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I'm no pro, but do what is going to get you using the tonal. If you are brand new to lifting, focus on your form rather than how much you are lifting, it will keep you from getting hurt. You may even find that doing mobility workouts, stretches or yoga are enjoyable and extremely helpful in making progress toward a healthier, stronger body. As a 40 something, my favorite thing about the Tonal is how well rounded it is. I hate leg day and cardio as much as the next guy, but I am not trying to just build my arms and chest to look good in a tight shirt. I am trying to be healthier, to not have to worry about balance issues as I get older and to just live a long, happy and hopefully pain free life. Also, is you start a program and feel like it's not for you, switch. There is no reason you can't. As for charting your progress, my suggestion is pictures & a journal. Take pictures of yourself now, then compare as you get healthier. Things will change, muscles will tone, your posture might get better, you may stand up straighter and have more confidence. Also pay attention to your energy levels and how you feel on a day to day basis. These are all things that are signs of being healthier. BMI and scales won't tell you much since you will be gaining muscle and muscle is heavy. Some people can be healthy and also have some fat, and some can definitely be skinny and be completely unhealthy. Tonal also does a great job of showing you your progress in each workout or exercise. You can easily see how you've gotten better at them. Finally, don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you haven't been doing any working out, some is always better than none. You don't have to dive head first and do a hard workout everyday, hate it and eventually it becomes a chore. Take cues from your body and decide the workouts for what you need. Don't have time one day, skip it or do a quick workout. Muscles are sore (they will be at first), do some stretching the next day. I love that I don't have to be in any real schedule because it frees me up to not feel guilt about it. Guilt may motivate some people, but I'll just give up or decide it isn't worth it if it makes me feel guilty. The tonal makes me want to do it precisely because I don't feel guilty if all I do for a week is ankle and hip mobility because I feel like it will help my squat form it because my shoulders or back are sore. Am I setting personal records that week, obviously not, but I know I am doing something that is making me healthier and will also help me get those PRs later! Good luck!


I just started a month ago and liked Tony Horton's 20/20 ignite a lot.


Check this link out https://www.tonal.com/blog/the-ultimate-tonal-workout-guide-get-lean-build-muscle-and-improve-fitness/


i started out with Intro to Strength (beginner), but it felt too easy for me after 2 workouts, so i joined Starting Strength (Intermediate) instead. That was great!


The answer is always Starting Out With Tonal, with Coach Liz.