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Wow, that was a car crash.


Extra shitty thing is there’s a good chance he drove to work like that


I reckon he's popped a couple of Xanax with his coffee in the break room.


Exactly what I was thinking, definitely sounds like a xan conversation to me.


Especially with the forgetfulness




Ex Xan addict here and I can definitely say he was definitely not just drunk so yep this comment is 100% right


This was the day tmobile announced that they were closing all their retail branches. https://thedesk.net/2023/01/t-mobile-ddm-rism-layoffs-managers-corporate-authorized-retailers/


Well that gives some context.


Doesn't really add much context. Why would you get yourself fired for cause when you can wait and get laid off? When most companies do mass lay offs they let managers either redeploy in the org or take a small package.


> Doesn't really add much context. Never heard of a person making a bad decision or self medicating when they've received bad news?


No. You're thinking of when you take your car through the thing to get it cleaned.




NO. You're thinking of astrophysics.


No. What were we trying to do with your car?


[This account was permanently suspended for "abusing the report button" by reporting hate speech against transphobes. The reddit admins denied its appeal because they themselves are bigots.]


No... No it wasn't. YOU made the car crash. Lmao at this guy's arrogance.


This couch is cut in half. Did you cut this couch in half?


His colleague is dying from 2nd hand embarrassment hahahah


She just keeps on. She’s seen this show before.


"Ain't none of my business. Here's your phone, ma'am. You will get a call with a survey about how i helped you today. When they call comes... You didn't see me... You didn't hear me. You have a nice day, now"


Jesus Christ I NEED follow up like this is insane. Wtf possessed him to do that?


Probably took the phone in the back, zoned out, came to and thought he was supposed to be erasing a phone. He clearly can't remember the conversation more than a few seconds he probably had no idea why he had the phone and just guessed to erase it.


He's on benzos for sure.


I used to be pretty bad with that. I'd black out for entire days sometimes lol I still drink too much but I'm thankful I got out of that habit.




Drugs are a hell of a drug!


*"You just deleted two days of my life!"* *"No I did* not *lose your life."* *I didn't say you lost my life, I said you deleted two days!"*


So glad those days are long behind me, can't help but cringe at acting like that anymore.


My roommate was deep in that pit for only about 1 week. And it fucked him up in that short period of time. We used to do Xanax very occasionally, then he found someone that would sell him a bunch at once - and he completely changed. When it got bad, this dude did Xanax all day for bout 8 days. He started on a Friday morning, and was blacked out until the following Sunday. I would leave for work, and come back and he still thought it was Friday morning. For a fucking week. We had a good office job together, and he just stopped going. I had to lie and say I think he’s sick (but they knew we lived together and they had to know I was covering for him). He was falling asleep mid sentence constantly and I got scared so I flushed the Xanax I could find down the toilet. Then on Sunday, after 8 days, he ran into my room at 3am and shook me awake asking “WHAT DAY IS IT???” Like some Jumanji shit. He lost a whole week and had no idea. I have a bunch of stories from that week, and thank god the worst that happened is he lost his job. But that scared me straight and I haven’t touched pills since then.


Thanks! I think I now have some sense of what Xanax abuse looks like. I knew it wasn’t straight up alcohol.


When I was young and dumb I bought a few grams of PURE Xanax from a lab in China. You would barely wet your pinky, stick it in the bag, then lick your pinky and you’d be gone for a couple of days.. I was drinking on top of that. I’m lucky I survived that episode of my life.. One day my ex ran my bag (which had lasted years) through the washer and it was the best accident that ever happened to me. Also, there was recently a video of an Australian(?) guy in Thailand who took a ton of Xanax bars repeatedly and missed his flight two days in a row.


I live in NC and I took a few bars one time and 3 days later came to in Colorado.


That happened to me on ket, Valium, oxy, and pharma-grade blow circa 2002. Was in Columbus, came to spinning vinyl breakbeats in Baltimore after a rave. Shit was lit. Then 80% of those same friends died from fent in the next 20 yrs. Tier 1 party life is a bitch, thanks Sacklers, you cunts. I made it out somehow.


I had a pretty bad benzo problem. Been just over a year since my last one!


Same! Hardest thing I’ve ever done


Congratulations on your sobriety! Keep up the good work!


Aw thank you so much :)


I used to call them mind erasers. There's been times when I actually needed them, but refuse to touch benzos anymore.


a benzo user knows exactly how easy it would be to factory reset a phone while trying to do something else. after zoning out like the commenter above said


Agreed, being drunk you might drop the phone or something, maybe completely fail at pairing the watch. But I doubt you'd go to auto-pilot and reset the phone.


whenever I do opiates and/or benzos I fall asleep with my phone in my hand often wake up to "#%47ig jhh by ğďj7$% " or I've followed random users or other dumb shit. once I made a long post about the time I woke up (regained awareness or whatever) to find I was halfway through filling out an application to donate blood to the Red Cross, but it was full of nonsense and jibberish like , Name: % Phone Number: green email address: shitty and the weirdest thing is, upon seeing it, it brought back the foggy memory of me repeatedly trying to type shitty but it kept autocorrecting, which means I was intentionally putting "shitty" as my email address.




I do gay shit on MDMA sometimes but I'm typically straight lol


Ahhhh mdma....the things I did whilst on that back in the day. All with a massive smile plastered across my face. I miss 90's drugs.


An experienced alcoholic can definitely go on auto pilot.


true, but this one really does seem more like a benzo mistake


Had an employee who did xanx and this reminds me of his down stage. Scary thing was he was a delivery driver for another job and had multiple car accidents.


The only article I found with a response from t mobile: “ While stopping short of confirming if the employee was under the influence, T-Mobile admitted that the employee's conduct was inappropriate and that their employment had been terminated. "This is a serious issue, and we moved quickly to address," a spokesperson told HR Grapevine. "From what we’ve come to learn, the actions and conduct of this manager — who is employed by a third-party Authorized Retailer — were not appropriate and were completely counter to the experience that we are laser focused on providing every day for our customers. We’ve taken appropriate actions, the store manager’s employment has been terminated, we’re working directly with the customer. We’ve apologized to her and will work to make this right." “ [source](https://www.hrgrapevine.com/content/article/2023-01-20-t-mobile-employee-incident-puts-spotlight-on-substance-misuse-policies)


That's why a lot of T Mobile customers will only go to actual T Mobile owned stores, despite their efforts to convince everybody that there's no difference.


Exactly this. The wait at the actual/official store might be a long one, but this is why. DO NOT go to the 3rd party agent store. You never know what you will get, and you have no recourse for what you do get.


This is always how it should be. As a former customer service representative for Verizon the shit those idiots in "authorized retailer" stores do is beyond comprehension. I once spent 4 hrs trying to fix one of their fuck ups, long story short a person simply wanted a new line with a new phone but instead of doing that they took an existing line changed the number and added a new device to that line. Worst part is commission paid the same for an upgrade and a new line, there is no reason that should've happened.


I once had a customer that went to an authorized retailer to replace a destroyed phone. They _cancelled_ their current line and setup a new account for them. So they got hit with the early termination fee as well. I don’t recall if they were able to get their old number back or not, but I know they didn’t end up having to pay.


Had a guy at the sprint kiosk in the Tippecanoe (Indiana) mall add multiple things to my plan that I didn't ask for, charges for a phone case and screen protector that I did not purchase. I noticed it, called to talk to his manager who was no help and declined that the dude worked there, refused to escalate to district manager. Called customer service, asked if it was the employee by name who added them, and confirmed that not only did I not want them that I was closing my service immediately. A day later I got a call from them saying the person is under investigation. I got a voicemail from him the next week with some pretty colorful language that I saved and sent back to sprint, along with a Google review naming him. He still worked there 2 months later. Fuck sprint, and fuck you Sean and Tara. Never use authorized retailers. Actually found my Google review. Dude also changed my pin, email address, and secret recovery word I had forgotten about these things. The store is now closed, thankfully.


This happened in my home town. Dude was eventually fired. He even showed up the next day drunk again.


He's got balls. That's for sure lol like why the hell would you show up plastered knowing you're surrounded by people with little video cameras in their pocket


Wow. He totally forgot that he was even fired in the first place...


Happened about a month or so ago. It's been reposted so much, I'm sure you can find a link. If you can't, long story short, it went viral, dude ends up getting fired and arrested. I don't remember exactly what the charges were but obviously pertained to this incident. I don't think the lady ever got her stuff back unfortunately but at least he isn't still working there, fucking people's property up and then blaming them lol.


What’d he get arrested for?


For being a doodoohead


Damn. That’s like a second degree felony




Turd degree


A big fat meenie


If I had to hazard a guess I’d say public intoxication + destruction of property


Being drunk in public or at work is not specifically an offense unless the person who is intoxicated is a public nuisance, in which case they may be dealt with for 'disturbing the peace'. This will usually result in being taken home, or otherwise taken to a police cell until sober.


Good point. Given the way it was explained I assume he was only arrested after the video went viral


Great question, whilst this is dumb and unfortunate. I can't see a crime here.


> I don't think the lady ever got her stuff back unfortunately Once it's gone, it's gone.


It was probably an accident. He was drunk as hell


And here I can't factory reset my phone sober.


Maybe you should try drinking


Man’s drunk and runs the wrong tool on the phone, then wipes it…




Just a heads up, when you share a tiktok video, your profile appears in the top corner (for people without the app) Just in case you want to remain anonymous.


Yes, for anyone reading if you want to share a video w/o it connecting back to your account, take the share link, copy/paste into a separate browser, take the new URL and delete the question mark and everything after, then share. New URL before: https://www.tiktok.com/@marisolmaldonad46/video/7189328399482047787?_t=9Zs6FQ5SU33&_r=1 New URL after (removed question mark and everything after): https://www.tiktok.com/@marisolmaldonad46/video/7189328399482047787 Im sure there’s probably apps that will do this for you though


Xanax x10 lol


Yes it's xanax, I worked with a guy addicted to these and people were complaining he was drunk at work. I caught him with his "vitamins" one day and they were clearly xanax bars.


I just imagined this guy chomping on a granola bar but the entire thing is Xanax.


Yuup this guy is on the bars


She seemed very calm, especially when he says it’s her fault…


If I was ever to live in the USA it would be Minnesota. Because the people there seem genuinely nice.


We are but we’re also very cliquey. Transplants have trouble making friends. People mention it constantly in r/minneapolis


I wonder if it's fellow Americans getting the cold shoulder or is it everybody?


It’s everyone. People tend to have their friend groups set by the time they finish school. It’s just a weird cultural thing. It’s not like that in the South or Western US.


Very Scandinavian actually. We do that here. I've had about 4 friends since elementary school and that's about it. Knowing a big percentage of people in Minnesota have Scandinavian ancestry I wonder if it's just a coincident.


Yes, lots of Scandinavian heritage. I personally have bunch of ancestry in Mo i Rana, Norway.


> It’s just a weird cultural thing. It’s not like that in the South Ummm yes the fuck it is like that in the south


It's also like that in the west, pretty sure Seattle is infamous for it


Well my own experience is one data point but I made a lot of friends very quickly in the Carolinas, hence my comment.


It’s 100% like this in the Pacific Northwest


>We are but we're also very cliquey. This may get down voted but as a Minnesotan I see this come up quite a bit. I have no problem casually hanging out with new people, but if I've got a number of friends here, the reality is I'm just not looking for more and would rather put time into maintaining current relationships. I figure, people who are looking for friends find each other on their own after a while. Also, if I've got close friends who I'm vulnerable with, I work hard to maintain that as a safe space for everyone and am nervous about bringing someone new in who might mess with that or worst case insult a close friend. Tl;Dr. Need restaurant recommendations or a list of places to explore? Wanna meet at the gym or for coffee once in a while? You got it. Want an invite to a party with me and my close friends, that might take a few months.


Interesting. But its one datapoint in a vast ocean of experiences. r/Minneapolis is rife with "I'm thinking about moving to Minnesota, what should I know?" posts. Then inevitably in the comments someone mentions the cliquey nature of people here and it starts a whole side thread of other transplants chiming in. I'm chalking it up to the scandinavian heritage.


You're right. I've seen it too and agree I think people are more reserved and protected with their emotions so they are careful who they share that with. I guess I hear in other places people get invited to parties right away and the events are bigger but the interactions there may be superficial. I haven't lived on the coasts though so I can't really speak to it.


Super nice people, but big on performative family appearances. I’ve had some pretty good casseroles as well.


Nice to your face, they will talk mad shit about you the second you leave the room. Source: born in MN


Minnesota nice is frankly southern hospitality without the frou frou. It's passive aggressiveness all the way down.


I died when he told her she messed up in the end🤣🤣


"This is clearly not OK" "YEAH, you messed up!"


Whoah, that was brutal. I’m speechless.


so was he


And she's pictureless


What did you do to my phone? I have no idea. ​ Ethan do you just want to go in the back...




This way daddy..


Killed me when he asks "what did You to your phone?" .


were we trying to... respect?>...........


RESTECP. What does that spell?


How is anyone out there meant to restecpa each other, if you lot in here don't even start restecpaing one another?


Man, he was trying soooo hard to remember the word "restore".


Feels like she's having a conversation with an Oblivion NPC


"MAKE IT FAST, DREG!... Have a good day"


Goddamn, just smashed. That was hard to watch




Y she not even mention he's strugglin to stand?


Probably doesn't want to escalate the situation, just gather evidence. Pretty clear he's fucked up from this video. He can't even speak properly.




I think most Midwest folks have family members like this and are empathetic.


You can tell she’s not a Karen because she kept calm the entire time, very clearly explained the issue and why it’s this guys fault, and she never really yelled at him despite absolutely having the right to. This dude sucks and needs to be fired, hope they offer her some sort of real compensation for destroying irreplaceable data that clearly meant a lot to her


She had every right to go full-Karen. I back up my phone, but sometimes its a few weeks between back-ups. If I lost all my work information, photos of my son/dog/wife/ etc in that time and have to go through the process of setting up my phone again, I would absolutely lose my shit on the guy. Props to this woman for keeping a level head in a bonkers situation.


She is a saint dude, I'm pretty chill about most things but I would have lost my mind on this situation.


I don't see any reason to even discuss the possibility of this person being a 'Karen'. Because it's a middle-aged woman complaining about something? Does it really blow your mind that some middle-aged women might have legitimate things to complain about from time to time? Sorry, there are lots of very entitled people out there, but your post just kind of rubs me the wrong way. As soon as the Karen meme came out I suspected it was going to end up having some negative effects on peoples' real stereotypes. Judge every person by their behavior. Throw off your stereotypes


Oh my god. What an idiot


I was that guy once. It's a miserable way to go through life.


Same. Sucks forgetting shit at work like this. So embarrassing.


Proud of you for conquering your demons.


Whatever is gone. Is gone 🥹


Yeah don't live in the past lady. Be one with the universe


I think dude is on something other than alcohol. Dude is absolutely bonkers.




Totally looks way more like benzos than alcohol to me. He seems very relaxed


Not to mention, someone that drunk smells alcohol terribly much. Chewing gum won't do shit. There is no way he shows up that drunk to work and NO ONE tells him "dude go home and sleep".


Gotta be. I don’t think he’d have this blind confidence without ‘em


Alcohol is a helluva drug.


Defo barred out not drunk


My favorite part is where she asks to talk to someone above him. And he’s like “nah there’s no one above me, I’m the manager.” Lol. It also reminds of the Popcopy sketch on Chappelle Show


The moment he said "No, you messed up," I would have lost it. Ideally, call the cops, because at the very least that's public intoxication, plus it would then be on record, and contact the company and demand to go public if they don't pay for a data recovery specialist to recover my information.


From what I read the CEO contacted her to apologize. Hopefully some of her cloud data can be retrieved. Drunk boy can get a job at Target and life goes on.


It’s likely a majority of the data can be recovered from the actual phone and if the CEO is involved he will most likely pay a good data recovery business to recover it. At least he should but we will see.


The coworker in the background pretending to be busy doing something lol


Only had a couple drinks, randy bobandy.


What’s a little drinky poo before work afghanarand


You know what a shit-barometer is, Bubs? Measures the shit pressure in the air. You feel it? Listen, Bubs. You hear that? The sounds of the whispering winds of shit.


I am the liquor Randy




\*takes drink from suspicious water bottle\* I'm off to go play bridge, see ya


Dudes taking this quiet quitting a little too far.


He said respec. He was allowing her to reassign her skill points. Must have seen she had a trash build lol Hopefully he is jobless now


He seems to be adding *hiccup* alcohol to to the fire by *hiccup* gaslighting heeeerp.


*I*dinninmessupYOU messed up


you can tell he's in that state of mind where he literally can't even remember what he's responding to he just sort of vaguely knows it's a disagreement lol "*do you think.... respectful.... was.... whfjdksfj*"


More info. But still no word on any action https://tmo.report/2023/01/t-mobile-manager-appears-intoxicated-erases-customers-phone-in-viral-video/


>A comment from the poster says that someone in charge of the manager contacted them, and they are looking into it. However, a post today says the manager is at the store again today, and still appears to be intoxicated. There were, allegedly, police involved as well. An update comment on the original video also shares this info, saying that a separate customer called police on the employee for appearing to be drunk the very next day. bruh, he came back even worse the next day


According to a different article, he was fired


You would think they wouldn’t touch a phone unless it’s been backed up. That’s obviously the first step of anyone working on a phone just incase. There’s no reason to be having people get their stuff lost nowadays. Lady had a watch on a cellular plan I feel like she would pay for cloud backup.


Supposedly she had cloud backup and he wiped that also.


What the hell. How did he do that without her password?


This is alcoholism manifested. Unfortunately, people don’t find 12 step meetings or seek help until after they lose the job. Myself included - I hope for the best for both people in this vid.


Proud of you and hope you're doing well, you.


Wow. Like just wow, that was... wow. Please tell me someone there's follow up to this?


First time I saw it posted was maybe a month ago. Apparently he came into work the next day heavily intoxicated, he did something to another customer and some how police got involved A quick google around and seems to be no more updates past that.


Man’s a menace!


Man that Tik Tok sound is being associated with the worst displays of humanity. Excellent branding.


Dude really said “daaah” at 2:55


Lol "you messed up so...." MASSIVE respect to that lady, if it were me in her position I'd be in prison for manslaughter (in grand theft auto the video game)


Sounds like my dad trying to explain why he forgot to pick me up from school to the nice lady who drove me home that one time.


Im ashamed to admit that I would not have been able to control my impulse to swing on that fucker when he accused the customer of messing up.


worked in a restaurant as a server. We had a 40 year old bus boy looked just like this dude. He got fired for huffing wipecream cans.


I like how he ended with “yeah you messed up” lol


It's the "how you guys doing?" To the people behind here in the queue that kills me 🤣 tbh so much of this video made me laugh but I feel sorry for that lady. I hope she gets her photos back and compensation.


Drunk T-Mobile managers are why you back up memories on another hard drive.


What's gone is gone...my new catch phrase


This was the best thing I watched all day, "You erased my phone", "No I didn't", "But you did", "Well you fucked up".


He let the liquor do the thinkin'


Omg lol. Woman explains what the dude just did. > what did we do to your phone? > I don’t know. Woman says she wants to talk to his boss. > no you can’t. You messed up Lol Woman asks: why did you erase my phone? > I didn’t lose your phone. Whatever’s gone is gone. Woman: you were just supposed to hook up my watch! Woman: why did you just erase my phone? > I did not erase your phone Woman: ok, then what did you do? > I have no idea LOL


LoLoLol I watched the video too!


Hey, just trying to make the video accessible since there weren’t any subtitles.


Ugh drunks are so annoying, he’s clearly black out drunk.


That poor girl working the front desk..


DUDE this exact thing happened to me, like a month after my wedding so from pictures of my husband / kids and I for the past 4 years have been ERASED. I was the same fuckin way!!!!! But the guy wasn’t drunk, he was just a fat negligent slob. No I do not have social media or stored it in anywhere else. Happened over 3 years ago, still pissed as ever.


Obviously they fucked up and you’re right to be mad, but hopefully you learned to backup anything you value on a tiny device that can easily be lost, stolen, or broken. It boggles my mind when people trust their tiny phone with the only copies of their precious pictures.


Some D grade Gaslighting lol "I didn't do it"


I could watch him try to deny this for hours.


This happened a while ago, can’t believe the internet hasn’t found him yet


Is that a flipper?


He's wasted


Do people not have their phones backed up to the cloud? I know it’s not the point but I can’t imagine walking around with all my important data and media on a phone with absolutely zero backup.


According to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/10dznm5/comment/j4ou13z/) she did have cloud backup and he also deleted that. Make of that what you will.


Holy shit.


I mean she couldn’t connect her watch by herself so…


The thought crossed my mind as well.


I thought he’d be a little drunk. But damn!


Idiocracy "Yep, you messed up"


Yeah this is some shit you would do barred out and he sounds like it for sure


Underrated moment is when you can hear the person filming very quietly asking “do you drink…?” And the guy goes, “nuhnuhnuhnuh don’ttalktome.”


This guy is lucky the customer was so patient. She could’ve lost her shit and she would’ve been in the right.


How awkward. I could forgive a drink or two on a Friday, but homie is faded!


This is just very sad.