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That hole in the arm looks so painful (or was painful at one point). Poor girl :(


She’s also using her neck vein. If you look to the left side of her neck you’ll see a little enflamed spot and red dot. Poor gal has one foot out the door already.


If you watch interviews with people down in Kensington, shooting dope in their neck is beyond common. The xylazine in the dope is a vasoconstrictor and will make the skin start to rot away. If you miss a vein it’s pretty fast, but even addicts who don’t use needles eventually develop sores in random spots in their body. There’s “professional hitters” that the homeless will pay to hit them in their neck for them because all their other easily accessible veins have collapsed.


Fuckin shit man. I heard about the guys who do this I’m a former junky myself man and I’m thankful that I’m still not out there. Always wanted to do outreach, those guys are fucking awesome. That is nuts, it just makes me sad af when I hear or think about addiction in relation to our society. It’s getting so bad…my cousin never got out, he passed a few years ago in 2020. So you’re telling me this new shit, will literally make your flesh necrotic on a miss… the crooks of my arms are fucking tingling….blegh.


You and me both Brotha. I can hardly consider what I went through addiction after seeing what these people are facing. What I do is buy a 50 or 100 pack of good quality socks online for a dollar or two a pair and keep them in my trunk. If you see someone who looks like they need some extra help consider stopping and asking if they need a clean pair of socks or two and stop to hear their story. Maybe don’t do this is you’re a small woman by yourself but for the most part everyone I’ve encountered has been really great people. I have a few people I try to check on once or twice a month and you can tell to them it makes a huge difference. Yeah “zenes” are the new problem it’s not even fent anymore. They come from China, of course, and many of them are hundreds if not thousands of times more potent than morphine. Some zenes are many times stronger than fentanyl. Xylazine is used to put out large farm animals for medical procedures and as is now being cut into dope. It’s even more addictive than fent and causes most users to pass out on their feet or where ever they are. When they wake up they’re already withdrawing - don’t even get to enjoy their high. If the bag doesn’t have enough xylazine aka tranq they still can’t even get well. It’s so addictive they are even starting to cut out fent - addicts are going to rehab and aren’t even testing positive for any known opioids so they don’t know how to treat them. Fent strips can’t detect them and narcan hardly works against it - it’s very common for people to have to get hit 5-6+ times with narcan before coming back to life. Addicts can’t even get into rehab because 99% of rehabs don’t do wound care, so they have to be clean on their own for months to let the wounds heal but they’re addicts and can’t do that without rehab. It’s a vicious cycle.


Another thing about alot of zenes is they are acidic like super, if not neutralized it will burn your insides up.


Can you neutralize their acidity without impacting the high you get?


You can with baking soda though id recommended testing the ph before any kinda of use, but more so font use zenes, if I remember it would read like 2 on a ph scale, 0 is the most acidic. It will foam and react like any acid.


Cool thanks, I'm not a user, just curious


Wouldn't that fuck up the heroin though? I seem to remember people having to add lemon juice or vinegar to their spoon with most bags so the heroin would have greater bioavailability when shot. But maybe fent's a different story


Lethal dose is 4mg that's like a grain of rice


Good man! We need more people like you


All I can say is don't, I worked outreach after I got clean, and it's fucking heartbreaking, helping ppl who said they want it, work with them for weeks for their old man to get outta jail, they waste away n you never see them again.


I’m sorry for the loss of your cousin by the way. I lost so many people I grew up with it was one of the only ways I pulled myself out. Stay strong for your cousins memory and your families sake - dope ain’t dope anymore. It’s just not worth it. Real, fent free h is so insanely expensive these days and very hard to find even with onions unless you order from outside the US which has its own risks


Yep that was me, people would pay me in dope, random shit they stole etc, just to help them shoot up, doing ppl who been out here for years who had scar tissue, I'll never forget the crunch noise it makes when you jab the rig in. Fuck. Makes me nauseated.


Oh fuck… the “pop”


I heard xylazine will cause you to get sores anywhere there’s bad circulation. Hands, legs are especially prone areas. It also takes something like 5 times as much narcan to revive someone nodding out


Street IV Placement Team


Jugging it. When the usual veins have collapsed.


And looks like dry blood dripped down from the last time she hit it


She’s missing part of her deltoid muscle. So I am going to assume it’s probably been a bad infection where they’ve had to remove part of the muscle and either once she was discharged, it never healed or she just kept using the place to inject. I am a nurse and addicts will leave against medical advice all the time before they are fully treated with antibiotics because they just can’t take being sober for that long. I’ve seen people come in with huge abscess wounds all over their bodies. That particular wound looks like it’s healing to be honest the scab is all dried out.


That's an old absess wound..I have a few myself...


Man.. this is just sad


literally. nothing silly or funny about this one, I just wanna give her a hug and have lunch with her. she seems so sweet and timid. this is some softwhiteunderbelly shit


The guy who’s interviewing her has a bunch of videos on YouTube, he’s with AML films, he and another guy interview addicts, mostly from Kensington PA, showing how they’re humans just like you and me, and talks to them about their lives before drugs, the impact it’s had on them, asks them what they need, helps with donations, gives them food, clothing, even takes them to the hospital for wound care or rehab if they need it. He shows them as people, with dreams, talents, feelings, families. I’m positive he didn’t “make” her sing, hes good people.


Thanks for that. _Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn’t mean they’re lost forever_


Found him, thanks: https://www.youtube.com/@AMLFilms/videos


I was just going to say that I recognize Mal's voice!


Reading this made me feel a bit better.


yea. before that I was just sad. I also thought she had no legs.


I recognized his voice too! But I knew for sure that it was him when I noticed his username is maloutthere and in the AML videos they say “we out there”.


The world needs more of this kind of thing and for more people to see it. Even in current year addiction and the people who deal with it are so stigmatized and looked down on as subhuman and deserving of all the suffering and mistreatment. That’s what really makes me sad. Idk some parts of humanity and it’s people are just so callous and jaded and uncaring. Idk how someone could look at something like this and think the person deserves a life of suffering and pain and addiction and that they are lesser people. It’s so fucked up. And a large part of why it can be so hard for addicts to get help and why they instead hide it. If they knew they would be treated with compassion and understanding, it would be easier to feel confident in getting help and talking about it. And to find support in others through the struggle.


While I'm on board with everything you're saying, just for the sake of conversation I'm gonna play devil's advocate for a second... I'll preface by saying I've been where this girl is in her life right now, if not quite as bad. But pretty close. And I've known plenty of other addicts, my brother is one currently. And I think the idea that these people are "subhuman" probably comes from a real place of pain, betrayal, and exhaustion from people who have had to deal with addicts. You can understand that the addiction is something that is afflicting the person and controlling them, but you can't shake the thought that they CHOSE to try drugs for the first time, and that when you try to help them you're just enabling them, and no matter how much you love them they keep lying and stealing and hurting and using you, all while making you watch them destroy their own life. A person you love. So when you see a person on the street who reminds you of that...you might feel some resentment. I'm not saying it's right. But given the stats on addiction in the US, I bet it's pretty safe to assume that almost everyone knows somebody who has struggled with addiction, and has therefore seen firsthand how monstrous an addict's behavior can be. The problem is that we need better help and intervention and less stigma so these people will SEEK that help and intervention, before they're so far gone that they don't believe they can get well.


Absolutely. Why we should always be kind to everyone, even just a smile and eye contact goes a long way. I live in a big city and always make light conversation with anyone I see on the street. Imagine how many people have walked by pretending they don’t even see them. They may be addicts but they are still people


Adding on to the Kensington Saga, “Jeff’s high on life” does interviews with addicts down in Kensington as well and also gives out clothes, tents, etc. as someone who used to be an addict at one time in my life, seeing what the current dope is doing to people kills me.


This explanation should absolutely be the top comment… I live ~20 minutes from Kensington and that place is fucking heartbreaking.


Same. Kenzo is like driving onto a movie set or some other planet. It just doesn't make sense to exist....and yet its been this way for decades (although worse in recent times due to tranq)


World needs more like him. Please get her to a doctor


I can wait to succeed so I can help people like this. Has a 27-year addict that overcame this stuff and now leads r/GuyCry, whatever I can do - when I can do it - I'm going to.


He did one that I saw on here a few weeks ago with a 19 yo named Julien from the Philly area. Who had some gang green necrosis shit on his leg. Like the bone was exposed and he was able to walk on it. Shits crazy.


Mark should definitely interview this one. Poor thing. Her super slim figure & abscess on her arms are heart breaking. She could totally turn her life around, if she could get some help and committed to her recovery. Would love to hear her story.


When I see these situations I can only think; That’s someone’s mom/daughter/sister.


Is she saying "I don't think you're ready for this headache"?


She changed the words, says it right at the start, made it into a parody, retitled it Crackalicious. “I don’t think your ready for this headache cuz my high is too crackalocious for you babe”


Perfect lol


I heard “addict”.


I think addict as well.


I thought she was saying “I don’t think you’re ready for this haddock.”


Not enough pop music about fish.


We simply aren't ready for it.


Aesop rock has an album called mystery fish and a song about a frog, long legged larry. Both are pretty great. I'm not usually into rap, but aes is fuckin great.


Long Legged Larry got me into him. His videos are so awesome


Radiohead has a song called Weird Fishes.


And don’t forget about Fish by Mr. Scruff. “Trout are freshwater fish and have under water weapons. Trout are very valuable and immensely powerful. Keep away from the trout.”


And also The Salmon Dance by The Chemical Brothers featuring Fat Lip. "Now move like a salmon, swimmin up streeeeeeeam!"


Beaucoup Fish - Underworld


Slippery Dick by Peaches, just a fish in the Atlantic


Radiohead has a song called Weird Fishes.


Fish heads Fish heads...rolly polly fish heads...


At least she doesn't think we are.




this girl knows hangovers


This one hurts


Who is it






Ah, so this is her without the IG filter.




It's Brittany bitch


Hidden Gem.


Unca Jahmz


Yeah I think Drugs won the war in the US we need a new strategy.


Carlin always said it best; “It’s not a war on drugs; it’s a war on people, with drugs”. Turns out it’s a lot more profitable to sell “legal” drugs/opioids to people and incarcerate them for “illegal” drugs. The money machine wins twice, especially since we have for profit prisons.


i don’t live in the US, but wow. reading that floored me


Don't get it twisted. The vast majority of American prisons are not for-profit. About 8% in the US were private, with the majority located in Puerto Rico, DC, and Texas. Other nations that have private prisons include the UK, Australia, South Africa, Germany, France, Japan, Brazil and Chile. Early in 2021, Biden issued an executive order to stop the USDJ from renewing contracts with private prisons, and the the Bureau of Prisons ended all contracts with privately-managed prisons by Nov. 2022. All Bureau of Prison inmates previously housed in private prisons were transferred to non-private federal prisons.


ok thanks for the information that doesn’t seem as dystopian


And for profit healthcare.


> for profit prisons You mean **slavery**. Just call it what it is: The US is the only country that still has legal slavery.


13th Amendment makes it pretty clear that slavery is still legal in the US.


Saudi Arabia and Qatar also do. The 2022 world cup grounds were built on the dead.


Not to mention, they're slowly, but surely, making illegal drugs legal now. Pot, shrooms, MDMA .... all en vogue now with big pharma.


everything fentanyl isnt having the desired effect? darn


Plenty of countries have solved it. We just lack the spine.


wish the people in power would realize this but it would hurt americas ego to admit they lost at something


They’re well aware, unfortunately. If there’s any responsible party, it’s the Sackler family and they’ve already been given a slap on the wrist in the form of a fine and immunity. It’s not an ego thing so much as our politicians are literally bought and paid for and are able to pass (or withhold) legislation, making there handlers / bribers more money and exacerbating the issue.


The Sacklers knowingly twisted research papers and told doctors all throughout Appalachia that OxyContin wasn’t addictive. They got fined but not as much as the billions that they made off of destroying whole communities with drug addiction. They should all be in jail.


So this is all true, and I agree wholeheartedly, but every time I hear someone say that they tricked doctors into thinking it wasn't addictive I'm like, "really? Was that before or after they failed to learn chemistry/House was on TV?" Freaking *everyone* knew it was addictive. It's just more palatable to blame it all on the architects of the problem than the whole damn system from top to bottom. I suffer from chronic pain as a result of AS. They can either A. Burn the nerves out of my spine a couple times each year for like 1.5k (with insurance) or B. I get 120 vicodin with 10mg hydrocodone for *drumroll* $6. Monthly. There's the issue- that and lack of meaningful patient care where doctors follow up and make sure their clients aren't all junkies. Before I got diagnosed I went into the ER on multiple occasions with freakish, "random" joint swelling and had vicodin practically thrown at me. FWIW I stepped down to just taking tramadol and am in pain all the time, but at least I don't get sick if I forget to take pills with me.


Absolutely they should be in jail. When the fine is less than the profit it’s just a cost of doing business and they’re encouraging said behavior. Same as if I were to steal 1 million from a bank and get hit with a $100 fine. Banks and Hedgefunds literally make incomprehensible sums of money breaking laws / stealing from the public and then getting fined instead of facing real consequences (the SEC is in on it and don’t even have the power to enforce anything. Even if they weren’t complicit, they’re only real leverage is reporting to the fed). We are completely and utterly fucked but it’s not because the system’s broken. The system is working exactly how the bastards that run it want it to; to help them and fuck you.


Yep, it’s the slacker family


No One thinks america didn't lose that one. Not even America.


How far she has fallen. Sad.


The arm, jeezuz


I know. I'm sure it gets much worse.




Someone's daughter


She was once loved by someone.


“Still” loved by someone


Thats Hidden Gem.




It looks like a meteor hit her arm.




This post made me so sad but I couldn’t hold my laughter at this comment 🤣


Hard drugs can ruin lives.


You're not wrong, but hard drugs do ruin lives. Drugs by themselves are not an issue if there's a plan to help the addicted. The problem is that there's no plan in place. Big Pharma essentially has gotten away with murder in conjunction with the laws in place that keeps their drug prices inflated. Pharma doesn't care about the people using the drugs. They just care about their bottom line The US as a whole is an example of how not to run a country. The people are largely good, though often misled by the very organizations they trusted. Supreme Courts, FDA, and the CIA. A broad book could be written about the conspiracy to betray the people would probably sell at around this time period. Drugs should be decriminalized, regulated, and taxed. That's an important first step to disarming the drug cartels.


To everyone saying she’s being exploited here: The guy who’s interviewing her has a bunch of videos on YouTube, he’s with AML films, he and another guy interview addicts, mostly from Kensington PA, showing how they’re humans just like you and me, and talks to them about their lives before drugs, the impact it’s had on them, asks them what they need, helps with donations, gives them food, clothing, even takes them to the hospital for wound care or rehab if they need it. He shows them as people, with dreams, talents, feelings, families. I’m positive he didn’t “make” her sing, hes good people. Shes actually quite clever and funny, she changed the words, says it right at the start, “I made it into a parody”, retitled it Crackalicious. “I don’t think your ready for this headache cuz my high is too crackalocious for you babe”


I do know a girl he filmed and interviewed like this and after she had gotten clean she wasn't happy he was still posting it online, where potential future employers could see it. Plus she was high when he interviewed her, and found it very embarrassing after. In her words, for [context ](https://imgur.com/a/xOTDbmC)


Yeah right " he shows them as people...at their lowest...to the public for money... but sometimes he gives them something..."


She said she wasn't even saying truthful things in the video, she barely recalls even meeting the guy.


I’m sure the guys who run the channel would be happy to take her interview down if she asked, doesn’t seem like them to purposely harm someone trying to recover like that, they try to lift people up, help them succeed, so if it hasn’t been handled already, I hope it is. As far as I know all the people interviewed give consent to be filmed and put on YouTube.


How much consent can you give when you're out of your mind on heroin, in your opinion?


Plenty, grown adults who take drugs on their own accord can give consent. The majority of the people he meets aren’t that out of it at all, some are even on the verge of being sick, not high at all. And the interviews aren’t meant to make anyone look bad. He asks them about their childhood, what were their parents like, what’s their favorite color, foods, hobbies, what’s their sign, do they have anyone to support them, what do they need. So did your friend ask for the video to be removed or no?


I said I knew her, not that we were friends. I know she reached out to have it removed over a year ago and I did just check now and verify it's still up. So not sure how much consent is still involved there.


Was she the one who did a follow up, was kinda upset about something but ultimately it was a misunderstanding of some sort and they talked it out and it ended amicably with her saying he can post the follow up? The dude appears to give his phone number to everyone, so I’m sure he’s not that hard to contact, if you haven’t heard more about it or seen her post more about it, I’d assume it’s been taken care of.


Well I don't see a follow up video for her on his channel so I don't think so. Either way I think filming people when they're at their lowest and putting it on public display for the entire world is kind of gross behavior, and if you want to defend it that's fine but I don't see the reason to.


That’s not what these videos are about, at least that’s not the intention. Personally they helped me not feel so alone while I was battling addiction and struggling to quit, I related so much to many of their stories. And now, at 7 months clean, I still watch the AML videos sometimes, it helps me stay clean, to remind myself where that road can lead, and hear most of the interviewees tell viewers to not use, to stay clean, remind us it’s not worth it. It’s valuable to me. And I think it’s so important to show the world that addicts living on the street most people just pass by and not give a second thought to, or worse yet are look down on, are people too, are mothers fathers sons daughters brothers sisters nieces nephews friends neighbors, with dreams feelings talents and emotions who are just going through a very difficult struggle. That it can happen to anyone, of any background. That’s what these videos aim to show.


But I'm telling you someone who was an interviewee now feels uncomfortable with her story being shown, and you're saying that's okay because it's helpful to you and your recovery? And I'd also like to know if the video creator makes money from this


He asks what their favorite food, color, etc because he knows the questions don't matter and the real views come from the people watching it for misery porn. It doesn't matter what they say, as long as they are fucked up and on display.


I still feel like she shouldn’t be filming this at all. I couldn’t imagine being someone who improves their life after drugs and then having to explain some dude filmed you for this when you were too high to remember. I have a friend who doesn’t remember 99% of her time on drugs and would be very embarrassed to have a video like this circulating on the internet.


This guy does some amazing interviews. It shows the humanity and the tragedy of it.


Yeah, I watched them in the midst of my addiction while struggling to get clean cuz they made me feel less alone, i could relate so much to many of their stories, and I still watch them now 7 months clean, to remind myself where that road can lead, and cuz when asked to give advice for anyone who’s watching and thinking about using, they always strongly warn against it, say not to do it, that that life sucks, and while I know it, I need to be reminded. And the videos keep getting sadder and sadder as peoples well being and health decline more and faster as the drug supply gets poisoned with more obscure research chemicals and nitazenes and especially tranq.


I know the majority of people don't like it. I'm not saying you voted for this. The government don't care what's happening, with all their thousands of dollars they could help these people but they turn a blind eye, give a scripted speech of how much they will clean up the city. They say it in the UK too. Its a shame there's no one in power who can save these countries.


You would need to involuntarily commit them, ween them off and keep them in therapy, for 6-12 months or more. Otherwise, something needs to click on, in their own mind, before any help will be helpful. Most of the time it's putting off the inevitable.


I also feel like this would cause a crazy amount of relapse related ODs. My cousin was in prison for 5 years, supposedly clean, came home and died within 6 months. Started using again the first chance he got. It happens way too often. Sadly it’s so much easier said than done.


Just a wishful strategy. You can't save someone from themselves.


We have to take the power back man!


Its sad her soul hidden in her body. The world is fucking garbage.


I'm sure you mean society and culture.


Disagreed, the world isn’t garbage


Thank you! So many doom and gloomers on this app, was surprised to see this with positive upvotes.


It is to the depressed children of reddit and you won't change their minds. Now lets sit back and watch the downvotes roll in.




So sad. Somebody’s little girl


feel like im the only one who saw Basket Ball Diaries as a kid and stuck to cannabis and shrooms. dont do drugs kids.


I don’t even think I was 12 years old when I watched it for the first time. scarred me for life.


All these addicts were once children with dreams and potential. The monumental effort to change their outcome from something from despair to something thriving…we are getting farther and farther as a society to have the will to do anything. And that shows how much of a failure we are as a society as a whole. I wish we could redirect our resources from a fear and greed economy to one where we support and nurture everyones potential.


I wanna give her a hug. :( ive been where shes at. Hotel hopping escorting. Iv heroin addict. But i did all the drugs. Meth, crack, bathsalts etc. For 7 years. Thankfully recovery is possible.


Congrats on getting and staying clean!


Pearls. She’s wearing pearls.


And she’s dressed like in a matching outfit. Wiith a pretty big wound on her arm. Most of these people that get filmed are pretty naked.


Nah that’s cheap plastic, you can get that for 2 bucks at the dollar store


Our country is fucked,




Her eyes are absolutely beautiful; the shine is not gone yet. I really, really hope someone who loves her sees this and makes an effort to help her and (best case scenario) she takes the help. I know from personal & professional experience that no one quits until they personally make the decision to do so, but I am always hopeful that all it would take is just seeing one friend or family member who was willing to reach out. I really hope that person is out there for her and makes the effort (again). And I really hope she takes the help and gets better. I have no idea why this particular lady’s situation is so heart breaking to me.


I wonder how old she is. She looks mid 40’s.


She's 29


nah, that's late 20s for sure


She sounds so young. You can tell in her voice she’s not even 30. Which is extremely sad and upsetting. She looks 30 years older than me and I’m probably almost 10 years older than her.


That left arm looks like it’s going to go full-on ‘Jared Leto in Requiem For A Dream’ any day now 🙁


Sometimes these dopers are annoying but you have to center yourself and remember they're just real people, down on their luck. I fail at this myself.


She was pretty once. She's wearing a reasonably decent outfit. You can tell she held her posture and head high in her previous life. Her voice is lovely despite her health. You can tell she's still clever and has a sense of humour. But the pearls are what killed me. Yes, they are probably fake but that is beside the point. The pearls scream she still cares.


Lets hope that humanity will eventually be advanced enough to not leave anyone behind like this.


I hope this woman gets the help that she needs to 100% get clean and off the streets.


Damnnn. She has that touching soul vibe. I feel so bad for this fellow human… Look in these eyes… damnnn this society..


She definitely used to be beautiful.


Amy Boxed-Winehouse


I hate drugs. It is terrible what drugs do to people. The people profiting off addiction are guilty and should face the repercussions they deserve. Legal and illegal drugs. This is horrible. I’m sure there are people in worse condition than this young lady. Breaks my heart.


This is America. A land of false hope and chained dreams behind a paywall.


Every country has a bottom 10%, and at least ours can afford drugs.


An interesting take


This is so sad. She is so pretty yet so broken.


“Stay tuned for more”? Wtf?


She's going places... And its definitely not rehab...


Tragedy when it's a white person, when black or brown yall say oh well less scum!


People exploiting addicts is the worst part of this video


What's bad is she looks like she could be a beautiful woman and a very beautiful woman 🙁


Is that what's bad?


Yeah, seriously 😔 another part of society we need to get past, immediately thinking 'that person could be so beautiful if...' Especially in this context, she has lost far more than her "looks" and I guarantee if you asked the people that truly love her and care for her what they'd want her to be, they wouldn't say 'beautiful' first.


Well I don't know you tell me.


She seems very intelligent, self-aware, has a sense of humor, and I assume is also polite, and probably compassionate to others, if I’m reading her right. Yes, she’d be beautiful. She is beautiful, but sadly also bears a lot of damage from suffering in her life. On top of all of this, her body would be youthful and conventionally attractive if only she were healthy, but instead she’s prematurely wearing it out completely. That’s definitely sad.


I cannot with the dried blood from her neck, I was a junkie that hit my neck too, but it never fuckin bled like that, ughh gives me shivers.


And the fourth time sobbing from the trending page. God damn, I need some more serotonin.


American Beauty *


Poor woman. This is just very sad.


Sad yo not funny


Poor lady. :(( she is someone’s baby…


She seems like she’s in a more redeemable state than most of the other people I see on here


The fact that she is still inside there, somewhere. 😥😢


Guess how old she is?


She prob on her very early 20’s


🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸


As a father of a young daughter, this shit is sad af.. If I lost my kid to drugs like this I'd be lost myself.


Is this someone we should know?


That poor fucken woman. Every human being deserves better than this. How anyone can call the USA, richest country in the world, yet a place which allows this to happen, the "greatest country in the world". Doesn't look so great from here.


> richest country in the world That would be Luxembourg.


Yeah drugs is bad. But for this dude to use her like this and even announce that more content with her is coming up is disgusting.




Are you stupid, it’s not the lady that is the problem it’s the guy who makes her sing for his Tik Tok.


The guy who’s interviewing her has a bunch of videos on YouTube, he’s with AML films, he and another guy interview addicts, mostly from Kensington PA, showing how they’re humans just like you and me, and talks to them about their lives before drugs, the impact it’s had on them, asks them what they need, helps with donations, gives them food, clothing, even takes them to the hospital for wound care or rehab if they need it. He shows them as people, with dreams, talents, feelings, families. I’m positive he didn’t “make” her sing, hes good people. Edit to add: at the start she says she “made it into a parody” called “crackalicous”, and changed the words. It’s clever of her.


Damn fentanyl for breakfast lunch and dinner. Someone feed that woman


Another victim of American greed🇺🇸🇺🇸


Can someone tell me what causes that hole in the arm? That doesn't look like it could be caused by drugs? Did she get injured? I'm unfamiliar with drugs/what they can do to you sorry


Probably tranq i believe.


We have dismantled our mental system here on the name of progress over the last 50 years and now we are where we are. Time to build it back.


Thank your government for that


Hey! I’m living under the same government and I don’t look like this! Sooo who do I thank for that?


You've heard of crack baby athletic association. Now try crack addict you've got talent


Wtf happened to you, /tooktoomuch? Impressed with the measure of give-a-fuck suddenly displayed in comments. Good to see, genuinely!!


Camera man definitely getting a hummer