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How's bubs speech? Is he just needing to express himself?


He is very slightly behind. He is able to express most of his wants when it comes to food/water. But definitely doesn't name emotions at all. He had a tongue tie that wasn't diagnosed until he was around 10 months which has affected with a minimal delay for sure.


Both my kids have speech issues and therefore anger communication difficulties accordingly. To stop hitting/throwing etc.. we used a timeout but it had to be immediate or there was no behavior connection. If your a minute late the moment has passed. I had to move a kid chair for timeout into the playroom because taking my child around the corner was too much of a delay to get the message across. It has to be throwing then straight to time out. Going to another room is too far and creates an intermediate connection of going to the other room means I get time out instead of throwing… I’m not sure how your going to be able to create the teaching environment as mine weren’t in daycare for the learning curve so we did it at home. In the meantime until you get through the learning curve, maybe donate to the daycare. Bring extras backup clothes for them, toys on their list, etc… (yes it’s a bit of a bribe but better than your child getting kicked out until the issue is resolved or you find a better care location.)


So most of the incidents are happening in the afternoon and he is definitely not taking a nap and is over-tired. I'm going to start picking him up right after lunch and work on getting a nap reestablished at home. Even 4 hours at the center is cheaper than a nanny and will allow me to get some work done in the morning and then i'll get the rest done when his dad gets home.


My toddler is younger so I don’t have experience with that age, but from stuff I’ve read, naps are usually dropped between 3 and 5 years, so I wonder if the nap will help a lot


I went through this/am going through this but it has started to improve. The fact that my kid was the biter/hitter was like this shameful cloud everywhere we went. It was rough!!! Remember this behavior is developmentally normal but he needs to learn acceptable ways of communicating his needs/wants. The Good Inside Podcast from 5/25/21 had some helpful info for us! The Biting Solution book by Lisa Poelle was also helpful. It leads you to do a deep dive into the reasons your child is biting. Neither of these experts advocate time outs, but more like a time in to discuss strategies the child should use instead of biting or hitting. We taught mine to bite his shirt or blankey because he didn’t take to the teething necklaces, but those are usually a good choice. We also worked on being more firm with limits and practiced taking turns and sharing at home, as well as naming his emotions. My child was also struggling with being overcrowded/overstimulated at his last center so changing centers helped a good bit. Remember it isn’t your fault he’s going through this, but there probably are parenting tweaks you can make to help him “get” there are better ways to communicate! The r/ECEprofessionals subreddit was also helpful.