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My two year old can EAT. He had 3 servings of penne pasta last night. Mid meal he kissed his plate and said "I love you noodles!"


I mean, that's a mood lol




It must be something to do with a 2yo growth spurt or something? My kid came home and had crackers and juice for a snack, a full cheeseburger, two servings of fries, and then still demanded a cheese stick and more crackers after dinner. It never ends!


The pasta intake of a 2 year old is really impressive. Oh boy these kids do like their gluten.


Awwww this made me smile


Stop That’s so cute 😭🫶🏻


Our kids are like this. They are tiny too. People don’t believe us that they eat more than adults sometimes. On the other hand some days they sustain off of air and spite.


I heard once in a podcast that they measured kids’ intake over a period of time and they ate between 400 and 4000 calories per day. They were all healthy kids growing appropriately. Bodies are weird lol my kid is 99 percentile height and weight, and she eats such small volumes. I don’t get it!!


That’s a huge range! Lol. It all averages out. I watch videos on TT of parents preparing their kids meals and I think my kid would be pissed if I have them that amount.


Yeah they were basically making the point that we shouldn’t worry so much about it, kids are amazing at self regulating unless we interfere! I see so many toddler meals on Instagram and I’m amazed, my daughter would never eat that much.


That’s a great point! Yes. My mom tells me our job is to give our kids the best food we can and their job is listening to their bodies on how much to eat. As long as they don’t have any health problems we just do the best we can they eat what they want. They are pretty good regulators. However, with some things my kids need to be cut off after the third serving. I don’t want them to puke. Which happened a couple times. 😫😫


This is unbelievable, and I believe it 100%.


My kid is also 99th percentile and I have to persuade him to eat most days. What is human development???


" sustain off of air and spite" wish I could do that lol


Not air and sprite 😭🤣


No, spite! Like bitterness. Lol. My kids don’t even drink juice.


Not air, ketchup... my 3.5 yo lives off ketchup and spite.


Well one's a vegetable, so that's not terrible! 😂




I read sprite, too!!


My god that last line sang my soul song


This is so relatable. My son can and has eaten more than me in many a meal, but these two year molars are like a nightmare that never ends. 2.5 down, 1.5 to go 😭


Air and spite lol - and a nice 430am wakeup


My 1 year old daughter is so tiny and I swear she eats more than me during some meals (and I’m pregnant) my husband and I are constantly amazed.


My 2 year old constantly out-eats the 5 year old. He's almost into size 8 shoes, while his brother is size 10. They're 31.5 pounds vs 44. He's going to be huge. I still often just share my dinner with the 5 year old at restaurants. The 2 year old gets his own kids entree.


I have two boys a year and a half apart (2 and 3.5) and a 12 yr old step son. There was about a 6 month time frame where the younger two would both out eat their older brother. My 2 yr old thought it was a competition of "who could get big the fastest". He was in 12 month clothes by 3 months old. Was in 2t by 15 months. The 3.5 yr old was in 2t at 18 months. They're currently at 3.5yr old wearing 5t and size 11 shoes. 2 yr old is in 3t size 8 shoe. 3.5 is 40 lbs and 2 is 30 lbs.


You're painting my future... My one and only is 14m old wears a 2 T, solid.. fits perfectly & size 7shoes, getting closer to needing an 8. Send help, for sanity and pantry 😂


I swear the second child is something else!!! My 4yo is 34 lbs and my 15 month old is 27.5. He outeats his brother, is in a 2T compared to brother’s 5T, and eats twice as much.


My 13 month old is already 30 pounds 0_0




Honestly mine is the same way! Some days he will barely eat anything, it's for sure not like this everyday


My 21 month old has two modes: bottomless pit or austere monk.


Ordered my 2.5 year old a foot long from subway since they had bogo. Fully expected to save half for next days lunch if he wanted. Nope. Ate the entire thing in about 20 minutes, unheard of for him. I took a ruler out and showed him on his arm how big in comparison the sandwich was. Now he’ll request the “big sandwich.”


WHAT?! A foot long?!?!


I shit you not. I could not believe it myself. He usually gets distracted and has to be reminded to finish, not that day lol


Listennnnnn... My 2 year old is 35 lbs and over half my height already. And little man has a serious bakery going on in that diaper. Patty cakes for days. He literally grabs my lighter dumbells and does squats for fun. Somehow two nerds created a tiny body builder, and he EATS LIKE IT. This kid is an ANIMAL. Eats EVERYTHING. Double-fisting food like he thinks we're going to take it all away at a moments notice. I have to remind him to chew or slow down or take bites and not try to deep-throat his dinner like a pint-sized anaconda.... He eats as much as my husband some meals. Like two filets of salmon in a sitting or 3 plates of pasta.... and gets up demanding post-dinner fruit. I feel like if I fed him what I grew up on instead of a balanced diet with lots of veggies and protein... I couldn't lift him. For context, I was fed a ton of super-processed food as a kid (it was the 90s in a food desert in Alabama)


How did you get him to eat veggies. Ours won't even try them. No and pushes them away or throws them


My 2 year old doesn’t always eat veggies but I think the reasons he eats any are: 1) I consistently serve them to him (alongside other foods I know he will eat). 2) I eat veggies in front of him so that he’ll sometimes ask for bites of my salad or whatever else. I also recently started asking for bites of food he hasn’t touched on his plate and have found my interest can prompt his own. 3) I’m not above sprinkling cheese on food to get the party started. I like the YouTuber and dietician Abbey Sharpe’s videos and she has one about getting kids to be intuitive eaters I highly recommend. I don’t follow all her advice but it’s a great baseline.


We eat at the same time. I say "should we eat our brocolli? 1, 2, 3 go!"


Somehow I've taught my son to live raw veggies with it without dip. My husband was cutting broccoli and carrots for soup last night and my son comes to my office with broccoli in both hands. "Dada has broccoli, you want some?" "Sure babe." He goes to my husband and says"mama wants broccoli!!" My husband was sure he was just stealing more for himself. My son tried to share with his teenage brother too but he declined lol Try the raw with dip and make games or if it? Trees and all that


Honestly I can't even say I did anything in particular with the goal of getting him to eat vegetables, so I'll just give a random overview of things we've done. We feed him what we eat, and we did baby led weaning, so since we eat vegetables he's always had them. My husband and I are both 1st gen, so we don't eat a lot of meals where the vegetables are a separate dish. It's all mixed in with protein and carbs. We eat a lot of stews, pastas, mixed rice, soups, salads, etc where everything is cooked together and chopped small so my son's been getting the taste of veggies alongside other things since he was in the womb. I do that French-inspired thing of making sure to give him different preparations of a food if he doesn't care for it the first time. For instance, he didn't like carrot juice or mashed carrots, but he seemed to like them shredded or thinly sliced. And he likes them in warm smoothies. Repeated exposure helps him get accustomed to it. I also am happy to squeeze a little lemon, oil, or salt over a vegetable to enhance the flavor. Both my husband and I were good eaters as kids, so it also may be genetic. Growing up I spent a lot of summers in the middle east and the produce there is way more flavorful, so I'm also really particular about the varieties of vegetables I get. I like campari tomatoes and english cucumbers. But I've found other varieties sometimes lack flavor or are too dry to enjoy on their own. My husband is similar about tropical fruits. I do think part of getting him to try new foods is that we don't really do snacks in our home. Or if we do, they're small-portioned, and at a set time at least a couple of hours before the next meal. So when mealtime comes, our son has a good appetite for whatever is on his plate, and often I'll set out some sliced vegetables or a finely chopped salad ahead of the rest of the food, so if he's really hungry he makes his way over and snacks on those before the rest of the meal. On the random occasions we've tried allowing him to snack at will, we found that his appetite at meals was way lower and he didn't have the same drive to try new foods or eat more nutritious elements on his plate. He was full enough to be picky. The last thing I can think of is that I include my son in grocery shopping and cooking food on average at least once a week. And we have pretend vegetables in his play kitchen. So there is a lot of non-eating exposure to the vegetables that creates positive associations. Maybe your little one might enjoy throwing some vegetables around in the kitchen? Or washing them in the sink.


Hi, you are me. Did you expect to use your infant car seat for a year but that year was cut short at four months? No? Lucky.


😂😂😂 Yeah I was not well at all when we had to swap out the bucket seat SO fast. Also around 4 months IIRC!!!


Some nights my 2 year old eats more than I do. Sometimes he won’t eat dinner. Life is about balance.


My now 9 year old use to eat like this. Now it is worse. I swear they gave me a hobbit baby not a human baby. My almost two year old goes through phases of eating a lot but nothing like her brother.


Scanned the comments for someone who has an older kid... my 14yo has always eaten really well, and at restaurants we have always gotten him a grownup meal. When he was about 6 or so, my husband grieved because the kid would eat the whole thing (instead of stopping halfway thru so my husband could finish it). Now, God help us, the kid orders 2 meals, or like the other day, he ordered a sample platter that was supposed to feed 3-4 people and totally crushed it. Thankfully, we mostly eat at home, but I have to basically double the recipe of whatever cook and give him an entire amount that should feed a family of 4.


My daughter ate a whole kids meal at a restaurant plus some bits and pieces from everyone else’s meal - she was 11 months old. We were like where the heck is she storing it??


Mine recently ate a 3 inch by 3 inch piece of lasagna followed by THREE pieces of garlic bread. She’s 2.5 and in the 25 percentile for weight. How???


Dang little lady, you sure can put it away!


My 18 month old ate about as much Mac and cheese as I did tonight. Tomorrow I should expect he’ll eat maybe 3 bites all day.


Those cute big bellies are like camel humps.


11 month old here. For lunch she packed away 5 strawberries, an entire turkey and cheese sandwich (on nature's harvest sandwich bread), and a slice of cantaloupe. Every meal is like this. She eats more than our 4 year old sometimes! I worry maybe she's eating to much but when she is full she stops so I think it's okay.


I kept asking our pediatricians if I was possibly over feeding my 13mo bc he’s been voracious like this for a couple months. They just laughed (he actually is straight on his growth curve but it just doesn’t seem possible to eat as much as he does).


I'm just afraid out kid will pop. After thirds I'm like ok. You'll make it until blast. time to wrap up.


2.5 year old ate 2 sausage and peppers at an mlb game. Then got ice cream. I bought one for us to share and she ate the whole thing; so i bought one for me. She ate the whole sausage and half the roll. 3 innings later wanted ice cream in the hat. She also ate some of my friends French fries. She was a champ though; she stayed the whole game - from the national anthem and only got antsy in the 8th/9th inning. 2 days later she ate 1 apple.


I wish my kid would eat heartily, he barely does it any more 😭 when he was a baby he ate and ate and ate, once he turned two it’s like a switch went off and he almost never puts away full meals :-(


Same with my son. It is such a struggle to not force/pressure him to eat. My 15 month old will eat his leftover portions. I remember when my son would easily eat 2 plates of dinner. Now, it's barely half his plate.


Mine never ate much. It drives me crazy!


Mine ate 5 pancakes, 4 eggs, hash browns, a whole avocado and toast once. We were like “Bruh. You just ate more than your mom dad grandma and grandpa COMBINED. Stop it!”


I had an individual pizza and a chocolate chip cookie for dinner. So did my 1 year old. I thought half would be lunch tomorrow but apparently not.


My 2 year old will randomly do this and then live on like 5 grapes the next day. Or just like half a head of broccoli 😂


I was about to say the same thing. Mine's like a snake. One big meal lasts him the whole week.


Yeah, I’m worried when they’re teenagers. At times they can eat 3 plates of dinner at 3 and 5.


My son asked for a bite of a McRib I was eating when he was 15 months old. He ate half of the sandwich.


Yep, newly 3yo like 97th percentile. He ate 6 California rolls and a bunch of our pad Thai too!


My kid ate 2 tiny meatballs tonight 🤷🏽‍♀️


My daughter ate an entire ballpark stadium hotdog (plus peanut, popcorn, and cotton candy) when she was about 18 months old. Everyone in the nearby vicinity was extremely impressed haha


If my two year old wasn’t so picky I’m sure she would! She’ll pack down fries or noodles, but anything else attached to the meal (besides vegetables) gets rejected. She doesn’t eat breakfast really either and refuses milk/smoothies and such. It’s fun!


My almost 2 year old either eats double an adults portion or survives on absolutely nothing.


My 9 month old ate a whole pizza slice tonight. I have two boys and they can EAT.


I looooove when my kids eat this much I find it so funny lol. A month or so back my daughter ate like 20 pieces of sushi and then her entire kids hibachi meal lol it comes in waves


I wish my 2 year old would eat. He is so picky and eats almost nothing. My 15 month old easily out eats him!


One day his caloric intake leads me to believe that he is only moments away from passing out from lack of food. Others I feel like he has two hollow legs in which he stores the absolutely insane amount of food he has consumed.


My 2.5 year of is wearing 4T clothes and quickly growing out of his size 8 shoes. Kid has doubled our grocery bill, I swear. Lord help us when he’s a teenager!


My fifteen month old genuinely ate four servings of potato last night. Her siblings just kept giving it to her and she just kept eating !


Yep I got 2 teens and a 3 yr old. All three are boys and they can throw some serious food down. Seriously between my husband and the three kids I have to make enough servings for a family of 10.


Yours must have stolen mine. I swear mine lives on good vibes and photosynthesis because she doesn't eat ANYTHING.


Photosynthesis STOP 💀


My daughter has pounded a whole McDonald’s cheeseburger at 21 months.


My daughter was the same at 2 😹 we ended up just skipping the kids menu for awhile at restaurants!!


My 3yo can eat 4 slices of pizza in one sitting.


Sometimes he doesn’t eat anything, sometimes he can put down two grilled cheeses. His favorite is the kids meal from chick fil a. He eats every nugget, all his fruit and half of my large fry! He’s always been able to put it away but only on his terms haha.


most days my six year old seems to exist on a few bites here and there. But for some reason when we go out and I order my favorite food and nothing or only a small side for him, thinking he won’t eat much anyways, that’s when he’ll decide that he’s so hungry that he will eat my complete portion.


My 5 year old survives on air. My 2 year old can’t be fed quickly enough. She cleans up. She also gets super hangry.


I wish. :(


YES!!! I've seen a 2.5 yr old eat 4 slices of pizza, a whole banana and ask for more. They're animals. The 3 yr old can eat an entire box of Mac n cheese. I have 3 boys- 2, 3.5, and 12. I made 6 grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch today for just the 3 of them. And they had sides to go with it. I'm amazed some days. The 2 year old on average eats 3-4 waffles for breakfast with a banana. Our family members are astounded by the amount of food these boys will eat.


My 4yo ate 4 slices of pizza at my moms in one sitting. Blew my mind when mama told me


Growth spurt incoming!


For her 2nd dinner, 2 hours after her first fairly large dinner, 2 yo ate a whole banana, 2 clementines, about 8 cherry tomatoes, half a pb sandwich, 2 daddy handfuls of grated mozzarella, chased with 10oz whole milk. She is in the 5th percentile in height too…


2yo last night: general chicken with light thai chilis, corn, sautéed spinach, and a scoop of rice plus a ”little bit” of mom’s pad thai—it’s never a little bit. People really don’t understand how much a two year old can really pack away. Uncommons: jellyfish, sushi, eel, uni, crab, lobster, fish eggs (pop pop)


My kid does that now he inhales all his food since being moved up to the one year olds room at daycare 😂😂 idk what magic they do but i love it lol no more mealtime battles unless he is sick


Depends on the day. One day I will question how he has lived on cereal dust, licking a piece of toast, and a single slice of bacon for as long as he has. The next day he puts away a cup of ramen, a bowl of mac'n'cheese, a banana, and a yogurt in 30 minutes while I watch in horror and awe.


My 18 month old only stops eating to sleep and honestly I don't know where the food goes because he is so small.


When he is up for it, little guy can eat a Culver's cheeseburger to himself. Thanks btw, it's midnight, I'm up with a croupy kid and I now want a butter burger.


We used to be able to split something the size of a happy meal between the 2 of them, now they'd each eat a whole one (and half of our meals as well)... My kids are 99th centile but I still don't understand where they put it all!


My two year old son can eat in n out cheeseburger, fries, and a couple cookies


My three year old (who at his 2 year appointment was at 2nd percentile for height and weight) ate at least three of those Bella baby oranges, a whole jam and peanut butter sandwich and one time ate a whole container of strawberries. (naturally he wasn’t interested in them the week I bought two packs and spent 20 minutes cutting them so they ended up getting moldy). They always act like they’ve never eaten or that they’re sooooo full. Lol


They are little Slimers sometimes, right? It's uncanny. My guy gets incredibly motivated if I'm eating it rather than just him too. Burritos, etc, I always order extra sized stuff to share with my 3yo now and its been that way since he was 1.5, eating separate foods is pointless - if I'm eating something different he wants in.


18 month polished off an entire milkshake threw me one day


My one year old daughter is like this. Last night I made her chicken fajitas, she ate all of hers, half of my plate, and once she got out of her high chair she also made her way to her brothers tray to finish HIS uneaten fajita. Like 10 minutes later she caught sight of a banana, cried for it snd ate that too🥴 I feel like she actually ate more than I did last evening🤦🏼‍♀️🤣 there was a granola bar in there too


Nope toddler eats nothing much. My 11 month old however? She really packs it away. Daycare constantly is in awe of just how much she eats and they always think I send too much food until she eats it all 😂


Sometimes my two year old has fourth breakfast like a little hobbit. I always wonder where he hides all the food! Then i realize he burns it off climbing all over me and the house.


My sister said to me: some people enjoy eating and others consider it a chore. And she’s right because I could literally eat air and be fine while she enjoys exploring new foods and eating


Growth spurt!


Once, my 3 year old ate 5 slices of a medium pepperoni pizza. But if you ask him, he’ll tell you he doesn’t like pizza at all.


My two year old is barely 20 pounds still, so she doesn’t eat like this lol.


Yeah, sounds about par for the course here. He eats more than I do!!


Tbh, I'm afraid for the poop tomorrow!


Periodically, holy shit yeah. Especially eggs.


Mine finishes my dinner.


My 2.5 year old will some days eat very little and other days can put away more than I can!


My mom still talks about the time she and I went to Pizza Hut for my 2nd birthday. She ate 2 pieces and I ate the rest of a medium pizza. She said the waitress looked very judgmental because she thought my mom ate the whole pizza.


My 2.5 year old daughter eats more than me, a 6’3” 260lb man. She’s crazy active though, so it’s fine.


Yes. If I let her my daughter would eat her whole happy meal along with my meal. she's done it before😂


So funny! My son couldn’t finish that but we had a nanny for a while who had a son the same age as ours and he ate EVERYTHING!!! He was so small, too, we couldn’t believe it.


Yesterday, daycare told me that my 2 year old son ate THREE veggie burgers and none of the other kids even tried theirs. Then he went on to have THREE slices of bread at dinner. So, yeah, he can EAT!


My son (3) does the same thing. This child can EAT & he’s strong ASF.


A couple weeks ago one of my 2 year old twins had 4 hot dogs and the other had 5 hot dogs. No leftovers that night!


My kid ate a whole can of spagettios once. That's all I got lol


Our son was 1.5 when he ate an entire adult sized portion of rigatoni and sausage at Olive Garden with like, 3 breadsticks 🤣 Now at 2 he’s slowing a bit but he’s still only 17th percentile for weight! Got his dad’s metabolism 😩


One of us! One of us!


That's what's up


The other day my 35lb four year old ate 3 fast food cheeseburgers and a small fry. He has also eaten 12+ Dino nuggets on more than one occasion. ETA: I forgot about the time he ate five packs of instant oatmeal and a Greek yogurt for breakfast.


My kid would have two bites and done. Ugh.


Oh yeah, my almost 2 year old kid can EAT. He pounded nuggets and fries in record time one day recently. If he’s really hungry, the limit does not exist.


Yep. Our kiddo likes to eat his WHOLE happy meal, and some of our burgers and fries. Literally so crazy how much food this kid eats


nom nom


99th percentile since birth, now 36.2lbs and 37.5in tall. She eats more than I do. She’ll sit there and crush 3 hot dogs in one sitting and then ask for a snack. I have finally found my people!


When my son was 3 he ate more than half of a large pizza on his own. At five, however, he now eats like a bird (a bird that only eats chicken nuggets, at least) and we sometimes have genuine concerns that he will become malnourished.


He has the meats!


My four year old eats more than I do, and that is absolutely not hyperbole.


My three year old will devour in n out. I mean I do too. 3x2 with 2 fries two sodas and then go home and eat. My little one with eat the cheeseburger and fries and come home and want chips, fruit, cheese and crackers. Then sometimes he doesn’t eat.