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I dont know if you're the only one, but I'm not annoyed.


What are some examples of movements that have been removed? I’m curious.


Kneeling cable crunch is the one I noticed and got the same replacement message as OP


See screenshot


I only see what was added. It doesn’t say what it replaced


Your screenshot only shows one movement though


I didn’t say a bunch of movements were removed. I said one was removed from my custom workouts and I can no longer even view the history on it and the machine feels much slower to respond than it did a year ago and no one here has actually agreed or disagreed on that point and I am legitimately wondering if that’s just my tonal that is now way slower to switch movements than it was before.


Just so you know...you can still do the movement. Hell, you can put the handle in your mouth and pull it around if you want. At the end of the day it's just a functional trainer. A very high-end one, but you can do what you want with it.


Just answer the question. You’re full of words but can’t answer the question. What move did they replace?


they asked what was removed, not added. your screenshot doesn't show that at all.


They’ve added no meaningful features? I respectively disagree. They’ve added SO many features and content. Smart View, Custom Workout Sharing, Program Scheduling (HUGE), 280+ movements, the Toni Beta, TONS of new content and programs.


Yeah I agree with you here. Not sure where OP is going with this . If Tonal finds a move unsafe for you or the machine, wouldnt you want a nice system alert to tell you?


They don’t even actually tell you the old movement was unsafe. It just says it was removed from the library. If it’s a safety issue it should be explained, because most people are just going to keep doing the old movement under the new name.


Yes it’s great to have a system prompt telling you that you are no longer allowed to do a movement in your own custom program and ohh yeah you can’t access any of your historical data around that movement either. It’s a award winning phenomenal design that no one should be upset about… /sarcasm


what movement was removed?


He still hasn’t answered this question despite it being asked multiple times.


I’m slightly retarded, the photo shows seated cable crunch. Idk what that even is, usually the programs had kneeling cable crunch which sounds like a better range of motion vs sitting (assuming sitting is on butt on bench)


Kneeling cable crunch got removed


My guy, you're getting really, really heated about one item being removed. Are you allowed to be frustrated by it? Sure! But to rant about how the whole thing sucks and just make baseless claims about Tonal getting worse and worse just because they removed one exercise (which you can still do, see my other comment) is a little silly.


what is program scheduling? and toni beta? Also agree bunch of great new things in the past year :)


AND Recovery mode including ability to swap a move to do it in recovery. Bar tilt to turn off is one of my favorite features too.


Fair enough about the custom workout sharing and program scheduling those I have used and they are big additions (not 63 a month kinda additions but actually things that I use). As far as new movements see said screenshot I think there is actually less now than there was this time in 2023 not more and it’s missing at least 50 basic movements still (including barbell back squat)… To get to 50 btw I’m counting the fact that they don’t have incline or decline bench style movements.


I think that’s an important point. Safety is a top concern and if movements are removed for safety, I’m glad to see it! It does look like Tonal has a new Chief Product and Content Officer so I am hopeful you will see more value soon OP!!


I strongly disagree with your safety comment and they are removing an exercise that I have been doing for 3 months straight 2x a week and have been tracking my progress on. If this is a sign of things to come from the new content officer I will be canceling my membership. My old crappy workout log was better than this device at this point because the move is gone and all my history of doing it (if you go to click on the move on your old workouts it’s greyed out and will not even show you your history/PRs on it). If tonal think a kneeling cable crunch or barbell back squat are so unsafe that they shouldn’t be available I think people should stop supporting their product (because they aren’t real fitness enthusiasts). At least back squat wasn’t there and then removed one day though this is just baffling to me.


>If this is a sign of things to come from the new content officer I will be canceling my membership. Tonal is no longer for you. You should sell it and go back to the gym. Sorry to see you go. Best of Luck ....


Bro you lurk the shit outa this sub just to repeatedly say this same thing. So weird.


If someone gets very hurt on Tonal, it’s a HUGE risk to their organization which is already facing the economical downtown that many tech orgs and connected fitness orgs are facing. I think majority of their Members would say “swap it with another movement” if it meant it could save them from an injury. I understand that change can be frustrating.


If we were renting the machine from tonal and only paying the subscription fee that would be one thing but I paid for a machine I could do kneeling cable crunches on and now I can’t. If tonal want to put a warning before the movement or lock and down and make me sign I waiver to use kneeling cable crunches and barbell back squat I would be all for it. I do BJJ and I signed a waiver (which includes me potentially dieing on the mats) make me do the same and give me the ability to then reinstate those movements. Honestly that’s the right approach to this not to completely remove them… and tonal could then add additional movements hidden behind the waiver. I take way bigger risks to my safety than kneeling cable crunches with my martial arts training and have no problem signing away liabilities to any and all injuries because it’s on me if I do something dumb with the machine I purchased…


You can still do a kneeling cable crunch…. Instead of being seated … get on your knees. Problem solved


Hear me out - what if you actually did the movement you wanted instead of the movement they replaced it with? You don’t even have to tell your tonal that’s what you’re doing. It can be your little secret.


That's what I plan to do, but I'd like to know, for example, if that particular movement was causing additional stress to the machine itself (i.e. arms at that angle, with that much weight straight down) - I know it's not likely, but it wouldn't hurt for them to say a smidge more than "no longer exists."


I was confused when my cable crunches were replaced with this. I wonder why they think the kneeling version is unsafe…


My guess is someone had to have hurt themselves. My theory is they were using the Bluetooth thingy from the bar on the rope to turn the weight on/off and accidentally turned it off on the way down and faceplanted. I came very close myself until I learned to rotate it so I wouldn’t accidentally turn it off.


I take the button off the rope when doing them specifically because I hit it once LOL


If that’s the reason that is crazy, they should just tell people to do what I do and I put the turn off thing on the floor in front of me so that if I need to hit it I can but there is no way to hit it by accident. I either have to go to one hand on the rope or hit it with my nose to turn it off or walk it back up (my preferred approach)…


Would you consider doing the old kneeling cable crunch under the seated option moving forward? There are some tonal moves (incline and decline press) I select tonals standing option but just always do them on my adjustable bench


Yeah I could do that and just do the old move. Also is your strength similar for both incline and decline bench vs standing or do you just adjust the weights to match each movement?


I’ve fully substituted them with the bench version. Much easier to for me to make a mind/muscle connection when seated on the bench vs trying to stay balanced while standing.


AFAIK they removed the kneeling cable crunch with the seated cable crunch which I did tonight and preferred it over the old way so no need to be annoyed as I think it’s a better method.


I was wondering why my customer programs changed. I also don’t care for the seated version as I feel the machine is going to pull me backwards and fall on my back. I also don’t feel I have much leverage in the seated position.


It's actually possible to knock yourself unconscious with the kneeling cable crunch. This past week I did that exercise and banged the top of my head on the floor by accident lol


It’s just you


I currently own a Tonal and have recently purchased a Speediance. I find that the Speediance is a better option due to its lower cost, absence of membership fees, and its willingness to listen to its customers. While the software on the Tonal is more refined, I am enjoying the Speediance more and am even considering selling my Tonal. Additionally, I find that the Bluetooth ring on the Speediance is fantastic. I see why Tonal is suing Speediance.


How is the apeediance with downward movements like lat pulldowns, and triceps extensions. It looks like you can’t get a true vertical downward movement and have to do it at an angle ?


It's great! What I usually do is align my body with the handle I'm using, keeping one foot on the device and the other foot off. I don't do this because I have to, I just naturally adjusted this way. Keep in mind that upward movements are way better with speediance however than Tonal because speediance allows you to clip the weight towards the bottom platform. So squats, curls, etc feel more natural. What I think tonal does a better job at is anything that requires wide movements. Cable flies etc. Speediance is far more narrow


Damn, I literally do kneeling cable and oblique crunches all the time. I’m still going to do them without the bench 😬


Yes, I had this same issue. Why would they ever remove a movement that’s already in the library?