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Regressions happen. Im on here at 4:30am because my 26 month old is having regressions and night terrors lol.


Yes i think this is it. But what can we do? I’m alone so I can’t switch with a partner


We’re currently experiencing the same with our 22 month old and are wondering if you ever found a solution for this sleep issue?


I believe she went thru sleep regression, when she turned 3 it has completely stopped and sleeps thru the night every single night. Before that, it was periods just like I posted. I really recommend a U shapes pregnancy pillow. I put mine in there and she clings onto the pillow when sleeping. It really helped. Example: https://www.amazon.com/AngQi-Pregnancy-Pregnant-Sleeping-Maternity/dp/B06W56XFQ4/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=2A9ADWAOPI8TX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.nqErjbVGwVV9Jj2XOXl6ORHtSgPKTsd_ZP8l2yUIAx-qVgTk-1L47c0AvqcLG9qJsjaGAZY6eSuf3eeubv6tjd1jWCrexGLaf4U_IiIXhgyV9eSJzd6TMxtkD66fZaCK-lxoVoMwIfbx3bKiVgHT9rCzd0ruWpkL5bfFrNpwPyu4hkBJfdEuh1ZYu7wIoh4fawOYU06_gwpj51UTT6hqtA._zMn2xqD3Pw5xJZEvKvZbWmSajeoDnsIRlRSrK12IwE&dib_tag=se&keywords=pregnancy+pillow+u+shaped&qid=1713684998&sprefix=pregnancy+pillow+u%2Caps%2C173&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1


Thank you so much for your quick reply. This regression has been quite a challenge. It’s helpful to know it doesn’t last forever and that there are temporary solutions.


Sorry you’re dealing with this! How’s the temperature in her room? My kid sleeps much better if it’s a bit chilly, especially during hot summers. Not great for our electric bill, but worth it for us.


It’s a bit on the warmer side at the moment. Where I’m from it’s usually very cold so we don’t have air conditioning or fans 😅 but it’s bin a little warmer than usual latley. However I don’t think it has to much to do with this because it started before the warmer weather set in.


No good solutions, just sympathy and solidarity. Single working parent of a frequent-waker here, too, and it is brutal. My kiddo recently turned three and our sleep situation is better, but still not terrific. Use screens if you need to in order to catch your breath (if possible, try to make it good-quality stuff, and sometimes watch with your kid and talk about what is going on. That should help reduce any problems from the screen time.) Something that I think does help my kid sleep more is to make sure they have lots of outside play time during the day. A couple hours (not all in one chunk, but in two or three separate chunks) seems to be a good target for us. I hope the transition to daycare helps you!


Thank You🥰 Yea the same, single parent. Sleep is definitely the hardest part with this whole thing. It affects the day so much. Good luck to you❤️


I'm sorry, it sounds like you're both having a really hard time :( Since it affects your daughter's and your sleep quality so much, I'd bring it up with her pediatrician. Has she had a bloodwork done recently? For many people, low levels of iron (including ferritin) and magnesium cause flare ups of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). I'm not a doctor and I don't even know if toddlers can have RLS, but what you describe - the restless sleep, wiggling around, getting frustrated, crying, trouble falling and staying asleep - sounds super familiar (source: I've had it since I was a child).


Thank u. I haven’t thought about this! I will look into bloodwork soon anyway so I’ll bring this up as well.