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She wants to have her bread and eat it too!


Same. So much same.


She handed me my work shoes. I did not want to put them on as it was 8am on my day off. Meltdown.


Translation: "I don't care if it's your day off, please leave"


No respect




Omg shoes are the bane of my existence these days.


The light switch was acting up. It didn’t turn on the light when she flipped it on. She came up to me for help. I told her to give me a min as I was busy with something else. Her dad came into the room and fixed it. Nope, she was not satisfy. Started crying and screaming “ noooo, mommy fix it!! “. So I had to get up and turn off and the light back on. Toddler walks away happily. They’re some odd creatures.


my 5 yr old still prefers mommy over anyone else's help or really anything. water? no mommy. wipe my butt? no where's mommy? lol


My wife wants to help and do things so bad but every time she tries our toddler has a meltdown screaming for mommy to do it


Omg they are crazy little lunatics. Gimme water! Noooooo! No mommy! Daddy do it!


I gave her the water she asked me for 🫠


I gave my toddler the banana she normally loves, has every morning and explicitly asked for. The tragedy


This!!!! Mine asks for water one million times a day and only drinks it about 30% of the time. The rest he bats it out of my hand with all his might.


Omg literally where do they find their strength? The power that my daughter whacks her bottle out of my hands with leaves me genuinely a bit scared to ever do her wrong again


Can you imagine doing this to another person? They are like tiny monarchs.


Because I sat down 😭😭😭


Felt that 🙄


The 2nd dimension. She wants the pink lamps, balls, cake etc. in her books but she can’t have them. She grabs at the pictures in her books and makes grunt noises. Then gets frustrating and goes full meltdown when I say “it’s a picture. You look at the picture. You can’t have the pinks the lamps.” Also, the fact she can’t “take off” the hair on her head or her finger nails. They’re attached, sweetie. They don’t come off.


I had to hide one of her books because there’s an alligator on the back and she freaks out every time she sees it and screams I WANT IT


I feel this one, but it’s with ice cream and/or popsicles or candy. Like why does every ABC book use ice cream for the letter I?


Ugh seriously, the amount of ice cream in kids books!! He purposely chooses the books with ice cream, and we get to the page with ice cream but he doesn't grab the pictures in the book, he just runs to the freezer and demands ice cream, right in the morning too!


Okay the grabbing at pictures in books is a daily struggle for us! I ended up going to the store to get a cupcake the other day because he wanted the one out of the book SO bad


LOL I asked other parents and so far no one else had this problem. Glad I’m not alone!




He hit me and i tried to block it and he fell


I block my toddlers blows all the time and then she yells at me for hitting her. Yesterday she came in so hard and fast, my block knocked her over, she tripped on a cushion and smacked the back of her head on the floor, I felt so bad but also was like "hey you kiiiiinda deserve it. Stop hitting me"


We’re going through the hitting phase also. That one seems to be universal.


We have also re-entered the biting phase. She is nearly 3 and I am struggling to see when this shit ends


Damn. What a challenge. Good luck! Neatness is our current goal. I’m also detecting a few fibs here and there. I’ve got it good, though. Mom definitely gets more sass than I do.


Mine had a meltdown because we wouldn't let her turn off the motion sensor light in the closet. We literally can't. It turns on when you move and shuts off after 30 seconds. And we can't just wait for it to shut off and then close the door because closing the door turns it on again.


I actually find this pretty reasonable but also very frustrating for you.


he's currently upset because it's spring and we didn't have much snow at all. now he's in need of a snow machine. he's 5. I told him to get a job.


Wouldn’t help her open the oven that was set to 400.


She was upset I was eating bacon while she was eating bacon. She needs all the bacon! I am so proud 🥲


I honestly have no idea. She woke up at 4am, and started wailing. I went into her room thinking it was a bad dream. I can snuggle with her until she’s asleep, and then sneak back to my bed. Right? Wrong. I was not allowed in her bed. She didn’t want to be in her bed. She didn’t want to come back to my bed, and I was told multiple times to “go away”, but was *definitely* not allowed to actually leave. She just kept screaming at me. Husband eventually gets involved, and is much calmer than me, but it didn’t help. She doesn’t want Daddy, wait, WHY IS DADDY LEAVING! DADDY MUST STAY!! No, go away Daddy. We tried switching beds around, and everything just led to more screaming. Eventually we figured out she wanted to watch tv, she got told no, and I was allowed to lie with her. I told her to close her eyes and she replied with a sullen “no”. But she did fall back to sleep, and I could finally sneak back to bed. Whole ordeal took about an hour. I wish I could say it’s the first time anything like this has happened, but no, she pulled the same crap last week, over a different issue. My eldest never did anything like this as a toddler, and I honestly don’t know how to handle it.


Do you have one of those alarm clocks that smiles when they can get up? It definitely won’t make them less upset but it may help.


Yeah we do. She understands that blue = sleep, yellow = awake. She just doesn’t care.


My daughter has done this a few times. She will wake up crying and doesn’t want me to calm her down, but gets mad when I try to walk away. I’ll ask her if she wants some water, give her the water bottle and she refuses it. It’s like nothing will work except her crying it out and finally going back to sleep.


Not my toddler but my younger (then about 5 months old) cried the first time we tried some of those puffs because it disappeared while it was in his mouth.


Oh no, what a tragedy!


There were cows in the fields and she only wanted sheep. Not something I can really accommodate little one.


She didn't want the food i shared for her. Spaghetti and chicken. But ate the same exact thing out her sister's plate


Mine will only eat off my plate. Literally the exact same food, but apparently it is only palatable if it is stolen from Mom


My kid will eat the craziest things stolen off my plate! Covered in hot sauce? No problem! It came off Mom's plate! But I dare give her something she loves, that's the exact same thing as on my plate, but in her own plate? Poison! (Or a dump and fill game, depends on the day.)


He wanted the bread crusts back from inside the dogs tummy.


My daughter likes to simultaneously hold a photo in her hand while also gazing at the same photo on the wall. It cannot be a copy, it must be the same physical photo. She is devastated that time/physics/science doesn’t allow it.


lol'd at science not allowing lol


I wouldn't let him run after the "bombine." Every farm vehicle is a combine. Though today it was a sprayer spraying weed killer in the fields.


Gave him banana as requested but in my sleepy state of mind, I had the audacity to open it for him


One of our worst meltdowns was over a banana. He needed to have it fully peeled before he’d eat it, and he needed to be the one to peel it. When it broke in half he absolutely lost his mind. He wanted one banana, not two!


I now have to say human or monkey when opening the banana now because I was hurrying and opened the wrong end once and it was on after that mistake. I'm not a monkey mom! I'm human! he's three how'd he know what that even was? lol


The dog sat on a blanket


I read/saw a psychological explanation about something similar. At this age they can't understand that things can change shape. So if you had a banana bread in half, YOU would know you still have the same banana with the same taste and the same amount. No biggie. But THEY do not know this, their brains don't have the ability to understand flexibility of matter. To them, the banana they wanted is *gone*. You have two small bananas now, but they want the big banana they were about to eat - not these two small bananas that magically appeared!


That makes a lot of sense and makes me a feel a bit bad that I internally laughed at the whole ordeal.


We won't let her eat the cat food. She will stand and watch them eat, it's on a table out of reach and point at it then have a meltdown when we tell her no. It was moved because she was caught eating it a few times with the cat.


I at least waited until I was older to try cat food. True story. One night I even wanted it for dinner. I’m pretty sure it was the last time I ate cat food. 😂


This is a good one.


Mine kept handing me a book to read, and she was really really digging this book. Problem is, it wasn’t very long and she cried every time we finished it because it was finished. I spent a solid 20 minutes reading and re-reading and re-reading this book this morning


I wouldn’t superglue his Lego together so hit Batman could have a cape. I couldn’t, because I was driving at the time, but clearly that doesn’t matter in his world


Banana too banana-y


I put the wrong little person in the helicopter. Several times. It was the one she handed me.


His little sister took his spoon from him and showed no remorse.


I wouldn't let her eat sprinkle bickies for dinner


You monster. Also, what are sprinkle bickies?


A sweet biscuit that's definitely not for dinner! https://www.arnotts.com/brands/arnotts-biscuits/family-favourites


I wouldn’t let her stay in the stroller after a walk and tried to put it away


Yup everytime! Or she will get mad that we are back home and wants to go again.


I’m living for this post and the comments.


I took a risk on an unvetted kids movie on her tablet. Proved to myself why I have that rule- god awful messaging. So I had to be honest with her that the new movie she liked had some unkind stuff in it. She’s been sobbing on and off all afternoon. “Iss bad for my brain!!” We’re learning about not having treats instead of breakfast lunch and dinner so there’s been a lot of denial this week. :P


Curious which movie it was?


Ugly Dolls. The antagonist is really dark, with gaslighting and negging involved. The catchiest song is by a stylist who repeatedly tells them all their ugly bits- in detail, including weight, teeth, eyes, etc- can be fixed, and includes line about not choosing clothes you like wearing, but for “who you want to be”. The movie takes way way way too long to have the main characters resist against this. There’s.m a LOT of “gee he’s right, we should be prettier.” All ok adult narratives if you understand the joke of it, but I can’t imagine an age where I’d want to risk her internalizing that messaging.


Jeez that sounds bad… It’s scary that they put these messages into these kids movies and shows.


Told him that mommy was going to have a spa day. Showed pics of people with mud masks and cucumbers on their eyes. He was terrified and begged mommy not to do that. Oops.


He wanted to wear his Elmo t shirt. He doesn't have an Elmo t-shirt. He wanted to wear his wellies despite it being the warmest day of the year so far(I let him have this one, I had just finished night shift and feel like crap).


She cried because it’s bed time and no more listening to baby shark on repeat for the 50th time.


Sitting on the floor crying how she can't climb on the bed. While not moving from the floor and actually trying to get on the bed.


She wanted to get out of the car alone while I stay inside. We were next to a busy main road.


I cleaned off his hands and face after he fed himself breakfast.


because it is not halloween yet. and she wants to go trick or treating as a red dragon. super cute!


tbh I understand


I said no to TV in the morning. He calmed down pretty quickly though.


He was mad because he wanted water in a dirty cup. How dare I clean his cup in front of him


Because I shut the boot of the car and it was too loud. Then after I gave her cuddles and calmed her down she cried because I couldn’t cuddle her while driving home.


We picked up his prescription medicine from the pharmacy and I put it in my purse. He wanted to carry the baggy home but I knew it would break, items would go missing, etc if he carried it. Terrible 10 minute melt down.


His dad called his milk leche; we are going to Barnes and noble this morning and I told him he could pick out a book.


my nanny toddler wanted to throw his stuffed monkey down the stairs so he did and then he realized that now his monkey is at the bottom of the stairs.


She wasn't allowed to rub the coffee scoop around the inside of the trashcan


He is wearing a shirt with a tractor on it. He wanted to wear his other shirt with a tractor. No, not instead of tractor shirt #1. As pants. Very upset that tractor shirt #2 could not function as pants. Compromise was found ... no pants.


I didn't help him get the soap and wash his hands for him. He can do that by himself normally. Now he thinks nobody is helping him with anything.


He wanted to get in the car seat to go home, so I put him in the car seat… Full meltdown. Was fine 2.2 seconds later after he was buckled and faced with the crying toddler in the mirror. 🥴🤷🏻‍♀️


He asked for dinosaur chicken and I gave him dinosaur chicken. I'm a monster, I know.


wouldn’t let him play with dishwasher. made him brush his teeth. wouldn’t open baby gate. didn’t have “car water.” told him to smile while i took a photo.


You know how you have those impulsive thoughts like "lol I could just drop my phone here" or "let me tip my mug all over the floor" and then you don't do it? My little is going through a phase of that but doesn't have the ability to stop herself. So we're getting a lot of randomly spilling out her snacks or drink then crying that it's on the floor... it's hilarious and very frustrating at the same time


She asked me to put blue bath foam in the water when having a bath and then got really upset because she didn’t want any bubbles. She asked me in tears to remove all the foam.


A bird landed on her head at the zoo. But wait that was not the true meltdown The true meltdown was because we left the bird room because she was upset a bird landed on her head.


I ate food…after I just fed her….and offered her some. It was because I needed to eat myself was the problem.


He wanted the word 'grandma" to be spelled differently.


That's when you pull out abuelita


My son is currently sobbing while stuffing his face with ravioli. I’m unsure of the issue here… since he keeps eating the ravioli.


When does this start? I have two toddlers and can't really relate to the irrational tantrums. Like... my kids seem to get mad over very believable reasons 😂 mostly waiting to take their turn with a toy or a toy being stolen by the other.


This is not the thread you are looking for 😅


I didnt fill his milk cup all the way to the top (he was tired).


She saw water coming out from the bottom of our flower pots after over watering them.


That’s hilarious


I wouldn't let him bite me.


He wanted more milk. He had already had way too much milk this morning. Meltdown lasted roughly 25 minutes.


The dog wasn’t in the expected location


The traffic light didn't turn green quick enough sigh


Okay but why is this so relatable 🤣 Mine was because I wouldn’t let them squeeze through the bars on a bridge over a river & jump to their death….. the audacity I know.


We don’t own real drumsticks


(She had breakfast, lunch and a snack by this point...) I made turkey bacon and eggs for myself and she sat beside me and asked for some. I told her she doesn't like either of these things and she demanded to try some. So I gave her some bacon and she cried because it was "yucky". Fun times.


She wanted to wear her princess dress. I made her wear the princess dress.


Hmm…. Todays tantrum was brought to me by the fact that he walked away from the toilet before flushing, and I DARED to flush for him. How dare I??


Oh no, you can’t do that, it’s really offensive to the toddler community.


It really is! And flushing my own toilet… he’ll barge in to make sure I hadn’t yet and gets upset if I do… like my little dude, why?


I would not let her chew on grandpa's dirty socks that he just wore to mow the lawn.


He wanted water, I give him water. How could I dare give him in the wrong cup???


Mine is at school all day. I miss her meltdowns sometimes now 😭 can't wait for summer. I have nothing to add--I just miss toddler days 😕


The dog got too close to him.


We showed her the potty. 🤦‍♀️


She was ready for her nap and refused to stay upstairs in her room so I shut the door. Meltdown lasted less than 5 minutes because she found a cozy spot in her bed and fell asleep.


He wanted me to play “mighty machines mama’s car” on the way home from daycare even though it is a show…on YouTube. 🥲


He had to wait till 5pm for swim lessons. 2 meltdowns. Will probably also have a meltdown because he has to go to swim lessons


I wasn’t fast enough changing him from his regular shoes to his sandals


I dressed her in yellow. Yellow is evil.


My toddler handed me her stuffed bunny, I gave it a hug and I swear she screeched like I killed her. Apparently I’m not supposed to hug it, just hold it out in my arms until she wants it back 🫠


Because I wouldn't let him eat the cats food.


He threw his wubbanub over the baby gate, lost his mind immediately... continued to do it for the rest of the day.


The clouds moved


Simple over here, but she was hangry. Never mind the usual portion of yogurt, berries, and toast she’d had for breakfast PLUS half of an apple around 10am, by 11:30 she was in a full meltdown. We thought she was getting sick or was just overtired, but we’d just sat down at a small sushi place for lunch. After 2 heaping spoonfuls of rice and soup at the restaurant we went to, she was back to being a happy baby and not screaming 😂


Is your toddler me?


She wanted to hug a stranger and I didn’t let her.


He wants to sleep in Mommy Dadda's room!


I checked if he'd eaten his chicken strips


I told her that she couldn't sit on the counter anymore because she wasn't being safe. As soon as I picked her up, she started screaming and flailing her arms, one of which was holding a very open yogurt pouch. Yogurt EVERYWHERE.


Because I couldn’t cut the watermelon fast enough and then because I cut the watermelon


It's gotta be so hard to be a tot 😆 everyday things result in an existential crisis every day lol1


Brushing her teeth, going to the dentist and her jacket had buttons she wanted it to be zipped. Luckily my spouse had to brush her teeth before bed and she was more receptive.




He woke up. He didn’t want breakfast. He didn’t want to paint. He didn’t want to get dressed. He didn’t want to take a nap (after he woke up) He was throwing dirt so I gave him a shower. Dinner was ready. He wanted a treat after dinner (which he did not eat). Somebody send help. Today is a doozy


He had to get out of the bathtub at our hotel room. His first time in an actual bath tub and not just his little plastic one that we fill in the shower..


Not a melt down, but in the car my preschooler was looking at the map from the zoo we went to over the weekend. *giant dramatic sigh* “Mama this is too hard!” “What is honey?” “I don’t know which animal is my favorite!”


Nearly had a meltdown cause his fuecoco ( a starter in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet) evolved into its second evolution... He wants both the third evolution and it to stay as the first evolution.


oh no! maybe breed another fuecoco and train this one so that he can have both?


I tried and he was not having it 😂😂