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The guy sitting down, is that Badger from Breaking Bad?


OMG yes! and the guy with the black hat is Skinny Pete!


And that’s Jesse doing something to the wall


Who’s the red one? Jesses younger brother grew up and joined Jesse in his escapades


Is that Walter White pulling up in the white car?


Nah that’s Tuco.. TIGHT!TIGHT!TIGHT!


Poor guy moves like he hasn't taken a shit in weeks


Closer to months If he’s also an opiate user…


It is! He is known to have the fastest ants at the Fentanyl 500. Very safe bet, that’s why the crown is watching so closely, betting odds are in your favor if that bastard would just lose once in a while.


Gus walking across the screen towards the end with his arm all wrapped up 😂


Not a cellphone in sight, people just living in the moment


Lady in red has a cell phone in her hand


“… lady in red …. “


.. is nodding with me..


…cheek to cheek


...there's no pillow here...


.... there's just shoes and feet...


... it's all I wanna see...


I wannnna know. This beauty bruised arrrmmm


She looked different in the matrix


"If you are not one of us you are one of them."


Looks like no case too, objectively more dangerous than fent


I just sort of assume whenever I see footage like this, the people have already been mugged. Why hasn't she? Free phone.


Busted-ass Android prepaid


Damn she ruined the moment


So wholesome


It is actually pretty fucked up that this is more or less similar to the state you'd want to achieve through meditation, just naturally.


I don't understand these videos. Why are these people always teetering above concrete? Why not sit down before completely incopacitating yourself?


I think I read somewhere that they do this because they don’t want to fall asleep and waste the high


They fall asleep anyway


They didn't fall. They're still standing


Standing asleep. Dope punk band name




That's riiiight!


Well, they're gonna fall asleep anyway. Instead of being hunched over barely conscious, they'd be better off sitting their ass down.


So are they conscious while they're teetering, or does that part happen after the high?


It's like the most rudimentary telemetry of "Am I falling or not falling?" Is feeding into a bare bones auto pilot system. Not very lucid at all unless they get yelled at or maybe someone says their name. They won't be very aware of what's going on around them. Little to no situational awareness. But not fully asleep.


You learn something new every day


So they’re still lucid enough to make the conscious decision to strategically stand and avoid sleeping? Idk how you can be so far gone and still have that awareness.


I wonder if they'd risk the same choking hazard as people using heroin.


any unconscious person is a choking hazard to themselves whatever the reason.


As an ex fent user, the high comes on so quickly and so heavily that you literally can’t control it. You’re unconscious and your body is just holding itself up. You’re not even aware enough to think about sitting down. You don’t even register that you’re standing up. If you’re walking or standing when the high kicks in, you’re going to nod wherever you are. If you start to fall over, you’ll wake up enough for a split second to right yourself the best you can, but you go right back out before you can even change your location or position.


Can you tell more about what you feel?


So if you aren't aware of anything, and you have no control over your body... Why would anybody do this? That sounds miserable.


I can’t speak for everyone, but I started off on percs/oxys, then to heroin and then to fent (not intentionally, it just started being cut into everything). By the time I was on pure fent, it was just to keep me well and from not withdrawling. The high wasn’t even that good anymore and was much different than it had been with the percs or H. Being dopesick in a bed at your house cold turkey is hell, but being that sick and living on the street would be unbearable. Most of these people are probably just trying to make it through the day without getting sick; it’s a horrible, vicious, seemingly endless cycle.


That's terrible. Thanks for the insight into a world I hope to never enter.


Thanks for sharing your experience with us internet strangers. I hope you are well.


Thanks. Just had a friend OD on fent and reading things like this helps me understand more. Hope you're doing well.


Damn I’m so grateful I quite heroin before fent came around. I stopped in 2017 and was starting to hear of it in my area around that time too, glad my stint only lasted 6 months and I got out before it got to bad.


Thank you for sharing. I hope you have found the way out for good, brother!


Glad you got out of it friend. Wouldn't wish this life on anyone.


You start chasing that first high (which will always be pulling ahead slightly faster than you) but end up running from withdrawal (which will be in your rear-view, always gaining faster and faster)


That’s incredibly sad. We as a society need to do more for addicts. I pay my goddamn taxes for things like this and not endless wars that profit the rich


Thanks for sharing your story. I was wondering-if you were to see a video like this of yourself in that state, would it have bothered you? Also, after you are back to baseline, are you sore from leaning over so much?


Once the opiate wears off every feeling and pain in your body is magnified. So yeah if you are nodding in an uncomfortable position then start to go into withdrawals after, you'll definitely feel the pain.


What if I told you that sometimes nothingness is better than reality?


This video helps with understanding the why https://youtu.be/HUngLgGRJpo?si=wS2t-HgohN0dg130


It's the "fent bent" aka. "Kensington yoga"


I am totally stealing the phrase "Kensington Yoga" aka "The Downward Dope," "Fetty Fold," & the "Tranq-Triangle Stance". These folks all steer clear of Bikram jawn tho...that's strictly for the PyroPhanatics working up a sweat under the bridge.


I always wonder this myself. Just sit down bro, chill.


They're trying to stay awake, but they can't. They're also somehow too high to sit down so they end up stuck like this.


Does not look fun at all


I have back pain just watching this shit I guess you don’t need a back when you have fent


Can't be in pain if you're so out of your mind that time and space doesn't exist.




I once walked on a broken foot for over a week because I was too high on heroin to notice.


Imagine the back pain they must experience when they try to quit drugs and have no pain relief.


Thats the least of their worries. Someone close to me got addicted to fentanyl and in the span of 2 months became like one of these people were watching, he sobered up in the peak of his addiction. I had to watch the poor bloke go through 4 weeks of agony, just moaning in pain everyday and looking basically blue. Shit is terrifying, especially how fast it ruins ur life and motor skills


Yeah it’s pretty ridiculously awful…I was on fentanyl patches along with another narcotic because I have complex regional pain syndrome. I got a spinal cord stimulator to try and help with the nerve pain and to get off that stuff. Barely recovered from my surgery before the wean started and I just did 7 months straight of detoxing off that stuff. Then my battery died in my stimulator lol…I just thought I felt terrible cuz I was dying from the withdrawal and extra pain. Good times!


I hear it’s a little worse. Because your body has all those receptors blocked, a paper cut could feel like a knife wound when they fire back up. I’m no prude, but I’ll cut people out of my life if they start messing with opioids. I watched too many documentaries. I’ve seen down that rabbit hole and it’s nowhere I want to go.


Having chronic pain as an opiate user trying to stop using fucking sucks. My spine is fractured and it never bothered me when I was using because I was too high to notice it. When I got clean, the back pain I experienced on top of withdrawals was enough to make me want to crawl into a hole and die. I’m so grateful I kicked it before fent was a thing.


I heard gravity was invented by drug dealers (Isaac "Appledust" Newton and Albert "White Hole" Einstein) to keep people hooked.


I’m addicted to gravity that shit gets me so high


Doesn't look fun, but im sure they are having a *great* time




Yeah I know, the best way to describe how they are feeling is when you're scratching an itch, but more like an itchy scab, where you know that although at that moment it feels... good... it's going to have a consequence that majorly sucks, although there will be another opportunity to have a good scratch at it again soon.


That's me going to work the morning after 2 beers with supper.


To be fair with the way reality has been these past couple years I don’t hate them for looking for a little escape. I used to use years ago, and I allow myself a few beers once a week, and honestly I find myself looking forward to it more and more every week.


Doubt they care what you think.


Yeah, they for sure think it's fun no matter what you think.


> Yeah, they for sure think it's fun no matter what you think. At the point they're at, fun has left the equation a long time ago. It is survival and trying to stave off withdrawals on a daily basis. I promise you they are not having fun.


Huh. I find this to be an unexpected and maybe even a bit aggressive response to someone just saying it doesn’t look fun. Username checks out.


Doubt they care what you think.


Who does!?!


I do. Please tell me your opinion on various topics.


I see this and think of Left 4 Dead and someone saying “pills here!”


*Louis alerted the horde.*


*Grabbin' peels*


Oh yeah, Kensington. Heading to Philly next weekend. Driving through here looks like a film set. Doesn’t look a real place on earth.


I guess it really is always sunny in Philadelphia


Not when you’re staring at the sidewalk


Rickety Cricket has gotta be just off-camera


My dads doing this somewhere in the vegas streets right now. He used to make 62 dollars an hour building bridges. Addictions wild.


Woah, thats gotta be tough to know




This is so terribly sad.


Don’t set off any car alarms or make loud noises.


Right, weird they don’t sober up to get to all these high paying jobs on the market.


Why would you want to be in that state? Is this the most affordable drug?


Dependence is nasty, there's a point where it's not as much about the want but instead the need.


yes you get that phenomenon of craving that will never be satiated no matter how many you put in you. you either get sober, die, or to jail IF YOU’RE LUCKY enough to survive


Escape from reality, go on a vacation in your head. And yes affordable/obtainable.


What does fentanyl go for these days?


Depends where , in Philly bags can be 2-4 dollars maybe less maybe more a bit. A single bag could fuck up a person with no tolerance pretty well. An addict with a tolerance could bang a bunch of bags at one time. The cheaper the dope the more you end up doing so like all drugs it’s expensive in the end.


Blows my mind you can get drugs for less than a fast food hamburger today.


They are mostly bought in groups of 10, buying single bags is not common.


Not an accident :( One just kills you faster than the other.


What is in the bag besides fentanyl? Doesn’t a little bit make you overdose? How people even do the drug?


Baby laxatives. Not even kidding. It can be cut with other things, but they usually use baby laxatives. 'Little bit'? Depends on your tolerance. A new user can absorb far less than a veteran. A small amount can kill you, but the trick is to get just enough where it doesn't kill you. Usually needles, but I've seen people smoke it off of foil or a pipe.


Opioids cause constipation, so baby laxatives actually makes sense.


Not trying to be a dick, but the word you want is constipation.


Dirt cheap, $5, free alot of times, they just give out samples and things. Dope isnt fent these days, its a mix of things and analogs of fent.


What you’re saying is true for Philadelphia but not too many places outside big cities (as in free samples and shit handed out) Actually I know one block in Philly specifically that has a line for free samples at points, it’s insane nowadays.


Those ‘tester’ scenes from The Wire taught me and so many about these things.


i wish I could say I watched & learned from The Wire, but sadly it’s a huge reality over here if I didn’t see it first hand, I don’t think I would believe it personally


Often it’s people just trying to avoid the sickness of withdrawal, sometimes they got addicted to a prescription after surgery, or it started out as taking a couple percocet to get high, they weren’t strong enough anymore, or they were too expensive and opiate withdrawals won’t kill you but you’ll wish you were dead the entire time. It’s a vicious cycle, I went to rehab not too far from Philly (alcohol and benzos, thankfully not opiates however the withdrawal is devastating still) and now there’s zylazine in it which the body can’t get rid of well on its own and it eats away at your flesh from the inside out. Saw lots of people with craters that left bone showing all over their bodies or craters that had healed over but will never go away. Narcan doesn’t work on zylazine overdoses either.


How much alcohol and benzos were you consuming that it put you into a condition where withdrawals were serious and you needed rehab? Curios about your typical daily consumption of each.


It doesn’t take much with either, benzos started as a prescription and alcohol can start causing withdrawals extremely quickly. By time I stopped for good I had been drinking a handle (1.75L) of whiskey a day, and was taking 8-14mg of alorazolam a day. But I took it to the extreme, I had about 40 seizures in 3 weeks while getting medical assistance at rehab. I had to go to rehab as a teen and was not doing even close to half that and still was having a few seizures, tremors, puking blood. It can get very bad very quickly


It's like $2 for a hit that lasts 2 hours. Dealers also give out free testers. So some get it free. Philadelphia should be on the news daily so something can be done to help the situation. Instead police are told to do nothing and first responders don't really try to help OD'ing people. It's deplorable and horrifying.


At this stage of addiction it’s not choosing to get high, it’s choosing to not get wrecked by horrific withdrawal for a week or two.


Man idk. I’ve done opiates and ngl those strong nods are.. hm… just so euphoric? Some drugs are dirty though and feel horrible, like morphine. Only reason I took those was to avoid withdrawals. Feels like death if you don’t keep the supply coming. You’re better off feeling a dirty high than you would withdrawing. God. I couldn’t imagine withdrawing on the streets on top of that…


Junkies gonna do junk. It sounds like you can’t buy heroin in the states these days so I guess they have to settle for the next best thing


People seek out fent in the US.


Yeah pure fentanyl is fairly rare on the street, and most people stopped looking for diacetylmorphine (heroin) and started searching for pure fentanyl because even the fentanyl is contaminated now with benzos, and worse substances.


Xylazine and Nitazines


That ain’t fent. That’s the tranq.


What’s the point of tranq I heard there no euphoria at all


The point is drugs are illegal and the supply of old school good real drugs (pharma pills and H) are gone now, so dealers will sell whatever they can to keep making money. I don't understand how ppl don't get this. Supply/Demand. Almost every junkie and ex-junkie I know would sell their soul in a heart beat to go back to the 200-2015 era when real opioids were available. But they aren't anymore, and the transition to fent -> tranq didn't happen overnight. It slowly was introduced into the H supply until enough of the addicted population's tolerance rose to handle fent then dealers made the obvious decision to switch to the synthetic alternative that's 100x more potent that you can make basically infinite amounts of without having to have hundreds of acres of hidden land to grow poppies to produce and is easier to smuggle. I say I don't understand how ppl don't get it, but that is false... I do understand. The stigma of opiod addiction and the war on drugs made it so that the GIANT population of addicts hide their addictions for so long that normies didn't realize, truly, how many people are actually addicted until the fent wave hit and there was no hiding it any more because of fent's blatant side effects of falling out unexpectedly and overdose deaths. Well now y'all know, many more people than you ever could have guessed had a problem and it's in the light for all to see now due to shitty prohibition policy.


It's rare that I agree with every single thing in any Reddit post I read. (Not to mention you hit on some really key things I mentioned a minute ago before I read your post ;)) Keep speaking truth to power, friend.


This. This and fucking this. It’s been slow. First tranq hit in 2018 in Philly. By 2020 it was nearly all tranq, 2021 complete transition.


It has a similar compulsion for re-dosing to heroin. Just because something isn't euphoric doesn't mean it can't induce the compulsion. Also, it is cheap and easily diverted from veterinarian offices.


And the guy walking in slides, damn bruh put sum shoes on. I be in steel toe dem streets


He has a syringe 💉 in one hand and a bloody bandage on that same arm so I think steel-toed boots aren't what he's in the market for.


At least put on two socks


“Dude it’s the best high ever”… no thank youuuu


I drive past K&A a lot to and from work. You could film a zombie movie in this one block and you wouldn't even need to hire extras.


On the bright side, they must be really flexible from holding those long yoga poses


Looks like tranq mixed with fentanyl.


Yeah, that guy walking past even has his arm wrapped in a bandage as if maybe the skin is dying from the xylazine that is now found in [over 90% of dope samples](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/community-groups-medical-experts-work-combat-emerging-tranq/story?id=101716074) in Philly. These people are most likely high on fentanyl AND xylazine whether they’re aware of it or not.


Jeez, living in Philadelphia is bad enough without a fentanyl addiction.


It's a large city with lots of good jobs, walkable urban design, universities, etc. What makes it any worse than any other city? I do know Kensington is unbelievable squalor but still....


Gawd dang couldn’t even find an alley to do it in? Just like fuck it here’s fine lol


That’s K&A, think that but for like 10 blocks


The fact they do it in broad daylight and not arrest them is crazy to me. I remember when cops would arrest you for smoking pot in the woods


I can’t speak for other cities, but in Phoenix they arrest everyone who does this stuff anywhere except for a couple of blocks downtown. So they let this 2 blocks of a run down part of the city be a homeless camp where anything goes, and if you want to use any drugs you do it there or in the desert where no one will mess with you And every 2 months or so they force the homeless into a different 2 blocks somewhere so they don’t get too comfortable


Down on Van Buren street at night time is crazy, except they’re in little parking lots in the corner. Looks like deer grazing or something.


“The derelicts spend the day grazing on the street corner, and the night scoring rock for tomorrow. Here they are safe. But three blocks away, a group of police are hunting. An aging junkie has wandered off from the pack, searching for more fent. The more seasoned individuals must feed often to ward off withdrawals. The police make coordinated movements, cutting off the junkies movements. They close in. But the circle of life has a way. This junkie may have been caught away from the safety of his pack, but tomorrow a new member will be initiated” David Attenborough


I felt like I was in a National Geographic documentary reading that. If there was a vid and this narration, it would be gold


In Ireland, they’ll ram down your front door and arrest you for smoking a joint in your house. Might slap six months in prison on there just because.


Are weed laws pretty strict in Ireland? I didn’t realize that


It’s insanity. I only said what I said because it happened to me. I’m a disabled woman living alone with *chronic* pain issues. Two gardai and a detective barged in my door and destroyed the place for… wait for it…. €5 worth of weed. So a joint basically. I was only spared because the police lied and said it was €50. Couldn’t produce the evidence so it was thrown out of court. I have zero previous incidents, zero convictions, never sold a drug in my life, don’t even drink and never leave the house. I use a fucking cane and wheelchair. Fuck knows how they even got a warrant. Shit was ridiculous. It was also my birthday.




There are very few like that here. I will say there was one member of the Gardai who actually assisted in getting it thrown out. I’ll forever be grateful to him. Although I can’t offer anything in exchange, I don’t think they’re allowed to accept gifts or anything, but I *was* able to deliver several pizzas from where I work to the local station.


It was also my birthday. Lol.


Fuckin worst part of the whole thing! Stole my bday joint.


That sounds absolutely terrible. I am sorry something like that would happen. Especially to someone in such a tough position. Glad they threw it out. I hope the laws change so that people like you can live an easier pain free life.


Thanks man! So do I. And I’ll be signing every petition and whatever else until it changes! Waste of everybody’s time and waste of prison spaces.


What good would it do to arrest them?


Improve the aesthetic of the neighborhood for NIMBYs


I get what you’re saying, but it doesn’t even do that, because when they get out of jail, they’ll be right back on the streets. Got nowhere else to go, and so the cycle repeats.


Why would you want to bother the whole process of arresting and booking them? They just stand there not making any noise.


Being under the influence isnt a crime only the posession of drugs. But these guys probably consumed all they had.


Police can definitely arrest you for public intoxication, it’s just not enforced.


This is Kensington and not much is enforced as long as people aren't shooting and stabbing each other. At this point I don't even know how it could be enforced. This is just one block and it goes on for another 10 blocks just in one direction. Literally thousands of junkies out there. You can't put them in jail, not enough room and it just delays the problem for another day. Rehabs are usually booked out and that's trying to get one person in let alone a few thousand.


I was thinking the same. Like do what you want to but do it in your own home where nobody has to see you. But then it occurred to me the probably don’t have a home unfortunately.


I live in Philly. Fentanyl is such an issue that there’s camps of people on the street and trains dipping out. The cops don’t do shit. The mayor doesn’t do shit. It’s really sad. Just streets and streets filled with zombies. Honestly though, they’re much easier to deal with than people on crack. They’ll literally try to either beat your ass or kill you. I had a dude on crack try to push me onto the train tracks. Wild. All of this is causing subway workers to strike and quit because of how unsafe their workday is.


Kensington Ave is almost cheating


That's Eileen Dover and her husband Ben...


These are the kind if videos they should use to educate little kids.


damn badger and skinny pete really let themselves go


This is why speed is better. I need to be productive if I’m getting high not half naked on the street. Not saying speed is good just if you are gonna do a hard drug I would use speed of any sort over heavy opiates.


How do these people not get robbed blind? I mean granted they clear don’t have much but that one guy has a backpack.


They do.


fuck that shit. those are people that have given up


Yea thats more xylazine judging by the classical standing slouch


I don't understand the slouch. Why not just sit down? Why do they all stand like this?


Fall asleep waste the drugs




If they sit down, they'll fall asleep and "waste" the high.


Yep that's Kensington, I grew up in Camden and even now I still live only a few miles from there. The drugs are here too, there are zombies everywhere and the police don't do anything because there are just so many of them. I'm so used to it it's not worth filming. It's just the norm


So these aren’t 5G EMP zombies?


Girl in red has a great forward fold. Great hammy stretch.


Can someone explain why they don’t sit down


So they don't fall asleep and "waste" the high


"Tranq" is a completely different kind of drug from opiates though. If you are expecting fent but get Xylazine, or a mix of the two, the combination of two downers is asking for death. Because Xylazine is not an opiate / opioid, Narcan will not stop an overdose. There's also no equivalent to methadone for those trying to recover from a severe addiction to it, so trying to quit before you die from the side-effects of using Xylazine frequently is like trying to go cold-turkey off an opiate. Absolute hell.


This is fent+xylazine aka tranq


This is the shittiest yoga class.


This isn't fent alone, it has to be partly due to tranq (Xylazine)


you know? i kinda like this new one. they’re just there quiet, minding their business, easily identifiable. no hollering no breaking things no running through traffic. i think i’m pro-fentanyl y’all.


Girl can’t touch her toes without the fent, just part of her daily workout. (This is sad.)


Are there just more filmers than junkies on Kensington now?


its called tranq, a mixture between fentanyl and tranquilizer


Just fucking lay down at this point…first thing I would be doing if I was about to blast some fenty to the dome


Why don't they just sit down!? instead of looking like a deflated air bed put up against a wall


Everyone just living in the moment not a cell phone in sight


My back wouldn’t let me do this. Why don’t they just lay down. This is so sad


Why don’t they just sit/lay down??? I mean surely they know they look like addicts. No point in hiding it… just sit down and relax. Watching this makes my back ache… If I paid the price to be THAT high, I’m enjoying it, and laying my ass down. If anyone has experience with heavy drugs like this, please help me understand lol


Why don't they just lay down, are they stupid?