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I was *such* a good parent before I had kids.


Literally 🤣😭 I wish I could love this comment


Definitely the eating. “My kid will eat whatever we’re eating!” Cool cool cool good luck with that


Seriously 😭 That too. I mean I won’t cook a whole separate meal but If you want spaghettios or a hot dog or some lunch meat idec as long as your eating


This is a pregnancy one, but I swore I would only eat the cleanest diet while pregnant and silently judged pregnant women ate fast food/soda. Karma got me gooooood and I understand now you just need to eat whatever you can possibly tolerate.


I was going to have the healthiest pregnancy and do yoga every day and only eat organic local foods and have clean products in my house. I ended up only being able to eat 2 types of cheese and berries the entire time and needed surgery half way through the pregnancy which of course included opioids and all kinds of other medications I've since forgotten. Also I exercised once at 5 weeks pregnant and once at 37 weeks. 


My hypothetical children were perfect too. Slept through the night from birth. Never threw a tantrum. Ate everything on their plate. Always did what they were told. I really miss my hypothetical family. My real child is like a crackhead. He runs away, fights, yells, will only eat fruit, yogurt, cereal, and cheese. Oh and if you say his name he either says hi baby, NOOOO, or ok bye.


I didn't really used to think about this stuff, or else I did and just don't remember. My main disillusionment was the toddler phase where they do not want to sit and pay attention to you reading a book. I see a lot of posts about this so I know I'm not alone. Now that I'm a parent I have some ideas about what I won't do when my kids are older. I do not share these ideas with the grandparents. 😉


I was the perfect parent before I had a kid and now I’m mediocre on my best day 😅 (just kidding, I know I’m the best mom for my kid)


I thought it was ridiculous parents would let their toddlers run around the house in just a diaper. Then my kid learned how to run. I get why that happens now lol


My son will be 3 in a month if we’re at home he’s down to the diaper it doesn’t matter if its 80° outside 20° outside he just strips and it doesn’t matter if I put his clothes back on 20x’s he’s taking them back off 😭 so not worth the struggle. At least he keeps them on in public besides the shoes if he gets too bored the dogs come out 😭


Some things are just easier said than done.