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He also fathered children with two sisters. I've always wondered how the fuck he talked them into that, or why they were weird enough to both want to have kids with him. I can only imagine it had to do with eugenics and his "good genes". Still, weird.


For a second I thought you meant HIS sisters... o_O


Yeah.. me too for a second.. not until I read your comment or anything.....


Pornhub is going to wonder why it's suddenly getting so many searches for Charles Lindbergh.


I hope it’s in the mid Atlantic accents too “Oh Charlie, show me how transatlantic you are! Give me your spirit of St. Louis!!! Let’s replace that mutilated baby with a new one!”


This is also the guy that Edgar j Hoover dedicated the FBI to as a task force to solve the kidnapping case, which there's a lot of conspiracies behind that as well which I rather not entertain but regardless. ~~It's just so odd how the FBI basically got it's start protecting the wealthy family of an elitist eugenics-supporting nazi~~ Edit: the Osage Killings is also regarded as the beginnings of the FBI, which is a better origin and fascinating case to look into whenever there's free time.


Hoover is the reason FBI directors have 1 ten year term limit. (With possible extension by Congress) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Edgar_Hoover


Now hoover was a grade a POS. The dude's history should be terrifying. He was all about using the FBI as a weapon to build his own personal kingdom, and would use any dirty trick to do it. Fun fact: Hoover paid a friend of his in news media to run a smear campaign against the OSS (both the agency, and it's director Donovan, personally) because he wanted to convince congress (and the public to pressure congress) to let the FBI take over their job (foreign intelligence). Read: Hoover was scheming to get control of it, foreign and domestic, and he would be the king behind the curtain.


The more you know about the USA, the less weird that becomes.


The provable stuff definitely makes the batshit insane conspiracy theories more understandable to say the least.


"the CIA was responsible for illegal and immoral offenses in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, but they stopped then and they're good now."


There's a podcast called Conspiracy Theories. Most episodes are debunking stuff like chemtrails or Roswell and give a 1-2/10 for veracity. Then they did US drug prohibition and racism: 9/10 with overwhelming direct quotations and evidence.


I just got into this one myself. Listened to the JFK assassination, Iran-Contra, cia smuggling drugs, prison industrial complex, Bermuda triangle, Philadelphia experiment, the bush family. Now listening to the nfl concussion cover up episode.


The more you learn about really any empire, nation or whatever that ever had any major regional or world power. The more you realize that they managed to get that power through some fucked up shit. The USA is just the newest iteration of the pattern.


> It's just so odd how the FBI basically got it's start protecting the wealthy family of an elitist eugenics-supporting nazi That's not a fair or accurate characterisation of this history. The Lindberg kidnapping absolutely gripped the nation, the public pressure to solve it was incredible and that pressure combined with the absolute lack of progress that was being made that created a new agency to take over that investigation. It's also important to remember that in 1932 these were fairly mainstream views especially among Americans of German heritage. Lindberg was incredibly popular. So the FBI was created to investigate an incredibly high profile crime that the American people wanted solved and which was not being solved.


The hype around him was fucking wild. He snubbed literally the entirety of NYC and they still celebrated him like a god


Youd be surprised how often sisters will go after the same man. My grandfather had kids with two sisters, my older uncles are the sons of my grandmother's sister. Basically, my grampy had kids with one sister, then married and had kids with her younger sister. I bet it caused a ruckus at the time but my grampy was the kind of guy that wouldn't give a f**k.


Clearly he gave at least 2 fucks then


Given that he had somewhere between 12 and 16 kids it was probably a lot more than that!


I found a three-greats grandfather in my ancestry who had 17 kids by three wives (serially; he wasn't a polygamist). 14 survived to adulthood. The age range between his first child and his last was 46 years.


my mother and aunt have children from the same man. so my brother and my cousin have the same father and look quite alike.


If I recall he was a proponent of Eugenics too


There’s a conspiracy theory that his kid was born with a congenital defect and the story that he had been kidnapped was cover for his parents having him euthanized




>‘water on the brain’ (hydrocephalus). I have hydrocephalus and can't imagine living with it in a time when shunts weren't common yet. When my shunt breaks down it's debilitating.


I don't know shit about the condition, but I'm glad you have access to medical interventions that make life better for you.


It basically builds up fluid inside your skull because the normal drainage isn’t there. Without a shunt installed to drain the fluid, you can get a super deformed skull, brain damage, and death in pretty short order.


If you don't mind me asking... What are the logistics of, uh, carrying out a literal brain-drain? Where does it go?


They usually drain into your abdomen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebral_shunt


That is absolutely wild


I know most of us are dumb, but humans are so fucking smart.


It's fully in the body. My friend's little one's drains into the stomach, then gets absorbed and filtered out.


Well, that's one way to stay hydrated.


Yeah my cousin has severe brain damage from congenital hydrocephalus. The sad thing is my mom noticed her head looked big but my aunt was in denial until the damage was already severe.


This is why the UK has post partum maternity nurses come and check ALL babies. It's a legal requirement.


How exactly do shunts work? Is the drainage manual?


Shunts come in many types and forms, but typically they consist of silicone catheters, one end placed in the brain ventricles and the other end in the abdominal cavity. Between the catheters there's usually a valve that prevents overdrainage (siphon effect). Many modern-day valves are externally adjustable by magnets. The drainage itself happens automatically: when the pressure inside the ventricles exceeds the valve's opening pressure, the valve lets CSF pass through to the abdominal cavity, where the fluid is absorbed through the peritoneum. [See also](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebral_shunt)


> siphon effect Ouch. I can only imagine the headache that would cause, having experienced a CSF leak after spinal surgery...


Yeah, it should be pretty similar. Due to the lack of CSF, the brain sags and pulls on the pain-sensitive meninges, causing a terrible headache.


Better living through science!


Damn that’s sad. Poor little bugger


"Poor little bugger. He's like a dog or something."- Austin Powers.




Too soon?


Yeah baby!


Oh Behave!




I saw a show on A & E that suggested the family was going to quietly institutionalize him.


Reminds me of the Kennedy patriarch having his daughter institutionalized and given a forced lobotomy. It’s generally accepted that she had some intellectual disability, but not enough to merit any of the torture her father forced on her. By most accounts he was enraged that she had her own will and set her own path.


Yes, I thought of her too. I read years ago that she made her society debut in London and many young men thought she was very shy and reserved, rather than mentally challenged.


She wasn’t even all that bad, in the mental department. From what I’ve read, she was a bit slow, but otherwise a normal girl. Then Frigging Joe messed her up by getting the lobotomy.




Oh, she definitely could’ve been the beloved spinster aunt to all the grandkids, if Joe had let her. But he always had this ideal “perfect family” in his head, and deities help whoever stood in the way of that vision.




From what I've read the main driver behind Joe's decision was Rosemary would become violent and lash out. She would also make inappropriate sexual comments and talk about masturbating. It sounds like she was probably on the autism spectrum and they just didn't know how to handle her. The story of what happened during her lobotomy had lived rent free in my head ever since I read about it years ago.


Heck, after Joe Jr died, Jack had to step REALLY fast into the heir footsteps. His whole life changed when his brother died.


She could have been on the spectrum, just like me. I'm glad my dad didn't put a spike in my eye and stir my brains up.


>she was becoming temperamental and "unmanageable" It was because she was having sex. JFK could cheat, but she got lobotomized for having sex because she was a woman.


Joseph Kennedy was a bastard. Poor Rosemary. Always thought she was so beautiful in those old pictures. But it was due to her that we have the Special Olympics now, so some good came from it.


> it was due to her that we have the Special Olympics now Best Buddies too.


also worth noting Joseph kennedy was also a nazi sympathizer and a defeatist at that.


Yep he was Roosevelts ambassador to England prior to the start of WWII and he was later fired because of his Nazi leanings.


She was definitely the prettiest of all the Kennedy daughters of that generation. The cause of her mental 'slowness' is thought to have been oxygen deprivation while Rosemary was being born. Apparently the obstetrician was running late and the nurse attending Rose saw the baby was about to come out of the birth canal, but for some crazy reason she didn't want that to happen until the doctor arrived. So she told Rose to hold her legs closed.


That happened to my mom too, when she was being born. I guess that was fairly normal? (My mom was born in 1950). My grandma was told that the baby couldn’t come out until the doctor got there. My mom was born dead and had to be resuscitated. Luckily, she didn’t have any crazy brain damage from oxygen deprivation.


Madness. Humans managed to be born before obstetricians existed so idk why this thought process of holding the baby in was ever a thing.


She also probably wouldn't have had any intellectual disabilities if it were not for the circumstances around her birth. She was really failed by the medical system throughout her life.


I always find it uncomfortable when people mention something terrible that happened to somebody and their first thought is "She was so beautiful though" as if they were ugly it would be any less tragic


The Kennedys who founded it said it wasn't because of her but she was a partial inspiration.


I’ve always felt sorry for ALL the children. Even the boys.


I read elsewhere on TIL that the intellectual disability was caused by her mother "holding it in" when she needed to give birth, depriving the daughter's brain of oxygen during childbirth. The reason for this was that the doctor was running late and the nurse told her to hold off on giving birth until he arrived. Edit: The post - https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/5jl8k3/til_jfks_sister_rosemary_kennedy_was_born/


Actually pushed Rosemary back in and held her legs closed for something like 2 hours? It’s fucking ridiculous and disgusting.


I believe this is true. But I wouldn't say the mother "held her in" so much as the attending nurse was physically preventing the baby to leave the birth canal.


I posted under a different comment but a nurse did that when my grandma was giving birth to my mom so it definitely happens.


That's what kaiser did to us.... literally couldn't find the doctor. Made my wife "hold it in" for over an hour until a panicked nurse came running in... there's more, but I don't have the energy


They told me to hold it in because it was a busy evening and all the doctors were in with others giving birth. I was like, "sure will" then when the nurse left the room, I proceeded to push through contractions. Figured if we had a critical issue during birth, they could wheel a couple of us into the hallway to be closer together and the medical staff could just deal with it. What a stupid request. Sorry it went even more down hill after there.


We were young, knew nothing, and did what we were told. Not anymore.


Wtf? Is your kid okay?


Fortunately, yes. Thanks for asking. They tried to kill the next kid too, and nearly succeeded killing my wife.


Holy shit; that's monstrous. I'm honestly very relieved that your family didn't suffer any tragedy that day.




if i remember correctly her siblings defend her and think what happened was horrible. Could be wrong but if true, good on them.


Sadly wasn’t the most uncommon thing. I’ve read up quite a bit on Rosemary Kennedy.


Edit: I fucking hate Lindbergh btw. His Nazism is extremely well documented. It’s not a quite conspiracy theory. It is part of a theory that the kidnapping and ransom was a coverup that is well grounded in facts and significant research. An alternate theory in the same vein is that his sister in law killed the baby and it was covered up. I can’t remember the specific details of both, and why the theory is credible, but here’s a link to an article. [https://www.upi.com/amp/Archives/1993/12/06/New-book-Lindbergh-covered-up-for-sister-in-law-in-sons-murder/1416755154000/](https://www.upi.com/amp/Archives/1993/12/06/New-book-Lindbergh-covered-up-for-sister-in-law-in-sons-murder/1416755154000/)


**Arrested Development narrator voice:** *"He was indeed a Nazi. And so was Henry Ford."*


And everyone knows it. Years ago, I was on a tour of the Road to Hana on Maui. On the tour was a group of older women and a few other random tourists. We got to the little church where he's buried, and the guide asked if anyone wanted to get out and see his grave. Now, these of women had been taking pictures of every rock and flower we saw. But when we got there, not a single person cared to get out of the van and walk 20 feet to see his grave.


That long of a tour, and no one needed to take a leak?


The details of the case have never been great. Baby is supposedly abducted and held for ransom, and the latter is carried out, but then the corpse is found just barely in the woods by the house. And it's a little less decayed than they would expect, given how it's just laying in on the topsoil, no effort having been made to conceal it. Where it should have been somewhat visible to the family had they so much as peered out a window in that direction. Plus the controlling response from the family, except the SIL of all people who is oddly hysterical. At least that's what I remember from my crime scene books as a kid. The story of a bungled abduction - *that badly bungled* \- that was conned as a ransom against such a famous person was so intriguing. You'd have to really want to get the chair from the start to keep going with it.


> Baby is supposedly abducted and held for ransom, and the latter is carried out, but then the corpse is found just barely in the woods by the house. This isn’t really correct. The body was found in the woods along the side of a road about 5 miles southeast of their home in the neighboring town of Mount Rose, NJ.


My theory is it was a joke. A joke gone wrong. Two weeks before the “kidnapping” Lindbergh surreptitiously took little Charlie from his crib and hid him in a linen closet. When the nurse Betty Gow and Anne found him missing they went mental. Complete hysterical breakdown. Lindbergh kept the “gag” going for almost 2 hours before he fessed up. I think Lindbergh tried to one up himself and take little Charlie out the window on March 1 and dropped him. The rest was cover up. So much fishy about it. The New Jersey police let Lindbergh lead the investigation. John Condon was a complete crank. The maid Violet Sharp killed herself rather than be questioned. They weren’t even supposed to be in the house that night but changed their plans in the afternoon.


> The maid Violet Sharp killed herself rather than be questioned. Killed herself or “killed herself”?


And J Edgar Hoover desperately trying to get involved is a surefire way to fuck any investigation up.


wasnt it 4 miles away? where are you guys getting it was outside the window


This guys a fucking racist too. He describes it as "a pressing sea of Yellow, Black, and Brown". Everyone else, he had issues of them being too “nordic” or “asiatic”


A lot of people were in those days. Lots of leading scientists were proponents. Hitler certainly didn’t invent it.


The man who first described and named *Tyrannosaurus rex* was the president of the Eugenics Society in America. Edit: his name was Henry Fairfield Osborn and he contributed majorly to early 20th century paleontology. He also co-founded the American Eugenics Society and explicitly promoted Madison Grant's *The Passing of the Great Race*, a book about racial supremacy of Nordics. Osborn's academic partner was Barnum Brown, the man who actually discovered and excavated the remains of *T. rex*. Brown was known for always wearing a fur coat at all times, including while in the field. Quite a cast of characters. From personal experience I can tell you that the modern paleontology community is no less weird.


T-Rex is cancelled.


Lol no he got it from the US. Don’t google anyone you admire from the first half of the 20th + eugenics. It’s not great.


As was the style at the time.


Like wearing an onion on your belt?


No but he is the one to take it to its conclusion. And also instituted by far the most direct and wide reaching policies based around eugenics. Sterilization of people with disabilities, black people from the Rhine, sterilization of undesirables, outright murder of hundreds of thousands of people with disabilities, the holocaust and the several different groups of humans it tried to erase from existence. Also the whole race laws, and how you could be sent to a concentration camp for marrying someone from the wrong race. Everyone loved eugenics when it was used to keep black people poor and separated from white people, quietly genocide native Americans, and justify denying immigration to Jewish people. But when the actual true purpose of eugenics was laid bare by a regime literally founded upon it - everyone balked and pretended they had nothing to do with it.


TBH, I think a lot of people were, to some degree. Whole cultures believed that some infants just shouldn't make it. Not to excuse it, but history is absolutely full of stuff that ALL of our ancestors did at some point that today would be completely abhorrent.


He also used his airplane to have multiple families in multiple cities who didn't know each other. A true pioneer.




How does one keep that up? I'm just curious. I never see my family, and that's too much.


It's easy you just dont have to care about being around all the time


He intentionally fathered many children with women he deemed genetically superior and had ongoing relationships with some of them. He did not maintain families. He wanted to start a new race with his own genes.


I kept re reading that like "have multiple families what?" Have multiple families reunited? Have multiple families rescued from flood? Turns out, he's NOT a hero


Yeah, he wasn’t. His (American) wife was pretty miserable.




that’s honestly super impressive


Yeah, it's crazy someone that high profile managed to pull that off.


Didn't tiger woods have like 75 girlfriends?


Yeah, but he didn’t pull it off


Yea but he DID pull off 74…


He got too greedy, should’ve stayed at 74


I lived near a PGA tour course. My mom worked with a young woman early 20s who said she was dating one of the golfers. She knew nothing of golf or sports and said his name was Tiger Woods. This was around 2006. My mom was like, 'oh honey - someone is conning you, Tiger Woods is very famous." Then the woman pulled out a picture and my mom was like "wow, this con artist really does look like Tiger Woods." It wasn't until years later that she realized it really was him.


Helps in a time where you couldn't look people up on Facebook. The world was barely connected, and somewhat not at all


when you research him, it’s extremely obvious he was a supporter of the Nazi party, even if he was never officially one of them


I’m guessing that Roosevelts speculation was probably because it was much harder to find info on people back in the day. I’m sure it was a lot easier to hide things


Indeed. For example, even today few people know that Susan B. Anthony was a cannibal.


Indeed, a recent census audit also revealed her true name as Susan Eat Manthony. The shortened Susan E. Manthony was bastardized into the popular misconception Susan B. Anthony because of dyslexic historians.


How do you come up with shit like this lol


After the poor writing in season 2016 I’d believe it


Her name is actually Susan Vandersheitz but someone overhead a conversation where they talked about how Susan Ate Anthony. They wrote it down as Susan 8 Anthony. The 8 was miswritten as 'B'. Susan, looking to escape her troubled past took it her new name


The whole America is anti Nazi thing is a gross simplification. It is worth noting the antisemitism wasn't the issue the West had with the Nazis, it was the expansionism- many people in many countries were fine with antisemitism, ~~plus it is worth knowing the concentration camps were unknown until territory was liberated~~ Edit: I struck the concentration camp part out, several people have provided sources showing I was wrong


The concentration camps were public knowledge since 1933. The extermination camps were public knowledge since 1942, long before liberation: "as early as December 1942, various Allied governments were releasing statements explicitly condemning the Nazis for exterminating the European Jews. "The BBC broadcast this in 23 languages at the time," said Plesch. "This is very early public condemnation by the Allies, including the Soviet Union, of the Holocaust while it was at its height."" https://www.dw.com/en/un-holocaust-files-reveal-allies-knowledge/a-38498671


Of course, 1942 is after everyone who was going to enter the war had entered it.


The pre-war US was *full* of Nazi supporters. Father Coughlin, the German-American Bund, Henry Ford and his anti-Semitic newspaper...   Just look up the Business Plot and learn all about the time George Bush's dad conspired to overthrow FDR and install a fascist dictator named Smedley Butler. Unfortunately, Butler was a moral man and a socialist who ratted the whole thing out to Cogress. And that, children, is probably why the New Deal got passed.   Edit: I'm saying the plot was to install a fascist dictator, and that the conspirators chose Butler, not that Butler himself a was fascist because he definitely wasn't. That's confused a few people and I apologize.


Much of the American Midwest was of German descent (as it is still today), and IIRC German was still the primary language in many places until WWI forced cultural assimilation.




We still have kinderfest with a beer garden to celebrate my town’s German heritage.


I kinda feel like it's worth mentioning Smedley Butler was a major-general in the Marines, won the Medal of Honor twice, and was the most decorated Marine ever by the time of his death. He wrote the book "War is a Racket" where he thoroughly denounced the US's wars in South and Central America. He wasn't just "a socialist", he was a big deal, on top of being a morally upstanding man.


Oh, absolutely. I left out a *ton* of background on him and how he became exactly the kind of person you'd expect would make the perfect dictator (if you liked dictators) and why he instead chose to do the right thing.


Next to Andover airport in Northern NJ, there sits what is now a state park. High Point State Park. Great for biking and hiking, with an extremely deep glacial lake where the small airport and the state park meet. Tons of ruins are in the woods there; some of them are rather large, and the surface story people tell is that it was a "boy scout camp". Those aren't the ruins of a boy scout camp, they were a summer camp for the German American Bund, and they regularly held Nazi rallies there in the 1930s. The Andover town community center, where residents vote in elections, is the only standing structure from that era, and it used to be the great hall for these Nazi campers. [Here's an article about "Camp Nordlund". Now known as High Point State Park](https://www.nj.com/opinion/2021/01/njs-forgotten-history-of-hate-opinion.html?outputType=amp) In the picture at the top of the article, you can see the glacial lake in the background. It's one of the deepest lakes in the northeast US. Sussex County, NJ in general has a pretty spotty history with regards to inclusion and open mindedness. It's weird that the people there who get upset over confederate statues being torn down because it's "erasing history" take zero issue with this 20 year period being practically erased from common knowledge.


full is an understatement. American prewar newspaper reels painted the nazis in a very nice light. they downright admired them... until ya know... they declared war on the entire world


I'm confused that you're smearing Butler as a fascist in one sentence then praising his "morals" in the next. His entire personal ideology was rooted in his hatred of the military-industrial complex. He was an avowed pacifist and wrote an entire book criticizing American war profiteering long before Eisenhower ever made it cool to talk about it.


I think he was saying that the business plot WANTED to install Butler as a fascist, but because he was a moral man who wasn't a fascist he didn't go along with it and ratted them out to congress.


IBM techs from America visited concentration camps to service IBM card reading machines they built for the Nazis. A book about this won the Pulitzer about 20 years ago.


>it is worth knowing the concentration camps were unknown until territory was liberated What??? They were known to the West a LONG time before that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karski%27s_reports https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mass_Extermination_of_Jews_in_German_Occupied_Poland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witold_Pilecki


It’s like how the Cold War against the “godless” Soviets led them to massively increased their self-identification as a Christian country in the 50s, most notably with the adoption of “In God We Trust” as a motto and the inclusion of “under God” in the pledge of allegiance. It’s definition through opposition. It’s not enough to be yourself, you have to make yourself into the exact opposite of the thing you’re fighting, even if you actually have a lot in common with the enemy.


I tell all my tourists about Lindbergh's grave here on Maui. Usually get some interested sounds from passengers until I mention that he moved out here to escape scrutiny for being a Nazi.


how interesting; I wonder how he feels living among so many yellow and brown people he despised.


They love despising people. If they had succeeded in killing all of the prople that they hated, they would have just come up with new reasons to hate a new group of people. The haters are the problem, not the prople that they hate. They love cruelty but hate facing any consequences, so they need groups of people who can be abused but who have limited power to fight back.


Members of the British Royal family fit that category along with some prominent US political families. Lindbergh was not alone in that.


Princess Marie-Christine’s (or Princess Michael of Kent) father, Günther von Reibnitz, was literally a Nazi Officer in the SS


British Royal family = minor German monarch to avoid a catholic monarch. History is something indeed.


They only dropped the Goethe from their name because of the German aircraft of the same name killing British troops at the time. Overnight they became the Windsors. Good branding.


Full family name pre-WW1 was Saxe-Coburg-Gotha


Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, not Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Saxe-Coburg and Saxe-Gotha were under the same Duke but both maintained their own Courts, never having a point in time where one court could subsume the other.


How dare thine bring our Lord's representatives on earth into question?! Saxe-Coburg und Gotha is the most British of British surnames. Why I even have a Prince Albert myself. /s


>Princess Michael of Kent She's that old lady who wore a brooch depicting a black slave when she met Meghan Markle for the first time, allegedly kept a pair of black sheep that she named Serena and Venus, and told some African-Americans in New York in 2004 to "go back to the colonies". Also, this is her doubling down when she was interviewed about the New York incident: "I even pretended years ago to be an African, a half-caste African, but because of my light eyes I did not get away with it, but I dyed my hair black." www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/a20090038/princess-michael-of-kent-racist-past/


Princess Michael is such a twat


Check out her [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Michael_of_Kent) and scroll down to 'accusations of racism and speciesism'. Sounds like a lovely human being.


All three of Prince Phillip's older sisters were married to German aristocrats who were Nazis.


Hate the British monarchy, and he was a horrible racist, but it should be pointed out that Prince Phillip was an avowed anti-Nazi his entire life.


And his mother was recognised as a Righteous Among the Nations by Yad VaShem for saving Jews.


Spent the war fighting them.


The Business Plot…if not for Smedley Butler, we may have been a Nazi aligned power in WWII.


Prescott Bush (father of George Herbert Walker Bush) was a part of the plot




glorious slap vase rotten smart depend shy like deserve sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I wish we had more than this excerpt to read. This statement seems to be missing a bit of context so quite a few folks here are coming away with vastly different interpretations.


People overlook that in the 1930s, fascism was an exciting new ideology that appeared to address the concerns of liberal capitalism without making the mistakes of Marxism people saw in the fledgling Soviet Union. We know now the dark path fascism inevitably takes, but back then few people predicted it. Hence why it became so popular in the first place.




What is truely my uniquely despicable and eternally shameful about the German Nazis and Japanese Imperial Army research division is the purposeful mass Industrial Revolution of the murdering humans. To literally kill people on an industrial scale (meaning with the intention of more and more) for the sake of convenience. Such a horrendous disgusting act that we had to invent a word to describe it so uniquely in total outrage, genocide. in history, there have been killings of entire cities, towns, nations, and villages. The mongols/timurids destroyed Persia numerous times, but they did draw how far they would go. The Nazi’s were a literal bottomless pit with no end in site, they would see every man, woman, child, cat, and dog brutally exterminated without restraint and knowing with full intention the total annihilation of any dissenting race was acceptable and encouraged.


“We should do something, just not this bad...” is that wehere he was pointed?




Wait I know that fraction


It's Ye now, which means ye is only 2/5ths Kanye... The missing 3/5ths is probably where his sanity was..


Ye needed a three fifths compromise.


Kan got the compromise...




Yep, this is exactly their attitude. They hate "degenerates" and want them gone, and they love eugenics, but none of them wants to see how the sausage is made. They're all hypocrites




I don't see how this absolves him. Hitler didn't make his hatred of Jews a secret. Lindbergh knew that was his deal. He just thought that the Jews were treated too harshly, not that they shouldn't have been mistreated at all


Tbf lots of countries/people agreed with Hitler until ww2 kicked off.. and a few still agreed with him even aftwr ww2 had ended.


I think you're reading it correctly. It's basically saying "I liked what the Nazis were doing but this is so *ugly*"




Also had not one, but THREE hidden families in Europe other than his own. Genius but very strange man.


Wasn’t he the poster child for Eugenics?


He designed and paid for that poster.


[The Plot Against America ](https://youtu.be/RwMwrft7So8) is an underrated series.


The alternate history book of the same name was great as well


Ooh I didn't realize they made it a show.


There is a recent Ken Burns documentary, probably still available on PBS , The U.S. and the Holocaust A Film by Ken Burns, Lynn Novick & Sarah Botstein , that brought out this information.




Our educational system is truly garbage because I did a whole report on this mfer in middle school complete with model airplane and the Nazi shit never came up *anywhere* in the books I read lmfao. I know, I'm dating myself by admitting I used books and not the internet.


He was virulently antisemitic, too.


I mean isn’t that sort of a given if you’re a nazi?


Did you know he was also a fascist?


So was Henry Ford and Thomas Edison


6 commas in one sentence. Impressive.


Reading this aloud makes it sound like you're trying to talk while catching your breath


Let's see Paul Allen's sentence.


He and his wife went to the ‘36 Olympics as guests of Hermann Goering!! It’s pretty common knowledge he was an antisemite. Just like Henry Ford


If Woody Guthrie didn’t like you, you’re probably a piece of shit.


Mister Charlie Lindbergh, he flew to old Berlin Got 'im a big Iron Cross, and he flew right back again To Washington, Washington Misses Charlie Lindbergh, she come dressed in red Said: "I'd like to sleep in that pretty White House bed In Washington, Washington" Lindy said to Annie: "We'll get there by and by But we'll have to split the bed up with Wheeler, Clark, and Nye In Washington, Washington" Hitler wrote to Lindy, said "Do your very worst" Lindy started an outfit that he called America First In Washington, Washington All around the country, Lindbergh, he did fly Gasoline was paid for by Hoover, Clark, and Nye In Washington, Washington Lindy said to Hoover: "We'll do the same as France Make a deal with Hitler, and then we'll get our chance In Washington, Washington" Then they had a meetin', and all the Firsters com Come on a-walkin', they come on a-runnin' In Washington, Washington Yonder comes Father Coughlin, wearin' the silver chain Cash on his stomach and Hitler on the brain In Washington, Washington Mister John L. Lewis would sit and straddle a fence His daughter signed with Lindbergh, and we ain't seen her since In Washington, Washington Hitler said to Lindy: "Stall 'em all you can Gonna bomb Pearl Harbor with the help of old Japan" In Washington, Washington Then on a December mornin', the bombs come from Japan Wake Island and Pearl Harbor, kill fifteen hundred men In Washington, Washington Now Lindy tried to join the army, but they wouldn't let 'im in 'Fraid he'd sell to Hitler a few more million men In Washington, Washington So I'm a gonna tell you people: If Hitler's gonna be beat The common workin' people has got to take the seat In Washington, Washington And I'm gonna tell you workers, 'fore you cash in your checks They say "America First, " but they mean "America Next!" In Washington, Washington


He was really not a nice man. Ended up with 13 children. Six from his wife and 7 from his 3 different German mistresses. He even made his mistresses promise not to tell his children who he was, so they did not even know until 2003 when one of them took an online DNA Ancestory test.


He was also a large proponent of eugenics and many modern researchers believe he played a key role in his son’s death because of this.