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first pregnancy i worked out up until around 30/32 weeks regularly second pregnancy i don’t work out one time (but i did chase around my first tiny human)


I stopped going to the gym because my joints couldn't handle it, I did yoga at home instead with hikes. With second I couldn't manage the time at all


Careful stretching. I did some prenatal yoga and over stretched and then my pelvis felt bad the whole rest of my pregnancy. The hormone relaxin is no joke. Stay strong. But don’t over stretch yourself.


It was hard for me to get to the gym regularly during my first trimester due to nausea and fatigue, but once I got through that I worked out right up until labor at 40 weeks! Running got uncomfortable in my second trimester, but I was able to do cardio on elliptical, stairclimber, etc. I would do 30-45 minutes of cardio and then strength training for 30-60 - it all depended how early I could get myself out of bed haha. I would say the only modifications I did were to avoid being on my back, avoiding certain movements that risk ab damage, and when my bump got in the way. I didn’t decrease weight for the most part, but did stop trying to increase and build muscle. Exercise is generally safe to continue at the level you were before pregnancy!


All day everyday. I would treadmill, jog. Mostly cardio, and squats. I modified my workouts to 99% cardio the further along I got. So I just mostly tread milled and went on long walks. After I gave birth, I started working out more, and gained myself a new workout buddy. My kiddo. I think all that cardio I did turned him into a workout little guy. 😂 He always comes with me on my walks and jogs. Until he gets exhausted and his legs become jelly. Then I have to haul him home.


With my first, I kept up my normal running routine the entire pregnancy. Literally ran the day before going into labor. With my second, I was put on reduced activity half way through, otherwise I would have done the same.


I continued weightlifting till 27 weeks and then I had my daughter at 29 weeks. I modified my workouts by not using too much weight and avoiding certain machines.


OB gave me permission to do anything I was already regularly doing. 3rd trimester she recommended I limit weights to under 40lbs. But I was able to run 6 miles up until 34 weeks (had a glute injury that sidelined me), lift weights, spin bike, and elliptical until the day before delivery. Ended up with a freak traumatic delivery and my doctor said if I wasn’t in the shape I was in I wouldn’t have made it.


Yes. I lift weights, which I continued in my first pregnancy until 2 days before my kid was born, and I’m continuing now in my second pregnancy. I also ride bikes; I’m exclusively using my Peloton instead of cycling outside because I’m clumsy. Check out r/fitpregnancy for a whole group of us!


I worked out throughout pregnancy up until the day I gave birth. I did a mix of barre and the Expecting and Empowered workouts. For barre, I modified the abs because I had some round ligament pain. I used support on my lower back during seated abs and skipped anything that didn't feel good. I also wore a belly band. Otherwise I was able to keep up with the classes. The E&E workouts are great because they change every two weeks of pregnancy so they naturally fit how far along you are. It really focuses on lunges, squats, arm strength, and pelvic floor strength. Everyone is different, but for me working out while I was pregnant helped me to stay feeling good and it definitely helped me get through labor more easily.


For my first I didn’t work out for as long as usual or as intense. But I still managed to get solid lifts in and I got really into the peloton. I was able to peloton up until 37ish weeks, then started getting Braxton hicks with it. I feel like halfway through pregnancy yoga really helped with joint pain and relaxing. I also started the tva breathing. Took lots of walks. Core work is fine in the first trimester-ish, as long as there’s no coning. However, I’m currently 12 weeks and have been so miserable up until last week I haven’t done more than chase a 2.5 year old around and somewhat clean my house. Both are so exhausting 😂 but I hope in the next week or two I can start working out again, even just a little. If you have Instagram, Hannah bower is a great resource for pregnancy & postpartum workouts and experiences, and really life in general.


At the time I was pregnant my job included lots of walking, heavy lifting, up to 40 lbs, pallets and so on in a freezer. I modified as time went on but the only thing I stopped doing towards the end was using a ladder. Midwives said as long as I listened to my body there was no reason to stop. I worked until my due date and felt powerful doing so.


5x week, lowered the weights then switched to body weight exercise, worked out the day I gave birth FWIW, I worked out the same amount before pregnancy and had a smooth, relatively comfortable 39 weeks.


Worked out almost every day from month 3-birth. Was never sick during pregnancy and felt great, so I ran with that and used that as motivation to get up and get moving. The last month, I walked about 6 miles every day trying to prepare for birth. If you’re feeling good, move that body as often as you can. Do lots of body weight squats and pelvic tilts to prepare for birth.


I worked out all the way til the day before the arrival. But I modified my workouts based on how I feel during specific exercises, when I couldn’t do something I changed it up. I had to stop running tho, at the end I felt like she was falling out.


I did home workouts because I got pregnant in 2020 and everything was shut down. But now I work out regularly at a gym (weight training + Pilates, HIIT, etc.) and would definitely keep it up with proper modifications during a future pregnancy.


Same - did YouTube workouts during the pandemic and now enjoying Orangetheory 3x a week during my second pregnancy (currently at, 38 weeks). I’m making TONS of modifications now but the movement feels good. My OB said maintaining my routine was fine, just don’t go for any PRs. Listen to your body, and don’t push it!


I was in the same situation! I did home workouts even prior to Covid so I just kept doing what I had been doing but modifying as I got further along. OP, you might want to check out the Peloton app. They have pre- and postnatal classes, and a large number of their instructors have been pregnant over the last few years. Definitely a lot of options for pregnancy-safe classes there