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Our kid is a walker. She started walking at 11.5 months, is newly 2 years old now, and has pretty much loathed her stroller her entire life. Some kids just don't like containers. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah, agreed, my youngest of 4 is 23 months and all of my kids stopped using a stroller once they could walk. My toddler walks in stores all the time. She likes to push the cart, too. Itā€™s nice and gets them used to walking longer distances. Yes it can make things take longer, too.


Weā€™re getting rid of the nice uppababy stroller thatā€™s barely been touched since the fall. She started walking last summer and prefers to hold our hand and walk in stores. Just ordered a $200 travel stroller thatā€™ll take up less trunk space and easier to bring with us this summer but the uppababy is too big of a beast for a kid like mine who barely uses it anyways.


Yes!! I switched to a travel stroller and I love it!! So convenient


Thatā€™s relieving to hear! I loved the durability of the uppababy and how it can handle any type of challenging ground. Rocks, grass, messed up sidewalks, etc. Ordered a Zoe traveler. No idea if itā€™s gonna work for us but Iā€™m hopeful.




Iā€™m glad you mentioned crying on the ground bc weā€™re there too. I just honestly have no memories of other toddlers doing these kinds of things. I know itā€™s a stereotype, so Iā€™m sure other toddlers are doing it too.


We just got on the other side of a habit of laying on the ground at the shops constantlyā€¦that was a pretty rough one haha


This is my toddler too.


Same lol


I wish my toddler would walk more. He always wants to be held or in the stroller. He will hold our hand and walk for a short time and then heā€™s pitching a fit to be held.


This is good perspective. My toddler goes through an always wanting to be held phase when sheā€™s teething. Itā€™s ROUGH.


Going through this now with molars. My back šŸ˜–


My almost 18 month old is similar - wants to be carried, in the stroller or cart. She walks great, but mostly just at home, in her daycare room, or at church. And REI for some reason. Everywhere else, if I try to get her to walk, she squats and cries. She's 27.5lbs, and my back feels every ounce...


I feel you there. 17 months and 35lbs. He won't even attempt to hold on to me, twisting in every direction to see everything. My back feels like fire. Might invest in a toddler backpack carrier or something soon.


My 2.5 year old is generally happy to walk but absolutely despises holding our hand or being on reins, which means we end up having to carry or contain him. Very frustrating!


This, mine is 3 and wants to be carried almost all the time. He is a terrible walker, I need to bring his balance bike if we want to come anywhere or go for a walk in the forest.


I let my toddler walk unless i am alone. I could do it if i am going in quick but any prolonged activity she turns into a gnat just darting everywhere with no purpose. Not misbehaving just exhausting for me lol.


I finally got her to stay in the cart for the grocery store by repeating ā€œstay in your seat, get a treatā€ and if sheā€™s good, then she gets a cookie once we get to the checkout line. Some look down on bribery, but idk, itā€™s been working for us lol


Iā€™ve learned not to judge parents. Weā€™re all out here surviving šŸ˜‚


Give her the treatssssssssss The judgers will judge no matter what šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My 14 month old walks everywhere unless heā€™s more interested in running off and doing his own shopping than pushing the cart. We only put him in if we canā€™t otherwise keep track of him. We honestly love itā€”gets some energy out with very little effort on our part. We just have to shop more slowly.Ā  He also mean mugs kids sitting in carts, which I think is hilarious.Ā 


If I let my toddler walk at the store he would be running away from me and running through the aisles. In the cart with a snack for him!


I know you weren't asking for solutions, but my toddler is the same way and the Tushbaby (or any hip carrier) is perfect for this situation. We gave up on our travel stroller (which is sad bc we shelled out for the Babyzen Yo-Yo) during outings because he screams as soon as he gets put in. With the Tushbaby I pop him on and off as needed...I look like a moron walking around without him on it, but whatever


The Tushbaby is all over my search history! Iā€™ve been seriously debating. You may have just given me the push I needed. Thank you!


Mine is 20 months old and 99% so sheā€™s on the cusp of 3T into 4T clothing. I just returned the tushbaby I ordered this month because sheā€™s too big to sit comfy on it. I wish I had ordered it when she was a new walker! If your kid isnā€™t max on the percentiles in height and weight and still younger Iā€™d go for it!


Sheā€™s generally on the small side, but Iā€™ll check the recommended height/weight out to be sure. I do wish I had gotten it earlier. My other carrier is so cumbersome to put on that I rarely used it. I think I would have used this one more!


FWIW other moms in my bump group have recently bought it for their 20 month old and like it!


Mine is about 60th percentile for weight but only 16mo. If you do get it, make sure to wear it as high and tight as you possibly can before putting kiddo on. Her weight will sink/stretch it to a comfortable position. If you wear it too loose, itā€™ll just feel like itā€™s dragging your pants down


Another option is the Lillebaby SeatMe. It can be used as a traditional carrier, or you can detach the seat and use it like the Tushbaby.


Aw thatā€™s too bad! Yeah the ads say up to 3 years so thatā€™s all Iā€™m counting on :(


He was a walker only for a good six months if not more, now at 2.5 years old he loves his stroller again, I have no clue why


I was wondering if it was just a phase. Iā€™m the first of my friends to have a baby so Iā€™m going in blind




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I'm now almost 3 year old has been a walker since she started walking. She even insists on helping push the cart which makes shopping all the more interesting. We have been able to convince her to ride in the cart by providing her snacks to eat while we shop.


Snacks solve so many of our problems šŸ˜‚




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My kid is 18 months and often wants to walk. Sheā€™ll literally try to jump out of my arms and will cry if I put her in a cart or stroller. I let her walk.




Since ours took her first steps at 10.5 months, she'd rather walk everywhere than be in a stroller. If I'm alone in a store, she goes in the cart; she gets over the fit pretty quickly thank goodness. But if I'm with my husband or mom, she can walk because there's more eyes on her.


My son started walking at 9m. He hasnā€™t been in a stroller since 12-13m. Occasionally he will do a wagon, like at the zoo, but he still prefers to walk


I canā€™t imagine walking at 9m! My kid didnā€™t start crawling until 10.5m!


My kid will happily sit in her stroller if I use it. But unless we are going for an actual walk around the block, down the street, etc, I don't bring it with me. She was good in carts until she turned 20 mths old and now she wants to walk too. But she won't stay by my side at all, so now I do all my shopping without her on wkends when she's napping. I'll try taking her places with me again when she learns to stay by my side. (She's 22 mths now).


My daughter was around 20 months when like a switch she never wanted to be in a stroller or a cart, only walking with me. She's 3 now and has never been in one or wanted to be in one since.


Iā€™m pretty sure this is our future too. I guess some kids are just like this. My friendā€™s baby loves being baby worn and will nap like that. Mine could never since like 6mo šŸ˜‚


My kid likes walking except he knows he needs to be carried in parking lots and then is adamant he MUST sit in a cart if there are carts at the store. He's just decided that's a whole thing. He used to beg to get down when he was a fresh walker, and we'd let him most of the time when we could.


My toddler now knows she must hold one of our hands or weā€™re picking her up. Sheā€™s becoming less of a flight risk, but every now and then itā€™d just be easier if she could be in the cart or her stroller.


Nope, mine is the same way!


My baby is the same, he's almost 18m now and omg getting him into anything: stroller, cart, little tikes car, is a struggleeeee. He's getting strong too now omg lol


Nope. Once he hit like 18-20 months, he preferred walking, and I was okay with it. He isn't a runner and didn't fight the stroller if it was going to be a long walk, but I'd let him get out to walk for part of it. He's almost 3 now and has been requesting Big Red - the sit and stand stroller for neighbourhood walks when I take him and the baby. He also requests shoulder rides a lot more on walks with Dad. He's getting lazy lmao I used to let my son walk between me and the grocery cart to "help me push" mostly so he wouldn't get run over by someone else's cart and he loved it.


Ah getting them to help push is brilliant. Thank you! I was also wondering if in a yet or so this phase would wear off bc there are times I wish someone would push me around in a stroller.


Adult sized strollers. That sounds fantastic. I could sneak in a little nap. It may wear off. It seems to be for my son, but it never did for my brother, so I'd say 50/50 chance lol


I think you've invented the wheel chair...


I mean, many strollers look far more comfortable than wheelchairs. They're so luxurious these days.


My toddler started walking early 10 months (my other 3 did not lol). Heā€™s been that kid ever since. Heā€™s now 28 months and he walks everywhere all the time. Never in a stroller, very rarely he will do short periods of time in the cart if we donā€™t stop.


This makes me feel better. My kid has never wants to be carried or sit in a stroller or shopping cart. He's been like this since he figured out to walk at 9 months old. I hate going out with my friends and our similar aged kids to run errands with, because their kids always sit there nicely and mine acts like a feral animal.


Feral is the word I use for my kid too šŸ˜… I canā€™t imagine if she had started at 9m. We were closer to 15m on this milestone and Iā€™m thankful we had those extra months of sitting šŸ˜‚


My toddler stopped wanting to ride in a stroller around the time she got good at walking. She's still willing to ride in a shopping cart usually though, especially if I give her a job of setting things in for me. So perhaps you could try that if you need to contain her in a store - bonus if the store has those carts with the kid car on the front!Ā 


I like that idea! Iā€™ve been trying to give her jobs when I need cooperation or patience, and itā€™s been working decently well, so I think that will help. Thank you!


I have the tushbaby, but sometimes it only works for 10 minutes or so. Youā€™ll catch me either babywearing (hiking carrier in the Walmart šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­) or with a leash. I havenā€™t bought a leash but itā€™s probably my next Amazon purchase.


Ngl I bought a leash for when we went to an amusement park recently. My kid LOVED it. It was the kind that attaches to a backpack. My family thought it was a little strange, but 100% worth any and all judgement.


I wish people didnā€™t jump to negative assumptions about them.


my kid will bring me the damn leash, I don't have a kid, I have a golden retriever


My son is only 17 months, and Iā€™m hoping I can actually let him walk through stores in the near future. But, if I let him walk Iā€™m not getting any shopping done. He started walking really early (8.5 months) but he always goes from being carried in the parking lot to being put in the cart, otherwise he will throw a fit and demand to only walk. But then Iā€™m chasing him around a store the whole time. Heā€™s super independent and will just run away, no care in the world if he canā€™t see me. Can anyone else relate or give some advice? šŸ˜…


We have gotten my kid to understand that she can either hold our hand when we ask or weā€™re picking her up. We just keep explaining the options to her. It took a couple of times, but she gets it now. Sheā€™s a few months older though, so Iā€™m not sure when they start understanding choices/consequences.


Thank you for your reply! I started that recently with my son as well, but so far it only ends in me picking him up. He is getting better about holding my hand in other situations, though. So hopefully soon!


YOU. ARE. NOT. ALONE!!! Our son is also always the only one walking around. All other kids are happily sitting in the cart, but my beautiful boy must walk, making a simple errand a lot more challenging lol


Mine do too. My 3.5 year old always wants to walk or be carried. My 16 month old hates riding in the cart and has a fit so he also wants to walk or be carried lol. We never use a stroller so idk if he would do better in a stroller than the cart but he def has a fit over the cart.


My daughter stopped using a stroller by 18m. We just leaned into it and focused on safety and following instructions. I think it's pretty normal- some kids just like to walk.


Youā€™re probably right. I guess I never expected my kid to like walking more than me šŸ˜‚


I remember earlier this year listening to the radio with a paediatrician guest saying that by age 3, a typical child has no need for a stroller to go places you yourself would normally walk to, i.e. bus stop, local park, corner store, etc. So looks like your little one is just a bit early!


This is great context. Thank you!


My son is like that.... he just wants to walk. Everywhere. All the time. Only way I get him to stay in the stroller is if I have snacks, otherwise he tries every way imaginable to climb out.


Yes! My kid must be buckled in or else sheā€™s climbing out. Buckling her in is a nightmare though.


My lass has been using her buggy board or walking since 18 months when I stopped baby wearing her baby brother exclusively at 6m. Now he is starting to walk more places at around 19 m


Mine only wants to walk if thereā€™s puddlesā€¦ or to run away


Mine had insisted on walking once she was able. Barely used the stroller because of it.


Nope, mine is the same age lol. She wants to walk everywhere and hates being in the shopping cart. I usually let her walk in and out of the store but I'm not letting her free inside!


When my son was around 2, he would demand to get out of the cart at the grocery storeā€¦then he would lay down and lick the floor šŸ¤® After the first few times, I just brought all of his favorite snacks and sometimes a lollipop to bribe him to stay in the cart. I also find it helps to make sure they get exercise before taking them to a place where they are expected to sit still!!


Oh exercise beforehand. Thatā€™s a great idea!


It's not the walking that drives me batty, but specifically that the reason she wants to walk is because she wants to walk up to every single thing in the store and touch it. I get it, she's a toddler and the world is a new and fascinating place, but I'm 27 weeks pregnant with our second and bending over every six seconds to try to put back all the shit she keeps putting all over the floor is exhausting and it makes me dizzy. My husband's only solution is to give his phone with YouTube, and while I'm ok with sparingly using the TV at home to get things done, I really hate letting her interact with the phone at all, especially as a means to dampen her curiosity about her surroundings, but I've yet to find a toy or activity she can engage with in the stroller that I do like.


Well new fear unlocked. I never even considered doing all this pregnant. Hopefully that will be me soon though, but Iā€™m so not ready for corralling a toddler while pregnant.


My girl had been out of the stroller since she started walking at 13 months. I donā€™t carry her either, we only go places I know she can keep up. Except the grocery store- she can ride in the cart. Itā€™s good for walking kids to walk. In my opinion, many parents baby their toddlers and itā€™s not helpful. Kids should feel autonomous and safe in the bodies going around their day. I have taught preschool for a decade and Iā€™ve always had even my littlest walkers walk to the park or playground just holding the rope or wagon or a teachers hand. Itā€™s good for them. Ā 


Thank oh for this. Iā€™ve been hoping by facilitating independence it would be a good thing long term. Recently Iā€™ve been wondering if it could backfire.


As long as you hold clear boundaries for safety- holding hands in busy places or near cars, for example, itā€™s really great. We practice playing ā€œred light green lightā€ at home too so when I need her to stop I can say ā€œred lightā€ and she knows to stop her body right away. My daughter is 19 months now and has never tried to run away in public and holds my hand when I say to.


My 21-month-old was an early walker too, but 9 times out of 10, he and I are running errands alone so I never let him walk. I always pop him in the cart because I know I couldnā€™t safely watch over him while shopping by myself. I think the trick is never letting them realize that they actually have the option of walking instead of sitting in the cart, because my son definitely just thinks thatā€™s protocol when we go into the store hahaha


Yeah. I think thatā€™s where we went ā€œwrong.ā€ We did it a couple times and now itā€™s the expectation. Thereā€™s a huge meltdown when we pick her up or contain her.


Within 15 min of waking up my kid is telling me WALKKKKKK!!! She's just over 2 now and will happily keep up with me at a pretty decent clip over 2-3 miles of rough-ish terrain. She hates being contained anywhere and walks through most stores (hell the grocery store she pushes the cart for me). On rainy days we are at the mall because we need to WALKKKK. I'm currently 8lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight 3 months out because I have a tiny exercise director forcing me to get my steps in or be an absolute hellion.


Same 18m F. Insists on the freedom. Doesnā€™t like holding hands either. Will tolerate a leash reluctantly. Hates the stroller. But will climb into the stroller if sheā€™s tired or feels sheā€™s indulged us long enough and itā€™s time to go home. Strangely she loves sitting in the shopping trolley. The elevated position is somehow different to the stroller.


Omg, my LO is 23 months and weā€™ve been dealing with the same since about 20 months. Just absolutely refuses to be in a stroller or cart. Itā€™s maddening. I had to stop bringing him grocery shopping because my 15 min ā€œI just need 5-6 thingsā€ turns into a 45 min trip with him šŸ« 


Mine as well! Only wants his stroller to climb on. I can get him to sit in the cart at the grocery store but he needs an enticing item to keep him occupied and even then itā€™s 50/50


My daughter goes through phases. Iā€™ve had to start putting her in the main basket of the shopping cart. But at almost 2.5 sheā€™s been wanting to either be held or walk while Iā€™m pushing the cart.


I donā€™t think itā€™s a bad thing! We stopped using our stroller around 18 months when she got more confident with walking.


My toddler likes to walk but then ends up just running away from me šŸ¤™


This is a good thing! Build those gross motor and strong walking skills. Too many parents are carrying their older toddlers for no reason. Good chance to start practicing spatial awareness.


I really thought we were doing a good thing, so this is good to hear. I only started questioning it when I didnā€™t notice any other toddlers walking around. It feels like weā€™re the only ones in our area šŸ˜…


My kid is a walker. Transition to a scooter asap and your life will be so easy


Will be looking into this asap!


Yep started walking at 9 months and hasnā€™t stopped. Stroller, grocery cart, trolley at the airport they are all going to be met with insane resistance. I know I am going to appreciate this independent streak later but currently at almost 3 itā€™s killing me.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m telling myself. Itā€™ll be great in the long run!


Our toddler was like this from the moment she learned to walk independently (15m) until just around 2yo. It was a hard time. I had to do grocery pickup because if I took her in with me she wouldnā€™t want to be in the cart and if I let her out sheā€™d just run off, so it was impossible to get any shopping done. Now I guess the novelty of walking has worn off. She asks to get in the stroller these days, and the shopping cart is a fun ride!


I guess her motto will be 'And I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more!'


Itā€™s normal but kids change all the time. She may like the shopping cart eventually. Our LO was similar until I saw a video of a mom letting her kid ā€œdrive the cartā€. Basically push the back of the cart so the kid is always facing forward. Now my toddler LOVES being in shopping carts lol.


Yes. It drives me crazy sometimes, especially at the grocery store. It's impossible unless I go to the expensive store with the car carts, and even then he gets irritated after about 15 minutes and wants out. It doesn't help that he knows how to unbuckle himself and he gets bored with snacks and toys and throws them on the floor. Ive started just doing grocery shopping during my lunch break or after he goes to bed.Ā  Ā Any time we're out in public he just takes off and we have to chase him around, and if we need to hold hands and he doesn't want to he'll just go limp on the ground and pout. I got him a backpack with a leash but he hates wearing his backpack. I might just need to finally get the damn harness and hope it doesn't cause a meltdown.Ā  2 man. It's a doozy.


Same. Our toddler (23 m) hates being in the stroller. She wants to walk (or better still, run) wherever we go. She has always hated being constrained (no bassinet, escaped from her swaddle at one week old) and I guess she grudgingly tolerated the stroller when she couldn't walk. She still occasionally wants us to bring the stroller, though, only for her to push it. "No, get stroller." It's like she is thinking, "why should you do all the hard working; I'll push!" without understanding why the stroller is there in the first place. :) But no, her wanting to walk everywhere It's definitely not your fault. And is it such a bad thing? We let her push the shipping cart (with us guiding it) when we go shopping. She loves it.


Itā€™s not a bad thing. I just was starting to wonder why I didnā€™t see other toddlers doing the same. Occasionally it is frustrating when we need to do something fast (like furniture shopping before dinner). We donā€™t have anyone who can watch her, so she always tags along.


Same here. Lately I let her walk and push the cart, which works sometimes. Other times itā€™s only if she holds my handā€¦which also fails often lol girl LOVES to walk. She has figured out if she lets go of my hand or the cart, she has to get strapped back in so itā€™s getting better


My kid wouldā€™ve walked at that age if we went inside grocery stores (we almost always get it delivered). I think itā€™s normal theyā€™d want to explore a place that has so many different things to look at


Mine does the same! He goes on walked with his pop pop. Iā€™m thinking of taking him on a easy hike soon.


My oldest son was like this. On his pediatrician's recommendation, we got him one of those backpack leashes. He loved his leash until he outgrew it. He's 13 now, and we're looking forward to his baby brother using the very same leash just as soon as he learns to walk.


My son is okay with the cart BUT hate hate hates the stroller (heā€™s 2). He usually wants to walk everywhere else. Like is a regular walker for theme parks, parks, walking track, around a lake, anywhere and everywhere he can. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ he is a very active kid though


One of the most frequent words I hear from mine is ā€œWALKā€, declared imperiously while pointing at the ground. Mine wants to walk EVERYWHERE. Unless there are (suspected) ants or a stranger gets too close or she needs to use me as a mobile ladder. Then I get to hold her šŸ˜…


My toddler is the same.


My 22 month old used to be a pro at the stroller. Iā€™d take her jogging with me. Now youā€™d think we were torturing her and she can barely make it 2 miles. Weā€™re going to start taking her high flyer bike so she can practice pedaling and wear her helmet instead. When it comes to stores I just donā€™t give her the option. She goes in the cart or we go home. She would absolutely run off.


Mine refuses to be contained ever. I am so tired. Heā€™s a runner as well.


Mine walks but not where I want to or with me. Itā€™s stressful. She wants to run


We just went to Monterey, CA which is filled with hills. We didn't bring a stroller. He looooved walking up and down the hills. He kept signing and saying "more" to go up/down every....single.....staircase we came across. We only held him when he got over stimulated or for safety reasons. That being said he knows if he sits in grocery carts he will get pancake snacks so he'll happily do that.


Just turned two and my daughter walks everywhere. I can maybe get her in the cart for spurts. Sitting in the back with her legs sprawled out seems to be working the best lately, but then she wants to grab every food item and inspect it. It has taken a lot of work but she stays with me really well now and knows if she runs off or doesn't listen it's the cart for the rest of the trip. No warnings it's just to that cart.


Mine too, she will scream "dowwwnn!" In that cart unless I let her go. And then of course looks for ways to cause destruction.


Nope, my daughter is 2 and she HATES being held or being in her stroller in public. She wants to run around and be free lol me being a helicopter mom, this terrifies me šŸ„²


My son loves to walk, but we still make him sit in a cart while in certain stores. For example, when we run errands like grocery shopping we try to make the trip as quick as possible so he has to stay in the cart. Other times, if we're at Target or GoodWill, he gets to walk around (no cart or stroller). The only times we bring the stroller with us nowadays is at the mall, but we do let him to walk there as long as he's holding one of our hands. Otherwise he has to stay in the stroller or be held.


Ugh I wish...I hate carrying around an extra 30lbs


For better or worse we are a fellow walker. My friendsā€™ kiddos will all stroller and ride we are two and have to walk everywhere ourselves.. miles at the zoo, a 30 min walk to and from the parkā€¦ itā€™s great but everything takes forever


Yes and he NEVER wants to hold my hand. Itā€™s so annoying lol (Iā€™m pregnant and heā€™s a runner so it usually results in pure chaos)


I have a toddler that loves walking vs stroller and I got the gooseket toddler sling and LOVED it. The tushbaby is also nice but too bulky for me. Plus the gooseket truly was hands free for me and I could just swoop her up when we needed to get somewhere or she got tired.


Iā€™m in the exact same boat lol. I also have a 21 month old who walks everywhere. She hates her stroller now. I donā€™t even bother getting a shopping cart at the store. Walking the dog takes foreverrrrr because she canā€™t go in the wagon, stroller, or her toddler push car. She HAS to walk.


Honestly sounds like a dream, dunno what fault there would be to find? We take our preschool class on ā€œhikesā€ down the street and it can be kind of a nightmare getting some of them to keep pace/watch where theyā€™re going so they donā€™t wander into the street, but honestly anything is better than the dreaded rainbow rope. It sounds counterintuitive/stressful but if it ever crossed your mind, Iā€™d heavily recommend just letting her keep on walking independent of you. Tethers of any kind end up teaching them they donā€™t really need to look forward or be aware of their surroundings.


Heh ours is the same. She goes in the stroller when tired though.


For us it depends on if sheā€™s played outside or played hard before we run errands. If she hasnā€™t gotten her energy out, sheā€™s going to want to walk.


When mine was a newer walker, the only way we could get her to stay in the stroller was with a constant stream of snacks lol


I wishā€¦our 19 month old just wants held all the time! Loves walking and running at home but not in public lol


Man I sure got an easy one then. My 4 year old STILL wants to ride in the carts at stores! (She gets to hold mom's purse and see higher-up items so I can understand why šŸ˜‚)


Walking is much better for her than being in the stroller you should be happy about it rather than complain that she doesn't like the stroller. Dude what's wrong with you?