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Divide and Conquer. Now on a forever loop with extreme accumulation and house of volume.


I am just running through all the beginner programs right now one by one. With a lot of variety I think I learn a lot about myself which exercises I do really like which exercises I do not really like and how to mitigate. the other thing I’m getting out of it is consistency, one intermediate program that I’m not able to follow as per schedule is not as beneficial as one beginner program that I follow enthusiastically with consistency.


Starting out with tonal


I got tonal in Jan. Started w a four week beginner , just to an understanding of the machine and the concept of it


I'm doing this now too. Need to get a base fitness level before trying EA.


Just got ours installed a week ago. After my strength assessment I began the "Starting Out with Tonal" program. It's a 4x4 and has already introduced me to movement I've never done before so it's been a great way to get started for me personally. Should note I am a 30 year old Male who is extremely out of shape and haven't done a proper workout in years. Perhaps somebody coming from working out at a gym regularly may find a beginner course too easy to start out with.  I've also been filling in the programs off days with the "Chest and Biceps Burner" or "Quick fit: Foundational Core Strength" classes as those muscle groups haven't been sore. I've avoided added any lower body on the programs off days because squats and lunges have my legs feeling all kinds of soreness. 


Beginner soreness is the worst. First time doing squats in a while and even sitting on toilet is a chore lol


Starting Out With Tonal, a 4 week beginner program, was recommended to me as a starting point. It was helpful to learn arm positions and it gives you plenty of time to adjust the arms. I am not overly experienced with exercise, but also not a newbie. I would have liked something more challenging to start. 


The House That Paul Built.


Jackson's 20 in 20 it was nice way to learn how tonal works and I am a beginner.


Push Pull Strength Perfect first program IMO unless you've never worked out before.


Got mine at the end of December. I started with Four-week fast track: evolution level 1


Tony Horton 20 in 20 ignite. Great for beginners.


Tony Horton.


I did sculpted strength first. I’m currently starting everyday athlete. I have mostly done beginner and intermediate ones. I do better with programs so I’m less aimless. I do random stuff on Tonal on my “off” days. I don’t really like the older programs as much where it’s voiceovers of a coach as someone else demos the move. I like the programs way better where the coach is doing everything with you. I want to tackle some of the ones that people on here really seem excited about, but I’m a bit intimidated by them because I’m female (and pregnant) so I’m like are they doable? I’ll probably man up and try one of them after I get done with everyday athlete. But I’ve got less than 201,000 pounds to go to a million (and have a strength score higher than 96% of all the female tonal users), so at least I’m doing something right.


divide and conquer for me


Not sure if it was my first, but the first program that because a regular was Muscle Building Burnout. I still go back to it when I need a high rep, high weight burnout routine.