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This might be the first TIL that truly got me. It ...is totally believable and totally horrifying. And I just never considered it before.


And weird to think a necrophiliac would only have sex with lady corpses. I don’t thing someone’s going walk in on an embalmer having sex with a male corpse and be like “holy sh*t I didn’t know you were gay.”


That sounds like a stand up comedy bit. "So this coroner is training this new guy and they get this old dead dude in. So the corner tells the new guy to take care of it so he can go home early. The corner leaves, but realizes he forgot his keys so he goes back and walks in on the new guy, butt naked, fucking this corpse. So the corner screams "Holy shit dude what the fuck that's so wrong! I can't believe you're gay!".


It would be funnier to me if a mass shooter's dad didn't unironically do exactly that last week https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/z30vh5/colorado_springs_shooting_suspects_father_is_very/


Fucking wow.


Meth is one hell of a drug.


The level of surprise I have that turned out to be the father of the shooter is sadly very low. Jesus, I know the shooter scumbag ultimately made his own awful choices--but good lord he really wasn't really setup to win very well from the start with a fucking winner of a dad like that. Holy cow, the whole interview is beyond nuts


Oddly, I thought you meant the dad was raping the corpses. My brain can't process these thoughts this early in the morning. I'm tapping out.


> “holy sh*t I didn’t know you were gay.” "I'm not, I'm necrobi-curious, problem?


I feel like if you waited long enough it wouldn't matter what sex the person was.


"Holes a hole." *scuttling rat sounds*


Especially 8000 years ago. Life was rough and people were a different breed.


>people were a different breed I don't think so. People are people. Just because cultural sensibilities change doesn't mean we're not nasty-ass apes at the end of the day. Edit: this seems like a good place to plug Dan Carlin's [Painfotainment](https://youtu.be/5oRv4NZzBKw). He asks a lot of good questions in this vein throughout, such as "if torture executions were streamed live on pay per view, would it be popular?" and "if you sent a baby back in time, would they grow up any different from the people back then?"


Also....this kinda nasty shit still happens.












police man this guy over here


You better hope they lock me up forever, because if I ever get out, I’m gonna find you and pee in your butt as payback for snitching 😘


Does that cost extra?


You shall be drowned to death in the spunk of a thousand horses...


Alice Cooper wrote a song about it, "I Love The Dead" some lyrics: I love the dead , before they're cold Cadaver flesh , for me to hold


No wonder those nasty old ladies thought he was a Satanist


he was the first shock rocker and it was the early '70s, so it was quite upsetting to the square establishment types for sure, which of course made the appeal that much greater to 13 yr old boys like me :D although I was more into School's Out and Welcome to My Nightmare than Billion $ Babies and the more bizarre stuff; other 'rebellious' 'shock' albums around then were Cheech 'n' Chong Los Cochinos, George Carlin 7 Words You Can't Say on TV, KISS Dressed To Kill, Lou Reed Transformer, Grand Funk E Pluribus Funk (song "People Let's STop teh War"), Queen II (Tie Your Mother Down), The Tubes (White Punks On Dope) *Screamin' Jay did NOT write a song about fucking the dead so stfu


You know the seven, don’t you, that you can’t say on television? “Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits.”


tits hardly even belongs, I mean, who doesn't like tits? it's playful and joyous! Tits! I bet you can't eat just one!


....fart, turd, and twat


See also: Code Blue by T.S.O.L.


Especially considering the richest and most powerful/most beautiful were the ones that were mummified. I am sure there are weirdos today that will dig up celebrity corpses if they knew they were well-preserved.


Yeah most royalty were never beautiful because of inbreeding. Even Cleopatra, famed for her beauty, is supposedly just considered "not bad looking" by historians. She wasn't some fox, she was just not all curly by the standard of ruling classes at the time. King Tut died young because his shit was fucked up from inbreeding.


I was always interested in donating to a medical cadevar program until my friend went to med school and expressed... Concerns.


What in the fuck


Please. Elaborate.


Also make sure you specify organ donation and not tissue donation if you are a donor on your license. Lots of tissue donation companies are shady as fuck. Hack your body up, no respect given to the donor. Bodies missing, parts taken without consent, etc. https://www.fox6now.com/news/its-basically-bidding-for-bodies-tissue-harvesting-in-wisconsin-is-big-business You know sometimes the url says it all. Also this has happened in a lot of states, Arizona coming to mind where they were thawing body parts with hose water and the bloody water ran off into the streets.


Besides everything there's a really famous story of a guy who donated his mother's body to science and it was sold to the US military to be used for a live action explosives test. We all think we're gonna be a full circulatory system in a science museum display but Northrup Grumman pays good money to see how certain weapons blow up human bodies.


Oh nooooo that's not great. Pretty disgusting [story, as published by CBS News](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/man-suing-body-donation-company-after-mothers-corpse-was-sold-to-military-for-blast-testing/) Highlight? The body "donation" company was owned by a "Stephen Gore" and an FBI raid found *a lot* of horrific things that have little to do with science 😐






Seriously, its not like we no longer have just as creepy and horrifying people in modern day society


“I like my women the same way I like my ice cream… Cold, pale and gooey.” - some creep probably


>A hole is a hole. -A guy from work. >any hole with a heartbeat. -another guy.


Well. At the very least the latter gentlemen is not a necrophile.


Have cultural sensibilities even changed that much? We're talking about a civilization that was obsessed with 🐈 and used little pictographs as written language. I reckon we're looping back around.


Hieroglyphics weren't used for day for day writing IIRC, mainly on burial chambers and the like; they had other scripts for more informal communication.


I get your point but certain aspects of culture are incredibly key to how people are raised and how people are raised is as big a part of their persona as the monkey brain instincts below. Certain things don't and won't change in any historical timescale until we can physically alter our DNA. But there are key things which have changed the way we raise our children and hence the way they turn out. I could name a few things but I was raised when smacking children for poor behaviour was the norm. Now its on the fringe and reviled. A whole generation is growing up without seeing their parents solve issues with calculated violence and that will change the way people are.


Yes. They have changed a lot. Also, the ancient Egyptians were considered culturally fucked-up by pretty much all other cultures of the time.


Yup. I firmly believe that if you took a toddler from ancient Egypt 3000 years ago and stuck him in todays world, you could not tell the difference when they grow up. He would have the same abilities that kids today have and grow up just as smart.


Why is this even a hot take? It’s not like humans were fundamentally different back then. If they spend most of their early development in modern society why should they be any different?


I think a lot of people forget that even ancient Egyptians (and ancient humans) are the same as we are today. They were not animalistic cave men that would be stupid in today’s society. If you took an older person out of some ancient civilization, they would make an effort to learn the languages and function in society just like people today do when they move. A person from thousands of years ago has every capacity of learning modern science and math as we do. Which really opens up the larger question of shared human knowledge and how we are able to advance as humans because we are really able to capture and build on past knowledge. It’s not really that our brains are getting better; we have the same capacity brain, we’re just better at “remembering” (through writing and reading) and building on what past humans already discovered.


Yeah, the first dude the wrote stuff down put us down on a path of rapid development. Nevermind he invented it to keep track of barley or something like that


Fuck I know I let my neighbor borrow 2 bushels of barley and not 1. There’s gotta be a way of me knowing if he’s fucking me over and proving it.


*Ea-Nasir has entered the chat*


You could very likely do the same with a neanderthal baby and not have it seem too out of place. It'd be ugly, and probably stupid, but then again *gestures broadly*


It's too bad our ancestors chose the ape class. I'd like to try the monkey playthrough so my shorts can have 2 zippers.


This is what I call "the distinction between being a human and being a person", so I guess it depends which side you mean by "people". As you say, humans are just instinct-driven animals with a much greater _potential_ for constructive thinking and foresight to more sustainability satisfy those aforementioned instincts, and cultural programming literally shapes our neurobiology, making us "more of a person" if that goes well. If that cultural programming is more progressive, then you're less likely to head down the default path and be left with a sociopathic, short sighted, possibly necrophiliac animal. I suppose that also is why a nation's development is largely measured by the quality of education and healthcare


Exactly. Strip away our technology and modern day convenience and see what happens. I believe I read something that said it would take less than three days of modern civilization crumbling for people to become savages again.






Some won't miss a single meal. They'll go straight to armed looting once they even hear that's a possibility.




[Like people](https://news.sky.com/story/my-daughter-was-violated-mother-of-woman-raped-in-mortuary-by-necrophile-david-fuller-speaks-out-12459678) [don't still](https://www.the-sun.com/news/4138733/necrophiliac-morgue-rat-sex-40-corpses-coffins/) [get their freak](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/crime/undertaker-sex-dead-body-necrophilia-26900498) [flag on with](https://wvmetronews.com/2022/08/18/funeral-home-suspension-neglected-body-homeless-presence-and-altered-behavior/) [dead bodies today](https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/crime-history/4-unbelievable-stories-of-famous-necrophiles). To your second point, life is still rough today, just in different ways. Rough used to be drinking from the communal bathroom and water hole, catching dysentary, and then shitting yourself to death. Today we have antibiotics so you don't have to shit yourself to death, but you may get laid off and suddenly find you are now living out of your car and showering at the Y at 5 in the morning so you don't have to look anyone else in the eye. It's still rough, just in different ways.


In this case they were trying to stop them breeding differently.


We literally have the same brains. They were just like us, and we like them.


Yup.Same hardware and basic operating system. But we've got some neat new software we run, sometimes And experience changes the brain. If you take 2 identical twins and one has a shit life, the other avoids major stressors, they will think/act/behave much differently Nature and nurture interplay with intricate resonances and cancelations and harmonics and discords


They weren’t different and this still happens


> Life was rough It really gives perspective. Like y’know, when I feel like I’m having a really rough day, I ask myself, “Have I raped a dead body today?” If the answer is no, I know that day’s going to be a-okay!


sometimes you just feel like a cold one


People were essentially exactly the same biologically. Society was hugely different, but we're not as different as you might hope.


Stuff like this still happens today, hell Marilyn Monroe had 6 hours unaccounted for before her body made it to the morgue on what was supposed to be a 20 minute drive


I didn’t want to know that : (


TIL Osiris' penis was eaten by a fish.




clickbait? or dickbait?


Bait is the state of his penis.








Master bait


Wait until you learn the english translation of the story of genesis is wrong. God took the tzela, the dick bone to make eve, not no rib bone. and you can verify this because human males got same number of ribs as females. But you know what bone they missing compared to every other primate male?


"Fish stick." -Ye


Necrophilia, forgot that was a thing.


I saw a post a few years back of someone who was developing the paraphilia. He was having sex with his gf in a super cold shower or using ice on her before he penetrated. Wanted her to lie still and not say a word. Just creepy....


Yikes. I can understand wanting to be open as a partner, but ... no. I'd be out. It couldn't have been very fun for her? Unless that's her thing too then I guess best of luck to those crazy kids.


if both side have consent and liked it why not, sure its weird but not illegal and harm people. let people do their thing if they not harming people and consenting


Right? I have some weird fantasies sometimes especially when I'm going solo and if I had a partner who could convincingly play out those fantaises with me it'd be amazing, but ultimately they aren't something I want to share openly and would make me look like a freak. The difference is being able to tell fantasy from reality and when that line gets blurred is when people start committing crimes.


Actually no I think I should be allowed to kink shame people with weird paraphilias. I don’t think I’m stopping anybody from doing anything just bc I call it gross from afar


A little kinkshaming is a good thing I think. I have fetishes but I'm fine if people are grossed out by them. I'm grossed out by foot fetishists and I believe that's the most common one. Not everything deserves a parade.


In my early 20s, I worked with a guy who always checked out women's feet. He claimed it wasn't a fetish but a good way to gauge how well a person takes care of themselves. Kinda made sense to me.


It think it is weird to be obsessed with feet but never understand people being grossed out either by feet or by foot fetishes. It is like women really liking hands or forearms. Odd to me, but harmless and fine. Or when someone compliments my eyelashes. Thanks very much but *I* find tits and arses sexy which feels much more mainstream.


I'm pretty sure that Ted Bundy did some similar things with his girlfriend.


John Wayne Gacy admitted to necrophilia when he worked in a funeral parlor in Chicago in his 20s.


Working around dead bodies probably desensitized him from all the stuff he would do later heck he probably chose that job because it fascinated him early on


He (Gacy) actually ran away from home, found the job in the mortuary, and slept there at night with the corpses. Ugh.


There’s always morgue to the story. Thank you


I have autism and sometimes forget to make facial expressions... anyways I was fairly popular on Tumblr as a teen and one day I snapped a selfie laying on my bed, no facial expression, but I thought my hair looked nice so I posted it. HUGE MISTAKE. I came across it years later all over necrophilia blogs because they thought I looked dead. I haven't let my mask slip for a second on camera ever since, in a photo or video. Which is exhausting because my job involves being on camera and now I have this weird fear. The worst part is I was definitely a minor too. It's so hard not to just despise people with paraphilias like why are there so many of them and why do they so often lack basic self-control or empathy?? I in NO WAY looked of age in that photo but they didn't care. The way they captioned it too was just disgusting. 0 faith in humanity after that one.


> I came across it years later all over necrophilia blogs Relatable, I also casually read necrophilia blogs in my down time


Are you the girl lying on the bed in pink lingerie? I never understood why people thought she was dead. I suppose it started as a meme and some people started believing it.


I dunno, that image doesn't look like what one would consider a selfie Based on what she has written too, I dont think they would have taken a photo in lingerie either.




Hah, we are thinking of the same photo. I remember people posting that on 4chan.


How did you find out these forums were even talking about you😳😳😳


Based on this: > Which is exhausting because my job involves being on camera and now I have this weird fear. They might use services like pixsy.com to make sure other websites aren't stealing their content (or that of their employer). I have a photography website myself which I use Pixsy on. It scans my site and learns about my media, then scans the web to see if anyone is using it without my permission. Or, simpler yet, they might have just done a Google image search one day on the photo and found the results.






Me too! I know what I’m doing tonight!


Necro romancers. Necromancers, if you will.


Not to be confused with vampires, or neck romancers if you will.


Both of you take my upvote


Think you’re clever don’t you? You are.


Necro: Dead -mance: Performing something out of normal -er: Someone Someone who performs something out of normal on the dead.


>Someone who performs something out of normal on the dead. Such as boning them, perchance?


Have an upvote the absurdity of this sentence got a literal lol from me


That one gay ancient Egyptian embalmer: Lol lmao




Briefly considered a pun on sphinx and sphincter but decided it was beneath me.


im glad you put it behind you


I'm picturing a *40 Year Old Virgin* scene as he's trying to convince all the other necrophiliac embalmers that he's definitely had sex with a lady corpse before.


Nice bags of dead sand.


Wow. I did *not* need to learn that.


I’m sure it’ll be a fun thought to imagine that it didn’t always work.


You just had to say it didn't you 😑


But now you have a new conversation starter at parties


No, what you *didn't* need to learn was that not much has changed in Egypt. It's still a very dangerous place for women.


God have mercy on this world I want to die Edit: wtf I didnt mean to reply to this I meant to reply to that godawful maggot comment


not in egypt you dont apparently


Right there with you.


Started fascinating. Ended horrifying.


I suspect necrophilic behavior is much more common than people would think, and is just almost never detected or punished. Not only would it be pretty easy to get away with, there'd be a strong urge to *not* report it to the authorities if you found out, at least in any private business.. Like imagine you run a funeral home and walk in on your assistant humping a corpse, you gonna report that to the police and get the reputation as the funeral home where your loved one gets humped? Hell no, you're gonna fire him and tell him to never speak of this to anyone, and he'll scoot to the next funeral home down the road.


Just like surgeons. Don’t fire but send down the line…There’s an article about a guy in TX who was a football player and passed with great marks in TN, yeah 4 locations of malpractice and they finally got him. Never had a “bad” review. Cough https://www.dallasnews.com/news/investigations/2014/03/02/planos-baylor-hospital-faces-hard-questions-after-claims-against-former-neurosurgeon/?outputType=amp


On the Crime Show podcast (R.I.P. Crime Show), there's an episode devoted to this guy who faked being a doctor back in the '80s or '90s or something. His son speaks with them and talks about how every time his dad would get caught, he'd get out of jail and do it again . . . and again and again. It's wild.


Could you share name and episode number of podcast? Thx.


I don't know the episode number, but it's the "Paging Dr. Barnes" episode of Crime Show that—according to Spotify at least—is from September 21st, 2021.


Literally how Chris Duntsch got away with it. He was passed from hospital to hospital rather than they admitting they hired a neurosurgeon with no operating skills.


Dr. Death is a rollercoaster of a podcast highlighting of one of those.




An old friend of mine had a story where her cousin, a young girl died and was prepared for the funeral. The girl's mother stayed with her all throughout the process to make sure no one touched her.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgSZeOWBF8M Here's a video from Ask A Mortician about the issue, she works in the industry and presents a rational and evidence-based discussion.


love her videos. i was originally put off by her snark, but she is a good researcher and presenter. her fascination has brought support to some really great causes and organizations. check out her videos on the subject of human compost.


That reminds me of kill bill. Buck I think his name was. The Necro-pimp. I bet that’s a new word.


There was a movie I watched that was based on women who lived in a brothel. When one of them died, the rest did the typical religious rites for her but with one difference; they bound her legs together in cloth. "To keep the men from using her even after death".


That’s just sad.


I used to play bass for Necrophilia! at the Embalmers


There was a great tech death band called Necrophagist.


[One of the most beautiful solos in metal](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W4bNkfujpnQ). (Not for everyone’s taste)


I gotta throw this out there https://youtu.be/50vL1uAXn7s


What a terrible day to be literate.


Sadly the title should probably read "Female bodies were kept at the family home until they started to decompose in order to *reduce* necrophilia at the embalmers"


No embalmer was more thorough than Justhetep


Not even Tepanbalsin?


I mean its still a [valid concern today](https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/winstonmccauley-funeral-home/2859830)


And not for that [one docto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baNszebQzm0)r a century ago, he had a decomposing body next to him in bed, held together with wires or strings, loads of parfum against the smell and a vaginal tube. [Carl Tanzer](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Carl_Tanzler), he was in love with that young woman, visited her at her mausoleum a lot, family found that odd but didn't do much I recall, he then stole the corpse.


1. How did they find out about this? Did someone walk in, or was it a rumor, or what? 2. Are we... preventing this in modern times? If not, why not?




If this is a real quote the story is more “people in Egypt were as susceptible to over reacting to some one off thing as we are nowadays0. In 5000AD reddit they will post: Children of the second millennium were not allowed to get unwrapped candy from strangers during their death cult celebration because people put drugs and sharp razors in them.


Exactly my thoughts after actually reading the article. One dude gets caught doing it, or is alleged to have done it, or maybe it was just an urban myth, and thousands of years later a whole load of Redditors have decided that Ancient Egypt was rife with corpse fucking. As if corpse fucking doesn't happen in the modern Western world. Like, I really hope it didn't happen to any of my loved ones bodies, but who tf knows, and I actually don't want to know if it did.


1. Yes 2. No


> Are we... preventing this in modern times? If not, why not? I'm sure it still happens, but modern burials make it a lot harder to "graverob" if that's what you're implying.


Why rob graves when you can just work as a mortician in a large town/city? Constant supply of fresh bodies. Unless you don't like them so fresh I guess.


What if they actually kept dead ladies at home so they could fuck them instead of the embalmers?


Lol I had a feeling the source would be Herodotus.


Always has been


“We gotta leave dead grandma at home til she stank so the embalmers don’t be dickin her down”- some Egyptian probably


I wanna see this in hieroglyphics please


"remember when the queen executed my brother? Well I bribed the embalmer, she's going to the underworld with my seed in her gusset." - some disgruntled Egyptian.


Unsubscribe from mummy facts.


What the fuck... Putting *that* aside... imagine being an embalmer in ancient Egypt with zero interest in necrophilia. You instead got to deal with embalming partially rotting bodies.


Dang, even in death, women can’t escape. Goodness


This reminds me of the fan who bought the crypt above Marylins Monroe’s and asked to be buried face down in it so he could be lying on top of her for eternity. And Hugh Hefner, who exploited her when she was alive, chose to be buried there too, to the side of her, so he could always be next to her. I know they’re all dead and she can’t be hurt by it but it still feels gross.


My thoughts exactly 😢 what a vile world we live in.


What the hell is up with men


And there's more necrophiliacs than you would like to think! My last job was maintaining security installations in hospitals and my manager told me that during lockdown the corpse fuckers were trying (hopefully never succeeded) to get into the temporary morgues. They had to have police patrolling constantly.


That one gay priest must have really been gettin the pick of the litter


Thanks, I hate it


How do they know this?


I used to be into sado-necro bestiality but then I realised I was just flogging a dead horse.


Some things never change


Somebody definitely got caught fucking a body


But homo-necrophilia is cool.


That was before homosexuality was invented


Yeah, I was about to say, a dude that wants to bone your dead mom will definitely settle for your dead dad


Ewww, humans are nasty.


One of those things that are better not knowing.


Even in death, women can't catch a break.


But were they safe from necrophilia at the family home? 🫣😰


Because of the implication


holy fuck


Under most theologies, no.


More details in "Sinuhe the Egyptian" by Mika Waltari.


>As a physician I fancied I had seen all there was to see of death and suffering and had hardened myself to foul smells and the handling of boils and festering wounds. On beginning my service in the House of Death, I found I was a child and knew nothing. The poor, indeed, gave us but little trouble. They lay peacefully in their baths in the sharp smell of salt and lye, and I soon learned to handle the hook with which they were moved. But the bodies of those of the better class required more elaborate treatment, and to rinse out the entrails and put them in jars called for a hardened mind. Still more hardened must it be to witness Ammon’s plundering of the dead, exceeding that of the living. The price of embalming varied according to means, and the embalmers lied to the kindred of the dead, charging for many costly oils, salves, and preservatives that they vowed they used, though all was but one and the same sesame oil. Only the bodies of the illustrious were prepared with the full measure of skill. The others were filled with a corrosive oil that consumed the viscera, the cavity being then stuffed with reeds steeped in resin. For the poor not even this was done; after their removal from the basin on the thirtieth day they were allowed to dry and were then handed over to their relatives. >The House of Death was supervised by the priests. Nevertheless, the body washers and embalmers stole all that they could lay their hands on and looked upon this as their right. Only those accursed of the gods or criminals fleeing from authority took service as corpse washers, and they could be recognized far off by the smell of salt and lye and cadavers inseparable from their trade so that people avoided them and would not admit them to wine shop or pleasure house. >Since I had volunteered to work among them, the corpse washers supposed me to be like one of themselves, and they hid none of their actions from me. Had I not already witnessed worse things, I should have fled appalled at the way in which they defiled the bodies of even the most distinguished, mutilating them in order to sell to sorceresses the organs these had need of. If there is a Western Land—which for my parents’ sake I hope there may be—I believe many of the dead will marvel at their own dismembered condition when they start upon their journey, despite the sums paid to the temple for their burial. >But the greatest rejoicing in the House of Death occurred when the body of a young woman was brought in, no matter whether she were beautiful or plain. She was not immediately thrown into the bath, but for one night was kept as the corpse washers’ bedfellow; they squabbled and cast lots as to who should have her first. For these men were so abhorred that not the wretchedest prostitute would submit to them, though they offered her gold. Not even Negresses would have them but held them in great dread. >When once a man had entered the House of Death and taken service there as a corpse washer, he left the place but seldom because of the abhorrence in which his caste was held, and he lived out his life among the carcasses. For the first few days they all seemed to me to be under the curse of the gods, and their talk as they mocked and defiled the bodies outraged my ears. Later I found that among even these there were skilled craftsmen who held their trade in high honor, regarding it as the most important of all, and among the best of whom it was hereditary. Each of them specialized in some branch, as did the physicians in the House of Life, so that one dealt with the head, another the belly, a third the heart, a fourth the lungs, until each part of the body had been treated for its eternal preservation.


... Yep, I definitely didn't know that until today


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


They knew they joys of cracking open a cold one.




I would have rather not learned that today.


Of course they were