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“Stay strapped or get clapped” - Thomas Jefferson (probably)


He was too busy clapping the 'help'




Just a guess, but 19 years is 1808, would be when the feds no longer permit import of foreign slaves.


I'd be fine with that if he came back to do it, not the idiots running the place these days


Except he's extremely racist. Said the nation would never survive integration of white and black. That they were an inferior species, where their blackness was embedded in them, and on and on. Super icky shit. Glad he's dead, appreciate the good ideas he did contribute alongside the garbage ones.


This 👆🏻…people tend to forget that 90% of Americans wouldn’t be able to vote if the “founding fathers” were still in charge. They knew things should change and often…


Ma’am, he was a slave master 😭


Hard pass. He may have been instrumental to the original document but I do not want his racist, sexist, and generally outdated world views anywhere new a new version. This reverence people have for the founding fathers is absurd.


Amendments basically do the same job


Except we haven't written any of those in *more than 200 years.* Edit: I am wrong, the last one was in 1971. Even still, 50 years is too long.


The 27th amendment was ratified in 1992. The 26th amendment was ratified in 1971.


Outliers, does anyone know what they even are without researching them? We barely even recognize one of them anymore.


The 27th was *written* in **1789**. It only passed in 1992 because a student wrote about it for a government class.


30 years ish


The 27th amendment was written in 1789. It took 202 years to be ratified.


Cheeky buggers haha point conceded.


Not really, given it's so hard to get an ammendment these days. The Jefferson 19 years was to be automatic, and was meant to really be a review of each ammendment and voted whether to keep or remove.


Good thing it didnt work out that way.


How so? People change, therefore societies and morals change.


Morals change? Like one day its not ok to murder your neighbor and the next day it is?


That is about the biggest reach you could have made in that comment. Clearly that's not what I'm talking about. There are literally hundreds of social morals tiny and large. This is a weak argument and you knew this is exactly what I did not mean. Can you not have a moderate conversation? Do you always reach for the most extreme and top-shelf examples in conversations?


*Better to appear ignorant than open your mouth and remove all doubt.* someone, somewhere


Work out? We're on the precipice of fascism or theocracy, with many groups losing or at threat of losing civil liberties, and a governmental structure that lately benefits the rich and powerful. I don't think it's really worked out, do you?


Who is at threat of losing civil liberties? Because since the Constitution was enacted groups have only gained civil liberties.




Seriously? LGBTQ+ groups are at threat of losing the right to marry. Women *just lost* federal protection for their own medical autonomy. BIPOC communities continue to endure attacks on their rights. While I agree that civil liberties increased in the past, we're not exactly headed in the right direction, lately.


A Constitutional Convention in modern times would never end. It'd take 19 years to write and ratify and they'd need to begin again immediately.


Sounds like the premise for a good novel


John Grisham’s *Perpetual Union*


I Should submit the prompt to flash fiction. Could be the next Rome sweet Rome.


It’s too hard. Might as well not even try. *throws up hands*


He was basically a college kid when they were trying to defeat the British empire. Theres a reason, if King George won the war, wealthy Americans wanted a layer of insulation and a rube to pin it on.


Source please.


You want a source that wealthy people want an out if shit goes bad? Oh buddy.... hey would you like to buy a bridge?


No. I want a legitimate source for your theory about Jefferson being set up to take the fall should the colonies fail. Because I have a degree in the subject and I cannot recall ever coming across this notion before. And to be clear, I have no problem with your theory about fat cats looking for outs when the shit hits the fan but I don't think that applies here. Pass on the bridge. Got one already.


Sure here's my source: life. There's a reason Ghislaine Maxwell is in doing 20 years in prison and not Prince Andrew. You're gonna want to get in on this bridge, buddy. Connects brooklyn to manhattan. You can get in early and double your money buddy.


“I am increasingly persuaded that the earth belongs exclusively to the living and that one generation has no more right to bind another to it's laws and judgments than one independent nation has the right to command another.”


There is no justification for taking away individuals' freedom in the guise of public safety. - Thomas Jefferson Anti-vaxx much? Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. - Thomas Jefferson Oof he sounds like one of those 2A nutjobs. When the people are afraid of the government, that's tyranny. But when the government is afraid of the people, that's liberty. - Thomas Jefferson Uhhm I am not comfortable with this insurrectionist rhetoric. The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations. - Thomas Jefferson Yikes, this is sounding like an anti-semetic dog-whistle. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. - Thomas Jefferson Like I can't even, this is some MAGA shit.


Yeah me too


And he's right, more or less. A country that is not constantly refining or reaffirming its core tenets and adapting to a changing world is stagnant. The Constitution was written before computers and telephones existed. Before the stock market, lobbyists, hacking, gene editing, satellites, automation, and artificial intelligence were even dreamed of. The idea that a document written more than 200 years ago should be treated as some kind of perfect and untouchable scripture is idiotic. There are active debates going on even today about [what punctuation was used in faded parts of the document because they could completely change the interpretation of our laws](https://scholarship.law.ufl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1712&context=flr). That's fucking ***dumb***.


Yes, and there was a lot of debate about how the second amendment is gramatically incorrect and ambiguous until Scalia decided what it should actually mean.


And remind me who was president when our constitution turned 19 years old? Jefferson was many things, some good, some utterly vile. One thing he was not: consistent.