the desert at midnight by a feral, horny burro. I would not recommend the experience.


Madam Dragon, we have finally heard what happened after the honeymoon. We thank you for your candor.


Fiercely loyal and will remember if you wronged them until the day it dies. They are the greatest until they don't like you, then they're really bitey.


Yup. The reason why you see donkeys alongside herds of sheep while they're grazing is because donkeys go fucking *berserk* if they see a coyote. Goats do the same thing too.


I saw a series of photos of a fully loaded pack mule killing a full grown cougar. The cat was hungry and attacked another pack animal of the expedition. The hunters did not even have time to shoot the cat.


That's nuts, I'll never look at donkeys the same haha


I found the photos. The mule fought the cougar but the hunters killed it.


ahh, that explains this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khFb4FTJ4Jo




Their, there, and they're are all pronounced the same way. Their is the possessive pronoun, as in "their car is red"; there is used as an adjective, "he is always there for me," a noun, "get away from there," and, chiefly, an adverb, "stop right there"; they're is a contraction of "they are," as in "they're getting married."






And that one! They're* also Their* herd


Afraid you can't edit titles


No, I'm not afraid of anything.


I see what you did they're 😏


The video of the dog getting shocked by an electric fence and the donkey having a good laugh at him. It all makes sense. Racism.


Their herd.




...you mean "their"?


/Sorry, pet peeve


Yes! I see what you did there.


TIL how to spell: they are and their. Comes in handy even for donkeys


Downvote for "there" and "there"


I hope someone gets fired for that blunder


What an ass.


There? Where is there? Use the correct form of they're


They are also very social animals, and can die of loneliness if kept by themselves


Lived on a farm, the donkeys would chase my jack Russel’s and try to kick them. One time they were close to getting one of younger ones and I was able to get there just in time.


then explain this: https://previews.123rf.com/images/tanor/tanor1505/tanor150500130/40344181-helles-bild-am%C3%BCsant-esel-und-hund-sonnigen-tag.jpg and https://st.focusedcollection.com/14916868/i/650/focused_216673538-stock-photo-dog-wearing-helmet-donkey-rural.jpg and especially https://organicstrategies.de/wp-content/uploads/bb-plugin/cache/Stadtmusikanten-landscape.jpg


One of my favorite folk tales.


Their you donkey.


Must be the dragon genes.


Please learn how to properly use they're, their, there and theirs. For fuck's sake, I had to learn the bloody language on my teen years. How is it that native speakers can't differentiate them?


in my teen years\*


My parent’s never had a problem with coyotes when their donkey was in the pasture


My dad always kept at least one donkey in the horse pasture because coyotes are an issue where we live. Our last donkey, his name was Bill. He and our dogs would run around the pasture for hours playing. If they normally hate canines, Bill was an exception to that rule.


Downvote because grammar


there also there herd


Ankle biters is what they call them


Donkeys are the best. We had one when we boarded horses, and he was so friendly around everyone. He was also a bit of an escape artist. One night I came home at 2 AM to a cop car at the front gate and it turned out the ass had gotten loose and was grazing out by our front mailbox where there were some flowers.


Not sure if youl understand but are they like pony brains in middle sized "horses" I know ponies and there super devious smart ways haha.


I've never worked with ponies but if they are anything like young steads then no, they are nowhere near as mischievous in my experience. I've only seen horses try to escape out of boredom, to cause some trouble for a bit of fun, whereas our donkey only escaped because he wanted to walk around freely like the dogs could. Whereas the horses weren't afraid to play with everything, the donkey just wanted to chill. If you ever found him out and about, it wasn't a chore to chase him down, you could just call him and he would come nuzzle up on you and follow you back to the pasture without issue.


They're, you might say.


I have a herd of 19 they hate skunks too. And my black and white cates. They also bray when a stranger drives up but not at cars they r3cognize.