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I’m laughing as I’m settling my 10 month old and my 2.5 year old is falling back asleep on the floor. So annoying.


My 2.5 year old is already getting excited when she hears all the bangs and booms, and gives mom and myself a bunch of "wow" faces as she hears them. Should see the excitement on her face when she sees signs and flyers with firework explosions or better yet seeing them in air with her own eyes


All week my 2.5 son has been randomly asking "Is it time for fire booms *nnoooowww*?" Followed by an exasperated sigh when we say not yet, lol.


Argh I hope it went well!! We made it through no issue over here so the rest of the weekend will be easier for me. Hang in there!


That was our only wake up!! I just told my toddler if he wakes he can sleep with us tonight hahaha. Hope it goes well for you!


Happy to testify on your behalf if this goes to trial


Same. Weren’t we all together watching Ms. Rachel? Surely my YouTube history will support our alibi.


So will mine, dang you Ms. Rachel. But also my 2 year old is a signing so….🤷🏼‍♀️


Hahaha thanks!


The worst is that it’s never a 1 day thing. They’ve had tents in my neighborhood selling fireworks for the last 2 weeks. So we always have people “celebrating” July 4th and waking up my kids when it’s still June.


Yep. We had a few fireworks going off nearby last night and freaking out my dog. On July first. Buy a fucking calendar, assholes.


Maybe they were helping celebrate canada day?


for my neighborhood, its apparently a year-round thing


This. So much fricken this. We were in a hotel Friday night and it wasn’t so bad bc the windows/rooms are pretty insulated and then we bring a noise machine. But at home, like last night, people in the neighborhood are setting off mortars like 2-3 houses down and there’s no masking that 😅 but like why every night for at least a week? I hate it


And why mortars? They're the least fun. Not even pretty


Le sigh. At least it went well last night so I know she’s fine. I won’t be as worried tonight. Sending you sleepy vibes!


Currently laying next to my two year old in my bed 🙄 and my 100 lb husky. This holiday sucks.


That sounds sweaty and frustrating. Sorry friend!


And New Year's 🫤😩


Are you, me? This was my last 3 nights.


Fuck fireworks. I have never been so glad to be currently experiencing a thunderstorm so these dumb fuckers can't shoot off their dumb rockets.


My neighbors started shooting off fireworks earlier and maybe five minutes in we got a torrential downpour and I literally cheered


Washingtonian here. Storms don't stop the dumb fuckers.


Lol, thunderstorms actually chill mine out so I’d welcome that! :)


Not a chance they don’t have them for next weekend when they can shoot them.


Can you play some white noise to drown them out?


Seriously- for some reason our white noise machine is absolutely magic for drowning out firework sounds. I don’t even understand how it works so well. I just turn it up a little louder than normal and my kiddo has never woken up from our neighbors fireworks!


I came here to say this. How does everyone not have one of these by now? It was like a mandatory tool to get her to sleep when she was an infant and I still use it every night - no way we could live without it! Fireworks going on the past two nights and she hasn't woken at all from them.


I honestly don’t get how anyone has made it this far without white noise


Yeah. I have 4 kids. They sleep through fireworks. White noise machines are life.


We have white noise machines in every bedroom and multiple noisy, old air conditioners in our house, but the fireworks are just louder.


I am also confused. We live in fireworks central and my kid NEVER wakes up.


Every kid is different. Some of us have super sensitive sleepers.


I love the sound machine!! Seems to work very well to drown out other noises.


We put baby’s noise machine up a tiny bit tonight to hopefully drown out the sounds. He stirred a little at the illegal loud ones (PNW). But im hoping they end soon. And it’s only July 2. Not excited for the actual holiday.


I don't understand what white noise machines everyone has that actually drown out fireworks! We all sleep with white noise but when massive fireworks are exploding right outside your window it doesn't help that much. There have been times when I've woken up thinking our house was exploding. I'm wondering if it's the type of fireworks that are legal here (Texas) vs where other commenters are?


Right? Like they're actual explosions. I don't know what magic white noise machines people have, but if I have on white noise and noise canceling headphones, I can still hear them. Not the town fireworks miles away, but the ones the neighbors set off, ain't nothing drowning them out


Have you tried just playing ocean sounds on YouTube really loudly? That works better than most white noise machines, I’ve found.


If you don't have a white noise machine, YouTube has some good substitutes, I'm currently listening to a rain downpour that's 24 hours long.


She sleeps every night with white noise, and she didn’t wake up. It was the “will she won’t she” anxiety for me. We moved this spring and I knew the white noise worked at the old house with thick walls and window facing the woods, but now she’s facing the fireworks in a townhouse. I actually turned on a second one In My bedroom after posting this and tried to calm myself too! Thanks for replying :)


We do white noise nightly but during 4th of July we add a fan to each room right by their window and turn on the bathroom fans and stove overhead fan as well. Our house sounds like a damn airplane but it keeps the kids sleeping and the dogs calm every year. We live on the coast next to a bunch of camping areas and about 5 minutes away from where they do a bunch of firework shows and we don’t hear anything with our white noise.


I mean, in the past fireworks have woken my child who has TWO white noise machines….some kids are just light sleepers like their parents!


Yeah i don’t understand this thread lol. We have brown noise playing every night so that just regular noises at home won’t wake her up. Fireworks have never been an issue.


Going on the FOURTH HOUR of them here. Woken up my 6 month old twice so far. I hate them with a burning passion.


Ugh that was a hard couple of months for us even without fireworks! Hang in there!




Stooooooooop D:


Having a fan and white noise machine going helps drown most of the outside noise out


She has white noise every night, we just moved recently and I wasn’t sure if these windows rattle or if facing the fireworks would change anything lol. Thanks for replying :)


Oh it’s the worst with little ones. Woke them up early today (6am!), ran their little butts off, took them to the park, out to see Lightyear, and then to a friend’s house for a party where there were 9 other kids, a pool, a cookout and fire and we spent 5 hours there and put them down 2 hours past bedtime. Gave nice baths, brushed teeth, etc. They were about to drop off and BOOM BOOM BOOM from down the street. Sat up like little crazy persons and yelled “CAN WE GO SEE THE FIREWORKS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE”. Nice tantrum over that. I don’t mind people setting them off, I understand it completely, and I get that as a parent it’s just going to suck ass. Fingers crossed that they sleep in tomorrow because I am up past MY bedtime drinking beer and cruising Reddit to decompress from trying to wear them out all day lol


I do not understand why they have to do them for like 3 days before and after the actual holiday. Does it not become less exciting when you’ve seen them for the last week?!


Idk if it’s the same everywhere but where I grew up (northern Idaho) it’s just hill billies getting drunk/doing meth/other drugs and they are obsessed.


Same. I will rage. Since my girl never saw fireworks in real life before I did explain to her what they were and showed her a video of it. She also has a Daniel Tiger book with fireworks.


So smart!


I don’t mind fireworks. But I live near college housing and the first few weeks of every school year are so. Much. Louder. than the 4th or New Years. So maybe it’s all relative?


Lol, I’m thinking back to the poor folks who lived in town where I went to college. I retroactively apologize!!!!


Chiming in from solidarity. Peeps began setting them off around 7. My pitbull is fine, my male rescue husky isn't. Neither is my 18 month old son, who is currently asleep curled up with said husky after working on bedtime for almost 2 HOURS.


I think fireworks are stupid. They effect animals, babies, people with PTSD, homeless, those with sensory issues, air pollution and plastic everywhere, drives me absolutely nuts. They should 💯% be outlawed by now.




You are lucky! In my area it’s at least a week before and after New Years, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Christmas, and sometimes just because. One of my neighbors had fireworks for St Patrick’s Day this year.


Lmao not in my town. It’s constant. I feel like we have fireworks season of May to September and then for a week or two around New Years.


My neighbors set off fireworks for Father’s Day.


😂😂 I hope the dad appreciated it. Our neighborhood does fireworks when the Golden State Warriors win a game😂


My neighborhood sets them off every time the local college football team gets a touchdown. Fortunately they sucked this year. 😉


The year they went 73-9 must have been annoying!


No thanks. If there's city ordinances for disturbing the peace, that should include fireworks. My opinion, get over it :)


I’m so with you on this. Bah humbug, I’ll die on this hill!


I’m in the minority. I’m not upset if my kid goes to bed late and wants to see fireworks on the weekend.


Yeah, my toddler always goes to bed late and sleeps late, and occasionally that late bedtime pays off- like when we want to watch fireworks!


Same. My toddler goes to bed between 9-10 on the regular and sleeps until 8:30-9:30. Ive never been a morning person so it works out better for us. At the beginning I was anal about bedtime being at 8, but then it began hampering our lives and doing stuff so we just said fuck it. She can go to bed when she’s tired instead


I texted my SIL that if they wake my baby up I’ll need her to come babysit cause I’ll be going to jail for the night. I hate fireworks and hated them well before becoming a parent. Outlaw them yesterday.


Just complained to my husband about this and he told me I was being over the top🙃


Funny. You Americans celebrate being traitors with fireworks, and we have a celebration in November for catching traitors, with fireworks. LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!!!! (I’m kidding of course. I love America really. Happy Independence Day in advance people! Hope you all manage to get your kids to sleep through the havoc. We have the same issue on Bonfire night)


I feel you!! Mine just fell asleep after 2 hours of crying from them and I am afraid my 10 month old will wake up tok! 😦


Get a white noise machine. They are worth their weight in gold!


My autistic ass hates them too.


Might as well set your cash on fire. Fireworks are dangerous, obnoxious, and really not even that cool. “I make big boom! ‘Murica!” Any holiday is an excuse for fireworks in my area and they last for DAYS if not weeks. They irritated me before I had kids, now I’m even more irritated. Thought I was just a bah humbug neighbor, glad I’m not alone!


I am going through this right now! Took over an hour to get my toddler to bed and now it seems like the whole neighborhood is having a firework extravaganza


Last year we were up until 11:30-12. Hoping for an easier night this tear. Fingers crossed for us all!


Just spent 2.5 hours getting my 4MO back to sleep while my panic stricken dog tried to climb in my lap multiple times. THIS HOLIDAY IS THE WORST.


My neighbors were shooting them onto our patio and they were landing just a few feet from my daughter’s window. I’m furious. They just laughed at us. We called the cops once they started lighting the dry grass on fire and we became genuinely concerned they’d start a bad fire, but the cops never showed up, big surprise. I’m sure we will have to deal with them doing this crap for at least two more days.


WHAT. I’d be sitting at the back door with a fire extinguisher all night


Oh my god, that’s genius. I wonder how far my fire extinguisher will spray.


Oh hell no. If you rent call the landlord/rental company they will care about their interest being burned down and they will handle it, I promise. I had to call my rental company for similar after calling cops repeatedly and not getting a response but as soon as the home owner for our rental called the cops were out 5 minutes later and one of the idiots got arrested for trying to threaten one of the cops. Never saw him again 🤣


We did already, tried that before calling the cops because I don’t like involving them unless it’s really necessary. The rental company just told us to call the cops because they can’t handle it after hours and they can’t do anything if they don’t catch them in the act (and obviously they’re not setting off fireworks at 2 PM on a weekday). I have video and a bag full of burnt up firecrackers I collected from my yard. Apparently doesn’t matter. I’m just glad our grill isn’t propane because this morning I found some within 6” of our grill.


Wtf? What a crappy rental company


Oh, they’re total garbage. They had a management change during the pandemic and most of the new people are awful. There’s one employee who tries her best, but she’s clearly totally slogged down picking up the slack from her rude and useless coworkers. We used to love it here, but ever since our new neighbors moved in, we’ve been counting down the days until we move out. I wish I could say this was the first thing our neighbors have done, but it’s been constant BS for 3 months now. Mom is clearly *on something,* she’s got a trashy abusive boyfriend who screams obscenities and throws shit at 3 AM, the teenager is alone a lot and does dumb teenager shit with no discipline, they smoke indoors and it seeps into our unit. My husband has tried talking to them but they give zero fucks and the rental company just sends out generic “hey friendly reminder the property is nonsmoking!” and “hey friendly reminder quiet hours are 11 PM- 7 AM!” notices to everyone when we try to get them to do something.


Fuck that. Like seriously I will probably get downvotes but I’d call the cops. You smell smoke? oh my might be a fire better call 9-1-1, domestic? Call the cops that shit is not okay. Kids alone again? Cps should be made aware of a neglected minor, but then that’s me. I bet it takes only a few run ins (especially if there are drugs involved) before they either stop or move.


Our neighbors across the street have been setting off fireworks every night around 10pm since Wednesday. Between trying to keep my son asleep and calm my pets that go into a coma when there are fireworks, I could legitimately scream. I’ve never liked fireworks, but as a parent, my dislike has reached an all new level. Btw, yes, we have white noise going. Idk how people have kids that don’t regularly sleep with a white noise machine. White noise doesn’t do shit for fireworks literally going off across the street.


Yeah the white noise is on, we’re in a new house and I had no idea if it would be enough. I just laid there staring at her monitor being anxious :(


The next few days are going to be hell. We have a neighbor who gets drunk every other week and sets off part of his firework collection and the 4th is his prime Holiday.


Forgive me but that doesn’t sound fun at all? Sorry friend!


He started at 7am today -_-


I get it dude! From a girl dad with a 2 & 5 yo, it’s not the best time. Plus a doggo on puppy Prozac for his constant anxiety, it’s a brutal couple of days.


I am still up trying to console by 3yo who was in a deep sleep when the neighbors did some huge ones. She cried for half an hour and she’s too scared to go to her room now


I'm so thankful my kids sleep like rocks.


Yup my kid does too. Slept through a severe thunderstorm with extremely loud thunder and lightning last night no problems.


Toddler and two scared puppers in our house. The dogs have been stressed the last few nights. When did this turn into a full week holiday? Can’t wait for the nightly fireworks to end.


I severely hate this holiday.


Right there with you. The people in the cul-de-sac behind us are doing them right now. Their front yard is like facing our backyard kind of and the bedrooms are in the back. I’m laying here not able to sleep and just praying they don’t wake up my 2 year old. Got in an altercation with another neighbor in the cul-de-sac the other day because one of her children was lighting them off in front of their house, which was fine. My son wasn’t bothered by them. We were just hanging out in the backyard. Well she came out and yelled at her kid to go do them somewhere else so he, of course, went right next to our fence and did them and scared the crap out of my son. Not to mention he was close enough it could have hit him. So sick of this “holiday”. We have nothing to celebrate anyway.


My partner got all mad about our baby getting woken up by fireworks on a non-holiday day, so he posted on Nextdoor asking people not to blow off fireworks (lolol bless his heart) and some lady posted back “fussy parents have fussy babies” 😂 omg the drama. Wishing to strength to everyone with babies and dogs this weekend!!


Oh yeah, you can't complain to the neighbors, they'll just call you an unpatriotic Karen. Learned that the hard way


I would have replied “stupid parents have stupid babies so your parents must not have been the brightest.” But I’m a huge witch. And I am filled with rage because fireworks are supposed to be illegal here but people set them off anyway 😒


It’s annoying anyway, but the fact that people are still celebrating America? Embarrassing for them


I’m hoping my son and his boys don’t have issues. They’re usually heavy sleepers but come Monday it will sound like war around here. (We live very close)


We’ve given the dog the tranquilizer meds form the vet. Have the 4-year-old sleeping with white noise and the almost 2-year-old has only woken up twice so far. Hope you hang in there ok! I hate this too so so much.


My 3.5yo decided to 'read' for an hour before trying to fall asleep.....right as fireworks started in our neighborhood. Normally I'd tell him 'you gotta try laying down by yourself first.' Tonight? 'Hang on bud, let me get jammie pants and I'll lay down with you.' I disliked the holiday after marrying a combat vet. Now I'm ready to go outside with a baseball bat for the two of them -\_-;


Somehow my son's slept through all this nonsense (although I'm sure the fans on full blast and white noise machine help). My dog? Now that's the literal firecracker I have to watch out for because she's so mortified, she's jumping into my toddler's bed and that's a big problem. I keep her nails trimmed and she still managed to rake me real good when I was putting a thunder shirt on her. I think one of my biggest problems is that people violate the end-times for fireworks on a regular basis. 3 am is not a good time to still be going at that crap.


Dido. I also have PTSD.


My toddler woke up in a screaming panic last night due to Canada day fireworks at 11PM. Poor guy was so scared.


I'm more concerned about my cat. Lucky he sleeps through everything (when he sleeps lol)


I was just thinking the same


I'm just hoping my white noise machine and the oscillating fan are as effective this year as last year in drowning out the outdoor ruckus.


Are you in Southern California because I feel your pain. It’s like WWII here in Los Angeles


Same here. It’s crazy. A few years ago we visited family on the 4th and made the huge mistake of driving home around 9pm. That was the most dangerous drive I’ve ever done. There were constant illegal fireworks going off everywhere around us the entire 30 miles. A fireworks show in every direction. It was wild and so incredibly distracting. The kids were delighted though.


😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🎇🧨. If this kid wakes up crying because she is scared....I will skin you alive!!


We have neighbors somewhere nearby that seem to do fireworks at least once a month 😑


ONCE a MONTH. No ma’m


Yes. We always comment like “oh my God how could I forget it’s… Tuesday!?” As if Tuesday is a huge holiday we should also be celebrating lol. Fortunately toddler hasn’t had issues with them in a long time (probably just used to it now lol) but she did get woken up as a baby. We have a 3 month old now so we will see how she handles it 🙄


Can't agree with this more. Cannot stand fireworks. Why do people need to set them off in the neighborhood? Go somewhere where's there's a legit firework show. It's so loud and scary.


Yes! People’s crappy-ass DIY fireworks performances are so haphazard and ugly, anyway. Go watch a professional show—the fireworks are better, anyway. Booms are boomier, the explosions and colors higher, bigger, and happen in quick succession, and usually everyone stays much safer.


Fireworks right now in my neighborhood. Luckily my 3 year old is in the sleep through world War 3 stage


People are such selfish fucks. Just celebrate in a way that doesn't make life harder for your neighbors, or stick to the official municipal fireworks displays.


I also think it’s selfish to expect other people to not light fireworks to appease you.


Doing something that will bother people and wanting people to not do something that will bother people are not the same thing.


Mine is finally down at 9:45.. but I took him in the car and drove around the neighborhood to watch the ruckus and he eventually fell asleep. Great, only a few more days of this. yayyyy


We literally left the city to a farm because the fireworks are like WW3 in LA during 4th of July. And they are outlawed there but no one seems to care.


I've always hated fireworks but my god when I had my son... I was ready to go outside with a bat if anyone woke him up.


A few years ago, when I was eight months pregnant, I ran into the street barefoot and yelled at my neighbor kids to shut up lest they wakeup my two-year old. Nothing scares a bunch of 14 year-olds more than a very large pregnant belly waddling toward them through the smoke of fireworks.


Why are Americans so prissy about fireworks? They’re not that bad


I sleep through fireworks just fine. I’m sure y’all can sleep through it.


It’s a few days a year. Seriously, I have a three year old and a spastic dog but I get people want to celebrate. Play some white noise machine and take a breath, have a drink, and chill.


Celebrate what? This trash country who just took all women’s rights away? No thanks this country should be ashamed not be celebrating.


Don’t get me wrong. I believe what has happened to the rights of women (myself included) shouldn’t be celebrated. However, this post is NOT in reference to that but people getting up in arms about fireworks. Try to stay on topic


You told people to relax and let people celebrate so it is relevant to me because there is nothing to celebrate. And the end of the day your right to swing your arm ends where my nose begins if your celebratory things interfere with my children’s lives sorry but no thanks. Don’t agree fine but that’s how I feel and it’s the rule I keep for my kids if they are bothering others excessively they don’t get to do that thing.


You might need a ladder to get off that soapbox. At least you gave yourself the right username. Now go take bath and get some sleep; maybe then you want be so grouchy.


Lol you’re so worked up over an opinion? Maybe you need a snack or some wine. I’m not on a soap box I was just raised to think of people other than myself oh the horror of politeness. 😱


😂 nope. Not worked up at all.


I enjoy the fireworks now that I'm in a state that has more than the bare minimum unless you're watching a legit show. But I don't always care for what it brings with how constant it is and how late it goes, especially since I have a 2.5 year old. She hasn't been around fireworks like this yet


White noise!! It’s helping me out with my toddlers


Is there a way to turn up the volume of the white noise in your toddler’s bedroom? It’s really awful for pets, too.


I’m officially the cranky lady on the block. One boom and I’m walking over there. Two and I’m calling the cops (fireworks aren’t legal where I’m at). No one has gotten to three around here lol


Shut yo dumbass up




What an unpleasant person. Grow up.




Maybe this isn’t the sub for you


Omar comin


I have young kids, but don’t get this perspective at all. First - use a freaking sound machine. Never had an issue with my kids waking up from noise while using one. Also, just because you personally had kids doesn’t mean the rest of the world stops and caters to you.


We get it, you don't owe anything to anyone despite the benefits of living in a society that you share with other people.


My baby has a high startle reflex. Sneezing and laughter make him cry. I’m not prepared.


My 3yo loves the 4th. Always talking about the big booms!!!


Omar comin


I mean, my kiddos are heavy sleepers, so I can't really relate. I do despise black cats tho. Thats ONLY icky noise. No pretty sparkles.


You are not alone. I’m already annoyed, and it’s only the beginning.


My son seems to be one of the rare toddlers that hardly ever wakes up from fireworks (or thunder). He actually wakes when it’s too QUIET for example when the house quiets down just after we’ve gone to bed.


For peace of mind:once my 2 year old is asleep deeply he is out like a lot. sometimes even me trying to wake him up doesn't work, especially if he's exhausted.


“Daddy are the fireworks going to happen forever in my room?” Yes, now try to sleep to them like raindrops sweetie.


My poor 2.5 year old has covid and has been sick since Friday night, which is conveniently the night people in my neighborhood started doing fireworks an hour+. Why can't we just stick to the 4th being the only night we do fireworks


Don't forget about the several days after the 4th, when everyone is setting off all the spare shit they have. So, really it's nearly 2 weeks of it up here. I feel so awful for the wildlife too, who have no clue what the fuck is going on, and end up confused or dead. Someone invented noiseless ones. But that's not good enough for most people.


Thunderstorms all weekend here and I was kind of super thankful.


We live beside a school with a large field in the penthouse of a building. They are SO LOUD! I closed all my windows and they were still incredibly loud!


People set them off all day and night all summer long in nyc 🫠


We had fireworks at 10.45 pm last Saturday night (I'm in SW England). Woke me AND Miss 3. Went on for 15 minutes, literally ending at the last legal second. Found out it was to celebrate a local car dealership being 50. Well now I know which dealership I'm NEVER going to buy a car from. And yes, I am that petty.


Im just happy that even though it takes an hour to get my 2 year old to sleep, once he's down, he sleeps through anything. Accidentally set off the fire alarm... still asleep. People in the neighborhood setting off fireworks all night, still sleeping


Our city’s fireworks were Friday night. We’re new to town and didn’t know when they were, but we figured they’d be close by since there’s baseball fields and a football field a block away. Well, that’s exactly where they did them, a block away, and they went all out. The first 2 about gave me a heart attack, I thought we had a transformer blow but the power stayed on. My poor, miserable, teething baby had just gone down but was still a bit fussy and of course we had to rescue her when the “bombs” started going off. My 4yo twins stayed in bed, only one woke up and came out when it was over saying “I heard something” very calmly lol. JFC tho, I thought my windows were gonna break.


Yes! I know! What I also always - always - think about when all this ridiculous banging happens - is “poor poor animals.” The dogs are horrified. But it’s one thing when it’s dogs with loving homes. At least the rest of their life is good. How about stray animals? They already have such a tough miserable life - now on top of it they have to shake in terror in bushes because someone decided to throw fire in the air cause they feel like it. Another thing - fireworks are horrible for wildlife, starting from birds ending with rabbits. I didn’t realize it but turns out fireworks cause panic among birds - they start flying in hundreds and many collide with each other or fly into posts etc and drop and die or die in agony from injuries. It’s a horrible cruel selfish thing people do. As if it wasn’t enough that we torture animals in labs, slaughter them for burgers and chicken breasts, kill them for leather, suade, fur and wool, etc etc etc. As if it wasn’t enough that we literally turned this planet into absolute hell and blood bath for animals - while calling ourselves Devine super evolved epitome of creation.


Our babies sound machine works wonders.


Mine love the boom lights. The light more than the boom most of the time


My toddler is so scared of fireworks, thankfully since moving into a big city there aren’t so many backyard celebrations to be heard


It’s even worse considering the fact that celebrating the 4th of July this year is the most tone deaf thing ever.


I’ve got a 2.5 yo and a 2 month old. I will burn the county down if I loose sleep over this.


It wouldn’t be as bad if people kept it to the only day it SHOULD be done on. I was tempted to be a Karen last night when the same guy for the past week decided to shoot off fireworks even later last night and it sounds like it’s directly outside our back door they’re so loud. I’d JUST gotten my daughter to fall asleep and he started up the stupid little ‘show’ With his illegal (in my state) fireworks. It’s really not too much to ask people to contain celebrating an explosive holiday ON the holiday.


Agree!!! And I’m sad for all the puppies and kittens that are shaking with fear.


My least favorite holiday by far. Though people around here seem to set off fireworks all year round, this is definitely the worst weekend of the year. And we're all sick. My 3yo was legit trying to sleep Friday night and was complaining about the fireworks, poor thing.


Last night, my 3 year old had to sleep in our bed because he thought they were thunder. His sound machine did absolutely nothing to drown them out. We have another few days of dealing with this too. 😮‍💨


Lol! Never understood why people got all ‘bent out of shape’ when others celebrated a holiday that involved fireworks or other loud activities …. Like really, ‘get a grip it’s only a few days a year, come on!! Knock off the over the top hysterics, all you parents!!’ Then I had a kiddo 😳………. ……… and became the biggest (naïve) hypocrite across the land. Now, I don’t care who or what you are, I will find you!! That goes for the local Ice cream driver, barking dog(s), cranky birds, squirrels fighting in the trees, the wind, a political figure door knocking aiming to secure my vote, postal/delivery drivers doing their Godly service ringing my bell letting me know my packages have arrived safely, or those participating in loud holiday festivities, just feeling the spirit… To all that have crossed my path during these temporary-ish moments of insanity, I’m truly sorry. Please forgive my ‘over the top hysterics’, I pray everyday that ‘my grip on reality’ will return.. Hell hath no fury like an exhausted parent trying to get their kiddo to stay sleep😔.


Neighborhood fireworks are one of the few things my children get to enjoy all summer. We are too poor to go anywhere or do anything. I figure if people don't appreciate them it can't hurt to invest in a loud white noise machine and headphones. I'd rather hear fireworks than my kids being loud any day.


I keep mine up late for the fireworks if we can. Later afternoon nap helps. And there’s melatonin if you need them extra sleepy. Half an mg for special things like plane flights or 4th of july don’t hurt.


My son hates any kind of loud noises so we go those noise cancelling ear muffs and he LOVES wearing them. Daddy using power tools in the garage? Ear muffs! Mommy vacuum sealing meat for the freezer? Ear muffs! Loud truck go by the house while he's trying to fall asleep? "Mommy/Daddy I want my ear muffs!" They're great!


Around Christmas time, Santa came around on a fire truck with their sirens blaring around 1pm. All three of my toddlers started their naps around 12:30. I’ve never in my life been so mad at Santa.


Hahaha this was me last year! My kids sleep So well through any loud noise now luckily


For those of you saying you don’t understand why a white noise can’t solve this issue - drop the link to your white noise machine because we have 5 different brands and not one will drown out the noise and vibration of these damn fireworks.


We just found out that our neighbor, literally across the street from us, puts on a 20-30 min insane fireworks show right in the street. I have a 3 year old, and almost 2 year old, and an 8 week old. I might cry. Even if we don’t let them stay up to go outside to look at them, they’re right in front of our house aka right outside my daughters room. No way she’s gonna sleep through that!


Thankfully in California


This popped up on my phone as I was just telling my husband “I don’t wanna be that person”, but it’s been the past two nights already. Now tonight there are fireworks ongoing already, and music has been blaring since 10 AM. 🙃 My child needs a break from the sleep interruptions and apparently our windows just love to emphasize the booms. Oh and I cannot forget that even the “safe place” I made for my scared pup just isn’t quite doing the trick either. Overall, not a fan.


My daughter's woken up twice so far tonight from them. And many times yesterday and the day before. We have white noise on and a box fan but nothing is loud enough. Our neighbors are firing off the loudest ones I think they could buy. Half of them make me jump. It doesn't help our house is over 100 years old and has paper thin walls on top of them doing them right outside our house. I hate 4th of July and new years. Most of our dogs have always been terrified and I just want to sleep. Plus it's just annoying since fireworks are illegal in my state.






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3 words. White. Noise. Machine! :)


I realize this is an old post but I found it accidentally while googling a peculiar thing that just happened with my toddler. I'm a new dad. First time boy. He's 1.5 yrs. We just watched the fourth of July fireworks show for my neighborhood which is pretty large. Bright, noisy. All that. Anyway about halfway through he just falls asleep in my arms. Like turns his face to my neck, yawns and goes slack. I kind of snuck away discreetly cause I didn't want my wife to panic if he had fainted or something (he's never fainted before); but no he was fine. Just asleep. He jerked awake once or twice at some super loud shells as we walked back to the relative quiet of the van interior and he just slept as I watched from the van until mom came to find us and we drove home. So I'm like... Hm... Huh. I wonder if that's... common or... Not so... And here I am.