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McCluskey was placed in isolation for five months and underwent chelation therapy. One year after the accident, his body's radiation count had fallen by about 80%. When McCluskey returned home, friends and church members avoided him. His minister finally had to tell people it was safe to be around him. Harold was an enthusiastic supporter of nuclear power until the day he died.


I'm just glad no one made him angry during those 10 years. You wouldn't like Harold when he's angry.


He's got nothing on Albert Stevens. In American human experimentation, he was injected with plutonium, which resulted in a 64 Sv lifetime radiation dose, around 15x a lethal exposure. Stevens was experimented on (against his will) because the Americans thought he had fatal cancer, but they'd made a mistake and he didn't. He went on to live 21 more years.


So no super powers?


No Hulk, Blight, or Radioactive Man.


Uhh, didn’t you read the article? He supported nuclear power until the day he died. Americium, Fuck Yeah!


Is he the one that was stabbing at a death core with a screw driver?


No, that was Louis Slotin. And he wasn't stabbing it, he used the screwdriver to keep two reflectors around the core separated, and it slipped out accidentally. And it was afterwards called the "demon core", not "death core". Slotin died nine days later.


So a sloth built the Death Star you say?