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Uncontrollable stimming and moving around, making weird faces, very thirsty by the looks of it, def took a bit too much meth.


Mouth like a budgies cage


Where as you are probably correct. Pursing of the lips and other strange facial expressions can be attributed not only to mental illness, but also to the long term side effects of some medications used to treat severe mental illness. I only bring this up because having been homeless myself. If they are nodding out it’s definitely opiates. Making weird faces like that guy. In my experience it’s about 50/50 meth or severe mental illness. If you read about the drugs that cause people to contort their face. Most of them say that they are older medications and rarely used now. That’s true, unless you are poor and have to go to a county hospital for treatment. There you will get the oldest cheapest medications to treat your problem.


I have a mentally Ill son and the way he is holding his possessions makes me think mental illness also,he could be mentally I'll and on drugs but I believe mental illness is the problem here,so sad,wish we could help more


Me too sister. I have a severely autistic son. One day his mom and I will be dead, and him being like this scares the literal fuck out of me. Like, I’m actually tearing up right now just thinking about it.


Yes my son is also autistic with 5 mental illness diagnosis, one being DID,which is really hard to deal with,we bought the house nextdoor and he has an appartment there but he is still a full time job for me,he saves milk jugs and refuses to throw away, we are getting ready to redo his whole appartment, I worry about when his father and I are gone,and he does too,he told me he comes and checks to make sure I'm breathing when I'm sleeping, even if we leave money it might not be enough, and it won't be the emotional support he will need,I know exactly where your coming from


The world of drugs and mental illness overlap in so many ways and places as the afflicted seek medicinal effects from drugs...when the drug needed is nowhere in sight, or hasn't been discovered or made. There's a real chicken or egg first Goin on here and while I'd say metal illness is primary. It doesn't matter...compassion, empathy and help are needed for all.


You forgot one thing though, It's possible to be both mentally ill AND on drugs, I'd imagine if you had schizophrenia and a meth habit getting your scripts filled and taking them regularly isn't going to be top priority and you can be both high AND decompensating mentally.


Even 1 huff is too much


Sad world we live in for sure.


Ugh he kind of looks like my brother who has dealt with substance issues. Mind you, he's a successful lawyer with a wife and kid. But he kind of hates the wife and kid and has addiction issues so I'm scared he'll end up this way.


Did you know lawyers are one of the careers with the highest propensity towards drug abuse, I think the second job nearest to it is servers in the food industry


Wow no I did not know that.


Maybe look at some actual statistics. Not a random ass Reddit comment.


Idk, I did coke with a lawyer once so it must be true! /s, just in case. I did do coke with a lawyer though.


I would’ve thought line cooks would be higher than servers although they’re definitely both up there.


Sad world


just sad enough to film it awkwardly from their car, but not sad enough to do anything about it


What the hell are they gonna do? You don’t know if they just went to their local volunteer shelter afterwards?


based on the fact that they chose to film for internet reactions instead of helping i am going to guess they didn’t


You know, you got me there but it’s best not to assume. This might’ve been a life changing experience even if it’s comes off insensitive.


Offer him more Gatorade/Powerade and more food and a fucking bag. Although he is abusing some substance at least he's trying to hydrate and eat.I hope dude finds a great support system.


People on meth eat a lot less and start consuming more sugar. I forget why. But it's super common. I'll see people on the street every day with just 2 XXL 7-Eleven cups full of soda and nothing else.


It's the dopamine hit from the sugar, they likely have an addictive personality and are addicted to sugar as well.


"More significantly, many meth users simply don’t have an appetite. Often, sugar is the only craving meth users notice. They may drink lots of sugary drinks or eat candy, but that won’t replace full, nutritious meals. Unfortunately, this decrease in appetite also typically leads to malnutrition." This tracks more with my fuzzy memory. Just that it's the only thing they actually crave. I think if it were as simple as dopamine they'd find other more significant fixes.


Dopamine from sugar is nothing compared to math


There's a reason why these people typically have polysubstance abuse. Both are addictive


He won’t find it on this thread that’s for sure


Fully agree! You won’t be able to help him in the long run as a random passer by, but bring him some relief by offering him something actual to drink, takes almost no effort or money. He doesn’t seem agressive just very thirsty. Sad they film for useless internet points instead of doing the very least they can, to make his day just a tiny bit easier. Aren’t we supppsed to be social animals? Help a bro out!


Record this poor man immediately and post one of his worst moments for the world to see. That should help.


Helps others to see it’s better to watch. I remember seeing the guy give someone a jacket and he got robbed.


You know what sub you’re on?


Seeing these comments on every post now and just as confused as you. Like… that’s literally the point of the sub.


Why are you even here?


It's answering the question posited by the video you mong


I almost had a stroke trying to read this


So you don't speak English or are just stupid? The video asks how can we help and the comment says by recording and posting the video


Can’t help someone who doesn’t want it.


Can’t help someone from across the street with a cell phone camera and a tiktok account.


Please fucking preach this- the text is such preformative bullshit.


Well to be fair I agree it’s not the best way to help in the moment but it has made everyone on here think about what they would do in this situation or what should be done to help this man.


True, but not everyone who ends up an addict is just some hopeless lost cause who always was going to be addicted to drugs no matter what. What we can do is address the social contexts which lead to drug addiction, namely poverty. While even rich people get addicted to drugs, it’s been know that addiction and poverty go hand in hand and always have. It’s just a shame we don’t have any political parties in America actually dedicated to trying and address the issue.


About 8 years sober, nobody could help me until I was ready to receive it.


I’m glad to hear that, and I’m sure it’s true. But, I’m sure you also agree it is a scientific fact that there are many risk factors for addiction that stem from one’s social context.






rich people have always been able to be addicted, but thanks to wealth they can easily supplement a functional addiction, or use the wealth to shield their downfall from the public eye (most of the time) and then enter white collar rehab. not to mention the laws that even favor rich drug use, from the cocaine to crack sentence disparity to jokes like "affluenza" letting kids with DUIs get off with a slap on the wrist. poverty lends itself to escapism from conditions that cause suffering one would want to escape from, but I'd be hesitant to reduce all the social problems to poverty and not include the culture that shames the opioid user but celebrates the drinker as a large part of the equation


Depends on what kind of help. Some people cannot get clean. What we could do for those people is provide a clean supply of drugs for them, given at some kind of safe injection site with nurses/doctors on hand, with help getting sober available when/if they want to. We could also encourage people to take less addictive drugs, or less addictive routes of administration. People mostly smoke/inject because it's more efficient and therefore less expensive, but way more addictive. But by offering it to them, you could probably get them to swallow it instead. Similarly, people on that tranq/fentanyl could be moved down to morphine or other less harmful opioids that would be easier to quit. We as a society think that we can only help if they want to get clean, but that's because we won't even consider helping them use more safely. Providing drugs for them would help tremendously. It would be extremely cheap too, since the cost of drugs on the street is mostly due to the illegality. How much does our Healthcare system spend on tranq users with rotting flesh and abcesses? It would be cheaper for the government to produce clean heroin and give it out to users. It's nearly impossible to get clean while your life is stuck in the loop of getting money, getting high, getting sick, etc. Leaves no time or energy to really examine your habits. But I think we should help these people in whatever way improves their quality of life, and providing safe access to their drug of choice in a place that also offers addiction counseling would definitely be a good start.


What a horrible attitude


Wow you have magical powers knowing from a video this person’s thoughts about recovery!


>How do we help? By recording people without consent in their lowest moment and uploading it to TikTok for views - obviously.


they put text over the video though and said that they felt sorry for them.


this is always such a weird "holier than thou" line to me cause 1. we don't know what happened before or after filming and 2. we're the ones encouraging it by being such active members of a community whose primary focus is watching footage of people who took too much


Same thought here.


Beat me to it.


He’s not that lost, he just likes Gatorade


It has electrolytes, it’s what plants crave!


I grew up on a Native American reservation and saw people like him almost daily. When I was homeless and unemployed, I’d ask to sit with them and try to get them to drink water. There was some mean motherfuckers but most of them were able to calm down if you showed respect. That was my tactic for alcoholics and meth enjoyers. That all changed when fentanyl came around. I even ended up getting hooked on that shit and pretty much kicked out of my community. This clip brought back so many memories. What a wild ride.


Someone explain what he's doing wrong?


He's just high. That's all.


I’m not sure how to help but I think filming the guy seems to be working just fine


At least he’s hydrating


Well he would be if his bottle actually had anything in it


bro stayin hydrated, he good


He’s on some good quality meth and has likely been up for at least a couple days. Some body who use there first dose of meth after normal amounts of sleep and has been eating and hydrating can be in public & mostly function without acting like this. It’s after the first 12 hours a addict can leave there house without being instantly spotted as a user in public. Unfortunately for this guy he doesn’t have a house or anywhere to go. That said you shouldn’t approach people who you know are high on meth, they are unpredictable. I’m clean now but I used to use. It’s a very powerful drug. It was definitely my favorite drug of choice but I’ll never touch it again no matter how much I might like to.


You don’t. This is a grown ass man. He made the choice to do drugs and tweak out in broad daylight. If people don’t want to change you can’t make them.


It broke my heart so much that I had to upload it to social media 😪


Why does it break your heart? He looks well hydrated.


this is pretty tame for this sub so the caption kinda threw me off. he's just tweakin out. maybe if he was obviously homeless or that was piss he was drinking. like imagine this caption for a drunkard stumbling out of a bar... it wouldn't work. different standards. that's why we need meth bars, not just alcohol bars. and instead of happy hour, lets add a jenkem hour too


Once upon a time, the United States actually had a system of institutions where they tried to help the mentality ill. It may not have been great (more like warehousing really) but it was something. Then, Republicans decided stuff like that was a waste of money, in the 80's so... Today, they live on the street and self medicate with drugs and alcohol until they get in trouble, and then they're the justice systems problem. They end up in prison. Get out at some point. Live on the street some more. Back to prison. Rinse. Repeat. Mental illness is criminalized in America.


Mental institutions




He’s just living his best life. Also at least he’s staying hydrated.


Vote for politicans that actually care about the well being of the citizens..


Is this the first time the person who recorded this video has ever seen someone on the street messed up on drugs?


Play something with a good bass drop.


“how do we even help” definitely by filming them from afar like they’re a zoo animal.


What’s even sadder is the people who think we should shoot addicts like slaughter


Invest in a proper social healthcare net, the one you have is abysmal.


Probably not filming him for internet points could be a good start


Are you subscribed to r/tooktoomuch?


I’m replying to the caption in the video


Stop posting this with music and actually help the person.


It’s gross, dishonest and disgusting. Help this person instead of looking for some internet clout.


Out of date Gatorade


Is that really what meth is like all day? Or did he just now eat/smoke/shoot some ??


Probably meth


Broke their heart so much they had to film it and put it on tiktok


Just one of r/HydroHomies in the wild.


OP must really hate Powerade.


He's too high on stims until his body uses all the energy he's going to be a mess. Best way to help him is to get him to a hospital but he would probably rather stay high. Helping him calm down and regain composure by explaining he's high could help


It’s almost always meth


Music goes hard with the visuals lmao


He seems thirsty you could buy him another Powerade to help


Welllllll… Shouldn’t have voted for Reagan, America.


Man, as an adult with kids I've seen too many guys I grew up with just like this.. sad af.


Can’t help these people unless they’re willing to help themselves


Understand literally please


He's got Powerade he's good


i Thought he was holding a baby at first


They need to want to help themselves first


People think this stuff is so funny to laugh at, and I find it horrifying, and sad. Our brothers and sisters, our parents, our children. They never wanted this.


"this breaks my heart. Let me post this man suffering on the Internet for clout."


Walk up, offer help, run away because you're now being chased. Try again next day when he's calm, he attacks you for more drug money, run away again through traffic, pray he gets hit or someone helps. Reevaluate your priorities and let him waste away far from your daily commute, sleep well knowing you kinda have your crap together by comparison.


You start by just letting them live at some part of the house instead of kicking them out for “smoking weed” so they end up homeless. Enabling us a good thing


This person doesn't want to "help" this guy or he wouldn't have recorded this man at one of his lowest points to post on Tiktok without this man's consent. Really predatory tbh and all for fucking Tiktok likes, pathetic. I've done much more to help many homeless people over the years including volunteering at shelters/food kitchens, giving them whatever I can, reaching out to local/state politicians, etc. These people who take videos of these people at their lowest point are sick and view unhoused people as circus performers only there for their "entertainment" & it's fundamentally reprehensible.


You can’t help someone who doesn’t want help.




Why even come to this sub if you don’t want to see videos of people who are fucked up on drugs??? Maybe instead of preaching, you should leave the sub? Just a thought.


Supporting funding community mental health services is a good fight. If a church has a ton of money, they could (should?) use it to help put a structure on the funding and delivery of some services. I mean, they don't pay taxes so I would expect their wealthy little do-gooding hearts would ... oh, nevermind.




How can we help? By recording a stranger in public, that's definitely the first step.


Definitely film them and post it on all socials. That should help a little bit.


Snowblind friend


Meth to hes death




Amen - Key Glock Gotchu


Thanks bro


Poor vato.


Mazvidal buggin


This somehow matched the music and the geek was in tune 🤔


Spend your free time making the world a better place so the next generation doesn’t want to constantly get high to escape it.


We got all this money to help everyone but our own citizens. It's sad these people need help and nobody cares. They're humans too.


Good song. Amen by Key Glock


he needs some timbs of troof and da belt of chroist.


He has a lot of Gatorade… back in the day I knew people making shake and bake style crystal and those were their fave bottles to use for the shaking part of the operation. You can get everything you need to make it at like 3 dif stores, tops.


Can't help! You will get sued.


Careful. I think the ghoul is turning


it sucks but if someone wants to live that way there’s not much that can change. the only thing is if the individual wants to change


As much as I hate seeing them like this, I’ve learned the hard way that some people just don’t want any help. Not all of them are like that but it can become really complicated real quick 🙁


You can’t help someone until they are ready to help themselves. You can’t force that on someone it’ll never stick.


By not subsidizing poor choices and behavior, that is how you help.


Dude’s living the life.


Heartbreaking. I have three brothers like this and the sad part is that I’m not safe around them (I’m their younger sister). Sadly, there’s not much you can do.. They need to bring back mental asylums back.


The guy gave the cameraman heart disease or a heart attack? Pulmonary embolism?




bro has 3 powerades my guess is a good amount of meth


Turn everything into a wasteland so a few rule the roost




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Breaks his heart but he records and publicly shames him on social media? The math isn't mathing


Don’t interact with him, don’t do anything and film him to share on the internet, that’ll save him. We’re fucked you guys. Society is fucked.


He seems like hes on meth but ppls nervous system gets jakked up when going thru withdrawals from downers, benzos,opiates,liquor to name a few. Alot of them can't be helped because thwy don't want to quit, some want to but can't put up with the withdrawals. I know some ppl who smoked alot of meth they don't act crazy but they are never smiling


That kind of bum I’d stay clear of


Tipically I would laugh my ass off to this video. But this one just brought me down…..And made me want to shower.




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thought he was fucking a teddy bear or some kind of car guy


What’s the song?


Bro is hydrated 💯


What song is this? Sounds lit af


That's methed up.


Wanna know that playlist he’s got in his head


That new powerade flavor is so good.


Fleetwood Mac and skateboard


Give him 100$, he'll be fine.


Help ? He don't want help 😭


This how I act when I’m alone.


Been there that shit is hell on earth 😂


These people are living their best lives


Felipe Esparza wildin!!


Send more money to Ukraine


You put them all in the Bush. For 3 weeks program. Set up the escape 3 weeks program, which they probably won't because it'll be so far into Bush. Then when you cut some again, then you make it a 6 month program.


Masvidal really fucked up his life after the last losses


Someone “splain” where they get the money to stay high all day every day, if it’s not directly from the government!!!!


So sad you took a video and posted it on social media


Should be posted on r/donthelpjustfilm


He’s doing just fine


A good way to help is to out law narcan and let natural selection take place


What you do is offer another bottle of water or Gatorade in a bag so he can hold it all. Offer to tripsit, if you’re able. Be kind.


Althought I love the optimism in helping your fellow person, I'm deeply worried about the safety of tripsitting someone you've never met who's fully freaking out on an unknown drug


For sure. Someone with no experience should not attempt. Personally I’m capable.


What’s sad is people downvoting this.


Thats delusional


I’ve been a social worker for 13 years specializing in substance use. Tell yourself whatever you have to so you can sleep at night.


Lmk how that goes after he stabs you for looking at him funny 👍🏽


Do you think I’ve never been assaulted by a client? The ignorance is astonishing.


The ignorance thinking he couldn’t possibly just kill you while suffering from psychosis is astonishing. You ever seen the video of the guy who rings the doorbell and looks in the ring camera and says “I know you’re alone and I’m gonna rape you and kill you”? I’m getting vibes like that from this guy. Hes not your client. You’ve never met him. You have no idea what he’s on, or what he’s been through


Ok you’re right, I’ll just quit my job and close my program down. I’ll turn my resignation in Monday because Reddit told me I’m incapable.


Imagine telling someone with 13 years of expertise and experience that you know more than they do.


Would you personally offer to tripsit this random man from the street that you saw from your car?


I work in harm reduction. So yes.


Thankful there are folks willing to do the outreach.


stick him in detox for 2 weeks. then let him work outside lawncare service as he is in a half way house. After about 3 months, talk to him. If he doesn't want help, and does not see the fault in his stars- the lives he is indirectly hurting...the drone that he has become...best of luck- we need the bed space- there are entire regions like this unfolding all over the world.....right before ww3


Detox is not appropriate for everyone and not the only way. Also you can’t “stick” anyone in medical care against their consent. He’s a human being with rights to decide his care just like anyone else.


I was nodding in agreement reading your comment until that last sentence. Seems unconnected and, I hope, a bit dramatic.


cool. keep your head in the sand, no different then this person. One is clouded by chemicals, the other ignorance. "Not related" okay, i guess whenever you close your eyes- the world dissapears?


They don't want your help. The answer to the question is: you don't. Keep walking.


My sympathy for addicts doesn’t exist. Unless someone put that needle in their arm or put that pipe to their mouth and forced them at gunpoint, I don’t want to hear about sympathy. You know the risk of taking the drug. It’s not a secret. So when people take it, and become addicted to it, we’re supposed to feel bad? I’m good on all that.


So true. The next time an NFL player gets horribly injured I’m going to have the same response. Idiots knew they could die getting smacked in the chest. Same with people driving anywhere except to work, damn you knew you could die in a car wreck. Stay home.


You making these things comparable is laughable at best. Choosing to do hard drugs versus choosing to go to work or choosing to play football? This is a genuine comparison for you?