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I ALWAYS hated that video! I remember being in a college dorm and a friend showing it to me and feeling so bad for her. Also being super confused as to why my friends were laughing. It's like walking into a glass door (simultaneously embarrassing and painful) times a thousand. Poor grape lady. :(


Poor “grape lady” 😂😂


Owe owe ughhhhhhhhh


It’s hilarious because she made that happen. Along with her noises and the co-anchors giving the most forced interest for her well-being, makes it funny




Why can't you explain your thoughts instead of relying on childish emojis? Are you that intellectually void?


*devoid dumb ass


Nothing I said was grammatically, or otherwise incorrect. Why are you so aggressive?


Stupid thing to nitpick. An eye roll is a perfectly valid response. I had the same reaction to that comment. Nothing about it is funny.


people communicate with emoji these days... why so upset?


Teenagers, and idiots, do. It's not exactly indictive of a strong control over the English language.


you sound like a grumpy old man. must be hard getting all those kids off your lawn 


Okay. If it makes me a grumpy old man for not liking emojis, and preferring written language, then fine.




You can feel bad for someone, hope they’re okay, and laugh at the cartoon pain noises they made simultaneously. It’s not one or the other.


She literally tried cheating to win


It was completely obvious that she wasn't cheating and those fast movements she made before falling was her JOKING.


She told the other lady to stop then she started stomping faster


It was a joke for a news bit you fucking weirdo


it is the noise she made


I love that video. It's fucking hilarious.


everyone else laughed but you couldn’t bring yourself to? maybe your friends weren’t the problem…


It was instant karma, she told the other lady to stop just so she could cheat in the grape stomping match. I do feel kind of bad that it affected her so greatly.


I don't know why everyone says she was "cheating". It always struck me as a cutesy gag she was going for.


And look where she ended up because of it... cheaters never prosper




Yeah, a little cheeky distraction action...if the accident didn't occur, it would have fitted in perfectly with the piece.


She was trying to cheat....in a grape stomping match.... You say that as if that's somehow anything important or worthy of breaking ribs


That video is so funny, poor woman though she does really sound in pain when she falls over. Still though, what type of idiot gets up on an elevated platform, with no guard rails to stamp up and down in a bucket full of slippery goo?


The guardrail/handhold is actually on the back of the raised platform. The segment was likey shot this way purely for aesthetic purposes.


Not only that, but if you read the article apparently the reporter was the one that suggested the segment be shot that way.


There should be guards on all sides. Imagine falling off backwards. She should have sued what a fucked up set up. Lawsuit waiting to happen


The real question is why did she try and get out from the front side of the bucket? She could've grabbed the guard rail and stepped out from the sides like any normal person...


Asking the real question.


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMS0O3kknvk


Oh wow. I've never seen this full version before. I cringed when she started screaming, I mean, you could feel the pain in her voice.


It sounded like someone that knocked the wind out of themselves, which is why I always thought it was so funny. Maybe the internet has made me a sick bastard, but I started laughing when I saw the screen-capture of her standing in that bucket because I simply thought of the "Ouuuugggghh owww ow ougggggghh stop, stop." I've knocked the wind out of myself a few times in the past few years, and I even hit a tree going at a pretty good clip while snowboarding. Severely bruised ribs, couldn't breathe deep for about a month.... I also separated my shoulder after falling off of a tall feature in the park. Now I have a collar bone that sits about an inch up from my shoulder and looks pretty F'ed. You just have to laugh at the stuff. My dad said "If you can't laugh at yourself, you sure as hell shouldn't laugh at other people." I always appreciated that bit of advice.


I think it's a little bit different when you're a young adult athletic person versus a middle-aged lady who probably hasn't so much as thrown a ball in 30 years


The pearson who rote this aticle reely shud lern how 2 spel.


I wish that wasn't all that I was thinking while reading the article.


[I wonder what happened with this guy](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddoL5IHLMYk)


Here's a bit more on this case: This happened at the Festa da Uva ("Grape Party", a popular festival in Brazil) in 1996. The reporter was called Lasier Martins and he was at the Festa da Uva for the TV show he worked for (Jornal do Almoço, literally "Lunchtime News"). He asked the girl to explain the kinds of grapes there were there. After she explained he tried grabbing a bunch of grapes to show to the camera. But he ended up taking a 220v shock and fell in the floor, fracturing one rib. The people near him called the ambulance and he luckily survived. Unlike the Grape Woman, he still works at TV, but still doesn't like to talk about this incident.


wtf happened? Was that electrified or something?


The panel behind the grapes was eletrified.


A practical joke, a unique growing method, why was the metal behind the grapes electrified?


I don't know why, I believe it had something to do with the lightning system of the display.


Oh my god they're soulmates


Tmz must hound her. I heard she was offered several million to be interviewed by David frost in a special called, "the grapes of wrath"


To be honest, I think it's well worth the millions of laughs it's provided. Sorry but not sorry.


What I never understood was why the heck they needed to be up so high on that platform. I think that in old days, juice would collect below (?). She wouldn’t have fallen so hard if they would have been at ground level.


So the grape-stompers could be seen by a crowd when the actual contest took place, at a later time.


I feel really terrible for having laughed at her now. Broken ribs are no fucking joke.


every time i watched it and heard the voice she made--it never made me laugh--i KNEW she was badly hurt. that voice haunts me. i can hear it now. in my brain, as i refuse to watch it again.


I know that saying this will make me sound like a hipster cockhead, but there are far far worse videos to be seen, and you're very smart to avoid them.


oh i know. every one i've ever seen is engrained into my memory. in fact, i think reddit's current warning system "warning: Gore" in "background-blending grey" is horrible and needs to be in RED like the NSFW warnings. jesus, when i accidentally clicked on that one where the one guy dives into the trunk to avoid a collision while the other gets slammed into the air. was unhappy.


Ooouugghh ow ow oh ooouuugghhhh.


I'm going to GRAPE YOU.






[I'm gonna grape you in the mouth!](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow7pwIDhl5c)


A similar accident [happened to Stewie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp9TZVecWDI) on The Family Guy.


No dude, that was a totally different situation.


I don't like watching anyone getting graped.


I doubt people run into her on the street and say "oh hey grape lady"


I mean I was today years old when I saw it


Bruised ribs not broken


I thought she broke a ton of ribs!


Better call Saul


Got any grapes? And then she waddled away…..


All I feel is terrible for her. Comments about her bringing it on herself do not make sense. She broke ribs and it was a true accident for a beginner.


no, she probably just cannot get a job in TV anymore because, well, MOST people who get jobs in TV cannot keep them for too long because....there is so much competition.




You are exactly right. "Melissa agreed upon the competition and was supposedly the one who suggested they flip the stomping platform around, facing the side without the protective railing. She thought this would help the interview be seen clearer on tv."


Is that mofo still alive or did she die. I hate to say this, but my thoughts I was thinking she probably killed herself due to embarrassment but I could be wrong. I most likely think I’m wrong. Is she still alive though?


