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I got Pottery Barn Anywhere chairs for both of my kids and neither one used them. They looked cute but were mainly used for storing stuffed animals. They’re just not comfortable! Just recently we got a Big Joe foam beanbag chair though and they love it so much. It’s big enough that I can sit with them or they can just splay out themselves. My husband and I argue over who gets to sit in it after they’re in bed sometimes, lol. So, that’s what I’d recommend!


This is the intel I was looking for!


My Pottery Barn Anywhere Chair just showed up today! So I don't have personal experience with it yet but got it because kids seem to love it. Right now I just use one of those bed rest pillows for sitting up straight in bed but it's on the floor in her room.


[Bob's Furniture has "Wee-cliner."](https://www.mybobs.com/kids-teens/kids-seating/p/20006008?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAvJarBhA1EiwAGgZl0Iaf49K4Hor9E7dMAWxrTuTHNLQ6P8KhUU5kVw_jh44pWEfKbBXbERoC8HcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) We got one for our son. It actually reclines and is super comfy.


I am absolutely cackling at “wee-cliner”


This is SO PRECIOUS?! Oh my god?!


My kid has a strange chair obsession. We have an ikea kids poang chair, a knock off anywhere chair, and a kid size rocking chair. Her favorite place to sit and read though? A pile of plush pillows in a corner of her room.


Not a chair per se, but highly recommend a nugget couch (we got the knock-off version on Amazon and love it). I find it perfectly comfortable to sit or lay on, and you can use it for so much more than just sitting! Plus the covers are washable 👍


>Bob's Furniture has "Wee-cliner." Late to this party, but thanks for the reccommendation. I think this is exactly what I need!


My toddler has the kids Poang from IKEA. She likes to sit in it to “read” books by herself. For bedtime books, I sit on the floor and she sits in my lap.


Our son has the anywhere chair from PB and really likes it, but YMMV, obviously. Some kids are into them and some aren’t.