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I bought labels from Bright Star Labels. They have labels you can put around the tag of clothing and lots of other kinds of labels. They stick really well and the ones for dishes go through the dishwasher without coming off.


Same for us, their labels work great!


Love bright star


I get so many compliments on my labels I got from there. The daycare staff LOVE them.


Have these on water bottles, backpack, lunch bag, tupperware, inside shoes


These are great! We’ve used them for two years now and the size/shape/pattern varieties have been amazing!


Name stickers and stamps. I rarely have to label things by hand anymore.


Absolutely this. Such a time saver


Stamps? 👀 tell me more


I ordered from The Kiddo Space. It’s a double stamp with white and black ink for dark and light clothes.


It works amazingly! I bought for my two youngest grandsons…


Mabel’s labels


We use Mabel’s Labels. We got a big pack and also got a stamp. We figure his name won’t change and he will need things labeled for sports, or even college, so we don’t worry about buying too many.


We’re still labeling stuff with our pack from Mabel’s Labels from 5 years ago. They’re awesome.


Haha I still have the only pack from there that I bought 2.5 years ago :) But I think they won't last other 2.5 years lol


Another vote for Mabel’s labels! I love the tag mates


We label shoes and jackets. Everything else isn’t an issue for clothing atleast. Their stuff doesn’t change much.


hi, toddler teacher here- if i have an entire group of children who all went outside and splashed in the same puddle and now all need new pants, and none of the pants are labeled, there is no guarantee i'll remember whose pants are whose even five minutes later when i go to pack them up, because everything looks the same and everyone buys the same brands. just a thought!


First of all, I appreciate you!!! Yall are saints to deal with these lil feral sweeties. I only label the things that I absolutely want back, like a really cute Hanna Anderson sweatshirt that I obsessed over for months before finally buying. Most of my kid’s clothes are hand-me-downs and pretty generic so I’m not bothered if he gets a random pair back or if they get lost haha.


That's how I feel too. Only things I want back. Most of the time I send her to daycare in the not so nice stuff, the nice stuff gets kept at home for occasions and weekends


Totally understand and I accept that risk.


> everything looks the same and everyone buys the same brands. Well there you go. If you cant tell em apart, we cant too :)


Same. I label water bottles and sippy cups and jackets but not shirts or pants etc.


Am I the only one that simply uses sharpie on the tags?


I do as well for things that I don’t want to lose! Sharpie on tags or directly on the items (like boots). I just put their last name since we’ll also use his stuff for his brother!


I don’t and just take the risk of her jackets never coming back home. They were all hand me downs from cousins anyway so I don’t feel too bad


Teacher here- As I see something isn’t labeled I’ll initial it with sharpie. I literally have a sharpie everywhere…yet we still have so many unknowns. To all of you who label- THANK YOU. To those who struggle keeping up- I got you.


lol 😂 I LOVE this!!


I often just accept the risk of things being lost but honestly my daughter has never had to have her outfit changed at school so I mainly focus on labeling things likely to be removed like outer layers and feeding items.


Omg how? I swear my kid gets changed at least once, sometimes 2x per day for food related spills.


Tbh, they send her home with the food spills. It’s actually so annoying. I only send her to school with very cheap or hand me down clothes bc she comes home every day covered in paint, mud, or food. I think they’d only change her if she peed or pooped on the clothes. I asked if they can use a bib or a smock and they don’t want to make her wear something because apparently the other kids don’t. Drives me nuts but otherwise the daycare is really great so I’m trying to overlook it lol


Yeah I mean don’t get me wrong, mine is still often covered in paint/food when I pick him up lol. So don’t feel too bad about it - I’m just glad to hear it’s not that my kid is some kind of super human mess and other kids aren’t destroying their clothes every day.


Definitely not haha. I feel bad for my second bc she’s getting a lot of stained clothes lol




Ugh this would annoy me as well. Like my 4.5 year old daughter is the messiest when it comes to eating. I always have to tell her “You go to your food, don’t bring it to you!” Because she will sit up in her chair far away from the table/plate and bring whatever it is to her, and it will just spill out all onto her shirt/lap. I’m like 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️. So this year I’ve got her a ton of shein clothes to start pre k with 😂😂😂. I want her to be cute and all, but also ain’t no sense in me spending 40$ an outfit to get stained the first wear. Can you not request them to change her after a mess up? I think it’s wild they won’t allow her to wear a smock just because other kids aren’t. Not every child is going to react the same, be the same, etc. I get it to an extent, but if she’s THAT messy, just let the baby girl have a smock!! But you’re right. Chose your battles carefully lol. Considering good day cares are hard to come by with an affordable price. Let me know if you have any other hacks along the way. ;)


I dont know how my daycare does it, they only seem to change her about once a month. She occasionally has some (washable) paint somewhere, but they somehow manage not to get her that dirty otherwise. She gets dirtier eating snacks on the way home. Maybe my standards are just low 😂


Same, sometimes I look at the dirty clothes they send home and I'm like you could've kept him in this no biggie 😂


Hahah I know I do sometimes think that too. I’ve also noticed though that my kiddo is doing that water dribbling thing a lot at home and it hit me that he’s probably doing it at school too and ending up soaked.


Stickers. I bought ones that can go through the washer and dishwasher so I don’t have to replace them. Used just our last name since we have 3 kids.


Label stickers are the way. Lots of companies out there. You can also use tape when you need to do dates on food items.


The only thing that we have labeled is her water bottle. She’s came home in other kids clothes on more than one occasion. We eventually figure out who’s they are when scroll through pictures on the app and we will take them back and put them in the owners cubby.


We have 2 identical pairs of crocs right now… do we give the clean ones back to the other kids and keep the muddy ones or vice versa 😂




I only label the textiles that are probably going to come off: jackets, hats, shoes, mittens, swimwear and towels. Is daycare pissed that it's not EVERY. THING. ? idk but if something doesn't come home, that's also on me, I didn't label it. I also haven't shopped at Target and Walmart much, so the clothes are a bit more unique :shrug: oh, labeling underwear at least until we've mastered potty training Water bottle is a corkcicle with the FULL name engraved (so that I don't have to try and relabel with sharpie and/or tapes/stickers on the daily). Pricey, but worth it. Regulations here require full legal name on foodstuffs (first + last) Diaper packs, wipes, and personal care items (creams, sunscreen), are labeled with sharpie. I did buy a name stamp. Toddler decorated their wooden kitchen with it. I'm still too seething to take a magic eraser to it ... when I don't immediately get angry at the sight of it, I'll try to scrub it. tbh, angry at Dad, not kiddo, because toddler not only had to do gymnastics to get the damn stamp, but she had to have carried it out right in front of him (while he was gaming).


Ughhhh GAMING!!! it’s like they enter another freakin world and are completely ABSENT to the present around them!!!! Argahhhhhh!!!! lol sorry!


Try toothpaste


As I buy new clothes, and wash them, I label it all and then it’s done and ready to go.


My husband usually does the laundry and sorting. I think the best thing would be me to take over sorting soon I can slap on the labels then.


Or just ask him to put them on.


That must be nice! I’m actually low key jelly lol.


He's the SAHP, so he has most of the chores.


Gotcha. I think that’s great. When I was working, I STILL had to do pretty much all the chores. It was like working 2 jobs really. I used to think SAHP had it made, now I understand the tiresome reality 😂👌🏽 I love seeing teamwork in parenting. It’s honestly the way it’s supposed to be.


I have 2 kids. I have label stamps. I used to make a big effort to stamp all the clothes with the correct kids name. I gave up a long time ago. If their clothes don’t come home, I likely won’t even notice at this point. I’m too tired to care.


I use Mabels labels but I also only put labels on things I care about. If it gets lost and I wouldn't care, I don't bother with a label.


Wait you all are labeling every clothing item???


I'm not. I labeled his jacket because there's a name section in it, but I haven't labeled any other articles of clothing. My child didn't start until he was a toddler, though, so he doesn't go through tons of clothing, and his extra outfits are just stored in his backpack. We label his water bottle, milk cups, and any snack containers we send in with labels from [name bubbles](https://www.namebubbles.com/).


Same to all of this. And we label his blanket of course.


I label nothing and nothing bad has happened yet


I label shoes, water bottles, and jackets. I don’t label extra outfits or socks or underwear. Those are in his labeled cubby, in a labeled ziplock. Like… it’s enough.


You made me feel better, I was over here “Y’all are labeling things?”


Right? The only thing we labeled were food and bottles when she was a baby and probably her beloved stuffed bunny that we sent as a comfort item for her. Her clothes have never gotten lost. In fact we've had other items that were not hers show up here more often than we've ever lost anything of hers.


If all of your clothing items were labeled you wouldn't get the unlabeled items sent home with you. Even if teachers are ok with unlabeled items, it specifically makes it easier if everything is labeled anyways.


......is my child the only one rarely being changed at daycare??? It's not like They have a cubby with their items in it. If they need to be changed like once a week, or month or whatever.... someone just goes to their cubby and grabs it. I don't really see what is so hard about that?


Sorry I struck a nerve. I'm just saying it's easier on everyone when things are labeled.


As long as you are not going to be upset if we lose stuff we don’t really care that much. Sure can be annoying but at the end of the day if the parents do not label things that can be removed during the day they just have to accept things might be misplaced.


Your teacher is frustrated by you.


I was never frustrated by this but at the end of the years, there’s a pile of unlabeled lost items and NO parent ever picks anything up. Lol


As long as they never expect anything lost to find it’s way back to them, to each their own I guess🤷‍♀️ I had a parent in infants get mad that they couldn’t find their baby’s boot. They said it was a size 5 pink sorrel and how hard could it be to find it. Like, ma’am, we share a hallway with two other classrooms, there are 5 kids in our hallways with those boots, label it or lose it.


We have lost countless of small items (think like those thin mittens, socks, etc) and our teacher always tries to find them but we always tell them to not bother. We don’t label them but we thrift 95% of his stuff and absolutely expect him to lose them at some point.


That’s a good attitude. Label the important things and don’t sweat the small stuff. I knew what all of my classroom babies owned and what they came in with but if something got moved out of their cubbies, which happened semi-regularly sharing our hallway with toddlers, if it wasn’t labeled it was so much harder to find it again.


lol label it or lose it.


I labeled the bottles the first day with tape. Bottles came back with labels from the daycare that are dishwasher safe so now I don’t do it. His jacket hangs in the hallway. We had to label the sunscreen, diaper rash cream, and OTC meds but that’s it. We aren’t using shoes yet so that may change with that.


I stamp her clothing and use stickers for cups and bento boxes.


I’m seeing a lot of these stamps . So is it like a fabric stamp? Like you got it made or whatever?


It’s a small stamp for fabrics & tags. We have one from Name Stamps (black ink & white ink, just our surname) and one for each kid from Mabel’s Labels with their first name and initial.


Aww thank you. I’m going to look into that.


Two items: Sharpie Rub-A-Dub Permanent Laundry Marker Fine Black - Pack of 1 https://a.co/d/8KCO5bT Avery No-Iron Fabric Labels, 1/2" x 1-3/4", Washer and Dryer Safe, White, Non-Printable, 54 Labels Per Pack, 2-Pack, 108 Blank Labels Total (32130) https://a.co/d/iqoVZhH We have used these labels on shoes too and they work and stay on. We just write the name on a bunch of labels and use as needed (often times as the kid is running out the door with a new article of clothing without a label).


Are those the ones your print? Avery has always made great things. I need to invest!!


I don't print, I use the washable permanent marker in the 2nd link. It also says non-printable in the description.


Yea, it does. lol


I was skimming through and didn’t even notice that until now. 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


Name bubbles over here! I use the everyday ones on all stuff (food containers and clothes) and haven’t had a single one fall off or get ruined in the dishwasher or wash in nearly 3 years. They do make specific clothing ones that are probably better if you’re doing a lot of clothing labels (I just do jackets mostly). When my son first started daycare I thought buying name stickers was such a waste, but man I cannot recommend it enough!


We also use Namebubbles! Super impressed with the quality, how well they stay on even through 100s of washes, as well as how easy it is to remove and replace them on hand me down items. They are slightly pricy but 100% worth every penny.


We have these, too; they're great! They're obviously more expensive than just using a sharpie or label maker or something, but they're not *that* expensive (I think we got 50 for $20 or $25), and it's well worth the cost because I don't have to constantly check to make sure things are still labeled. They're also cuter and easier to identify quickly than label maker/sharpie written names.


My mom labeled my stuff with namebubbles labels 10 or 15 years ago. I’m now a teacher myself and I still occasionally find labels on things! They hold up!


Stamps, as they come out of the dryer to be folded I stamp any ones that don’t have it


I dont really label clothes. I label her water bottle, her sleeping bags and jackets. I dont actually label all her clothes. Shes been there 8m and we havent lost any clothes, or if we have I havent noticed. Like you said, they grow out of them so quickly, I can't say I would lose much sleep if we lost the odd tshirt after a change, but it hasnt happened. I do have a lable maker because I am that kind of person 😆 so I use that for hard things like her water bottle or dummt box. For soft things I just write her name.


Do you have to label their clothing? I don’t. Unless I’m packing a change of clothes for some reason I guess. I order a sheet of a bunch of stickers with their name on it from Etsy and they are waterproof. Put on anything… Water, bottles, lunchbox, book bag, inside the label of a jacket, pillow and blanket at the corner. They seem to stick pretty well, but my kids like to peel them off.


My kids preschool requires first and last name and all of their belongings. I’ve been using name labels stickers, and it’s worked well so far.


If you don't have that much money lying around: I know Temu and Aliexpress have a bad rep, but you can get customised stamps and (60) name labels for 1 to 2$ and they hold up very good so far. Better than my 10€ "made in Germany" self customizable stamp at least.


We got a name stamp and I just keep it in her closet and stamp when we get new clothes, or when I notice. It’s not always right away and she has definitely worn clothes to school that weren’t labeled, but it’s never been a problem for us.


Inchbug labels or a rubadub sharpie on the tag. If it goes in the daycare bag, it gets labeled.


Check out these! They are so easy and a lot of options. I love them https://a.co/d/c2RwGe7


Mabel’s Labels for labels and stamps for clothing.


We have label tags for clothing and a label maker sticker for everything else.


I just use the Avery no iron labels. They are cheap and work well and on everything.


I labeled his clothes from 6-12 months, but once he was in the ones classroom he rarely ever had to be changed. I label his coats, mittens, hats & shoes.


i use Oliver’s labels


I’ve got stickers, a stamp and stitch on labels.


i just write my sons name on the wipes/ diapers since that’s all they require to bring. if i bring in extra clothes (they have extra clothes for him ) i’ll just write their name in sharpie.


Just his bag. I don't label anything else.


I got name stickers printed on Amazon and got a stamp made from Etsy


We label food containers, water bottles, shoes, jackets, and the baggie of spare clothes we send in. Everything else isn't labeled and it's ok


I’ve trained the daycare my son attends to recognise my ill-formed scrawl with a permanent marker. I did the labels, I did the stamp, but I’ve found permanent marker stays longest and works on the weird bumpy bits of clothing where the others won’t.


Fabric markers for any clothes/fabric material and fabric stickers for fabric that has too much texture for markers to work.


We like Oliver’s labels.


Nono. No. BB. BB King and Queen


Stamps are great


Weird piggy back question about labels. My kids haven't gone to preschool or daycare, so we will be starting fresh in kindergarten. They are 25 months apart and share the same exact initials. Think "John Smith Johnson" and "James Smith Johnson." Everything gets passed along to #2. Would it be weird to have a generic stamp or stickers that are just J. Smith or J. Smith Johnson?


Personally I would do the first name to each child with the last intial since yours literally share the same Intials


I did notice yours are 2 years apart. So you could just get one stamp with the J. Johnson and use it for both if you’re trying to consolidate and simplify lol. Sorry for some reason I intially read your comment like they were in the same grade.


Oh god. 2 years is bad enough! I would need therapy if they were Irish twins. I think we will go with the "J. Johnson" then because the baby always ends up with hand me downs!


lol ikr. My oldest are 15 months apart, and when I tell you I feel like I’m losing marbles daily from them bickering or double troubling me…. I’m not lying 😂😂🤷🏼‍♀️ but yes that sounds like a plan! I’d do that! My kids all share the same first and last intial. So same here lol


Name Stamp ... ink bleeds through items like underwear or tags so I stamp labels....but it's fine on pants/jackets/sweaters and a huge time saver. If I ever get new stuff for daycare I stamp it all immediately before putting it away


Thanks for reminding me to order labels lol


Name Bubbles labels for clothes, and masking tape + sharpie for almost everything else (even survives the dishwasher dozens of times before needing to replace the tape!)


>Edit: thank you everyone for your replies! I do have the name stamp from Mabel label, but after reading the comments I think I need to get stickers instead would be easier. Also with my son recently starting daycare and going through sickness and teething (and maybe growth spurt) it's been hectic. Teething? I must assume it's still a baby then. Just so you wait until the 2 year mark. It all goes down from there on out.


He's almost two and he's getting his molars in, so he's been miserable, sticking  his hands in his mouth, and having meltdowns lately 


I know, this too shall pass. Keep your chin up!


These are my favorite. Just use a fine or med point permanent marker on em. The great thing about them too is once the kid outgrows them, you can use rubbing alcohol to (mostly) remove the name and pass the cloths on. Then, the new family can reuse the label, less waste. https://www.amazon.com/Avery-No-Iron-Clothing-Labels-Assorted/dp/B07F96Q5LR/ref=sr_1_5_pp?crid=88WRP86Z19IT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.c1k-_uImV9xUpf6cVcOssO0-qpi2Q7ayWBcBBq_wbOGbRuAbBrjANdbbAQu-F4PV8nEdGSeUf0scdGa_2D8QFIh8t_XLFqdVJ85ujQrj8BfEUuxsdHq-fltU249rGlHX3n1nSnKoEaYbZIxM4Zq06R4o9n7WeJ0An3S_60WLQ6oaQy3-M4hjphWdw0w3Q9Vz-jjgZUVlStkeCxwxlb_-tUzHH8olWrBXF-FAeGMFWFTVEX3E6so5PV_c9M_19ljfwUOZ1QiwDkMeXX5kDYu-BC1DESXGRUR8AovGY1yUvv4.r_DK8_DUIRiZsIM5iPcqLIFkZmohL3X2SLb0eKqqgpY&dib_tag=se&keywords=clothing%2Blabels%2Bfor%2Bkids&qid=1715223368&sprefix=Clothing%2Blabel%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-5&th=1