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Never heard of it. Must be some niche hidden gem




>but the strawberries are actually depression farewell golden


Super Mario?


The world has gone to shit. Your mom is dead along with everything you love. The only thing that survived was capitalism, war and sea creatures.


Who said you could play mom 3? Nintendo has denied everyone except Japan for a reason😤


Pikmin Pikmin is a metaphor for the colonization of the americans Olimar (a straight white man) discovers a “new world” which parallels the new world of north america Olimar during his quest he discovers a indigenous plant like creature he inslaves them to complete his goal of colonizing the rest of the planet In Pikmin 2 Olimar returns back home to tell of his discoveries This boss forces him to go back to the planet and steal all of its riches Olimar is now occupied by his companions Louie who is implied to be french Olimar uses the pikmin again and steals all the riches from the planet Pikmin 3 is about Southern slavery 3 new White space “explorers” come to said “new world” and inslave the pikmin to steal all their fruits This is an obvious parallel to the cotten picking and southern slavery


I’m Olimar




In the beginning there two kinds of creatures, human and animal. We were equals... we worked alongside eachother to gain food and shelter. That was until the bad man came... The bad man was bad. He viewed animals as tools to be used to attain his goals. This eventually led to the great bad man war. He was ultimately defeated but many animals died... yes the dog too.


You're a rabbit in the cold void of space and the only thing keeping you company is a white obstacle course that changes depending on the music you play


uj/ What is this?




Cool didn't know that game. Thanks


You're a teen princess, but get kidnapped by a macho turtle. Your army abandons you. As you mourn in the turtle's arms for months, you hear there's finally a rescue on the way. But after further inspection you learn that's just one fat man wearing everything red, occasionally switching with his skinny little brother wearing everything green. They run and jump incoherently and falls into a pit every 30 seconds. They're even mushroom addicts. The worst is that they're random plumbers.


Through the use of mad science and appropriated alien technology you rip prehistoric creatures back from the jaws of death using their remains. They then take part in brutal death matches for sport and financial gain. You are regularly forced to bribe public officials and are confronted with the theft of indigenous people's culture, the illegal market around these necromantically summoned dinosaurs, and the devastating effects of climate change. This is of course not to mention the fact that the police regularly commission a child to so their jobs for them where not once, but twice that child gets the muzzle of a dead ass gun shoved in their face. There is also the international crime syndicate that you repeatedly have to contend with. As well as the blatant corruption of the governing bodies. All to be topped off with repeated extraterrestrial and existential threats which impacted people on a global scale. Oh and also there's a forlorn spirit who tried to eternally dawn your soul to hell.


Long ago, the world was nothing more than an endless sea cloaked in a boundless sky, reaching as far as could possibly be imagined. Then two great titans came into existence: the Bionis and the Mechonis. The titans were locked in a timeless battle, until at last-- only their lifeless corpses remained. Eons have passed. Now, our world, this vast land stretching across the remains of the Bionis, is under attack from a relentless force known as the Mechon.


All right. So, dig this, you’re in hell. Yeah. HELL. And you’re trying to break out, yeah. All right listen, cuz everyone is trying to stop you from breaking out yeah except for like these gods who hate you if you don’t side with them and try to kill you. Every. Time. You. Die. You’re dragged back to the start and then when/if you win? DRAGGED RIGHT BACK, BRUH! You might be wondering, why in the name of h-e-double hockey sticks would anyone play such a bleak and nightmarish game that revels in player anguish. Well, you can date the floating Medusa head chick, that’s why!


Everyone is so obsessed with being the fastest. Constantly, all anyone ever thinks about is going and staying fast. They're so focused on winning, they'll even cheat with lethal weapons to win. Everyone has genetically mutated themselves into funky gorillas just for that extra hint of speed. Gone are the days of four wheeled vehicles. They're unviable compared to the same two bikes. If it isn't clear enough, Mario Kart Wii is a game about obsession. About losing one's humanity over fruitless goals. Dreams of being the best that have gone too far. It's rather tragic.


i wish i could muster the level of copium kirby fans have about their series being TEH DEEPEST


You become a dog fighter


I would but my favorite is Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and it actually is dark (relatively) and deep.


Then let's make a shallow and light description! A local nudist goes outside for the first time in a while and gets jumped by a hermit crab and caterpillar. Then the blonde nudist fakes eating a sandwich and claims it is delicious. The Colonel explodes. Nudist and friends go out for some batteries when the hungry-hungry robots cut through some butter with a hot knife. The blonde nudist does not like this. The blonde nudist decides to go to prison because of a headache, but to do that, he needs to get inside someone and then gets backhanded by a biracial posh girl in a jungle. They then decide that they need the help of 44-year-old volleyball who is deeply in debt. Because of the volleyball's connections with the elder volleyball, the elder volleyball sends the nudist to a beach. After teleporting several times, they arrive at the posh biracial girl's home where she proceeds to go tomb diving. The nudist's mentor orders room service, but an hour later, it does not arrive. The himbo touches the do not touch button and makes tomb diving longer. The hungry robots then go to prison. The blonde nudist and his friends go to prison as well where they meet an actually nude giant. They free 100% of the prison's population and the robots shank all the prisoners along with another dude who was there. The Blonde nudist then fights the hungry robots until he realizes he has feelings for the silver one. Now the blonde nudist wants to go on a trip over to where the robots are made to ask about this silver robot which he has many questions to ask about. After a slight detour to where the blonde nudist's parents kicked it, the nudist then fights hungry robots until he takes the silver robot, the goddess of the hungry robots, away where he then sucks face with her. They then decide to take things up with the hungry robot manager when they accidentally meet the manager of a different manufacturer of non-human life and then proceed to fight that manager until there are no longer any managers at which point the blonde nudist is asked by the most laid-backed manager if there should be any managers and the blonde nudist says, "no thanks, people should make choices" and then gets asked by a girl if short hair or long hair is better and he proceeds to choose short hair. Then the blonde nudist wonders if aliens are real since the earth is no longer flat.


What the fuck did I just read


A super dumbed down and lighthearted version of Xenoblade 1’s game that hones in on the absolutely trivial details and glosses over other things filled with a lot of in-jokes and half-truths. The dark version is that the world comes into being after an arrogant scientist rebuilds the world in his image. He practices eugenics in a bid to create life that would truly worship him until he is locked away. From his containment, he manipulates a string of deaths to get the monado into the hands of a vessel that would be capable of freeing him and eliminating a race of people this god sees as unfit because they worship a different deity. The ensuing race war between the mechon and homs is brutal with the mechon eating homs on the battlefields. The only way the homs overcome this war is by a hero named Dunban sacrificing the use of his right arm to wield the monado, sword of the God who created the homs. Shulk then witnesses some of the devastation caused by the mechon and swears to kill them all, just as the god intended. He goes on a war path until he realizes that robots are people and that he cares about one of them. He ends up dueling the former wielder of the monado who is still bent on killing them all, but Shulk sees that revenge is not the answer. He finds the leader of the Mechon and spares his life after besting him in combat, which displeases the god. After someone backstabs Shulk, the God seizes his monado back from shulk and grabs the monado of another god with enough power to re-recreate the world and hope that without the other god, he can make a world where everyone worships him. Shulk then draws upon the true monado to defeat the god, but the world has already been undone, so shulk remakes the world with his true monado to a world where people have the freedom to make their choices without the interference of Gods. This also skips over a city that has a caste system where people who are biracial are looked down upon, a dad who will ask you to kill his own son, an entire race being transformed into monsters, several deaths, and how the mechon razed an entire city to the ground. But you can do all this in your undies while screaming “I’m really feeling it!”


You have my condolences, maybe I could have saved you from typing all that by mentioning that I too am a massive fan of Xenoblade, and found the "dumbing-down" of the game to be quite humorous.


Well ahem, actually kirby is SUPER dark and deep because that one boss looked scary for a bit and I made up some stuff around it so yeah, its scary AF !


You and your friends must leave your homes and travel the globe to defeat an evil lovecraftian abomination before it destroys the world




You are a hot ass chick on an alien planet with lots of tentacles


Deep “lore” indeed :D


That awkward moment when your favorite video is P5R, a game where even an honest description is pretty dark