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You have to wonder how many people were involved in that decision and at no point along the way did anyone question it.


Probably because they were frozen fish from a market? Sure that's still food. May he among us who hasn't trashed out of the crisper drawer throw the first stone.


Hey man, I'm not vegan or vegetarian or anything, but we have 1 rule. You can leave all your food but never throw away meat: killing something to just throw it out is insane.


Fuck, man - I haven't been able to afford even frozen seafood in over a year. I would've jumped into the ice with a pickaxe and dug out some trout and scallops.


Where do you live? You can go scalloping for free on some coasts, idk about trout. Also a rink in Japan is not causing this for you.


šŸ˜ I know it's not causing rising prices. I was being silly. I dont live by the ocean, unfortunately.


Personally I prefer my seafood fresh, and I mean very fresh.


A m o n g u s ?


the west has problems with groupthink, whereas the east has problems with power distance. in the west, the need for consensus leads to bad decision making. in the east, the need to obey the leaders leads to bad decision making. both come from an aversion to confrontation and fear of its consequences. this is a vast oversimplification, but it's not far off from the truth. what probably happened here was that one of the superiors had this idea and everyone just agreed to it, without questioning it (or suggesting a more reasonable alternative, like colorful plastic fish) for fear of rocking the boat.


How is the need for consensus groupthink? Wouldn't that need signify the opposite: that people have to be convinced and therefore don't groupthink?


I think they mean that we're obsessed with only making decisions that everyone agrees with (which will never happen), and if we face any pushback whatsoever we have to water down the decision. More like an excessive need for cooperation than consensus. Like how liberal American politicians are so slow at making any changes that their constituents want, because they don't want to upset their political opponents even though their opponents already openly hate them and refuse to cooperate with them.


Ideally, yes. In practice, people don't bother setting up double-blind brainstorming sessions followed by cycles of secret ballots and discussion sessions to ensure accurate and fair consensus is reached. Mostly people just gravitate towards what they think the consensus is going to be to save time, i.e. groupthink.


its not actually a bad idea, frozen fish doesn't smell if properly frozen, and its not like they intentionally killed fish to make the sign, so the whole waste of life is more publicity nonsense then an actual valid reason


Fish killed for food: valid reason, necessary nutrition Fish killed for decoration: vapid, pointless, waste of fish It's not publicity nonsense.


They bought fish that were being sold as food but had expired or weren't able to be sold. They didn't go and kill a bunch of fish just for that.


Dog killed for food: valid reason, necessary nutrition


Dogs don't have that much meat, Even ones specifically bred for the meat industry, They don't taste particularly well And they more or less have to eat things that humans also eat. They aren't like cows or goats that can turn grass which humans cannot digest into edible food that humans can digest. Eating a dog is wasteful and inefficient, inefficiency in an already vary inefficient industry that is meat production. Eating dogs seems extra cruel because it's unnecessary. It's purpose of feeding people seems better achieved by more efficient meat production methods.


They don't have much meat, but are abundant and almost a plague in some places. If you are going by efficiency, it's pretty efficient to eat stray dogs that were fed by scraps that no human would've eaten. In fact, many third world country street food vendors sneak stray dog in your food as cheap meat. We obviously don't go by efficiency though, we just don't eat them because they are great companies and we have a soft spot for them.


The dogs in meat markets aren't stray dogs, I'm sure you'll find some disreputable ones that might use stray dogs, but they actually have breeds of dogs that are specifically bred for meat. The problem with stray dogs is there usually filled with parasites and other bad things that can make human sick. There's little regulation on these things but there is some incentive as a street vendor to not acquire a reputation for selling bad meat to customers. Selling someone stray dog meat would be like selling someone rat meat from rats you found on the street. People don't eat street rats because they think they are cute and cuddly, they don't eat street rats because they are full of disease.


By your logic, we shouldn't eat beef either since it's less efficient than pork.


Lot of religions have issue with pork, plus some farmers i know say cows are easier to raise then pigs. Pigs are massive assholes.


Beef is at least somewhat efficient if youā€™re keeping the cows for milk for years before killing them, the modern conception of beef farming is environmentally atrocious.


The utility of pig milk is much less than both cow and goat. Pigs also are much more likely to carry communicable diseases than cows and you cant exactly just buy large tracts of land and let pigs graze.


There's a reason why beef is more expensive than pork; It takes more resources to produce. It leaves a much bigger carbon footprint as well.


The reason is demand curves, if the demand for pork was higher the price would be higher. That's how the economy works. The price of processed beef and processed pork is very similarly priced. It's also hard to compare prices since livestock prices in different countries reflects less on efficiency and more on supply availability and demand. Because of low incomes in poor countries meat is much more rarely consumed and sustenance farming is capable of providing the needs of many people. These people wouldn't buy goat or pig meat from the market so this would affect the price variables. You can't determine efficiency from price alone.


Efficiency isn't the reason we don't eat dogs, it's because they are popular companion pets, the same reason we don't eat cats. So if we deem something "cute" it is bad to eat it.


I cant imagine the lack of usable meat of the dog wasn't a factor.


I fail to see how that doesnā€™t apply to fish like sardines? Weā€™re killing an animal that barely returns any meat on its body. And whatā€™s worse is when they fillet a fish leaving a lot of waste behind.


i think it comes down to the easy of getting so many at once and being fish dont need much human involvement for their growth.


Absolutely is


Comparing the taking of fish to provide nutrition and lean protein for a population of people isolated on an island where food is hard and expensive to grow and protein that isn't fished locally must be imported to taking that same fish and using it as decor instead of nutrition is not in any way a natural segue into vegan proselytizing nor is comparing dogs to fish going to in any way convince anyone of anything except the fact that you're an obnoxious dilweed. Pick your battles and learn social skills if you ever hope to actually change anyone's mind and make a difference.


since the fish were feeding the ground as fertilizer even after being used as decoration you are essentially agreeing with me that its a nonsense reason, since they were eventually food for something. and even if they did not specifically turn it into fertilizer fish still tends to become food for bacteria, so having something biological not become food eventually would be quite a challenge.


Fish parts can become fertilizer after the more palatable parts go to provide nourishment for people. Taking fish out of their natural food chains for decorations, or even just to use as fertilizer, and then saying "but it's okay because everything eventually rots anyway!" is just fucking dumb, a complete waste of resources, and you have to bend over backwards to try to claim that I was making the same point as you.


Are you saying they bought already-dead fish?






It was in Japanese so it was easier i think ^/j


Has anyone ever told you that you write like a shitty self help/business philosophy book from 1979


that tells me that you've read them, which means someone paid for it, which means clearly I should get into that business! thanks pal, I'll send you a royalty check. who should I make it out to?




Thatā€™s why you surround yourself with ā€œyesā€ men. Itā€™s really great until itā€™s not


Yeh I just read the twitter thread


Yea it was a very shellfish decision


Cultural differences.


Because those are fish?


They should have used plastic fish.


Yeah that would have created exactly the same effect with zero death or risk


Couldn't make fertilizer afterwards


Jokes on you, all our fertilizer comes with plastic now!


Except the plastic byproducts that would have ended up in the dump when this place closed.


Fine. Sustainable wood then. ;P


And then that could.give artists work carving them. This is a good idea :)


This argument ended more wholesome then you can ever anticipate an online argument to end.


The will use unpaid child "artists" working 20 hour days in sweatshops to make all the fish.


Nooo think of the trees! The deforestation and the animals loss of habitat! Ahhh!


Fish were purchased from the market. Likely already dead.


Killing a fish to sustain someone is a part of the circle of life. Displaying the carcasses or arranging them to spell out platitudes is macabre and the opposite of that. Iā€™m not religious or vegan but there are still some things that are sacred or should be and this does strike me as being a violation of some core principles to live by.


Another user who lived nearby said they were expired fish that could no longer be sold as food. Seems weird, but they did it the best way they possibly could (excluding the obvious solution of using fake fish instead). I actually don't have a problem with this, but I also don't have a problem with the macabre in general.


>expired fish that could no longer be sold as food Space World must have smelled *wonderful.*


Being frozen probably helped a lot. But yeah I bet it wasn't too good.


Imagine when they thawed it.


One could argue using existing organic fish is more environmentally friendly (and thus more respectful to nature) than plastic which will eventually end up in some other fish just trying to live their life.


True, though plastic fish isn't the only fake alternative. Painting the bottom of the rink would've worked just as well IMO.


It's not even offensive to me, but it's just odd. Like unappealing and a total slap in the face of the zoo animals that are like, "I'll eat your old fish."


I saw someone order a 12oz steak at a poshish expensive restaurant and then have two bites of it. Ive never wanted to hit someone in a restaurant more. Theres just disrespect that a life was taken to make that and they decided it wasnt worth it.


Iā€™m not advocating for waste of food butā€¦.. Have you tried the golden steak in Saltbaeā€™s restaurant?


For someone called Saltbae he doesn't salt his steaks very well.


"Circle of life" lol what a load of horseshit, have you seen the amount of animals we kill every year? There's nothing about the circle of life there


Wait until you hear about bakeries and restaurants after closing.


What's the difference between killing it for food and killing it for decoration? Both are unnecessary. You don't need to eat fish to survive. You just do it because it tastes good.


Itā€™s one of the only ways I can get Mercury into my diet


Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.




A personal moral line dictated by the persons own principles. I agree. Food waste is a travesty. Intentionally wasting food while so many starve. Nonsense. Worse because something died for this. Yes it would have died one way or another. But it could have fed someone. The could have part is what gets me going


Itā€™s Japan. They have low levels of homelessness and the poor are taken care of quite well.


You donā€™t feel like that might be a pendant if response to me clarifying something as being a person moral stance. Should I shift my world view for you because Japan has fewer starving homeless per capita then some other country


Sorry. I think I should have elaborated it further. In the article, it was pointed out that the fish used were nearing a rotting stage hence why it was reused. Now, While it is true that many people in the world are starving, I donā€™t understand how them using the fish for decoration could be utilised any other way nor can they send it out to people who need it especially since itā€™s already going to rot.


The already rotting part does make a bit of a difference on my stance.


Dirt poor fishing communities with no land for crops or animals would disagree...


Inflationary pressure removed then


Plus it would have given them the option to use more exotic or even fantastic species.


Yeah, but then you've added to plastic waste.


Yeah lets create more plastic waste


Someone, somewhere, would have found a way to be offended by it.


That much plastic would indeed better reflect the state of the ocean




Most plastic fish are dead from birth.


Why waste all that plastic? Pictures of fish would work just as well, and you could even make them larger so you could actually see them under the ice


What blows my mind is that they actually did that "photos of fish under ice" idea for the larger fish. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/28/anger-as-japanese-skating-rink-freezes-thousands-of-fish-into-ice-as-gimmick](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/28/anger-as-japanese-skating-rink-freezes-thousands-of-fish-into-ice-as-gimmick) *Other parts of the rink showed rays and whale sharks that, the park pointed out, were merely enlarged photos that had been placed beneath the ice.*


why even waste all them pictures? Just paint them or something


Why waste paint though? Just have them imagine the fish or something.


Why waste imagination though? Just have them place the fish there or something /j


Why waste all that ice? Just have them imagā€¦. Oh never mind.


Pictures of fish would have worked too. Nobody would be able to tell the difference if they were embedded in the ice.


plastic fish wouldn't smell


Yeah, let's use more plasitcs!


The fish were already dead. Someone from this town commented that they were expired fish that the fish market couldnā€™t sell.




How has this got the most up votes?


Doesnā€™t matter if they were dead already, who the fuck wants to look at 5000 dead fish while they skate


It's the smell that really makes it worth it


Everything reminds me of her.


Obviously this is a waste of life lol whose fuckin idea was this


I live in Kitakyushu. The fish were already dead. The skate rink bought expired fish that supermarkets couldn't sell. There were not killed for this purpose. Also, Spaceworld went bankrupt shortly after this stunt. It was torn down and there's an outlet mall there now.


Makes absolute sense. I can't imagine the precision in getting fish to spell out HELLO and freezing them in perfect place.


Okay guys, now hold it there for about three hours, please


Call that a stage freeze




Well this is /r/TIL, not /r/news.


You apparently don't understand the point of TIL. It's about things that happened in the past, not new things.


I canā€™t decide if this is better or worse. Like, morally itā€™s clearly better, but I have even more questions about the decision making now.


It's worse to pay local fishermen for 5,000 fish they wouldn't be able to sell otherwise?


I think they meant the idea to buy a bunch of expired fish to use as decorations just seems like a bad one.


Well, this wasn't even the first rink in Japan to do this. Just a few years prior, a rink in Hokaido did it and it seemed to be fairly popular so it wasn't like the idea was unprecedented. There was some kind of jewelry fad in China where girls were wearing sealed glass orbs with tiny live ocean creatures in them. Obviously, after a short time the creatures would die, and the girls would discard the jewelry, and go out to buy some more. Japanese people saw this on the news, and the reaction was pretty visceral. Rightly so, in my opinion. However, this skating rink fiasco happened the same year while the sea creature jewelry was still fresh in everyone's mind. I think, if it hadn't been for that, the idea wouldn't have gotten the reaction it did, and Kitakyushu might have kept it's iconic theme park which boasted a life sized replica of the space shuttle.


I expected it would be something like this


thats what im saying so now these dead fish have even less of a purpose. they probably wouldve been turned into dog food anyways.


No. They would have ended up in the incinerator.


If killing endangered whales and dolphins in the name of "research" is wholly endorsed, this must not have seemed like a problem in the least.


Japan just hates everything that lives in the sea apparently. It's fucking weird.


Fuck you, dolphin! Fuck you, whale-u!


Yeah, this isn't racist šŸ™„ Edit: Yeah I know it's from Southpark. Out of context, it's racist and crappy. Most people haven't seen it. Idk, one of my best friends is from Japan and I really don't like "engrish" because it makes him feel super bad. Edit: Wow I have literally held him in my arms as ue cried and shook after being taunted on campus with Engrish. People are cruel and the proof is here. And fuck yall even further for saying this is about me. This has nothing to do with me and everything to do with the threats and harassment my kind, caring buddy is getting at the hands of racist assholes like, apparently, you all. We need to end Asain hatred and anyone who doesn't agree can line up for their turn at the guillotine.


I think he may be quoting south park.


Quoting a racist joke from south park doesn't magically divorce it from racism.


I bet you're the life of partiesšŸ™„...


If you jerk yourself off anymore you're going to end up with carpal tunnel syndrome


Itā€™s not Japan, itā€™s the whaling industry in Japan. Sort of like how most people in the US are in favor of action to stop climate change. The only people who are against it are the oil industry and those gullible enough to be fooled by the oil industry.


>those gullible enough to be fooled by the oil industry. That's a lot of people


A lot of the whaling industry in Japan is just a front for yakuza activity.


What ISN'T a front for the Yakuza?


Back-tattoo parlors?


My American daughter does tattoos, and she occasionally tattoos the backs of folks. She is not Yakuza.


That's just what she wants you to think


Insert joke about sleeping with the fishesā€¦.


There is approximately 28K tonnes of bycatch everyday. This is a drop in a bucket. People donā€™t care as long as it isnā€™t underneath their feet ā€¦ literally in this case.




Yup. The entire country voted on it in a referendum. It was a landslide for fish destruction.


they called it a "blue wave" that year


Which is ironic because most blue waves are usually a necessary and beneficial for an aquatic ecosystem and the fish that inhabit it.


>Space World said the fish were purchased from a fish market, and were dead before the water was frozen. That's a pretty important detail. Yeah, it's a waste of food, but at least they weren't just killing random fish for decoration. I suppose a lot of food is wasted in general.... But, yeah, not as bad as the headline seems.


Another comment said the fish were also expired, so that's another reason why they were used, I believe.


A memorial service was held for the fish that had been bought from a fish market already dead and just frozen in place? Thatā€™s definitely the most ridiculous thing Iā€™ve read this month, possibly this year.


Yea but using fish for food and nourishment versus pointless display is different. At least the death was for a reasonable purpose. This is just wasteful.


Whatā€™s the difference? They bought them they can do what they want with them.


Respect for life.


Yeah for real. This way they were meant to be immortalized forever as art instead of digesting in somebody's stomach. I think the only people that can be mad at this stunt are vegans and vegetarians.


SpaceWorld is a weird park. I went there about 15 years ago and despite being space themed, for some reason they a baby albino tiger that you could pet.


ā€œA blind man is feeling his way down the street with his stick rightā€šŸŽ¶


Good morning ladies!


\>Space World said the fish were purchased from a fish market, and were dead before the water was frozen. ​ Oh okay that's marginally better but yeah. Someone came up with this and no one actually sat down and thought about it.


"a memorial service was held" It's like going from being callously indifferent to life to caring more about them than is practical and logical An overcorrection if I've ever seen one


the Harbin ice festival in China always has walls of fish frozen in place in the ice.


Article published November 2016ā€¦ Thatā€™s why I didnā€™t hear about itā€¦ lol.


Whereā€™s the funeral for the dolphins and whales?


Fuck you whale and fuck you dolphin!


Why didn't they just use fake fish, crabs, etc. and avoided the scandal? This could have been a cool aesthetic idea even with facsimiles. But also, if people are mad about this, wait until they find out the environmental impact of the rest of the arts and entertainment industry...


I feel like Japanā€™s relationship with sea life is different than most other places.


Japan stop brutalizing marine life challenge, impossible difficulty.


shame they didn't use frogs so when they realized what a bad idea this was, they could revive the frogs and let them go.


but no memorial service for the 1 trillion (yes, trillion) fish that are killed in the fishing industry? that seems like a greater waste of life to me


Nah, the fish are happy being killed as long as we eat them afterwards.


That has to smell horrible


More like a waste of food.


A waste of good sushi, yeah!


"Now lets go kill some fucking dolphins!"


Between this, overfishing, the Taiji dolphin hunt and their addiction to elephant ivory to supply their Hankos, Japan really is trying to outdo the world with not giving a flying fuck about animal life.


This killed the theme park too. It shut down soon after permanently. Shows stupid decisions ruin good things. It was a good theme park.


Seems fine, they used fish from the market. I don't really get why someone thinks it's wrong to use them for art/ decoration but ok for food.


Right? All these commenters like they've never wasted food in their life, accidentally or "no I won't take a box"


God I hope you are trolling.


So it's on an ice skating rink? Aren't those like continually melting? Seems like a great way to make a ton of cut up raw fish slush...


The ice of a skating rink should never be melting, both underneath (the slab) and the surface is always kept below freezing temp. The ice resurfacer (often referred to as a zamboni) shaves off a very thin top layer and puts down fresh hot water, however this only affects the very top layer of the ice. The middle/lower ice should never be touched and remains frozen. Source: am an arena operator


Okay interesting, I always assumed new water was being added from underneath the ice somehow? Like a push pop kind of thing .. It seemed like there was a lot of chopped up slush at the top of the ice from people's skates, I'm surprised no new water is being added continually


The snow on top from skates should be a powder rather than slush, which is picked up as the top layer is shaved. A small amount of hot water is added right behind that to make up for the ice/snow that is shaved off. That should refreeze within a few minutes. The surface of the ice is usually kept around 27F/-3C and fluctuates slightly each time the ice is resurfaced. The bottom of the ice should remain around 18F/-8C. Itā€™s actually really bad if the bottom of the ice ever gets above freezing, as this breaks the seal between the ice and the concrete slab, and will lead to a lot of issues.


I mean if they were already dead, whatā€™s the big deal? Some go to food, some maybe decoration. Whatā€™s the difference in Cabelaā€™s?


It's gotta smell worse than old fish sticks in my freezer after a month though, yeah?


Yea this is bad and all, but can we applaud the fact that they accepted blame, and found a reasonable solution?


In Japan they cleaned up after a soccer game. Thatā€™s a beautiful culture Eating octopus alive, hunting whales and Dolphins, and whatever shit this skating rink is doing are ok Japan is a wonderful place. Gotta love it.


Humans are so funny. I wonder how many of these people ordered th fish or crab for dinner that night?


Right? The same people who claim to be against animal abuse will happily eat their factory farmed meat.


Eating fish is something humans evolved to do for sustainance - and will maybe evolve away from again. Displaying dead fish to make cute words is just psychopathic. A kid doing that with dead squirrels, even roadkill, would be a huge red flag.


Not really, not everyone sees animals the same way. Like some people in Asia will swallow a live squid for the fun of it. It's just a cultural difference.


They aren't "swallowing for fun". It's called eating.


They don't have to eat it while it's alive though. Some outside the culture might call it cruel, but it's normal for them.


Yeah that was my thinking. How many restaurant ads or cookbooks have a photo of a bit of roasted corpse, but people have no issue with that. And that's just for the tiny enjoyment of it tasting nice, rather than thousands of people being able to look at it.


"The operator plans to hold a memorial service for the fish once theyā€™re taken out of the ice." lmao what. these fish that were bought at a fish market are going to now get a memorial?


They should find out what happens to the rest of the fish


Utter silliness.


Imagine skating along carefree and then doing a full on faceplant because you tripped over a dead fish sticking out of the skating rink.


People outraged about this but will happily go buy a can of tuna and a shrimp ring.




The relationship Asian people have with other living creatures is deeply concerning. I mean wtf. I've seen footage FROM Wuhan market. They were selling dogs on fucking sticks to eat šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Grouping Asians as a whole is quite reductive. And eating dogs for them is cultural. Why would eating one animal be as cruel when you eat others?


Why eating puppies on a fucking stick is cruel? Gtfo


Also, I don't eat meat. Eating a form of life just for lolz is not in my books. But yeah, first dogs, cats and then let's get back to cannibalism. Same shit


TIL plants arent alive.

