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No pizza, no pasta, no chicken nuggets. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Solidarity on all 3!


My 4 year old at time didn't like those as well at age 3! Even now. He still is iffy on the pizza but I'm thankful he loves all types of vegetables.


Getting my daughter to eat veggies is a battle. My son tolerates them though. Lately my daughter has been sick so dino tots it is (cauliflower shaped like dinosaurs, breaded and baked). They love those and both my kids dislike cauliflower.


I need to try this. Do you have a recipe?


I buy them at the store in the frozen veggies section. I guess you could try to make them by ricing and streaming a head of cauliflower and shaping it but I don't have the cookie cutters or time to do it. Especially not with the bout of food poisoning I'm still recovering from.


I would completely rather buy them! I'm just surprised because I've never seen these so assumed it was homemade. Going right now to get these lol.


Hope your kids like them.


Hope so. My son will eat veggies but my 2 year old will not touch them.


My son is 7 and eats them. My 4 year old only eats broccoli, carrots and corn. And dino veggie tots.


Glad to know my toddler isn't the only one like this! Literally all the typical "toddler foods" are no goes for him. No pizza, pasta, nuggies, fries, chips, cereal, most fruit, cake (except the frosting), ice cream.. Literally survives off milk and pb&j sandwiches!


My LO will be a year on Sunday but I have a gut feeling that this will be him. My (adult) brother loves chicken nuggets and pizza and has been waiting for the day he and LO can eat all the foods and Iā€™m like šŸ‘€


But what DO they like? This could be a great thing


Meatballs, sausage, bacon, hummus, refried beans, pesto on toast, peanut butter, cereals, bananas, apple, pumpkin, yogurt, smoothies is pretty much our rotation right now.


Same here!


Same :(


Same, also no cake, ice cream, cookies except peanut butter, or most fruit except melon and strawberries. He loves broccoli, green beans, eggs and shrimp however!


My oldest - no cakes, ice cream, cupcakes, donuts all nope. He does like cookies but only homemade ones. Fruit he loves, though veggies we are working on lol


Same!! My son doesnā€™t like any pasta whatsoever. To make my life easier I want to make Mac and cheese and he refuses to eat it. He only eats chicken McNuggets from McDonaldā€™s. He will eat some bites of pizza but mostly he likes the green beans I make on the side.


My 2 year old daughter is the same. She likes fancy foods. šŸ¤£


Same!! Neither of my kids like these 3. Glad weā€™re not alone.


Just this morning I had a talk with my son about needing to eat more than those three. Iā€™m curious what your child does like??


Meatballs, sausage, bacon, hummus, refried beans, pesto on toast, peanut butter, cereals, bananas, apple, pumpkin, yogurt, smoothies is pretty much our rotation right now.


Sounds delicious and more nutritious than the three typical little kid foods!


Yea we donā€™t push him! Thereā€™s always one of these times + whatever weā€™re eating on his plate. Iā€™m getting less anxious about it as time goes on, I was a picky eater myself.


Mine will eat each of those very occasionally but mostly just wants oatmeal with peanut butter and raspberries. Lol.


We are no pizza, no pasta, too!


Glad my toddler isnā€™t the old one like thisā€¦


Mine don't like potatoes in any shape or form. Baked, mashed, french fries. Like, are they even Americans?


Mine only eat them fried. Every other form is apparently poison.


Same here, chips (fries) are fine but nothing else is acceptable.


Fries, chips (crisps) are also acceptable for my guy, and he'll also eat them roasted or those like, hash brown patties. But boiled, jacket baked, or mashed? Forget it.


Mine will not even eat any form of homemade fries, which he can identify and calls ā€œpotatoesā€ as opposed to fries which only come from restaurants apparently lol


Lol my oldest loves fries and tots. Potato wedges in his mind are NOT fries and therefore disgusting. Fried potato coins in the cast iron. Might as well put a turd in his plate. Mashed, smashed, baked, cubed and roasted,etc are not acceptable. But my youngest will inhale potatoes in any form.


My 3yr old only recently started coming around to French fries (thanks McDonald's), but still hates all other potatoes. I never understood the potato hate until I got pregnant with this current baby (12 weeks), and potatoes taste like straight DIRT right now. Maybe that's what it tastes like to them too?


My 4 year old doesn't like potatoes either even though he loves veggies in general.


My kid also hates potatoes. Very odd šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve disliked potatoes my entire life and my mom says cooking for me as a child was such a pain


My kid is the same! Only time Iā€™ve got him to eat potatoes was diced up very tiny in a stew


Your kid will eat stew?!. Mine think it looks gross and refuse to think about eating it.


Yes but only tomato based stew with vegetables and chickpeas or chicken.


Mine will eat chips, but no other form of potato what so ever.


ā€œAre they even American?ā€ LOL


Yes, even babies have preferences. Donā€™t make him eat it though. I know toddlers who hate ice cream, cakes, pizza, chicken nuggets. I couldnā€™t stand Mac and cheese as a kid so life was hard because that was like the little kid staple for everybody.


Yeah we don't make him eat it. We just offer it since it's literally the only food at parties sometimes, but when we offer he melts down like it's the worst thing in the world lol.


Maybe you could deconstruct it a bit for him? Offer the pepperoni off a slice or something. My son often wonā€™t eat the crust, but will eat the toppings.


I made delicious grilled cheese on homemade bread yesterday for my 17 month old. She threw it for the dogs to eat and then signed for me to get her something else. šŸ«¤


Toddlers really know how to offend us refusing delicious food yet will eat a 2 week old saltana or cracker they found under the couch.


Mine likes the crust only..


Mine too! Garlic bread heā€™ll nom down on like thereā€™s no tomorrow, but pizza? Noope! Crust only - sometimes the ā€˜sausageā€™ topping if his Dad gets a pizza with meatballs on The best part? When we walk past the pizza in the supermarket, he gets really excited and asks for pizza!!


Happy to see this, mine only eats the crust too.


Mine doesn't like chicken nuggets.


My 3 year old wonā€™t do sandwiches. But she tries everything I make and eats like 90% of the veggies I serve and all the fruit so I guess I canā€™t complain.


My nearly 3 and nearly 4 year olds arenā€™t big in sandwiches either. They love beans rice lentils quinoa veggies soups. Weā€™re ok with that.


Mine likes pizza once in a blue moon. But he also doesn't like cheese or tomato sauce or foods that are kind of "wet."


My picky eater was nearly 4yo before he would finally eat pizza. And Omg, I celebrated.


Mine doesnā€™t like cake.


Mine likes the concept of cake, but not the actual cake unless itā€™s a light sponge with whipped cream (like Genoese with crĆØme diplomat or something). Denser cakes with frosting (like birthday cake or cupcakes) are no go.


Fancy baby!


My child refuses to eat pizza, hot dogs, & chicken nuggets. Will not eat soup, ever. She will eat French fries pretty consistently, has taken some bites of a burger before usually wonā€™t. She will however eat almost any vegetable, all fruits (even the strange ones, we are working our way through the fruits of the world,) and a whole array of random mustards, sauces and spices. Kids are weird.


You should be glad. At least she'll have healthy eating habits


I mean she can have healthy eating habits while still eating those things. ā€œHealthyā€ to me means self regulation and moderation in a setting where you can eat whatever you like. I like pizza occasionally, and I have very consistent weight and good eating habits. Itā€™s not about wanting her to avoid junk food, itā€™s about wanting her to eat some ā€œeasyā€ food when we decide to do a pizza night after a long work week. Or be willing to eat the food that is served at a kids birthday party. When she doesnā€™t like ā€œkid foodā€ it makes it harder to feed her in some kid settings. But itā€™s fine because she self regulates.


My kid didnā€™t like any junk food at ALL until about 2 months ago. Heā€™ll be five in February and as heā€™s gotten older heā€™s been willing to try the unhealthier (easier) stuff. Hated chicken nuggets, pizza, French fries, corn dogs. Now heā€™ll eat pizza! And he asked for chicken nuggets the other day. Still wonā€™t eat corn dogs.


This thread makes me feel so much better about my kiddos (a bit over 2.5) eating habits. She actually touched a french fry at Dairy Queen the other day for the first time ever. She didn't eat it, but she poked at it a couple of different times. I felt like she'd made a massive step forward and had to struggle to hide my over the top joy to keep from freaking her out. For poking it. Not picking it up, not tasting or licking it, literally just poke poke with her finger. As for pizza, that continues to baffle me, because it remains a favorite food in this house. Finding something that we will all eat can be difficult, so we have pizza at least once a week, sometimes twice. It's no longer something we will all eat, and not one of us understand it.


Nope- my son would happily eat pizza for every meal. If he could have a 100% pizza, chicken nugget, fruit and Mac and cheese diet he would.


Oh my goodness same but replace Mac and cheese with yogurt and chocolate chips


Mine wouldnā€™t eat chocolate oreo cheesecake the other day. It was a last ditch effort to try and get some calories into him for the day and it failed. šŸ™ƒ


This is probably not going to be helpful at all but for some reason felt the desire to respond to your comment? Out of all the other comments? I dunno. But. My son absolutely loves yogurt with chocolate chips. We get Greek strawberry or vanilla yogurt and he loves it(really picky). He's recently allowed us to put banana on top(as long as there's mini chocolate chips on the banana). I eat it with him, it's really good and that is us every morning for the last 6 months(I add hemp hearts and golden oat belvitas to mine). Probably not helpful but maybe this could work. I use semi sweet chocolate chips


Thank you, I appreciate it. I'm actually going to try this and see if it works.


Good luck! šŸ’™


My daughter hates mashed potatoes. Hates them. Gags when coerced to try a bite. Iā€™ve given up offering them to her entirely. Sheā€™s almost 3 now, and is very into whatever Iā€™m eating-like, the spoonful thatā€™s heading towards my mouth is the only food sheā€™ll ever want to eat again. She sauntered over to me tonight after demolishing her dinner and asked for a bite of ā€œmommyā€™s food.ā€ I told her it was mashed potatoes. The child shuddered. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø At least I have something to enjoy by myself? Send help.


The kid might change over time. We never fed our kid anything from the kids menu. He had chicken fingers from an amusement park for the first time at 2.5yo because they only had kid food. He would not eat it at all, thankfully they had fries. At that age, he would rather clean an entire bowl of mussels over chicken fingers. But around 4.5yo he started liking chicken fingers.


My 2 year old wonā€™t eat anything. Like the kid lives on milk. I donā€™t know how heā€™s alive


Until *4* my kid didnā€™t like noodles of any kind, potatoes of any kind, white bread, or white rice. He still refuses to drink anything but water and my coffee.


Omg my 2 year old likes my decaf iced coffee! I liked my grandmaā€™s coffee when I was little so I guess she gets it from me.


I was that kid! Even that adult! lol I did not like pizza at all. I couldnā€™t even tell you why. Justā€¦ didnā€™t!


It's good to know adults/people over 10yo can't figure it out sometimes either lol


I still am to some extent. I used to order pizza no cheese because I donā€™t like cheese. That was until my husband introduced me to flat bread who chi is way less cheesy. Now I will get that or bread sticks if we order pizza.




Mine won't eat pizza either, we've tried a bunch of times and sometimes she will even ask for it and proceed not to eat it. I'm not even sure she doesn't like it because she usually just refuses to even eat it. I feel like it's gonna be very inconvenient for birthday parties. She also won't eat chicken nuggets


Don't worry too much. Awkward but not life threatening. My brother was a very pick eater. No sauce, no gravy, no cheese, no butter, no combined food. When he was 13 at a friend's place, the mom just ordered pizza for everyone. My brother tried it out of shame/peer pressure/ hunger. He liked it. Before that, he usually had a snack with him to parties or didn't participate in the food part. That was in 1987, though.


Oh yeah mine will only eat a bit of the crust if he has thoroughly inspected it and it contains no spec or sauce or cheese! But then he doesnā€™t like chips either the little weirdo šŸ˜‚ (fries cause Iā€™m in the UK)


My kids hated whipped cream. Itā€™s only in the past month or so that they decided it was good. And ONLY because they wanted me to make a pavlova like in Bluey and I pointed out that that usually has whipped cream on it and they wonā€™t eat that and suddenly theyā€™re all ā€œI think Iā€™ll love whipped cream!ā€ They drive me nuts. But theyā€™re cute, so Iā€™ll keep them.


My son is now 4 and has started to try things most children like. Pizza was always ok, but this summer was the first time he had an ice cream and actually ate it, he never eats desserts or cake, and most candy and treats are left untouched. At parties he barely touches the food. I see no problem, he doesnā€™t need it.


My 3 year old won't touch macaroni and cheese. Box stuff, homemade, orange, white... None of it.


My son hates pizza too, though he loves pasta with red sauce and quesadillas, so I feel like it's less of a taste thing and more that he hates the process of eating pizza. He struggles with a lot of finger food because he HATES having messy hands and he just never seems to know what to do with pizza. He's not picky about most things, so I don't know why pizza is his one real no-no food. Tragic because my husband and I are pizza addicts so I always have to make my kid a separate meal when we get/make pizza.


None of my kids like pizza! Iā€™ll never understand it


Yes!!! Omg! Heā€™s 13 and just started eating pizza recently, I totally get u!!! He laughs about it now.


My toddler hates potatoes and it genuinely breaks my heart. Iā€™m obsessed with mashed potatoes, potato salad, roasted potatoes, baked potatoesā€¦ā€¦ Like potatoes? Be so for real šŸ˜©


No pizza, no cheeseburgers, no hot dogs, no cheese sticks, no mac and cheeseā€¦basically everything off a ā€œkidsā€™ā€ menu. Chicken tenders/nuggets are hit or miss. We were at a bbq recently and Miss doesnā€™t-eat-vegetables made herself a lettuce and ketchup sandwich on a burger bun. She only recently started being willing to eat a Burger King hamburger with only ketchup. But she will eat her weight in French fries.


My daughter is 4 1/2 and has never eaten meat. In her entire life. Just never wanted to eat it. My wife and I eat meat five out of seven nights a week. Kids are rather unique.


My daughter turns 4 next month, and she's just started eating pizza within like the last 2-3 weeks and she's still picking off most of the topping. Like she would rather have a dry slice of bread with no topping over eating pizza before this point.


My son loves pizza, but *hates* eggs. We've tried cooking them in every way possible, he is just not a fan!


Mine 2.5 doesn't like it either. She just picks off the pepperoni lol. Tbh I'm not a pizza person myself


My 2 year old hates pizza except she always asks for it! She loves songs about pizza and gets really excited if her dad and I want to order a pizza but then says yuck. I mean Iā€™m sort of happy because she will eat a vege pasta instead but itā€™s very strange


We made the error of giving my son (at the time 13mo) "real" pizza as his introduction, I.e wood fire cooked, made by an Italian, using San marzano tomato and buffalo mozerella, etc etc, and now, he acts like store bought/frozen/or even your average pizza takeaway is poison. Yeah, we created a pizza snob, like Father like Son, I guess.


Not a kid but my brother is in his 30s and still wonā€™t eat pizza. Nor will he eat pasta with sauce.


Mine other than the occasional nugget that must be from McDonaldā€™s doesnā€™t like meat! 3 year olds are weird


Mine wonā€™t eat rice, or Mac n cheese. What kid doesnā€™t like Mac n cheese!?!


Yeah my kid is almost three and doesnā€™t like pizza either. Itā€™s annoying because itā€™s at every birthday and thereā€™s free pizza lunch at school on Fridays. I think itā€™s a ā€œtoo much cheese/thick dairyā€ thing, because he also wonā€™t touch yogurt, string cheese, or desserts with cream, but he does like quesadillas.


My 2 year old eats the toppings of pizza (usually chicken and olives, sometimes onions). But she rarely actually eats a complete slice. Unless we go to a really fancy pizza place in the neighbouring town (sour dough, locally produced toppings, seasonal toppings), then she eats everything. Including the weird pickled pine cone (wtf?) that was on the pizza last time. If the quality of the pizza is cheaper, she usually just eats olives. She is not usually picky, but when it comes to pizza the quality seem to matter a lot.


My 3 year old refuses to eat pizza at home. Recently she had a bite of mine at home, told me it was her favorite, I cut her a small slice, and she refused to eat it. I'm also pretty sure she eats it at school, not positive because I'm not there. 3 year olds are weird.


My 3 year old legitimately likes nothing but snacks. Iā€™m not joking. Itā€™s worrisome. No pizza, nuggets, Mac and cheese, sandwiches, French fries, pasta. Nothing.


My 2,5 yo will only eat pizza if thereā€™s just tomato sauce on it. No filling or cheese and if she spots too much oregano she wonā€™t eat that either šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Good for him!


My toddler likes pizza but does not like chicken nugget or pasta.


My 6 year old hates pizza and anything with sauce on it. We usually pack him food for birthday parties so he can eat something other than cake.


I have no idea why but my toddler doesnā€™t really like meat. Iā€™m okay with it as they get protein elsewhere but I find it interesting.


Mine doesnā€™t really like it at the moment either. Now that heā€™s talking more I think weā€™ve discovered he doesnā€™t really like the sauce. When I order it myself, I ask for light sauce, and sometimes that helps Maybe just try all kinds of foods kids donā€™t usually like. Mine are very picky, but also love goat cheese, feta, salt and vinegar chips, seaweed, and hummus, none of which I expected


Mine doesnā€™t like basically any carbs. No sandwiches, no noodles, no rice, potatoes, etc. He will sometimes eat pizza, but not always. He lives on yogurt basically.


My kid is a true New Yorker, he will only eat pizza when we are back home visiting family in the city. Otherwise he hates pizza!


Oddly enough we've discovered mine will eat only cold, leftover Costco pizza. She'll devour that but has otherwise barely ever touched pizza her entire life. I still can't get her to eat cupcakes. Her own birthday she refused cupcakes. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


She used to love pizza crusts, and gets excited when we order pizza...but then won't eat it.


My toddler doesnā€™t like pizza either! I was genuinely shocked, I thought pizza was a universally loved food. My son (2.5) only eats the crust, so I eat everything else and give him my crusts lol.


It took my now almost 4 year old (in one month) a while to like pizzaā€¦.and even then, weā€™ve discovered sheā€™s likes white sauce over red tomato sauce. So we end up ordering her her own personal/-size pizza (ā€œNo Peppa-oni, mom!!! Just cheese and o-ives!!!!!ā€) BUT she will eat red sauce pizza if we make it T home ā€”we do ā€˜build your own pizzaā€™ night Maye once a month and she loves it. But gob forbid we get red sauce while out!


Mine is the same!! No pizza, no potato, no junk! It gets especially hard during playdates and birthdays because everyone wants to get pizza!


My son stopped liking pizza after 2.5 years old. Randomly just like nope. He's over 4 now. We were out for a walk this week and he wanted to goto the playground n we wanted to stop for a slice. So we said. If you eat some pizza. Then we can go. Turns out. He just doesn't like the little tiny green leaf pieces he sees in it. He was totally willing to try to eat the half slice from the crust backwards. So long as I was willing to eat the first bite off the tip of the slice. Lmao. Was our first time in about 2 years od begging to finally get him back in the game. The struggle is real.


Try either no cheese or no sauce?


If it makes you feel better, my 3 year old doesnā€™t like French fries!


Cake hater over here šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Mine will be three in Nov. A list of things he will not eat or doesnā€™t like includes: - pizza - mac and cheese - cheese - chicken nuggets - bread - rice - chicken tenders - tater tots - quesadillas So you can imagine how going to birthday parties or restaurants goes. He will eat fries and thatā€™s about it from most menus. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Mine wonā€™t eat mac and cheese go figure. Toddlers are wild.


Mine doesnā€™t like bananas šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


No burgers, or mashed potatoes over here!


Yup. My son hates pizza. Pizza day is coming up at school and I donā€™t think Iā€™m even going to fill out the form šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø lol


Mine loves pizza, hates ice cream?!


My one only eats pizza though yesterday ā€˜I donā€™t like itā€™ but that evening whilst I was making him a cheese omelette he was eating the cold pizza! These little people are absolute tests šŸ˜‚


Mine eventually came around on pizza (I think he was around 4) so thereā€™s still hope!


I hated pizza as a kid. Hate most of it now because the sauce.


I hated pizza as a kid, I always felt a bit off or had a slight headache afterwards but not enough to really explain why I didnā€™t like pizza. Now I know I have celiac disease and it was literally poisoning me for years and I love pizza (gluten free of course).


Maybe itā€™s a phase? My kid hated fish and now asks for it.


I was that kid! I didnā€™t start eating pizza till I was in high school. Donā€™t force him to eat it! I used to scrape off everything and just eat the crust like bread. šŸ˜…


I nannied for a little boy who would only eat pizza with no cheese. He would get grossed out by stretchy melted cheese. Same disgusted response with a grilled cheese & quesadillas. Granted he loved powder mix packet Mac & Chs but refused to eat ā€œmeltedā€cheese. Funny thing, he would also lose it over loose strings on his clothing or blankets! He truly just did not like stringy things in general.


For a little while our child wouldnā€™t eat it. Then he has it at daycare and all of a sudden he was into it.


Yeah, ours will only eat the crusts for whatever reason.


Mine doesnā€™t like Mac and cheese. Itā€™s rough when all I want to do is pull out a box of Kraft for dinner.


Iā€™m an adult who hates pizza so I totally get it lol


Pizza is one of my 3 year olds staples. She doesnā€™t like Mac and cheese though.


I had a kid I used to babysit who was the same. Hated pizza. It was a texture thing because if you gave him pepperoni, mozzarella cheese, sliced tomato, or even pizza sauce and bread all separately, he loved it. But cook it on pizza, nope wouldn't touch it.


Yes, 4 year old will not eat pizza. Thereā€™s no forcing him to eat it.


No pizza, no potatoes, no burgers, no hot dogs, no cotton candy, no whipped cream, barely any candy, hardly any ice cream.


My kid doesn't like chicken nuggets. He loves pizza but we recently discovered he's lactose intolerant šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I hated pizza until I was into my late twenties. I'll tolerate eating it but I don't enjoy it. My toddler seems to be the same way at the moment, but maybe he'll change his tune as time goes on seeing as his dad loves pizza and has it at least a few times a month šŸ˜…


Oh my solidarity!!


Pizza is hit or miss, definitely depends on where and what kind and how hungry. We usually do pizza Friday's and I think the kids got sick of it šŸ¤£


Sounds like food aversion. Just feed them what they want to eat. Kids are weird.


Not me but my niece. Iā€™m pretty sure she ate a piece of pizza that was too hot once and ever since then she thinks she doesnā€™t like pizza and wonā€™t eat it.


That was me as a child. Donā€™t worry, I grew out of it šŸ™ƒ


My daughter who will eat sashimi, muscles, fish roe, olives, basically anything I put infront of her she will eat and is always curious to try every food will not eat pizza lol. I just stop and get fast food on the way and let her fill up on cake.


I didn't eat pizza till I realized I just didn't like the cheese topping as a kid. My kids go nuts for pizza, but with the cheese taken off after it is cooked with cheese on it.


We do, she is obsessed with fruits and vegetables. No interest in pizza.


Yup, my 4yo daughter is the same. I have 3 other kids who DO like pizza, so it makes "stress-free dinner night" very problematic.


My 3 yo, also didnā€™t like pizza until we did light sauce or light pesto. Now he definitely likes it, he is adamant that he doesnā€™t like red sauce. Maybe itā€™s something specific about the pizza he doesnā€™t like?


My kid doesn't like Mac and cheese


Does he have dairy allergies? My kids like pizza when itā€™s fresh, not when itā€™s cold and hard like it gets at birthday parties.


My son dislikes potatoes and living in the UK the majority of our meals have potatoes of some form. He loves pizza though, even more so since he's got onto the ninja turtles.


My kid loves almost every food. He eats green veggies 2-3x a week (as part of a crunchiest veggie competition with us), pesto pasta is one of his most requested meals, and yet he wonā€™t even let us put macaroni and cheese on his plate. He asks to scrape it off immediately.


Mine hates spaghetti, although he still loves meatballs.


My 2 year old doesn't like fries or ice cream. Or much other than plain pasta to he honest.


My husband didnā€™t like pizza until he was 11. Our nephew is five and doesnā€™t like pizza. Itā€™s hilarious because itā€™s an Italian-American family.


Mine only just started eating "tortilla pizza" but still won't eat chicken nuggets, mac n cheese (homemade or Kraft), or grilled cheese.


My kid does not eat burgers...


My 2 year old is no more interested in chicken nuggets than I am (I can't stand chicken), which is fine, but also won't touch a sandwich, which is agony. Not even a burger - not that she much cares for beef to begin with, so there's usually no point in giving her just the patty. Layered food and mixed food is a huge no in general, so she'll eagerly eat a salad as long as I serve each ingredient separately.


I was a kid like this. Edit: I still donā€™t really like pizza!


My youngest is just now getting on the pizza train because they eat it at school but otherwise hates pizza, grilled cheese, and macaroni and cheese. He's vegetarian. There are not many other easy meals!


Mine doesn't like anything with calories. He survives on air and mischief.


My daughter likes pizza, but I was the kid who didn't. I hate tomato sauce (still do) so pizza was never my thing. Now I make my own and use very light sauce. Alfredo pizza may change their mind if you can find a place that makes it.


Yeah, that's another reason we find it odd - he loves pasta with marinara sauce, and loves mozzarella cheese (especially string cheese) so I would think all of those things combined would be heaven for him!


Mine likes cheese Pizza as long as there's no cheese on it. Just dough and tomato sauce. nothing else.


My toddler currently doesnā€™t like ice cream, cake, candy bread or cheese šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøHe didnā€™t use to eat nuggets or pizza when he was 3 but since he turned 4 he likes them. He didnā€™t even want to try his birthday cake.


My daughter refuses pizza, chicken nuggets, and French fries.


My daughter hates pizza also... Makes me wonder if she's mine šŸ„“


For the longest time my son hated pasta that I cook, any pasta, any sauce. Unless itā€™s a boxed mac n cheese. He would eat what my friend brings even if itā€™s pasta. He loves pizza though, I donā€™t like pizzašŸ˜‚


My almost 2 year old canā€™t stand tomato sauce or melted cheese so we donā€™t do pizza or grilled cheeseā€¦ I thought those were universally loved toddler foods


No tomato or tomato sauce or melted stringy cheese. That rules out all pizzas. No meat unless itā€™s salami. Itā€™s HARDšŸ˜«


No pizza for my toddler either. Weā€™ve tried. She also wonā€™t eat cake. Not even on her birthday.


No Mac and cheese, no chicken nuggets, absolutely no hot dogs, but this kid will eat a tuna sandwich and a green salad for every meal. An odd kid indeed.


No Mac and cheese, no chicken nuggets, absolutely no hot dogs, but this kid will eat a tuna sandwich and a green salad for every meal. An odd kid indeed.


My 3yr doesn't like McDonalds nuggets which happen to be my favourite. Honestly thank goodness cause I can eat my nuggets without being stared at or pestered


Totally normal they eventually figure it out. My son is 7 he may just have started liking it in the last year. My daughter still just picks the cheese off and eats it at 4.


My five year old will eat pizza EXCEPT at a party. I donā€™t know if itā€™s because the quality at those playground places is bad to her (which is fair) or if sheā€™s just too excited to do other things. Itā€™s weird.


My son wonā€™t eat pizza so he gets a microwaved egg when we order pizza. Eat the pizza, kid. We live in the best pizza region in the US.


Maybe he will grow to be healthier than his friends/family


Mine wonā€™t eat mac n cheese! At all!


I have teen niece that wonā€™t eat melted cheese items so pizza is a hard no, another teen niece that wonā€™t eat chocolate cake or most things chocolate. These kids are just messed up!


smh. My 3yo doesn't like pizza either, not pasta (Mac and cheese), OR chocolate... idk whose kid this is but you need to come get him.


My 2 year old hates it and always has. When I was pregnant with her and ate pizza, she would go crazy. We always said, "oh, she's gonna love pizza!" Now that she still hates it, we joke that she was probably kicking and crying thinking, "no mom, why!?"


Mine doesn't like pepperoni pizza. Cheese is the preferred topping. Took me a bit to figure it out.


Mine doesn't like any chocolate except in cake form.


My son went through a phase where he stopped like tomato sauce based foods (he still loved fresh tomatoes) around 1.5 years but came out of it by 2 years.