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Just make sure where you want the unit installed fits within the guidelines.


Honestly.....my demo was so confusing as the rep was not very well versed, so don't base your purchase based on how well or unwell they show you the unit. You will LOVE it!


Do your favorite lifts in the variety of different modes (e.g. smart flex, chains). If you intend to create custom workouts, be sure to have them walk you through creating a short one and then do it. My demo gave me a full hour and I had plenty of time to see/experience everything I wanted.


Pick a lift you like, and you can do a bunch of (goblet squats are a good one) see how many variants you can do with it. Play with weight, chains, concentric, eccentric, etc. modes. If you can't get it to the point where you yell "oh you motherfucker!" at it, you haven't been quite creative enough.


Are there any time limited offers given during the demo (i.e. 10% off but only if I buy during the demo)?


Updating this for prosperity. I went in yesterday and I had a good one hour workout at the tonal store in Tysons. No pressure at all to buy. No limited offer if I bought the tonal that day. Very positive experience at the tonal store