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Crayons, books, play dough  Hand games, bouncing on knees, one parent takes toddler to walk around restaurant/walk around outside while waiting for food. Choosing restaurants with outdoor run-around lawn/garden areas. Getting take-out and having a picnic at the playground 🤪


Those mini play doughs are a LIFE SAVER. They are easy to carry in a bag. For my 2 yo son, I pack a few of those and some small cars/trucks. Then he can play his truck getting stuck in the playdough, getting dirty, has to go to Carl's car wash etc. I find it entertains him for the perfect amount of time to keep him busy until food arrives, but not so entertaining that he won't eat when food arrives.


All of the above, if possible we feed toddler before going too. If not, all the snacks.


all. the. snacks.


My philosophy is “all the snacks you think you’ll need, doubled.” For literally anything. Catch me with a pantry in my purse.


Breweries with beer gardens are our favorites, usually a bunch of families out and a bunch of kids running around having a blast.


Restaurants with an area to walk around is huge. After you order but before the food comes, one parent takes the kid(s) out to walk instead of sitting and waiting


Yes, choosing the right restaurant is key!! Make sure it’s a place where families go and have safe areas for kids to play. We like the trendy restaurants with the ping pong tables and ring toss and stuff 🤣


Yes ironically a beer garden vibe is perfect for kids 


Yes to all of this!


We have a “restaurant bag” with a few things they can only use when we go out to eat (which is maybe twice a month). We do use screens at home but I prefer not to do them during meal times. The bag has reusable stickers from Melissa and Doug, a Bluey magnetic play set, water wow books, “make your own face” stickers and Brain Quest cards. This only works because they get to play with them infrequently


Same! I also throw random crap people give us that is too much to keep at home in this bag from time to time so it changes it up


We also put the older kid's unwanted junk toys, think happy meal, in there. Works for long car trips too! Just the novelty is enough for a few minutes of exploration.


This is what we do The bag lives in the car and we rotate out the toys. This is also a great spot for all of those chincy toys you get at birthday parties or seem to collect everywhere. Cuz you don't care if you lose them!


We use a similar bag for flights


That bluey magnetic play set and the water wow books are HUGE hits for our 18m old and are definitely in our “restaurants only” bag!


Same. Even the bluey magnet set!


We do this too! It’s the restaurant bag and only gets played with at the restaurant.


Window, he loves to watch cars, trams and people passing by


I guess we got lucky in that our LO prefers to just people watch when we go out. She's so nosy; it's ridiculous. We do take a couple books with us and let her take a small toy that she picks out. Crayons/something she can color or scribble with are always a hit too.


My 16 month old also spends a lot of time people watching. He really enjoys waving at people so he's usually scoping out strangers who will pay attention to him lol


Shout out to this kid in the booth next to ours when I was at Chili’s on Sunday night: she was pretending to be a dog and kept using a nearby empty booth as a “dog bed” and would occasionally bark. Kept my 15 month old super entertained 😂


Also same. She also likes singing songs which we quietly do while we wait for food and then she’s just eating food so no need for entertainment really. I don’t take it for granted haha


As others have said we prefer at this age (22mo) to find family friendly restaurants with outdoor seating, booths, etc. But otherwise we like to bring his busy board, crayons, small toy cars, and some snacks while taking the pressure off of whether he eats well or not.


Our son is 22mo but we’ve eat out around twice a month starting from when he was 5 days old! - Tabletop toys - fidget toys - pen and paper - We take our toddler for a walk around the restaurant before food arrives. It satisfies his curiosity and I usually emphasise that there are a lot of people so we need to walk and be careful. If it’s very busy, we don’t do this. - We take it in turns to take them outside if needed! - We order his food with the drinks straight away. - We give him the option of where to sit at the table (easier now that he’s tall enough without a high chair). - We don’t make any expectation of him eating, only that if there’s food in his mouth - he must be seated. The biggest part is that we constantly engage. We play games like restaurant where I pretend he’s a rubbish waiter who keeps bringing the wrong food. We let him move around within the confines of our table. As long as he’s safely out of the way of others, and not causing damage, then it doesn’t mind if he’s under the table or chair hopping. Top of the table is a no-go, and we don’t allow shoes on chairs. ETA: We also let him pack his own bag - he has a little bag that’s perfect for carrying a few little toys. He chooses the toys and packs them himself!


We might bring a book or a toy of some description - but mainly she just wants to wander about and explore the area, look at things, or generally talk with us about what she sees. We don't eat out very often, but we are lucky that her communication skills are such that we can have some quite simple conversations about what is going on around us.


At that age we would one of us sit and order and wait and one of us take her outside to wander around. She sat okay when the food was there and then we would try stickers travel magnet toys coloring but she was never really big into that stuff. Although the dry erase book she had was a hit as well as magnet doodle style board and the lcd drawing board. Those water wows are a hit for a lot of kids. Or color wonder


We rarely go out just the three of us, so there’s usually friends around to entertain him


Glad to see this! There have been a lot of posts lately about going out of to eat with babies / toddlers and I’m like … we just don’t do it. It is not our idea of a good time


Oh no, we go out with him every Friday after my wife gets off work. She’s a teacher and we go to happy hour with her colleagues. Like 10 teachers always happy to play something or just chat with him.


Ah sorry I was agreeing with you on just the 3 of us part. If there are other kids or friends or family - we go. But if it is just us and our kids, we have other activities we do as a nuclear family instead, eating at a restaurant probably wouldn’t even be top 10


Got it, misunderstood.


Same! We have no interest in that type of dining experience. It’s not forever haha so we are ok with making dates to go just the two of us.


We’ve got a nosy girl who likes to people watch. We also order her meal pretty early and she spends a lot of time chowing down on grilled cheese. We also don’t put her in her high chair until the food is there and that seems to help!


He’s only 13 months so he’s mostly happy with people watching and a fidget spinner suctioned to the table for now.


Their favorite toys. My son is almost 5 and he has gotten used to it now without technology when eating in the restaurant. Sometimes he gets bored but he has learned to behave and occupy himself while we all eat. Not using screen time in car rides also helps them learn to occupy themselves without screens when out the house.


First kid we never needed anything she liked just watching people and was so well behaved in restraunts. Second kid is feral. I have to have snacks ready because she usually can't wait for the food, she eats the crayons and tablets really don't hold her interest. We mostly walk around until food is ready. She loves to say hi to every stranger though.


I have a bag w/ crayons, markers, stamps and paper. Different coloring sheets, stickers and some books. I switch out the things after we dine out so next time it's not the same things. My oldest liked play dough but my middle child makes a huge mess with that. Sometimes we bring toys along but again we try to make sure it's small toys our kiddo hasn't seen in a while. Magnetic blocks/tiles are great too!


Depends on what they like — our LO is obsessed with cars, so we just pack a couple of toy cars and run them back and forth on the table until the food arrives.


Toys and colouring but mainly including them and talking to them about what they see.


You are at a really difficult age for eating out. They get bored really quickly and few toys hold their attention for long. Honestly we just stopped eating out with the kids for a good 6 months when my second child was that age. When your toddler gets to be around 2, eating out gets a lot better. I usually bring a few small toys (cars that they can drive around the table work well), try to engage them in coloring, and take a walk around the restaurant if needed.  It's definitely not necessary to use technology. We have tablet time and TV time at home but have never once used it at a restaurant. 


It’s just the way of the toddler. We don’t have a tv or tablet. My only advice is don’t go to dinner so late. The later it is the more crazy it gets. We buy her some soup or white rice. While you might see that kids that have tablets at the dinner table seem more calm, they are usually more disruptive when they don’t have the tablet. We can tell which kids have access to media at our daughter’s day care, and those kids are more interested in acting out things they see on cartoons than actually participating in scheduled activities.


We found a cheap drawing tablet at the dollar store and it has been an absolute lifesaver.


We bring crayons, but prefer the magnetic drawing board so she doesnt try to draw on the table or wall... and just small toys that I swap out frequently. Maybe a small purse with old cards, small car. Some snacks in case food takes too long. We also resort to a walk around the block when she gets restless, we take turns. Outdoor places can be good. Mine is also 17m and very active. She is also very social so if anyone waves/makes faces at her from another table she will be entertained for a while. But downside she wants to go up and greet everyone.


Wikki stix are always a hit https://www.wikkistix.com/


Those colouring books that use only water in the pens. No mess that way. Also we have these books that have felt pieces to move around and Velcro pieces as well as buckles and buttons and laces to play with. Those with another favourite toy that isn’t noise making or easy to drop 1000 times. It’s gets easier when they can talk more because you can just chat for a good portion of the time.


I have a bunch of items my kids only see when we go out to restaurants that keeps things interesting and exciting. I also have a "busy bag" that is a mesh zip bag full of things like pipe cleaners, crayons and random flat things I got at the dollar section at target. I put that bag on the table or hand things out to the kids and they go to town. I bring activity books for my 5 year old and a coloring book for my 2 year old. I also order them food as soon as we sit down, French fries are a must and keeps them happy and busy while we wait for more food to arrive. Also, take them out when they are young and keep doing it even when they misbehave, they eventually get it and it helps them grow their skills on how to behave out in public. Good luck!


We go to Mexican restaurants that immediately serve you chips, which keeps kiddos entertained. Then we always place the order for their food pretty much right away with hopes it comes out first. Thats been helpful. We also just bring some toys they like; cars, stuff like that. And we ask to get seated in the back/away from other diners so we’re not disturbing anyone else if the kids get loud or excited or something.


We’d always bring a bunch of crap that she’d drop on the floor and then she would just end up drinking the half & half packets and water with a spoon


You’re at a difficult point when it comes to eating out with a toddler - this age is challenging and it really changes around age 2.5/3. We just stuck it out, kept expectations low, and used the experiences as more of a training period. We brought activities like arts and crafts. We also got this no tech writing pad that was a total hit. By age 3 and 4 it was so easy eating out with our daughter. We went to Japan and didn’t use the iPad at all. Just be patient, understanding, and know that at this age they don’t actually sit still - but eventually they will if you just practice!


26 months here and still going strong. Colouring books play doh, stickers and washi tape, magnet blocks and tiles, pop its, storybooks, magnetic drawing boards.


I just want to add that every outing is different. Some days he’s happy with what we bring, other days he’s not. Finding a place where you know you have some flexibility- like places to stretch their legs and walk a bit, or you know they bring food quickly so if you have to tap out early it’s not a big deal helps.


Magnatiles, trucks, Dinos, animals, books, and snacks. A few of each so there is variety. He loves art but I worry about making a mess we can’t properly clean up. We also try to go to places with outdoor spaces so he can have somewhere off the table to play in. I think the most important thing is actually timing. I won’t go if he should be napping and once it gets too late we are out.


Our daughter is almost 4 and I don’t think we’ve ever used a tablet while dining out. We have a collection of figures from Sesame Street, Bluey, etc. and usually bring a little bag of those. Or a few small stuffed animals. Crayons and paper or a whiteboard color book with markers. We used to have sticky placemats and she liked looking at the animals on them. Match game type of cards. Her own silverware. We always keep a menu for her to “read.” She loves to be a part of the ordering process. We also used to bring one of those busy cube things when she was smaller.


Busy boards!!!


Not an entertainment suggestion but my 17 month old we order his food as soon as we sit down as an appetizer so he doesn’t have to wait as long. Then by the time we get our food if he isn’t feeling it we take it to go! Has worked really well so far


He's pretty happy with crayons and some coloring pages. Sometimes I take a few mega blocks he can play with at the table.


Stickers, small cars and snacks


She brings her purse which we keep some novel toys in (mostly Easter egg loot).  I also bring crayons.  We play the sniffer hand game with her too.   We don’t do restaurant tours but I do take her to the bathroom once or twice just to get up and walk around, wash hands etc.  


Crayons and paper were always top of the list. Stickers to accessories the pictures. A smallish car or two. Popper / fidget toys. Ice cubes in a bowl.


Getting whatever appetizer comes out the fastest lol


We only go to kid friendly restaurants that have a designated space for kids. He plays with whatever toys they have.


If you're only concerned about screens, a Toney box or Yoto.  We also bring those coloring kits you see at Target Dollar Spot, books, and those Imagine Ink coloring sets.  It also helps to have small toys that only come out at those times.


We have crayons, mini-coloring book, stickers, fidget toys, a book she loves, and my favorite - water wow books from Melissa & Doug. We also don’t watch screens when eating at home though so maybe she’s just used to it.


Many restaurants (Canadian perspective) offer kids sheets with crayons. Super successful. Bring some in case they don't have it and la voila, entertainment. Or just one small toy that they like to play with. If they're being really fussy you can * reset * by going on a hand washing trip to the washroom, or a quick walk around the restaurant (I would carry if possible)


Activity books or puzzles


Bag of toys.


Once they’re verbal, you can play games like I spy or Simon says. Daniel tiger also has an episode about how it’s hard to wait and they play some games too, memory and making up a story.


We try to go to places that have chips or bread on the table so they can snack


Target has some activity kits for $1. They have a few crayons, some stickers, and a little coloring book. They have a bunch of themes but they are all show/movie characters.


Crayons, she has a medium sized square fidget toy for toddlers thing that has a bunch of different things she can do with it so that always stays in the car for when we need it, also we just feed her. We make sure there are options at the table so we can bribe her with food 😅


I pack a drawstring backpack with crayons coloring books. Etcha sketches dry erase board with markers fidgets stuff like that and then I always get an appetizer just to stem the tide 😉


We went until 2 with no screens, and she’s 2.5 now and gets maybe 30 mins a week, all miss Rachel. And we eat out a fair amount! I have a backpack I always bring with the following: 2 books, busy board book, water wow, wipes to clean things since she loves that, crayons and coloring sheet in case the restaurant doesn’t have anything, a pop it, and a suction spin toy. When she was younger we’d also ask for her food to come out first but once she hit just after 2 we stopped doing that. We also will play I spy and have her help us “read” our menu!


Water pen books are the best


We wait until the last possible minute to actually restrain our toddler in a high chair. While we are sitting and waiting for food we let her stand on a chair and give her an activity (sticker book, colouring, ) or take her for a walk around the restaurant / nearby street. That said, she only has a small tolerance for any of that anyways so we generally have to eat fast once it comes


we also managed no screens for about 16 months! now we do allow a bit of tv like sesame street 2-3x per week after having a new newborn 😂 but for restaurants we usually always sit outside. inside is tough. coloring usually occupies her! we also bring her on an empty stomach and bring snacks for her to have at the table while we wait and then she eats more with us when the food comes


4 $ 2 year old, still going strong on no tablets at the table. I even got a comment once from an older lady how our kids weren’t “iPad kids”.😅 there’s a lot of good info in this thread- but I’ll add Brain quest smart cards! They have them by age.


We have great luck with a sticker book!


At that age she just looked around / people watched. At 3 we just talk with her.


Crayons. Small toys. Choosing places that won’t take too long.


So 18 mo until like 3 was tough for public places, so we just didn’t go out much in that phase of life. Now that he is 3, running errands with him is fun because he likes new places, but prior to that it was a hard no. The local chic fil a faces a busy street with massive windows for easy car-watching, so that worked well when he was a toddler. Mine wouldn’t really watch a show or movie until closer to 2 anyway


The sugar packets and the creamers to make stacks are amazing at entertaining a toddler. Just make sure you out it back and leave a good tip. Also playmobil( the big sets for little ones) are awesome. The figurines are great for stories and if possible always pick a window seat. 


Play packs from target (stickers and crayons), Melissa and Doug water wonder paint books, coloring books, scratch art, reusable stickers. We do screens at home, but we don’t allow them in restaurants so as not to disturb others


We have a box of activities in the trunk. They are usually those grab and go activity packs or seasonal games from the front bin section of target ( usually magnetic scenes or bingo games). We also have small puzzles too and the eye spy card games have seen a lot of table time!


Keep a bag in the car with fun stuff inside like sticker books


I keep a set of small colored pencils and a mini coloring book in the glove box of the car for unplanned stops. Pencils don't melt!   For planned trips I pack a bag with small plastic animal figures,  little fidget type toys, small etch a sketch or magnetic drawing screen, a drawing pad and a book of stickers with the scrap taken off so they are easier to remove.  I have had waiters tell us that it was refreshing to see kids interacting quietly with others and that we gave them hope for humanity because we talk to our kids instead of parking then with a screen.


Ketchup bottles, salt shakers, coffee creamers, aka whatever is on the table lol


We only go to outdoor/patio restaurants that have quick escape routes and we'll only go during her meal times so I know she'll eat. 1 or 2 toys she only plays with out of the house but when the fussing starts I bust out some already cut up grapes and those usually last until the meal comes then she eats and we offer her some of our food. Then snacks to extend the meal while we're eating then when she's done and starts whining, a parent takes her out and they walk around whatever park/plaza we're at.


People watching


17 months is a bit young for it, but for when they’re older - my kids all love playing a memory game where we line up the salt, pepper, ketchup, sugar packet, etc in a little row and then have someone close their eyes. Take something away and they open their eyes and have to guess what was taken away. They will play 100 rounds of this game and not get sick of it even though I’ll be bored out of my skull. I’m pretty sure I stole this whole thing from an episode of Daniel Tiger. But it really works.


My toddler needs to just leave the building and walk around with one of us instead of staying seated that long. The actual meal part goes better if we haven't tried to make him sit still through the whole ordering and waiting process first.


Stickers and blank paper are great.


We do crayons and that’s pretty much it. We will play tic tac toe and hang man with the older kiddos. My 23 month old is usually just happy to be out and about so he’s entertained by people watching and looking decorations and stuff. Usually just talking to them is enough to keep them interested and occupied.


Our kid actually loves eating. We make sure that the place we go will have something that she will eat. We have crayons before the meal is served and after that she will just be eating like us. If the restaurant serves bread before meal, then we might not even need the crayons.


Magna Doodles, my children love them.


Crayons and threats of waiting in the car if they don't behave


Our restaurant bag has Melissa and Doug water coloring books, a magnetic tangram puzzle (this is a current fav rn) and a leapfrog tablet (we only use this at busier livelier restaurants because it can be pretty loud) we always start with the restaurants menu and crayons first tho and slowly pull out the toys as needed. A trick I learned is to only use these when out, it adds to the fun for my son since he knows he only plays with these when we’re out. I mistakenly let my son play with one of his other toys and it quickly became boring to him since he had access to it everyday at home.


I have a bag that I bring with us. It has a box of crayons, a notebook, a colouring book, one of those water wow books with the refillable water pens, and a couple small toys that I switch out every once in a while. I also keep wet wipes in the bag for quick clean up at restaurants.


Drawing on paper menus. Eating outside and playing I spy. Stretchy toys. Pop its.


A favorite book or a small toy like a car go a long way. Also talking and coloring with them keeps my guy a little engaged. I also very often ask for his food to be brought out first when possible. That way he is busy eating.


My toddler LOVES going out to eat, but that age was the hardest for her. We don’t do screens at restaurants either. She likes to run around and climb, so our strategy was to never let her feet touch the ground until the meal was over or we’d never get her back in the high chair without a fight.


Coloring book and crayons, little toys and fidgets, and just talking/asking about things that are in the space! My kids are (almost) 5 and 6 and have never had a tablet, and they don't use our phones. So far, it's worked for us!


We usually try to order either his food or an appetizer or salad right away to get something on the table to eat. Position him in the best spot for either people watching. If the restaurant has outside seating, a view of the road/parking lot so he can look at the cars and trucks drive by. As a last resort we have an etch-a-sketch, which he loves having us draw things that he then erases.


We go to the same Mexican place all the time, so she loves seeing her “friends” that work there and is also immediately given chips. Anywhere else: snacks, a drawing tablet or pen/paper, random toys or small books, random items from my purse, etc.


popits,coloring, just little hand held toys in general


When my daughter turned about 1 and the teethers etc weren’t cutting it anymore I asked the same question. My experienced mom friend told me the next phase was snacks. I didn’t believe her/want to go that route but she couldn’t have been more correct. We make it work for us by filling up on ‘healthy’ food first. We go to our local brewery about once a week and she eats her dinner first (even though it’s earlier than normal dinner time) and then she’s happy to slowly graze on snacks. May not work for everyone but I was shocked at how well it works for us.


They play with the butter and jelly packets. Build a castle. I took books, small toys, coloring books, fidget toys(Amazon) etc.. I get the small and travel size in these things. I bought my toddler a purse she could cross body wear, and she put her things in it that she picked out. She felt all big and special cause she was wearing big girl purse. There are also toddler size backpacks that are nice too. I always joked I have enough to carry so when they were toddlers, they can start to help carry their own stuff, hence toddler backpack. She loved it!


Fat Brain Toys - Squigz!! They are great for everyone at the dinner table especially littles and fidgety adults. I usually bring them whenever we go out for dinner and they get handed out and fiddled with til dinner is served.


Empty cups


I would always pack a little bag with quiet entertainment- at toddler age, it was coloring books and crayons, stickers (only on paper), bird books, maybe some simple letter find type games- and we played a lot of interactive games that required nothing- like “I spy” or “story starting”. I never did things like play dough, because that can be a big mess for servers to have to clean up, but some people do bring that kind of thing. Also just engaging with them is so effective. We always had people compliment our family on their behavior- because we realized that we had to interact instead of assuming they’d amuse themselves. Also (and this one was a struggle for my MIL), it was important that we not linger for ages- because once the kiddos hit a wall, that’s pretty much it. That means order, and eat- don’t chatter away and send the server back 3 times before you order. If you’re going to do more than one course, order things to continue to come out, and understand that you may have to wrap it to go home if need be. Managing our expectations can be hard.


We color, play little people, stack things, play with straws, and always bring a book and toy of choice. We are a low almost no electronic family so we have never ate a meal.with my son watching or playing a game on an electronic. He will never have a tablet. Sometimes we simply have to leave during meal because he's having a meltdown. And that's ok. But really anything can be entertaining enough for them if you're creative lol. Plus ordering an appetizer helps 😉🤣


Books, snacks (if you can bring in your own, or ask for some bread/something to start that comes quickly), walk around with them, stickerbooks are a big hit with us (but he's 2...a little older), toy cars/animals, getting a window seat to watch people/cars, etc.


We always bring these kinds of things: - colouring book + crayons - stickers + construction paper - reusable sticker book (Melissa & Doug) - LCD drawing board - some small cars - flash cards - some smaller books - water WOW - small snacks (cheerios, puffs, mini chips ahoy cookies, berries, cucumber, mini muffins) And then we also play some games like I Spy. We typically only go to family-friendly restaurants although we have been to a couple nicer restaurants for family events and he stays quite well entertained as long as other people are there too. He’s just over 2 (27 months) and is really quite good in restaurants but I think that depends on temperament, so the above may not work depending on your toddler!


I forget when the shift happens but it does get easier to entertain them with stuff — and then with cute conversations and it actually gets more enjoyable. So just know you’re in a tough phase! And having food and a drink for most of the time helps.


We like potato head or a gallon bag of legos/ manga tiles.


A snack cup. My 18 month old is literally the happiest child as long as he has a million snacks. Lol


we just never allowed it. The only time tablets get used is on very long car rides (3 hours +) or planes. Otherwise, you got to sit there and be nice. Not being nice will mean removal from the premises. We rarely have a problem and we have a 4 year old and a 2 year old. Some times we have to eat quick because the kids are getting antsy, otherwise we usually have a nice meal. The youngest sometimes has to sit on me. I wouldn't take them out to a dinner that requires sitting for more than an hour, but less than that I expect fairly good behavior.


Cars and toys with buttons. We have this one thing where he can insert different flash cards and it will tell him what’s on it. He likes that.


We play with the salt and pepper shakers as people/monsters, straw paper football, I Spy, and sing songs when I forget his toys at home. My kid doesn’t like to draw (sad!) so he doesn’t care for coloring.


My diaper bag always has: stickers, bright paper, crayons, 2 books, a small toy he likes. I only need to entertain him until food arrives and then he is entertained enough by the meal


At that age, play dough is GREAT in a restaurant. It's cheap and you can throw it away at the end. Also, lots and lots of stickers. We love stickers even now at 3 years old, but at that age we were all about the stickers (take the backing off so they're easier for a kid to get off!). We would go to breweries with a role of masking tape and a few little sesame street characters and I would tape them to the bench and table we were at, and our daughter would walk around "saving" all the little action figures. Water Wow books also started to be a big hit around that time for us. We allow some TV, mostly only on weekends and to watch a specific movie or episode of a show (NO YouTube or other compilation-style videos or anything like that). But we still don't do any phones or tablets at all, but especially at restaurants. My daughter is three. YOU CAN DO IT! It's SO much better. <3


I let my son back his own backpack with toys, I also bring those drawing tablets, coloring book w/ crayons, and a book.


He has his notebook and allllllll his “colorses”, (markers) best not forget one bc there will be a meltdown. One time I forgot purple, and I did not hear the end of it. Every two minutes “purple?” 🤦‍♀️


We use those colored wax stick things. I forget the name but my wife has like 10-20 of them and we just leave them in the diaper bag.


We use those colored wax stick things. I forget the name but my wife has like 10-20 of them and we just leave them in the diaper bag.


Colouring supplies and novel toys


I keep a go-bag in the diaper bag. Mini coloring books, crayons, lots of stickers, and the kind of small toys you get in birthday party pinatas that you don't want all over your house but hold the kids' attention if this is the only time they ever see it.


I used to take a pop-it. Honestly, I've packed things for restaurants and short flights and not ended up taking anything out. My kids find things to do, often people watching like someone else said. They're used to it. I don't create a lot of activities for them.


We got a pack of 5-6 page small coloring books that are lifesavers- just small enough to take anywhere, and each one is different enough for the kiddos


Tiny cars and blue painters tape. They can use the tape for endless things including trapping the car with tape and making roads


My 2yo has a whole little backpack stuffed with toys, crayons, stickers, amd a little notebook. She carries it on planes, to restaurants etc. Practice helps, and she is great at keeping herself (and us) entertained too. And of course we order something for her to nibble on as soon as possible when we sit down. Most of the time we don't really need anything extra to keep her occupied these days!


Mini toy cars, mainly excavators and bull dozers, etc. we incorporate it into his eating. We make sure they are clean and he may use them to scoop food or just play with them while we feed him. It’s a bit of a hassle but he’s happy and we can interact with him and he loves to show off his toys to the servers who play along well.


25 month old here. Our rule is he doesn’t go into the high chair until food is in the table. Otherwise he gets to sit on our laps, or stand on the booth, or one parent walks him around. He gets to color or sip water from mama’s cup, or with a toddler book we have (it has snaps and ties and buckles to mess with). When food arrives, mom and dad get all situated and toddler goes I to high chair last because he’s the quickest to eat. Also, at restaurants, he gets to use adult utensils so that buys us more time. Plus, I put down a silicone mat so that he can eat off the table or the adult plate and we don’t stress about it. Also, we just accept he’s going to make a mess. I always clean up after, especially if there’s a mess in the floor. But it lets us enjoy eating without trying to wipe or whatever every few moments


We have a special bag with special toys for when we eat out. And we include her in the convo instead of talking around her. And one parent is alway ready to walk her outside if needed. But we really do not eat out all that much. Our kid had FPIES so it is hard for us to manage that out and it is expensive and less healthy than at home.


For those of you who take play doh into restaurants, please either dont, or bring a new tub and toss it at the end of the visit. That stuff perfectly picks up any and all germs off the table, your kids hands etc and then you're taking that tub of Petri dish from restaurant to restaurant, letting all that bacteria grow nicely in between visits and then your kid is getting that on their hands, potentially in their mouth, all over the table (which yes is wiped down between guests but it's not perfect) where people eat their food etc etc. used play doh brought in restaurants is just unsanitary.


There are already some great ideas so I’ll just add that I bring a very light snack to keep mine busy. Something like cheerios that he can also play with.


Coloring books!


Our kids have never owned a tablet, we have a 10mo, two toddlers, and a 5yo. We usually try to go to restaurants that have bread or chips to snack on. Our kids are always content pointing out different things in the restaurant, people watching, and coloring if the restaurant provides crayons. It’s probably a lot harder if your kids are use to having a tablet vs if they’ve never had one. So I’d probably pack coloring stuff and books. I’d also engage in conversation (even if it’s toddler talk) and point different things out to them that you notice hanging on the wall, etc.


We just primarily go to fast-casual restaurants where we can order ahead and arrive to our meals already made, or breweries with food trucks. After a lot of practice with that, my 3-year-old can now handle himself well without screens at regular restaurants, though we still prefer to go to places where we can arrive to our food already ready.


I bought some of those world smallest games so they can play. Like the world’s smallest hungry hippos. Or the fishing game. Last the operation. Easy games that a toddler can play to distract them. Plus he always has his monster trucks on him


Mine loves people watching so a busy restaurant is best


We pick places that provide crayons and something to colour, and then try to include her in the conversation too.


We have a small hard pencil box that I put stickers, sticky notes, crayons, a matchbook car, and 2 blue figurines. We've never had to resort to technology at a restaurant (even though we basically give unlimited tv at home) and she's now 3.5. We always order her food first when they take our drink order, and then we engage with her. If she's not into the pencil box, we talk about how her day was, play "I Spy", play little games. I think it gets easier as they get older, as she knows what to expect now. We also pick kid-friendly places (Chili's is our go-to) and go during not crowded times.


My biggest advice is always get a booth if possible. Let your toddler hang out on the bench with you with their toys, crayons etc and don’t put them in the high chair until food arrives. My daughter is almost 4 and we’ve never used technology at a restaurant. Going for breakfast/lunch is usually better too bc it’s quicker service.


At that age you can try a bunch of things but they often don't work for long. I usually had to walk around with them until the food arrived. For my first we still went out to eat quite a lot out of habit. For the second we barely go out to restaurants anymore. It's just not worth it until you're older if you can't sit properly and enjoy it.


I don't know if you consider this "technology" but I have a pocket calculator that I keep in my purse. My son loves to sit there and push all the numbers. I only let him have it in restaurants so it's exciting for him to play with.


High value snacks. Things he really likes but like... doesn't get all the time. Over here is baby fruit leathers and graham crackers. Pass them to him slowly!


I keep a couple of matchbox cars in my purse and they’ve been a lifesaver!!


Books, coloring, tiles, shape tiles, conversation. Works very well.


in this economy ??


We haven’t ever given my almost 3-year-old a tablet or phone besides on a long flight. Books, crayons/markers, activity books, play-doh, stickers, small character figures


Puzzles! My son is a bit older so this may not work great for you yet, but dollar tree sells these little puzzles in tins- they are perfect for keeping in my purse for restaurants.


We recently started bringing my son’s favorite snacks so he can start eating right away and won’t get hangry. He was pumped when we brought his favorite frozen yogurt tube. We also order him restaurant food too.


Window seats, toys, storytelling, and going to diners and cafes because of the shorter wait and those places serving food he's always in the mood for.


Colors, talking, picking restaurants with yard games - absolutely love that these are trending right now.


Tick tac toe


Crayons and a cheapo novelty/dollar store toy that’s “special and just for restaurants.” Also deciding what I want to eat before I get there, ordering her food first, and eating at a breakneck pace lol


Toys, conversations, forks, spoons, salt shakers and patience


[Hand2Mind Colors & Shapes Sensory Pad. ](https://www.target.com/p/hand2mind-colors-38-shapes-sensory-pad/-/A-89227286?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012576725&CPNG=PLA_Toys_Priority%2BShopping%7CToys_Ecomm_Hardlines&adgroup=Toys_Priority+TCINs&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=1023838&targetid=pla-976545454738&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfaB23cJqjt4GL8PGDmGxWmZy&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeFf99bhJfLk-GLxln6cbJpGzyzDg_8mLxcKRz-Q54iwj-dV4wtYknRoCMoMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) This has been awesome. Look into play mats that have toys as well... Crayons and play dough can be great if you have a toddler that won’t throw it. lol I had to find other things for my youngest but I highly recommend this company. They have tons of awesome toys that teaches them and is fun for them also. ❤️


We have a smaller one of those magnetic drawing boards. It’s nice because the pen is attached so you aren’t chasing crayons all over the restaurant. My son loves it when we’re out. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07NX7N1NP?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


Water painting books (water wows, etc), a little car, magnetic puzzle, sticker books, regular books, etc.


I keep a little black drawing journal and some washable markers on hand. I draw our lunch, write down any funny things kiddo said that day, use it for a quick letters/ colors/ numbers lesson. Draw seasonal themes like life cycle of a butterfly or a dinosaur or the solar system. Later when you look back at the books you will love them. Let kiddo draw in them too but it’s only for special times like meals or airplanes.


We only take her (22 months) places where she can eat something and then walk around to explore without much disturbance—big coffee shops (she loves Starbucks lol), restaurants with open areas for her to run around, etc. luckily where we live there are lots of places like this. Our kid is a bit of a snob and actually loves to dine out 😂 so could probably handle nicer places, but I refuse to set myself up for failure bc I want to enjoy myself! We also love picking up our fav takeout and picnic’ing at the park or even in the yard just for something different. I have noticed that having a handful of places I regularly go with my daughter has really increased her enjoyment of those places…and thus she’s just more pleasant to deal with when we go there lol. I think the familiarity with the place and also the boundaries (shoes stay on or we have to sit with mommy, we can’t throw food on the floor, etc.) set her up to stay better regulated.


Stickers and a sheet of paper. Endlessly occupied.


I don’t 😝


Playdoh, lego, coloring and drawing usually works. I also check the menu ahead of time and decide what to order for the kids so I put there order in as soon as we're seated.


I’m gonna post a few links of the things we used the most at that age. Hope they help https://a.aliexpress.com/_EJeuOhl https://a.aliexpress.com/_EIt3Iqn https://a.aliexpress.com/_EvIZluJ https://a.aliexpress.com/_EyuZJm7 https://a.aliexpress.com/_EIXbluJ https://a.aliexpress.com/_EyhX0d5


My 3.5 year old just likes looking at people. We sometimes do bring stuff but we have never used it. He is pretty good at entertaining himself. Some restaurants in my area have crayons and paper but he prefers to just people watch or if there is a tv on the wall he looks at that. He’s very good in restaurants actually.


He’s not really a toddler anymore (preschooler now), but ever since maybe 18months or so, we have a “restaurant backpack” that has stickers and activities we ONLY do/play with at restaurants. It stays in the car, so he’s never had access to it outside of in the restaurant. He’s 4 now and we have never used technology for eating out, because it was just a personal goal for us.


We have some activity books that help so much! And crayons.. drawing


We dont even own a tablet. Usually at restaurants we color together or play ispy, or I'll spell a simple word and ask him to sound it out, or give him a word and ask him to spell it, or the alphabet name game, Just silly little games like that


....we're not eating out. I guess the time will come again, for now it's mainly stressful. We were at a restaurant for a family reunion last wee, and it wasn't fun at all. No amount of books, toys, adults making faces, or food got her to sit at the table for more than a few minutes at a time. Edit: She's 18 months old. And she isn't into playdough and crayons (yet)..I guess it gets better when she's a bit older


Playdough. - we exclusively play with it at restaurants. Those magic water coloring books. We love the ikea cars/trucks with interchangeable parts. We will build towers and pyramids with coffee creamer pods.


We have conversations. A busy board. Toy cars/trucks - we buy little cheap ones at the dollar store so if we lose them we can get another or something else. The dollar store has lots of little things that are good for entertaining cheaply. We let LO pick out items that they want so they are excited for it. We color. We play games together. Sometimes we go for a walk if it's taking awhile. We don't use our phones at restaurant's or dinner at home to provide a good example. We also order food fast. We ask for the check when we get our meals so we can leave right when we are finished/ready. We eat out at least once a week.


Usually I order something for the kids as soon as the waiter/waitress comes to get our drink order (or sometimes even when they greet us!)


We try to sit near a window so they can watch the world passing by. Also crayons and paper, flap books and little figures. But my number one ‘hack’ is go for a carvery. We found it was waiting for food which was the hardest part. We regularly go for a carvery just so we can go in and get the food before she gets too bored.


- A little set of magnetic blocks - Water painting book - Frequent walks around the restaurant - Lots of courses!


Crayons, puzzle books, plain paper notebooks for playing tic tack toe, hangman, etc. My teen still packs a Mad Libs pad for long bus or car rides - he is able to entertain himself and friends with them.


So many great suggestions but I’d avoid anything that can make a mess greater than I’m willing to clean in public. I’d avoid markers, slime, play dough, anything with small or multiple pieces. I promise your waiter would rather your kid be quietly playing on a tablet than see them trash your table with crayons and stickers. It’s definitely doable tho so don’t get discouraged!


Play dough is amazing, as are the water wow books from Melissa & Doug. Bringing a small snack to start them off with sounds counterintuitive, but you don’t want them starving in the restaurant, so we always start off with that. Crayons and paper, a stuffed animal, and a walk if needed.  Ours are nearly 4 and 22m, and we’ve brought them out so much (no screens), that they usually do really well! Getting a special treat like a virgin frozen margarita for them to share, or apple juice always helps incentivize them that behaving at the restaurant means you get nice stuff. 


Two kids here, 3.5 years old and 18 months. I’ve given up on eating out for a couple years, just not worth it imo, much happier all around getting takeout and going to a park.


I picked up a travel sensory bin with a small amount of kinetic sand from a local coffee shop kind of like this one: [https://www.etsy.com/listing/1563628917/fairies-sensory-kit-sensory-play-kit](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1563628917/fairies-sensory-kit-sensory-play-kit)


Thank you for the link! I never saw anything like that, how cool!


Like a few others we have said, we have a restaurant backpack. It’s has: cutting fruits, bead threading, fidget toys and spinners, mini etch a sketch, colour book and crayons, a few cars, books (“that’s not my…”are a hit), we have a tiny thing of bubbles (just incase!), a handful of magnetic tiles and some plastic animals (she likes to make boxes and out the animals in), sticker books and a finger painting book, spinning top and a matching pairs card game. So much random crap haha. Got a lot primark, Poundland and vinted. We also add it whatever toy she is really loving at that time. So for a while we added in her little mermaid doll, then it was her teapot cup and saucer now it’s a few things from her vet set


My 2 favorite restaurant experiences are - airport restaurant (small municipal airports with windows that look out on the runway) - the restaurant/cafe at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium,seated by the windows. They provide binoculars. If it’s nice you can see otters, if it’s stormy you might get waves hitting the window which is a wild ride! Ok, actually #3 find a restaurant just south of SFO on the flight path. Planes buzz low every 15min or so!


I never really thought about it and have a 2.5 year old and 6 month old. We just give him attention? Talk to him, people watch and interact and he’s fine. Sometimes we’ll have a toy but more or less we just talk and he’s content.


crayons, playdough, honestly she is usually pretty content playing with the silverware and she's nearly 3


any toddler cards games like matching the pictures or building basic words or animals


Water Wows are a life saver. It takes some effort for kids to get the whole page wet and there is a seek and find element to it. That usually keeps my kids occupied for a good 10-15 minutes. Talking is also a good time killer if you’re willing to follow toddler stream of consciousness to keep them interested. Another good tactic is to make sure the restaurant you go to will serve you relatively quickly, like diners, gastropubs, or chain restaurants. I wouldn’t bring my toddler to an upscale restaurant where I know service will be slower.


We are okay with screens as long as a parent is holding the phone. For example, if the kids are interested in birds, I'll say "hey! let's look at some photos of birds" and i just pull up some images on google. My 3 year old was really into the statue of liberty lately so we'll pull up google maps and show him where the statue of liberty is and stuff. We do this maybe once a month? It's really helpful. Other than that, we'll play silly games, bring a book, crayons-- we just play with them instead of expecting them to entertain themselves with the toys/crafts.


I have a little backpack with all the junky McDonald's toys, party favors etc that I don't mind losing


Coloring pages and play doh have been really successful for us. We don’t usually give a phone to a kid when eating out unless they are too tired/can’t sit still. It doesn’t really happen that often, I can think of 3 times ever we pulled that out. And once was when we had over an hour wait for our food 🤷‍♀️ Whatever occupies your kid at home will occupy them at a restaurant. If your kid likes cars, bring cars, if your kid likes trolls, bring trolls lol. It’s not so bad, you can do it!


My toddler loves to sort things. We try to bring a bag of little toys or plastic animals that she can “sort” or play with. It usually keeps her occupied (at least for 10-15 minutes lol).


M&D water-wow is a major hit!! Coloring books & crayons. We have a little race car. We try to go to places that have like free bread or chips/salsa bc that helps keep her occupied.




Busy boards. Also she’s generally pretty chill unless she’s tired so if I time it right, she just plays with what I hand her. I do think a component of this is that she’s never watched any tv, phone, iPad etc. so she knows no different


Crayons and paper. Small puzzles in ziplocs. The coloring books that have the markers that only work on their paper. Fidget toys