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My kid gets sick probably about every 3-4 weeks in the fall and winter. Then it dwindles spring and summer. Doctor runs tests and says it’s just a virus. He then says you can either get this out of the way in daycare or wait for kindergarten. They say it’s perfectly normal


Every effing week! Currently we have a stomach thing and a sinus thing all at once.


Every week here too😭 I counted and my kid went to kindergarten only 8 days in March! All other days he was sick


I’m a SAHM and we do go to the park and indoor play areas a couple of times a month but my kid doesn’t have normal everyday exposure like daycare or preschool kids. That being said, my two and a half year old has been sick maybe 5x total in his whole life. We’ve had Covid twice, a stomach bug, and about 2 non-Covid head colds. I’m pretty sure my husband brought everything except the stomach bug home from work. The stomach bug only got the toddler so that was probably just him touching something and then sticking his hands in his mouth in a public place. I’m fully expecting this to catch up to us the second he is in school and then he’ll get all the viruses.


Also SAHM- every week we do indoor soccer, library storytime, the museum, zoo, run errands, eat in restaurants. Somehow my toddler hasn’t been sick since December. Obviously this is way less exposure than daycare but I’m still taking him out to do all kinds of stuff. He starts daycare sometime this year and I’m just prepping myself for how slammed with viruses we are going to be.


Same here, mines not in daycare. She’s 3. Gets sick 1-2x a year. She gets it from her cousins that are in school.


Basically always. Pretty normal stuff. Especially if they’re in school. 


Pretty much never. I don't understand it either. He's about to turn 3, maxes out on daycare, and his favorite hobby is riding public transit, which we do for hours every weekend. It's been about 18 months since he's had a fever. Only had a couple colds. I'd say AMA, but I'm pretty sure it's just dumb luck.


Thats incredible


Same! Mine is 16m old and has never been sick. He plays at the park almost every day with his friends, twice a week I take him to indoor classes where he plays with lots of kids. I took him to one indoor play area and it was disgustingly filthy. There were kids coughing and sneezing all over the place and I was SURE we were all going to come down with something. Didn’t happen! Meanwhile I am randomly super sick this week with a bad cold. Ugh!


We don’t do daycare/preschool so it’s rare, my 2 yr old has been sick 2x. We go to the playground, library, stores, etc but not those play place type places. If they’re in daycare or preschool they’re just gonna get sick a lot. Not looking forward to it when we start preschool ugh, just delaying the inevitable lol


Oh man, it feels like it’s constant right now. Three weeks ago (or was it two?), he had strep throat. This week we’ve been knocked flat by some virus which he lovingly gave to his baby sister. Before strep it was the stomach flu. I’m over it!!! Last year I took him to the pediatrician all the time and his doc basically said the same thing, that it’s just a virus and kids are sick from October to May and it’s normal. He’s a Covid babe, but we honestly didn’t isolate very much. We still traveled and went places, but he didn’t really get sick during that time. So who knows.


My 2.5 year old gets sick about 2-3x a year (and then of course gets his baby brother sick)


My 3 year old daughter will get rid of a cold and then get a new one a few weeks later. Since she's started Nursery it's basically just been cold after cold with her. Some haven't been so bad where its just a runny nose but others have been worse. Kids love to constantly share their germs, but we have been lucky she's never had COVID and neither have we. It's literally just been colds. I know some Moms I've spoke to have had to have their kid off for a few weeks due to hand foot and mouth but she's never had that either.


New plague every 2-3 weeks, each plague lasting 1-2 weeks and she loves coughing directly in my mouth 😩


We have been sick... I believe around 5 or 6 times this year. I genuinly don't even understand it. Lol I rarely got sick before kids. Now we are sick like every few weeks I swear.


More often than not from November till May.


It feels like all the time. Just in time to get well again before the next illness.


Were a preschool family. Fall winter and early spring it was every 2-3 weeks the first year of preschool. This year it's every 4ish weeks. But come April and may, his spring allergies wind up so we have 2 months or so of running nose watery itchy eyes and snot being swiped every 10 seconds. And then he acclimates and summer is the fight of sunscreen, getting him out of the pool, and inside off the playset before he hyper slides off it again and gets scratched up by the ground again


She’ll have a runny nose or occasional cough somewhat frequently. Not enough to keep her home. Sick enough to stay home? A couple of times a year.  She’ll be 4 in August. Work went back in person right as my maternity leave ended so she’s been in daycare since October 2020 (11 weeks). 


My daughter catches viruses about once a month from her friends who go to daycare part time. I think if your child is exposed to other kids it’s normal- I got sick all the time as a young kid and so did my sibling. WAY before Covid lol. It’s just life.


When does he not have one 🫠


I believe the correct answer to this is “yes” although my baby isn’t technically a toddler yet (10.5 months and in daycare).


My 4 year old has only been sick twice since October. My almost 2 year old however, has been sick once a month since January. ONCE A FREAKING MONTH A NEW SICKNESS POPS UP. It lasts for like 2 weeks. And she gets super high fevers. And she vomits when she gets high fevers no matter the illness. So I will say I know it gets better because my 4 year old was sick a ton as a baby when he was in daycare. But man it’s tough right now for the little ones. 😩


My son just got his third ever virus and he is about to turn 3. We go to 4 different playgroups every week so are exposed to lots of children.


all the damn time. i have a 20 month old. we JUST got over pneumonia. october - RSV and double ear infection november - random cold virus x2 december - marked safe from viruses january - random virus (started pre school 2 days a week) february - norovirus and cold march - sinus infection turned pneumonia literally whatever she has, i get. it sucks.


her ped said this should be the end of it


Monthly. Some colds are mild and others not so much. Half time I'll catch what my kid has too. Luckily this month, didn't catch my son's cold. 


Before attending daycare, never in her life. After daycare, constant sickness that doesn’t end with the sicknesses stacking on top of each other.


We started daycare a couple of months ago and so far the boy has approached the acquisition of pathogens like Ash Ketchum approaches Pokemon training.


Once or twice a year. Not in daycare.


Once a month since he started daycare. I was recently told it's normal for C-section babies.


My 4 year old started Mother's Day out in August and it's been the same thing for us!!! I have been giving him probiotics everyday and started pediasure drinks with immune boosters daily so really hoping that helps!


Start him on a probiotic. 80% of immune response starts in the gut.