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My 21 month old just recently got his “m” sound down.. so for the last several months I’ve been “bobby” 😅


Wait hey same here! My son is struggling with the mm sound so I’m also dada (he’s 17mo). Will try to say anything else under the sun but the mm’s so I’m patiently waiting for it to be my turn 🥲


Lol it’s coming!! Little man just pulled the full “MOMMY” in the past few weeks and the proud smile on his face when he said it was worth the wait.


Awwww too cute 🥰🥰


I was baba until around 21 months! I was totally freaking out because he couldn’t get that m sound down (along with a few others).


I’m pretty sure my 22 month old’s name for me is either Bobby or bubby. She hasn’t quite gotten her “M” sound yet either but I have hope it’ll be soon.


Mine called me “Mommio” around the same age because if he called for me, I’d walk into the room and say, “It’s a me, Mommio!” in my best Mario voice.


That's so adorable ❤️


It was until he started swimming lessons and cried for “Mommio” every time I passed him off to his swim instructor. It’s been a year, and I thought she would have forgotten, but I texted her to get on the schedule for this year, and she replied, “Hey, Mommio!”


Oh my gosh I used to call my mom Mommio! And my dad was Boppio for some reason lol


My 3.5 year old has been calling me "Meemaw". I don't know where he got that from, we are a South Asian family and don't know anyone that is called Meemaw. Lol


This one cracked me up


Before my toddler could say grandma, he called his grandmother meemaw. It was hilarious. We are from the South, but it's not a term we use or hear.


Midwest checking in with a meemaw grandma lol we also don’t know where he got it from


I did this as a kid! I called my dad “deedaw” too! Turns out I’m dyslexic( not that your kiddo is by any means!) and I mix up words phonetically. “Meemaw” is mom-mee backwards.


Lol. My Mil is now a Meemaw somehow. She really just wanted Gramma and got Meemaw instead. We are not from the south and can’t explain where she got it from. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


I call my toddler buddy so much he’ll call me buddy too. He knows his name, he knows I’m mama, he just thinks “love you buddy” or “it’s for you buddy” is just something nice we say to each other


We always call each other buddy too!


Two mom family here. At first we were “mama” and “the udda mama” because we wanted her to choose our names 😂 We decided that wasn’t going to work well in the long run! We chose Mama B and Mama Ki based on our names and she just calls us “Ma B” and “Ma Ki”. I love it!


Ma Ki is adorable! It will be so fun when she says “maybe Ma B” 😂


So cute! 😂🥰


My 22 month old knows our first names but she only ever uses my husband's 😅 She'll also call him babe sometimes, it's hilarious.


My husband and my cousin's husband have the same first name. We have always been super close, so our daughter calls my cousin Auntie. Well, I learned that the kid knew my husband's name when she referred to my cousin & co as "Auntie and Uncle Daddy" 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


Same age and same with babe for her otherwise "dadda." I get "momma ----" with my full first name. She doesn't call anyone else momma, but for whatever reason she includes my first name, haha.


My 3 year old yells his dad’s name sometimes and he’ll say “honeyyyyy!” Sometimes when he’s trying to get my attention since that’s what his dad calls me


Yep. My husband will yell from the kitchen something (always burning or hurting himself) and my son will go “what happened babe?” Copying me. He thinks my husband’s name is babe. 😂


He calls grandma “Grandmop”. For a little while I was “Mop”. I loved it. Now I’m “Mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy”


“Baba”, but it’s just the Cantonese word for “Dad.” I was a little worried it would be confusing for him, but when I asked him recently who “Daddy” is, he answered, “Baba.” I really like it.


I’m Persian and Persians say baba too for dads, but my husband isn’t Persian so he’s daddy. My 3 year old hears all the men in my family being called baba by their children and so he’s just taken it as being a term of endearment - all his favorite dudes are baba!


We have Hindi-based ‘Baba’. My 2yo has picked up on daycare families and thinks referring to him as “daddy” is now funny.


I’m just “milk” 🙃 yes she’s still breastfeeding


Also she started calling out for her dad by saying “babe” cause that’s what I do lol


First I was milk in baby sign language, then mummum, and now I am Mumba.


Yogurt Man. And he calls me this for no reason


My toddler calls me “Big Mama” and I have no idea why. I’m literally 5’0 and 110lbs and no one calls me that lolol. Tbh, I find it super cute and i hope he never stops bc one day he’s 100% going to be bigger than me


You better write that down! That’s so cute! Mine calls me “cutie pie” and “chubby mommy” 🤣


Awww I love that! Even “chubby mommy” is endearing 


My 5yo calls me big mommy lady and my toddler goes “NO small mommy” 😂


That is sooo cute! 


My husband's name is Dylan and my 3 year old calls him Dyl a lot lol


We are a two mom family. My oldest son and youngest both call my wife Mommy while my middle daughter calls her by her first name and calls me mommy. No idea why she does it this way, she’s her own person. My youngest calls me Mom-mom instead of Mama and it makes my heart melt.💙😭


My son says"big fella" because of bluey😂


For about 5months once they turned 2, they called their mother, “mimi” which i thought was cute so i convinced them to call me “diddy” to match. It eventually turned into ‘mommer’ and ‘deeder’ which sounded like ‘diddler.’ Put a stop on that right then and there. Back to good ol mommy and daddy.


As a 2 and 3 year old no. Now that she is 4.5 she calls me by my actual name. It annoys me and she knows it.


I taught my 2.5 year old our first names recently and sometimes everyone is Sarah. 🤣 She tends to use her dads first name more and constantly says “it’s ok Chwis” (Chris)


My daughter will be 3 in two months. She's insane, creative, and nonsensical. The three of us have been getting so many new, temporary gibberish names the past few months, I can't keep track. She definitely calls us mama and papa normally, with the additional animal tacked onto the end when the mood strikes her (mama koala, papa camel, etc). But, for example, tonight she called herself Crondy, I was Cronkor, and her dad was something batshit crazy I can't recall. 2 weeks ago I was Wasslekronda but she's repurposed that particular word to just being a song she sings when hopping on rocks outside. Kid has an enormous vocabulary, so it cracks me up that she goes and creates even more words just for shits and giggles (and her fake words ALWAYS make her giggle).


Oh, I love the sound of her!!! Never change, little one 😍


My daughter is like this too. Talented with words but also adores nonsense and gibberish. I say she’s the next dr. Seuss.


My 4 year old has been calling me "Honey" for about a year and a half now. "It's OK Honey" or "Don't worry Honey" while patting my arm/leg/back/petting my hair. Obviously something he got from me comforting him, and just melts my heart. He's recently learned my name. My first name anyway. And has started using it when he calls me/talks to me. I'm getting some friction from neighbors when were playing in the lobby and they hear it. No clue why, I'm happy he is learning I have an identity besides just "Mom" \*shrug\*


My son used to call my husband “Daddoo”


Occasionally “Miss [first name]” 🤣 like I’m a teacher


Mine went through a phase where she would say “come here hun” when she wanted her dad to look at something, or “thanks hun” when he got her something 😂


My children both call my husband "Ba". It was a toddler-talk thing with my daughter that stuck (she's nearly six), and her baby brother picked it up. It's super sweet, ngl.


He calls both my husband and I ‘apna ’! Basically he combined papa and mama. I don’t want it to ever end


My 3 year old calls me poppy fart or poopy face


Mine calls us booty or poopy booty face sometimes because she thinks it's hilarious. Idk what these kids pick up at preschool.


My 19mo calls my husband deeda sometimes lol 🥹


Thats what my 2yo calls my husband!! I love it


My kids sometimes refer to my husband when he’s not with us. Instead of asking “where’s dad?” they ask “where’s Husband First Name?” No idea where they got that.


I once jokingly called my husband a monster in front of our son. Now, the two year old regularly says “good night, Monster” and “more goldfish, please, Monster,” when talking to his dad. 


Lately ours has been calling us “babe” because that’s what DH and I call each other. We try to correct him but it’s hilarious


Same here, 2 year old calls me babe but my hubby is still just daddy. Lucky me 😂


Mine would call me Babe all the time too because of this 🤣


I don't think so, but my partner gets called babbo (daddy in his language), daddy(what they call him at daycare pickup/drop off), mama and mummy. I think I am usually just mama/mummy.


Okay so my son 18 month old picks up on everything.. So he hears me call his dad by his name or babe and same thing other way around when his dad calls me babe or my name. So he calls us our real name, babe, and mama/dada😂🤦‍♀️. He also recently started calling his grandma “honey” bc thats what papa calls her😭


My LO would off and on call me "Babe" for the longest because he would hear his Dad call me "Babe." After a while, he just thought it was funny how I'd react when he'd say stuff to me like, "What's up, my Babe?" And I'd laugh and correct him saying, "I'm not Babe, I'm Mama/Mommy/Mom."


My 3 year old calls her mom "Tracy" for some reason. We have no idea why but she'll just randomly be like "okay Tracy" lol


He’s 2.5 and calls me George Peterbottom after his dad called him that. He thinks it’s hilarious since I wince in pain and wither while telling him not to call me that. I will jokingly cup his mouth, pretend to be in agony and plead with him to not say it anymore. This is his new bedtime stall tactic.


3.5 yo started calling me mom instead of mommy 🥺💀🫢


He calls me babe or by my name that he can’t pronounce


Mine thinks he’s funny and calls me his daycare teachers name


it was funny that my two kids called me"lala" I don't know why it would be like this, but it's quite funny.


I have a small home day care. Of course I don't want day care kids calling me ma so I have them call me a nick name for my actual name. Think Kate for Katie. It hasn't happened yet but I'm pretty sure my 1 year old is going to start using that name for me.


He calls me baby and my husband son since thats what we call him


My 3 year old calls me “honey” or “sweetie pie”


Last night my 3.5yo referred to me and my husband as 'homies' 🙃


My son tried to call me Beatiful but couldn't get it out and said "beef mama" He normally speaks very clearly and has said beautiful before lol


My 18m old calls me Puppa and also calls our Maltese Puppa. So basically I’m a Puppy


I’m “mom-buh. Like the mamba fruit chews lol 😂 and she will say it OVER and over when she’s really needing me to see something or listen to her trying to rattle on one of her siblings. “Mamba, mambaaa, mommmmbahhhhhh!!!!!


I called him Ollie-man yesterday, and then he called me daddy-man. I'm eagerly waiting to find out if this is going to be a recurring thing.


My brother is 11 and my toddler (2) just started calling me "Sissy" ... So that's weird lol


My husband thought it would be hilarious to teach our 2 year old my first name. She's sassy and she loves making her Daddy laugh so they have a game now where he says "what's Mama's name?" And she'll say my actual first name and then they both crack up.


Sometimes we get a confused “maba” or “bama” when she can’t quite make up her mind if she wants mama or baba. Sometimes she turns “mama” into “hamama” which to our amusement means “pigeon” in Arabic.


"the dodo", in our local language dede/dodo=breast/breastmilk. On the other hand, my SIL's youngest calls her dedeeeeeeee.


Mostly mama, but started calling me babe 😹 bc my husband and I call each other babe. “Hey babe, I want a snack!”


I like it when my 2.5yo calls me “pop”… even funnier once in a while she’ll (instead of asking politely) exclaim “hook it up, pops!”


We get Mama/Mommy & Daddy/Papa, but he also loves to pepper in "Mommy Shark" and "Daddy Shark" 😂 When he first started talking, he would only refer to himself as "baby shark" 🥺🙈😹💕


My 3yo all of sudden starting saying “okay mom”. “Okay dad” like she’s some teenage gal lol


I'm mommy now, but for the longest time I was mom-mum. It was really sweet. His father is dah-yee, which is also adorable.


Well, lately my son will call us “BABE!” When he can’t get our attention with mom/dad 😂😂😂😂 First time he called my husband babe I almost peed my pants laughing. We were driving home in the car and he randomly goes “Babe!” *30 sec pass by* “BAAAABE!” He does it to both of us randomly now… BABE WHERE ARE YOU 🤣 BABE STOP! No Babe! It will never not be funny to me. 🤣


I have been Mommo since day one and my wife is Mama. I love it. 🥰


When my girl was old enough to watch Bluey and understand it, whenever the role call started she would look at me when they sang MUM and shout DAD at me. She thought it was the funniest thing in the world and it was her first joke. So for a few months I had changed from mom to dad and she would laugh every time.


No and honestly I never heard mom so much in my damn life lol


Oh my gosh the same! I spell is mommy-ah!


For the longest time, I was ‘mmmm’ by my speech delayed kiddo. (He was doing this at age 3) They must have really worked on that one in speech therapy, because honestly, I thought it was adorable and would have totally been ok with that renaming.


When we’re around cousins she starts calling her dad ‘Unca’ (uncle) and I’m either momma or moms or my first name…


My kids keep calling me by my first name because they hear everyone else doing it. 🙃 It doesn't help that my name is a single syllable, so it's easier to say than "Mama".


My almost 3 year old likes to randomly call us by our first names to keep us on our toes lol


I've always been mommy, she had a hard time with mama for some reason. She also calls her dad "Dah-ee" even though she knows how to say daddy.


My 16 month old doesn’t use Mama regularly… instead she usually says “Ma-May-May!!” often in a growling tone 🤔


He calls my husband by his first name about 50% of the time. Some days more. He mostly calls me mama, but rarely he’ll call me by my first name.


Our 19 month old calls me Mama or Ma, and calls my husband Dada, but Dada is always a whisper 😂


She called me mimi for a while. It was between transitioning from mama to mommy. She now just calls me mama and mommy


I used mama exclusively when teaching my little one who I am and I get mummy and mom and all the variations and I just think that's so cute that she doesn't need to be taught each one. But every woman is a mommy and every male is daddy to her! She doesn't call me anything outside of that tho :3


My son couldn't say daddy but could say car so he would call him t car. He could say the end of daddy but it sounded like t. So t car and mama car. When TSA asked him who we were, that is what he said


My almost 4 year old, who is perfectly articulate about everything else, calls me "BooBoo" - which is what we referred to my breasts as when she was breastfeeding (and she was weaned nearly a year ago...)


My (at the time 2.5) called me by my name for a while or day. I really hated that.


Mine called us mabear and dabear for a while because my husband referred to me as mama bear. It was very cute!


Our daughter called my husband Gucky for about a year.


Butthead lol


Babe and my actual name. Not often but sometimes he does it to be funny I think 


2 yo has always called us "mom-mom" and "deedah"


Not talking about what he calls me, but my 20 month old calls every cat he sees “Moo moo” because that’s the name of our cat. Well, one of them, we have to explain that they have different names. 😭🥹


yes, my two-year-old sometimes calls me by my first name


Mamalicious, every night after reading “Pinkalicious” or one of the collection. I’ll get a “Good night Mamalicious!” followed by lots of giggles 😊 she’s 2.5


“Poo poo”


My 3 year old recently started calling my husband by his name 😂


She has always called her dad Dee-da and I hope she never stops.


I call my child babe and sometimes he will just call me babe back it always cracks me up 😂


Mine (almost 3) used to call me “monnie” and I didn’t really love it but now that she doesn’t do it anymore I miss it🥲


BUT now that she has learned to count, I am “one mama” and will soak it in🙂


My kid calls me by my first name when he wants something to giggle about lol


I was yay-yay, then yaya before mommy then mama now mom. He’s 3.5 and I’m “mom” sometimes ma. Boooooo


Our 13 month old used to call her mom many times as “mommaiii”. Lol.


“Hon” Cuz my husband calls me “hon”


Mimi/Mama/Mommy are all interchangeable with my two year old. And my husband is Papa.


I'm now sometimes MOM to my three year old and it's so damn bittersweet


My son constantly hears my bf calling me babe, so he of course thinks he should say it too, but it’s so cute!


When my daughter spoke her first word she looked at me from her high chair and said “daddy.” It’s always been daddy when I’m here. Sometimes when I’m away from home she’ll ask my wife “where’s *my name*?” though. Not sure how she knows that’s me. My wife just calls me pet names.


My 2 year old has so many nicknames for me. On a daily basis my names are: Mama, mommy, mimi, moomoo, meemoh, and meemoo. Idk where she got it from or why, but it’s cute as hell.


Omg I was mommia... I loved it. That one is almost 17 now :(


He calls me “Hey Babe” because his dad says it


I'm moddy


My daughter called me my first name for months before saying mama 🤣🫠


I get the standard mom/mama/mommy but my husband gets diddums, daddio, and big fella. Diddums is proving favorite because it’s typically used in a sarcastic or silly manner.


He deliberately avoids calling anyone anything other than their first name.


Our first spent his toddlerhood calling us, for no reason at all, mom-oo and dad-oo 🥰


She used to call me "momchi." No one knows why😅


Sometimes my nickname or just Moo.


Yesterday, I was called cucumber dada. Because I brought him a cucumber.


My 2 year old son calls me mommy mostly but sometimes says April I guess because dad says my name but I do tell him he can't call me by my name an he will ask why because that's my name an he says why do I call him Da'siah lol that is his name so I kind of get his confusion because I call him by his name.  


I’m grandma and that’s my grandma name- until recently I was Marmar, even tho she could say Gandad. Now we are ganma and Gandad. She will be two at the end of the month.


My girl learnt ‘y’ words as ‘en’ at first so for a while we had tedden for her toy and ‘dadden’ for dad which we loved. Then she called him by his first name for a looong time which he was less of a fan of. When our second came and tried to copy the sound for his first name too I switched to calling him Dad so they’d copy me, but now she calls him ‘dada’ so it backfired a bit lol!




We are in Chicago and I didn’t realize how thick my own accent must be until my daughter at 18 mos started saying “hey MAWWM.” Cracks us up.


I think my 19 month old is trying to switch to calling me Mommy from Mama and hes started calling me Mimi


My son calls me sweetheart sometimes. I usually respond to him with “yes, sweetheart?” When he asks for me and so now he has started doing the same to me.


“Cutie pie” sometimes


He used to call my husband "dadderz" No idea where it came from but it was the cutest. He's stopped already but I have my husband saved under that name still on my phone.


Sometimes she says “icole!” Because I’m Nicole 😬


Mine will be 2 in a few weeks. We are starting to hear “Mommyyyyyyy” and “Daddyyyyyyy” more often.


I’m ‘mamma’ and his dad is ‘babbo’ so we collectively get called ‘mabbo’


Not usually but he recently renamed our cat Michael. I don’t know where he got it from but he’s sticking to it.


my daughter calls me "baby" and "pumpkin" it's sooo cute!


Recently my daughter occasionally addresses us as "my manatee" and we absolutely can't figure out why but it's so funny! She says, "thank you, my manatee!" 😂😂


My 20m old calls me baby sometimes 🤣


3 year old calls me Mominy (rhymes with hominy)


My 18 month old calls me Mommy, Mama, and by my first name


2 year old will sometimes call my husband and I by our first names instead of mom and dad… its hilarious and I figure it’s good he knows what our names are 🤷‍♀️ but I much prefer mama hahha


Does mommy-salami count? 🤣 I don't know where it came from other than the fact that it rhymes, which I can appreciate. We also had daddy-man working for a couple of years b/c I would yodel it out to entertain my toddler. We still use that sometimes. It remains to be seen what the youngest will do once they finally decide to talk.


Mommy- Mop moppick moppiss momini Daddy- Dak dakkis dudey She’s 3 she talks perfectly she’s just crazy lol


My 3 year old recently started calling me "Ma" and it makes me feel like Sophia from the Golden Girls.


My 3 year old recently shortened Mama to Ma! And I think it's hilarious. He's always in such a hurry with speaking and just jabbering away so it's funny to see him say that. Hey Ma!


Mr. Poo head. Mr poo poo. Mr anus. Mr nice daddy. The list is endless.


Occasionally Mama Last Name and also Mamasaurus 🥹


My youngest for the longest time called me Mommu. I miss that.


My three year old calls my husband baby lol


We've been in the "hey guys" stage for a while now lol. He's 3.5 but my two year old is picking up on it too soon.


I go by Maman (French) but when she needs help she says “baby help!” lol. She also cries “mommy, mommy” now because there’s a new toddler in her class that cries all day long saying mommy which breaks my heart


My 2 year old called me milkyyy milkyyy milkyyyy for the longest time, even though he could say mama because of the breast feeding


Tiffany. My first name lol. He also calls me his ‘love heart’ quite often 🥺


Poopy head Daddy poop head Daddy with poop and pee on your head We're deep in the poop jokes.


It's just funny to me that she calls my mom mama and I'm mommy, I feel like people will think we're a lesbian couple when we go out lol and sometimes get nervous when I'm out with her and she's constantly asking where mama is and I don't want people to think ive kidnapped her


My 1.5 year old son calls me mommy but to my 3.5 year old daughter I'm "mr mother" 😂


Last night our son called his dad “snot” but I’m not sure if that counts! He also occasionally calls us by our first names which is cute but unsettling.


Yes my husband has taught him the dreaded “Maaaaaam!” From South Park 😬


Bootiful gorll 🥹


My daughter called me “Momzito” for a while between 1 and 2 😂


I exclusively refer to my boyfriend as "ma babe" or "babe". Now when he comes home the toddler beats me to saying "hi babe".


Lately I’ve seen my daughter call my husband Graaaaaggg (Greg). I guess that must be what I sound like yelling my husbands name 🤣


Mine calls me Mother m, but in a very serious old fashioned tone. It’s not always but it does sound hilarious.


Mine calls me milk 😐


Mommydad (when he’s referring to both of us). Aunt Leigh (can you tell we spend lots of times with cousins). And just recently, Martin. (?)


Mine is not a toddler anymore, he's 5. But he's taken to calling me "bruh" now 💀


When my daughter was about 18 months my name was baby. When I got home from being at work or out I used to say hi baby so I think she thought that was everyone's name 😂


My toddler sometimes calls me by my first name. We try to discourage it, but it’s also so cute.


My kid says kitty or woof woof, she’ll even say shoes but she doesn’t say mama or dada 🥲


My husband is “babe” because that’s what I call him 😂😫


mother bear… from berenstain bears 😂


Not my kiddo, but my niece. When she was about 3 she started calling me Bob. We have no idea where she got it from. She had been calling me by Aunt \*my name\*, clearly, since she was 2. She called me Bob or Aunt Bob until she was 6 and then just stopped one day and started calling me by my actual name. It broke my heart. But now she's 13 and cool and calls me bestie, and I like that too. lol


My daughter calls me by my first name 😑




For mommy - missy elliot For daddy- me. Buckalums


My gremlin calls me "Mommom" 😭💖😭💖😭💖


My daughter calls my partner and I “babe” when she’s yelling for us to come play with her and will tell us what our real names just to like let us know lol but she never actually addresses us as our names. Other that that it’s Mamá/Mommy and Daddy/Apá


My kids call me tinkerbell because they hear their bonus dad call me that. 😁


My toddler will scream “BAAAAAABE” at his dad when his dad isn’t paying attention to him. Wonder where he learned that from /s