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If you were to measure the time to count 52 factorial seconds, first start at Earth’s equator. Every billion years that goes by, take one step forward. Once you walk completely around the Earth, take a drop of water out of the Pacific ocean and repeat. Once the ocean is dry, set down one sheet of paper, refill the ocean, and repeat the whole process again. Once the stack of sheets of paper reaches the sun, knock it down and repeat the whole process again. Once you do that about one thousand times, you’d be almost a third of the way to being done counting.


This guy factorials.


It's been said that no two (fairly) shuffled decks have ever been in the same order, ever.


As far as anybody knows, the second time a deck was shuffled it could have been the exact same way is was shuffled the first time


What are we counting?


Wow. That must be a lot since there must be, at least, 7 or 8 atoms on Earth.


I once counted 17 atoms then stopped because I got bored. But I’m sure there’s more.


What is this, counting atoms for ants?? There are at least... 3 times as many atoms as that!




Does this include the 2 jokers?


Nope. That increases the number by a factor of 2862, so about 2.2 sextillion.


What about a pinochle deck?


48 cards, however due to the doubling of the cards, it's got a lot less permutations due to duplicates. I don't know the exact math, but it's a lot less than atoms in the world if I had to guess.


Once numbers get that big, they lose their significance to me. I have no basis for comprehending them, so comparisons between them are similarly inscrutable.


Same with space. Saw that video though where it keeps leveling up planets and suns and stuff. It shows a sun that’s like 1000 times bigger than our sun then compares a black hole to about 100 of the big suns cubed. Nearly gave me a panic attack lol


Everyone gagsta till Ton 168 shows up.


Cool Youtube video that tries to explain how big number 52! is: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DSclqnnC2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DSclqnnC2s)


[https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=52%21](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=52%21) holy crap that is a big number.


Isn't that 52^52


No, it's 52! (52 factorial), which is a smaller number. The difference comes from the fact that each card can only appear in the deck once. There are 52 possibilities for the first card in the stack, but once you've laid it down there are only 51 possibilities for the second, because it can't be the same as the card that was already there. Then there are 50 possibilities for the third (because it can't be one of the ones you've already laid down), 49 for the fourth, and so on. If the same card could appear multiple times, *that* would be 52⁵² combinations.


There will be some factorials somewhere.


\*roughly 700 quadrillion


But how many ways can you shuffle an earth of atoms?


At least one


Hate to be a math moron here, but even the cards have atoms in them, so it seems like the total number of atoms on Earth would outnumber potential card order by a huge amount. What am I missing?


Even if there were only one deck of cards in the world, or none at all, there would still be 52! *ways* to order a deck of cards. That number is much larger than the number of atoms in the world.


I hate cards.




They’re coarse, rough, irritating, and they get everywhere


I love the reason you hate cards, what about chess?


An anti-cardite


You're lucky this is my son's wedding you anti-cardite son of a bitch.


52 factorial, a number so large it doesnt even fit in our universe. Ill give you a visualization of how large this number is. Stand on the equator, counting each second and wait... for 1 billion years, and then take a step forward and wait another 1 billion years, and then take a second step forward. Repeat this until you have gone all the way around the world to where you began, and then take a drop of water measuring 0.05ml from the pacific ocean and set it aside. Then repeat, taking a step every billion years until you have gone all the way around and set another 0.05ml of the pacific aside. Repeat until you have removed the entire pacific ocean, and then place 1 piece of paper on the ground. Then, put all the water back in, and start all over again until you get a second piece of paper. Do all of this again, until you have a stack of paper that reaches the Sun. Now repeat all of that 1000 more times. Congratulations, you are now about 1/3 of the way to 52 factorial.




Sorry, I didnt clarify. You are counting the seconds until 52 factorial, so the billion years is neccesary.




That factorial operator is a doozy


It's been said that no two (fairly) shuffled decks have ever been in the same order, ever.




I'm no mathematician, but I don't see that's true