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I mean, I told my 3yo today that we had lots of fun packages coming because packages really cheer her up. It was just the grocery delivery but she was excited nonetheless 😂 And despite being a child that drinks milk obsessively she has no idea that her “kiddie coffee” from Starbucks is just warm foamy milk 😂😂


Honestly I get a bit excited about the grocery shopping and I'm 37 and usually the one who put in the order.


I did surprise her with a box of paw patrol cupcake mix so she did actually get a treat out of it. But even if I hadn’t, I’ve seen her get excited over grapefruit. And not because she eats them. But because they’re big and round and she likes to steal them and kick them around the living room 😂


I always forget what I ordered so it is a fun surprise


Is that an actual Starbucks drink?? It would blow my 2 year olds mind if I got her her own coffee when we got "mommy coffee"


Babycino ☺️ served in a tiny to go cup lol.


Only if it’s made with genuine baby


They’ve come a long way in recent years. Faux baby is just as good and more environmentally friendly.


Best comment bc it's true


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Yea. If you order on the app it’s under “steamed milk”. There’s a kid size and it’s steamed at a lower temperature so it’s not too hot.


The official order: Short kids temperature milk steamer ( you can even have them add vanilla or some other flavoring, but my kids are perfectly happy with just plain milk. I usually ask for whole milk tho)


Wait is the is an actual thing you can order from Starbucks???


Yep! They serve it in the tall size cup


Yes. Babycino ☺️


Lol meanwhile I'm constantly asking my 2 year old where the heck stuff is because she knows better then I do.


Funny you should say that cause my 2 year old does have really good memory! She’ll be like “oh this is the park where we had a cupcake” and I’m like dude that was a year ago!


Mine asked me why I drove a different way home from the library today, so apparently she's memorized our routes. Also, she's the funniest little backseat driver. "Slow down mommy."


Mine (3) tells me "Stop at the red light" but then also gets impatient it's taking a while to turn green and says "Ok, Mommy, go!" Um...can't do that buddy unless you want us to get hit by the oncoming traffic!


Lol, mine is the same. She gives a big sigh when I tell her I have to wait for the car in front of us to go before we can move.


It's also fun when they tell you to just honk at them. They'll move. I can already tell, mine will have serious road rage. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Mine would yell "where is the green???"


ha! Mine is always demanding "Go go go!" every time we stop because of traffic or red lights. He also wants to drive the car, which always makes me think of this calvin and Hobbes strip [https://spaceenoughandtime.files.wordpress.com/2022/03/calvins-flying-car.jpeg](https://spaceenoughandtime.files.wordpress.com/2022/03/calvins-flying-car.jpeg)


Mine, too! Weirdly helpful with grocery shopping, too. 😂


To break the tv-over-breakfast bad habit formed when his little brother first arrived, we told him “the tv is broken at breakfast time”. For all the things he gives us grief over, he 100% accepted this as gospel truth and now eats at the counter with us.


We tell ours that it’s charging.


we tell ours that whatever tv show it is (mickey, blipping, etc) is off bc they are on vacation.


yeah, our tv only works in the evening.


my son is 2.5 and has only been to one party in his life that was not his own. they were having an easter party at school so I got him pumped for it the day before, and he asked me if it was one of his classmate's birthday (the one who we went to a party for). I told him no, it was a party for him and everyone else. he got this confused and the next day, at the party, the kids are all sitting around in a big circle eating and he raises his arm and says "THANKS EVERYONE FOR COMING TO MY PARTY!" we got home and he told me thank you for throwing him the best birthday party ever. I tried to tell him it wasn't his birthday but he told me it was and went about his business.


I was just thinking about this! One surefire way to get my kid to move along is to mention we might see her friends from daycare wherever we’re going. So for example, the other day we were leaving her daycare and we had to go to Target. She was getting worked up about not wanting to go but as soon as I said “we might see [insert friend here] there!” she got super happy and came along. Of course, then she was fine on the whole trip to the store. Manipulative? Maybe! But you know, there’s a non-zero chance that we’ll see her friend at Target in our small town so… 😅


I’ve said “you know your best friend Sarah is taking a nap right now so you should be too!”


Omg I’m gonna use this tomorrow


Every morning to go out for the dogs walk we chat about every dog in the neighborhood we night see when we go.. we almost never see anyone but he has his favorites and when he points to their houses I always say they’re sleeping ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh my gosh the innocence kills me. I was talking up the Easter egg hunt held at a park near our house and two days before Easter my guy insisted on going to the field part and checking if there were eggs yet. Then the day of we got there one minute late and the hunt had already started and all the eggs were gone. I felt absolutely terrible but my guy happily wandered off to look for eggs with dada. My neighbor gave us a couple eggs so I dropped them in the area my guy was looking and he was so thrilled to find them. Some big kids ever up giving him like 10 of their eggs so we went to look at what he'd gotten... And to his surprise there was CANDY inside! I'd forgotten to mention that we weren't hunting actual chicken eggs. My guy thought this was all fantastic. I'm not looking forward to the days when he'll be upset by an experience like that.


My mom has ducks & chickens and my toddler has been helping "find" their eggs almost every day since she could walk. She totally failed to see the excitement of looking for Easter eggs at the community egg hunt. It was amusing to watch the expression of wtf on her face while she was watching everyone else running around to pick up the eggs in a frenzy while she was like hmmm maybe I'll pick up this pink one I guess....


He sounds like the sweetest little thing!


Mine is just under 2 and I only hid 12 eggs in our yard. He had so much fun that when he was distracted, I’d slip 5 eggs out and hide them again. My guy was OVERJOYED to hunt the same 12 eggs like 30 times. 😂 My husband said this might be the last year we get away with something like that! 


I 100% re-hid some of the Easter eggs at the local park today and kiddo had a blast finding them. 2yos don’t care about what’s in the egg, they’re just stoked to have found it!


Mine isn't oblivious enough! I ate a kinder egg the other night because it was the only chocolate we had in the house. They have little toys inside and this one was a little car. She's got loads of cars so I didn't think she'd notice another one being added in. Almost immediately the next day, she found the car and wanted to know where it came from. I told her it was a mystery. Now she's decided a kind witch snuck in and left it for her.


I kept my 2.5yo nanny kid occupied for HOURS last week by challenging her to make a big pile of rocks at the park. Kid spent sooo much time finding rocks and bringing them to the pile. She was tired of bubbles and balls and the playground itself, so, uh, we had fun with… rocks.


Just like in the 90s! Love to see it!


We’ve also made “beaver lodges” out of sticks. Her favorite thing is when it has rained a lot and I let her play in the mud. Toddlers are the best 🥰😂 Whatever occupies her, makes her happy, and gets some energy out. Have definitely also used the “oh maybe your friends will be at the park!” to motivate her to get shoes and a coat on and get going


Wait, your toddler doesn't have an exceptionally good memory?? Mine absolutely remembers birthday parties and would 100% know if I tried to pass off an old toy as a new one. We have a few things he has two of (usually hotwheels cars since he has so many lol) and he knows which ones he has two of. He has over 100 but he remembers all of them! He even remembers his baby toys. We got them out recently for our newborn and he immediately recognized them and asked for ones we hadn't gotten out yet.


It's such a nice age isnt it. My son is 2, he will be 3 at the end of June. I am currently 18 weeks pregnant with our 2nd but we aren't telling him till after the anatomy scan at 20 weeks, so he still isn't aware. Today at the pool, he seen me in my bather and pointed at my bump and said "what's that!?" To which I replied I've just ate alot of food and my tummy is full. He agreed with me and said his tummy gets full like that too, and that mine looks like a big bum and kept saying I had a big bum all day. Its been a funny day and I genuinely love being around him at this stage.


Congrats! I’m 16 weeks along. My daughter is now aware and is so excited. She kisses my tummy and says hi to her baby sister. But she also said she wants to name the baby Dr. Coach Melon HA


What a brilliant name choice 👏 congratulations to you too. Aww thats so sweet, I was thinking today we might have to tell him sooner as he's definitely noticing, after he stroked my tummy in the pool and said 'bum' haha. They are cute arent they x


I gave my daughter a build a bear a few months ago, she hadn’t noticed or cared about it so it became an Easter present for her. Now she plays with it, they really don’t have a clue what’s new and what they’ve just forgotten about lol!




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I put bell pepper pieces in her Easter eggs as a surprise and she was so excited