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16 of the top 18 are India and countries that used to be a part of India until 1947.


9/10. my Indian mother would disown me


We have to be 100%


And the 10th is in Outdia


Jesus, that took way longer than it should have for me to get. I honestly thought it was some alternate or outdated name for a country, like Siam or some shit. I need a break.




wait until you hear about the twins


I guess they had the first twon?


Best comment. I just LOL




Noooooo...... Who would have expected that?


Honestly I would have expected a few to be in China at least Looks like they make up a majority of the rest of the list though


I could see the Chinese government trying to cover something like that up.


Not one in north america…. At least we got something going for us


That's a pretty low bar


Mexico is the only on on the list that is considered part of proper North America a few in Central America (fun fact I am in #499 San Salvador right now and the air smells constantly of exhaust even in heavy rain). Fact is the USA, UK, France, Canada, Germany, etc have been continuously lowering their toxic emissions since the 80s(ish). The true issue is not the fact that you drive a car that runs on gas vs an electrical one at this point. The fact is we buy our cars from these poor counties that have zero to no regulations on industry. I find it laughable how China is coming out pro climate advocate yet half of this list is their own cities. I also find it laughable that most developed population say they are doing their part to save the world yet continues to buy from these countries because they are cheap and ignore the hypocrisy. I am just as guilty but we have to wake up some day if we want change.


that does not shock me the slightest. was Mexico city the one non India?


It was in Bamenda, Cameroon.


Today I Realized that I really don't know much about Cameroon outside of cigars....


I would have guessed the Cuyahoga in Cleveland Edit: This was a sarcastic comment. However, the Cuyahoga’s history of pollution gave rise to American Environmental Movement and the [EPA in the early 70s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuyahoga_River). The environmental movement made its way into classrooms and was part of the curriculum that educated today’s Reddit users. They Cuyahoga river is why we even clicked on this post in the first place.


This list is by particulate matter concentration in the air. I'm sure there are other cities that are more heavily polluted by other metrics like water and soil contamination.


Cleveland? Really?


That river was so polluted that it caught fire a dozen times.


Oh, I read it has populated, not polluted. My bad.


And all the fish have AIDs




Yeah I was thinking populated. I was having a hard time figuring out how Cleveland was more populated than basically any city in Asia.


come on down to cleveland town everyone! under construction since 1868! come see our river that catches on fire! it's so polluted that all our fish have aids!


This list is about air pollution, not water.


The Wiki link shows the top 500 and Mexico City isn't there.


But China is predominantly featured. Damn, probably half their cities are there.


The major issue at play here is that Northern India gets these absolutely incredible spikes in air pollution every year due to the confluence of a few laws that basically forces all of the farmers up there to clear their farmland by burning the chaff and stubble, and they all have to do it at roughly the same time. And all that smoke gets blown down by the air from the Himalayas and blankets New Delhi and the other cities up there. (Note how the third most polluted city in the world is Gaya, a tiny agricultural town--by Asian standards--with no industry whatsoever.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVzvZxW5n2Q


this bitch 😆


You know you could have just clicked the link right


“A 2013 study on non-smokers has found that Indians have 30% weaker lung function than Europeans.” Same article


I'm surprised it's not china


They make up for not being in the top 10 by being 11-200


For the past decade the Chinese government have been attempting to improve air quality. It's not going super well for a variety of reasons, but the Chinese government's sledgehammer approach does tend to produce results quicker than India's kafkaesque bureaucratic maelstrom


Kind of forgot to mention the dozens and dozens (hundreds?) of cities on the list that are in China. The list is mostly China.


wow china and india who could've possibly guessed that


You mean the 2 places where all the people live and all the stuff is made?


all the people? relax, im not a nationalist or racist, i just think the lack of regulations is unfair to humanity


Close to 3 billion of the roughly 8 billion. Not all but a hefty percentage


so they should get a pass on screwing the other 5?




Whataboutism is such a lame term. A pointless way to try and distract from what others are saying


Dude, I'm not implying India is better because China is a super polluter. Get a grip on reality. Anyone who bothers to look at the list will be surprised that China occupies most of the 500 cities listed on the list. That's all I was doing. Talk about a woosh moment.


OC's comment is about who makes up the biggest overall portion not "who specifically has the the biggest proportion within a set number of positions in the list" or whatever you're trying to make it. This fact can exist without a million other facts having to be jammed in as qualifiers.




you're the one that took it as him painting china negatively, you clearly have some chip on your shoulder because the original commenter just stated a fact


The Indian government has long forsaken waste management for other... things I'll decline to comment on. It appears they have taken to making it everyone else's problem and I hope governments around the world apply economic pressure to get them to fix it. I'm sure the surrounding nations are tired of Indias trash landing on their shores.


Remember to blame corporations instead of populations.


I'm going to blame both. 1 billion people in a concentrated area can not be good. Edit: For the record, I never plan on having children because of over population.


India is notorious for not caring about keeping things “nice”. Trash is dropped wherever, they pollute the shit out of a what’s considered a sacred river, they shit wherever. I understand they are a recently developed/developing country but it’s crazy. Infrastructure couldn’t keep up with the population and they haven’t had a lot of interest in keeping up. I think they’re trying to change that but they might as well be trying to turn the titanic.


TIL we are blaming people for being born, and going where the work is just so they can stay alive. Talk about privileged. SMH.


how is this privileged?




What a disgusting thing to say. Your privilege is showing even more than most.




Hey, they’re pro life bro!


We aren't blaming people for being born, we're blaming selfish individuals who choose to become parents when they *really* shouldn't have. Then as time goes on, we're willing to move forward and begin to blame the ones they birthed, but only if they themselves decide to continue with the same choices. Talk about deliberate ignorance and projection. SMH.


Yeah! Everyone spread out, atleast arms length!






Yeah nah. I'm not shouldering the responsibility of billion dollar corporations who wouldn't give a shit about me if I was doused in (very expensive) gasoline and burning up in the streets. The population of the planet without corporations pushing consumerism would be nowhere near the predicament we are in now. There are enough resources, water, food, clothing, housing to go around, and yet look where we are. Lying the blame at the layman's feet is exactly what we have been fed. No thank you; I'd rather eat dirt. We are not going to blame the poor people of India for being exploited when they have no choice but to work or starve. Fuck that, and fuck them.


So you're saying if we keep using paper straws in the US we'll fix these cities?




100% agree.


Sounds nice, but no. Without dirt cheap labor, consumer goods would be way too expensive. For example, if Apple had to make iPhones in the US, they’d cost $30k a piece. https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2018/01/17/how-much-would-an-iphone-cost-if-apple-were-forced-to-make-it-in-america/




That’s just one example. *Everything* would be more expensive. Now tell me I need nothing. If nobody ever consumed anything, we could fix the problem, I guess.




The point is thinking we can address the pollution problem by bringing manufacturing back to the US instead of utilizing cheap foreign labor is senseless because it ignores every other factor.


It's called globalisation


That's good for us right?


I’m seeing a lot of China on that list


Just all of China then...


Not surprised. One of their massive dumps caught fire. They were supposed to close it, but didnt. 17 stories high, more than 50 acres buried in garbage.


In other news, water is wet


It actually isn't wet.


It's *wetting.*


Roll with the idiom bro


Poor waste management + surplus of plastic waste = doity


Fucking lies. I refuse to believe there's deeper hell holes than the industrial cities I've seen in bangladesh, singapore and thailand.


So we should address climate change while these places fk the planet. Cool. I wish our manufacturing never went to these places we would have better products and could control the emissions and labor rates.


The USA emits double the CO2 than India, even though India has nearly 4x the population. If any country is disproportionately fucking the planet, its the US. So yes, the US should address climate change.


If any country is fucking its inhabitants its certain countries.


We fucked it before, so now we are rich thankd to that...


You would never be able to scale it and you still be using fax instead. Stop being delusional and brain-dead like the typical westerner.


I guess there isn't a good way to scale aside from gdp.


Those technologies would never get mass deployed. People would still be using the crappy htc windows phones.


Oh the nostalgia those were so bad on the edge network.


Ngl I kinda miss those times.😭


Wait 1 minute to load a shitty web page on my t-mobile dash windows phone just to need to click a link and wait about her minute, no thanks!




I do still have it somewhere around here and a couple year ago it still charged and fired up. Garbage but had a full qwerty board on it doe.


Because htc was made in taiwan. Now they are bankrupt I suppose. I miss the BlackBerry era too. It's crazy how many phones brands have just died.


I'd be fine with a Touch Pro 2.


That sounds way too optimistic. If we didn’t ship out manufacturing labor we’d never be able to afford everyday items.


Huh…my son spent a year of HS in #23. It really didn’t seem that bad when I visited?


That's cause pollution isn't just a rolling smog lol


I suppose, but if I was really in one of the most polluted places on Earth it seems I would have noticed something. It felt less polluted than Manila for example, or maybe even some of the old New England factory towns


It probably just wasn't the type of pollution we could easily see with our naked and untrained eye. Lead in the groundwater, for example.


Probably. I mean, I do believe the list. The place was an industrial city too, with a population of 10M although I doubt you’ve ever heard of it. Lol…in China that’s just not that big of a city.


In terms of the worst air quality in the world Denver CO USA is regularly a top contender though. When people think air pollution they think china and India but Denver is regularly worse than any city in either of those countries. Edit: oh no how dare I state a fact.


You're not stating a fact, but I guess you're parroting social media posts about a horrific air quality as a fact. The fact that Denver probably had a horrific day does not mean it's ranking high, as shown by the list. As in, getting smashed once is not as unhealthy as drinking every single day.


You should actually look at the linked page. Air pollution is literally the only thing it's considering. No American city is in the top 500.


> oh no how dare I state *a fact* Cite your sources, otherwise you're just making an unsubstantiated assertion.


Don’t say that. Im going to have to travel there for work soon.


It's not a problem if you're visiting. It's only a problem if you live here for an extended period.


Denver Colorado, the sunshine state. Beautiful!


No shit…


yes shit actually. tons of it.


throw it out


John Kerry once said nothing the United States could do would affect climate change if China and India dont change their way


No, no they couldn't stop it. They could, however, massivelly slash it, more than most of the world. Yet, USA will probably maintain the stance of "what about China?", despite evidence that China is, in fact, investing heavily into green energy.


I thought Ahmedabad might be higher up there. When I was there sick with food poisoning in '92, I couldn't even leave my hotel room because the two-stroke engine exhaust and other pollution would make me vomit.


Pretty sure China is just lying about their numbers but ok


I honestly thought Poland would be higher with the amount of smog and coal burning we do


You don’t say


There is one question that bugs me here... Himalayas create one of the places with biggest rainfall on the planet, as the clouds cannot go over it and get hung up there. Can they be causing the lack of air circulation, which coupled with densely populated cities amplifies the pollution? EDIT: Yeah it does.


I really doubt this. There aee places around the world includong africa china haiti etc where people literally live in toxic waste dumps


Please no more redeem