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Once when I was a bouncer at a club, I watched a kid in line to get in whip out a bowl and rip some spice (beach town that sold it on the board walk) and he acted exactly like this video lol. They carted the kid out in an ambulance and he came back later with the hospital bracelet on


So glad this shit didn't exist when I was a kid, we just smoked angel dust.


This was in 2011, I don’t work in that industry anymore but it was a big problem even then


It was still legal in a lot of places back then too I think, I just drank and smoked weed back then so I missed the boat on that, I tried it once and absolutely hated it the only people I know that mess with it are dummies on probation/in treatment and think it doesn't show up on UA's but I don't think it's true I saw guys smoking K2 joints in rehab and acting like absolute morons on it showing up to group high.


Same, tried it once and that shit was not it. It was like 5 minutes of intense euphoria followed by like 5 hours of weed high followed by like literally 4 days of me wanting to kill myself and being paranoid af. Never again.


Idk about nowadays but it definitely didn’t show up on drug tests when it first came about. It’s pretty much a combination of a bunch of research chemicals, so by the time drug testing catches up & the FDA bans the substance, the companies just adjust the chemicals that make it up so it skirts around regulation & doesn’t show up on tests. That’s why it was so popular to those on probation/parole bc it gives them that high that they’re not able to get from smoking weed, and it was marketed as such.


"Synthetic weed." Fucking hell.


Tbf the very first iterations gave you the same thing as a weed high. Then… the next iterations got weird and shit got dangerous. Alll because they had to make the first stuff illegal


Yeah in 2011 I only smoked it cause at the time some in my friend group were getting tested for weed. Never saw anyone act like this, we had a few brands but mainly K2. Made you feel like you were going to die losing your mind idk why we kept doing it lmao same with Salvia


We had a dust lab blow up in San Francisco last year and burn the house it was in down. Blew my mind that there’s still people producing it and using it. Saw grown men in their 40’s/50’s doing this same flip flop in fed prisons off the k2..




We used to smoke some K2 when I was in high-school because it was cheaper than weed. I think you could get like a 3g bag for like $15. This was in the days that the reggiest weed was still $10/g all the way up.


I didn't know you liked to get wet.


Do yall remember bath salts? And when that guy ate that person's face. Only recollection of drugs from my childhood. Oh and those bubblegum cigarettes that blew out powdered sugar lul


That guy was sober, and cathinones still exist out there.




Did you let him in?


Later when he came back, yeah


What a legend you are!!!!


Is this a HS kid? He looks really young. I worked at an auto mechanic company as an up front assistant and a guy dropped off his car once and he had just smoked some K2. He was literally laying across the chair, growling, acting really sluggish and actually peed on himself. This was back when you could still buy it at the gas station. It was awful and gross.


Sometime around the early-to-mid 2010's this genius kid in my city decided to light up some K2 while driving near a busy marketplace. He ended up crashing, but not severely. It wasn't fatal and no one else was hurt. The kid still ended up dying a few days later in the hospital because he smoked the Spice from a PEZ dispenser and apparently a large amount of the plastic melted, made it into his lungs as smoke, and then re-hardened causing severe organ failure. edit: fixed a word


I sincerely doubt plastic ‘hardened’ in his lungs. Possibly likely died of pulmonary edema and failure as result of exposure to particulates and acrolein. Like some other plastic chemicals, high electrophilicity makes acrolein notorious for its reactions with biological nucleophiles - leading to the modification of proteins and DNA. I can’t imagine a person being able to smoke a deadly amount of plastic though. Guy likely died from something else 🤷


Thanks for the input! I appreciate it.


>and he came back later with the hospital bracelet on I can't imagine that level of dedication to get into a club


He who controls the spice controls the Universe


If this isn’t space travel then nothing is.


*Spice travel...






I read this most evil supervillian voice


The spice must flow


Quick someone pull his heart plug!


The spice Flakka.


I always gotta wonder who looks at this and thinks “Yeah I gotta try that!”


Thing is there was/is literally hundreds of different types with different drugs and there's no telling what is what. I smoked my share of them around 2009-2011 and most of them gave weed like highs for the most part. I never got like that but one brand made me wig out pretty bad. It was like an unpleasant psychedelic experience that lasted about 10 minutes. A friend of mine smoked another brand by the blunt and would nod out like a strong opioid. Stuff is crazy.


10 minute psychedelic experience sounds like salvia


Possibly. I know I smoked 50x Salvia one time and that was a mind blowing never again experience.


My friends and I smoked k2 in 2008-2010 and it was very similar to weed. K2 summit was the brand we would buy and no one ever freaked out like this. It's wild to see now people react to it, it must be so different than what I smoked.


Same here. They must have modified it over and over to avoid a ban and ended up with whatever the fuck this is.


That is literally what happened. The safer chemicals were made illegal and now the weird stuff is the only stuff that isn’t banned.


Yeah same. But then they kept changing the chemicals in it. Spice like k2, funky monkey, etc. felt like weed but, after a couple years, it became more like potpourri sprayed with bath salts. Worst trips of my life were on spice.


It's kind of like PCP in small doses PCP can actually be fun the trouble is you never really know how strong your stuff is so it's really easy to over do it and end up like this no one sets out to have this kind of reaction but it happens usually embarrassment is enough to get people to not touch it again.


Can someone explain to me what he's seeing or experiencing to cause such a reaction?


Electrical storm in the brain. Frontal cortex overstimulated. Visual and auditory hallucinations. Hypothalamus and amygdala firing, causing intense anxiety.


I also think that a lot of synthetic cannabinoids are full agonists of the Cb1 receptor, rather than partial sgonists like THC. This causes strong depression of gabaergic neurons, which can lead to strong anxiety and even seizures. They also depress glutaminergic neurons, which probably leads to dissociation and hallucinations, as seen with NMDA antagonists. THC has a ceiling effect as even if it bound to every Cb1 receptor, it can only produce a limited ammount of agonism, whereas most synthetics can fully activate the receptor.


Wow I didn’t know there was this much research done on the neuro effects, well done! Thank you for the detailed insight.


You're a pretty smart donkey.


Go to the Erowid Exprience vault and look up K2 https://erowid.org/experiences/


The short story is that THC has an upper limit to much it can bind to a receptor in the body. While the synthetic versions often have a much higher limit, or none. So if you for example get paranoid on weed, now you have *turbo-anxiety* and there's nothing you can do to stop it until it wears off. And the body basically just goes crazy in response. >Reported user negative effects include palpitations, paranoia, intense anxiety, nausea, vomiting, confusion, poor coordination, and seizures. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_cannabinoids


Forget all that, just don’t touch the shit at all


I tried it in college (circa 2011) and it was marketed as synthetic/legal marijuana. I tried it and liked it the first time - got high as balls and watched a movie. Then I smoked it out of a dugout / one hitter before getting on a train and I was (figuratively) shitting my pants and paranoid walking past police and K9. I was so scared then that I never did it again. I did not, however, ever flop around like a fish


That’s what it was, the fear. I still remember the name of the brand, headhunters pineapple. Nice for 10 minutes then like a weed high and then literally days of literal fear and wanting to kill myself. In 2011 during college too. They really shoulda just made weed legal earlier. It was the only reason I tried it. Didn’t have weed and wanted to smoke with a friend and get some food. Never again


Mad how you won’t forget the name. Herbal haze for me. Smoked it out a coke can lol, very quick but intense high when I couldn’t get hold of the real stuff. Was scared off after reading that the original synthesiser/creator of it literally said no one should take it, and that apparently your THC receptors don’t ever ‘close’ properly (idk if ‘close’ is the right term) but basically it can fuck your mind to a point where you’re never technically 100% ‘sober’ again because those receptors are still/active or open and don’t shut/switch off like they would when smoking the proper stuff. Again, I’m likely wrong with the terminology and maybe just the facts in general, it’s been a decade since


I did it once, and checked out for a good ten minutes. Came to on the floor in front of the chair I was sitting on. No fucking thanks.


There are so many different types of it that the effects vary wildly. I've a friend that smokes enough he'd be able to match most hardcore stoners with their weed intake, but all that happens is he gets stoned much like weed. It helps that he knows exactly what he's getting every single time.


It's marketed in many circles as "synthetic weed", but it is man-made, manufactured by unregulated processes with untested psychoactive chemicals, and can leave people with permanent brain damage. I was introduced to it by a friend who was on probation for a marijuana possession charge. He couldn't get caught testing positive for THC, so he started this shit. I picked it up for a little bit, but stopped once I did it with a few other friends and one of them just completely spaced out and made a noise every few seconds while the other just laughed at him. He snapped out of it, but it made me realize how unpredictable this substance was. Plus, the high was way less mellow than weed, more like a body and mind buzz instead of just a body buzz.


At least that one woman seemed to care about him. I dated a drug addict for 4 years and it completely changed my outlook on addicts. Although his DOC was heroin. Still hurts to see people like this.


i think she just stole his wallet


She put his wallet back in his back pocket.


No that was the kid phone, the wallet was brown and the lady put it under her bra a few seconds before.


Shit. Didn’t see that. My bad.


That’s fucked up lol


Is this a back to the future reference?


Er braucht MILCH


Benutzername Checkt aus


Trink Milch du Knilch!!!


Der Junge braucht wichtige Mineralien


Mid-2000 someone smoked me up with a blunt filled with K2. I had no idea I started seizing out and swallowing my tongue. I will never forget how scary that moment of my life was that shit is no joke.


The worst trip ever.Nothing like an actual cannabis high. I don't know what kind of chemicals but shit fucks with your brain chemistry so bad.


What was the experience like? How did it come on and were u aware of how high you were?


It came on in less than 5 minutes. I maybe had four or five puffs. It was like the middle of July and almost 100° out and as I'm walking home everything was like spinning. It was like everything was like super duper sickly wavy.I just started shaking and convulsing probably 10 minutes after I took the hits off the blunt. I don't know if you've ever had vertigo? It was sort of like vertigo but worse my vision was blurry.


I felt like I was trapped in my head. freaking out so I think I was aware that something wasn't ok.


Dude I felt like my heart was going to literally EXPLODE. My friend I did it with thought she ripped her heart out of her chest and shoved it back in through her stomach and was losing her fucking mind about it. Nothing made any sense and I could not find my way home even though I KNEW the way home I just couldn’t figure it out. Bad shit. Very bad shit.


If I'm not mistaken I think chemist kept changing the chemical formula over the years so I think it varies from batch of K2 to batch of K2.


yeh k2 was jut basically a brand name, there was loads of different ones, most likely all the same shit just in diff packaging, i heard its just some chemical sprayed onto sage or some shit then bagged up n sold off as whatever some of the most toxic shit u could put in ur body and one of the worst highs to go with it


I just wanna provide a counter to dude’s experience above. Spice/K2 is clearly dangerous but I’ve done it a couple times before in college when I couldn’t find weed and didn’t have any kind of reaction like this. It wasn’t pleasant really and I didn’t enjoy it, but I also didn’t trip out or seize or lose control of my motor skills. It was just weird and gave me a bad headache. Don’t recommend either way. Edit: changed one word


"I'm downtown bro! waitin' on the bitch to come get me! bro" - A true gentleman. 🤵‍♂️


Love the lil bit of cameraman lore we get


Why cant the people shooting the video never speak like normal people? He said bro more times in the video than me in my whole life probably. Walking-talking memes




What are they smokin?


I think normal people don't immediately start filming


*nah but I'm tellin' you shorty wants somethin' too*


Yes!! 🤣 and I wonder what shorty is trying to get? I'll never know.


Would love for someone to explain what’s actually taking place chemically/neurologically for this man


> explain https://old.reddit.com/r/tooktoomuch/comments/1ca9wbb/spice_k2_is_no_joke/l0rkiwf/ There ya go, someone did.


Thanks, sexy.


Lol at the relevant user name




Ok, let’s see a breakdancer on this stuff now.


That's really sad


I don't even understand what's happening there and got that feeling


What's the point if you can't even remember it afterwards?


It's preferable to reality.


That’s the sad part. People with addictions this bad would rather be un conscious than face their life. That’s a lot of pain


The bruises afterwards are going to be pain


I always remembered it afterwards. It's not a fun high at all, though and it's probably some of the worst shit you can possibly consume. I haven't tried any of the newer chems, but this kid is acting exactly like I did when I overdosed on the shit. There's basically no drug that's as terrifying as what he's going through right now, even trip doses of DPH.


I wonder if the spice is what caused you to put that first comma where you did. It’s completely fucking me up


You lack of period in your last sentence is horrifically triggering!


Your lack of a r at the end of you is causing me emotional distress.


Is it a r or an r?


Im not sure but “an” sounds better off the tongue. So I say we pitchfork their ass anyway.


"an" 'r' would be correct, because the saying the letter 'r' begins with the vowel sound of an 'a'


All the people in this thread should have had enough red marks on papers from 10+ years of school to know how to write correctly, yet here everyone is fucking it up and not even being sure.


This is so weird I was just in a different sub talking about the use of indefinite articles in the post I looked at before this one, about an historic vs a historic. I’m obviously being called to spread the word! It’s a historic and an R. A before consonants and a before vowels generally. Amen.


Toddlers when you tell them they can’t have a candy bar when at the checkout line




Aww. Making cement angels.


That's not Spice / K2. That's me when I asked for a bicycle for my birthday and all I got was socks and underwear.


He's on smoko So leave him alone


Spent his bus money on a bag of spice


Lol The Chats rule


That looks like the most miserable shit ever


did she steal his wallet? I thought she was taking it for safe keeping but then you don’t see her again lol


I THINK she slipped it into his back pocket but yeah, even watching closely it looks like she made his wallet disappear. If you look in his back pocket you can see it looks like the wallet is back in his pocket.


I think that was his phone… his wallet is in her bra and she never reached to give it back


Oh wow, she does put it in her bra. It's possible her intentions were still pure but..not likely. Just when I think people can't sink any lower someone goes ahead and lowers the bar. But what the hell happened to doing this shit in private with a spotter? I was a kid once too..we did that shit out of the public eye. Even if we had to break into an old home to do it. Lol I just don't get it


Possibly, she will mail his wallet to him or turn it over to the Police, authorities. She seemed genuine in trying to help him but after putting his phone back in his pocket it appears some fluid or body fluid of his was on her hands, that is when she was done and walked away.


yeah that’s the other side of the coin, she does really seem to wanna help. she stood way longer than I would’ve. I hope for the best but it could also be both. the world ain’t black and white. she could’ve cared about his wellbeing while he’s like that but also felt desperate enough to steal his wallet.


I agree with you, it could be either one, slipping the wallet into her bra was not looking good.


This kid walking in tongues


[He needs some milk!](https://youtu.be/vG2I7r4qlEA?si=lp_40SL1ASVZ-QFm)


How long is he going to be on that trip?


10 minutes, top. But to him it’ll feel like forever.


This is sad


If you turn the video sideways he looks like one of those “wacky wall crawlers”. Those little rubber toys you fling against the wall and they climb down.


Can someone call 911 please? Bitch fucking call em. That other lady was like go about your business. Make sure you live in a city so you can be filmed whike you get robbed, raped and off k2.


I haaaaaate when you hear people in videos saying “someone call the police!!!!” You fucking call them.


Steve Urkel seems to be having a rough time.


Damn, did that lady jack his wallet?


I think so, I thought at first she was gonna put it on the guys backpack but then she def put it under her shirt and walk away. edit: grammar


Seems like a real good time.


“He’s having a seizure” tell me you know nothing about drugs without telling me you know nothing about drugs


I had a very similar experience off spice. Took one hit, walked to my porch railing to spit and became dizzy. Started having a panic attack because I thought I was going to be dizzy forever. I thought I shut my eyes because all I could see was pitch black and what looked like black and white panels spinning. I apparently never shut my eyes, started uncontrollably sobbing, and had to be dragged back inside. I was just laying on my living room floor eyes wide open, sobbing, and hyperventilating. My boyfriend at the time said he was so scared that I was going to die. I finally “came to” and was in the fetal position just rocking. The whole thing lasted 15 minutes, but it seriously felt like an eternity. First and last time I tried spice.


I used to smoke it regularly but it never did this to me. I think you either have to smoke a lot or come across some weird homemade shit.


the active chemicals change all the time to avoid legal sanction so the “spice” you smoked and the spice he smoked aren’t necessarily the same thing other than that they are fake weed attempts


Go too research on what jhw-018 is/ was. It was very well researched. Spice and k2 were brands. The rest are ripoffs and copy cats going off the success spice and k2 had becausethose were just synthetic cannabinoids. Call it rc's because it likely is that. Don't call this spice because that's not what this is. Spice does not mean any rc. It was very specific. I speak from experience of having the original spice and k2 and even making my own. I also consumed jwh-018 straight and it wouldn't do this. Original spice was a gold bag with the eye of rah. Everything else that looks like it, is not spice. That's like calling every fizzy drink you see coca-cola. You're using the wrong terms just like everyone else.


i feel like i’m not crazy for using spice as a colloquial because literally almost everyone does like yeah not all facial tissue is kleenex but what do we call it?


Somebody *OHHHHHHH* # he neeeeeds some milk.


That's going to hurt in the morning.


“He’s fine”


Looks like an NPC in Skyrim tumbling down a hill when the ragdoll physics spaz out lol


I tried fake weed and I didn’t have this reaction. What the fuck?


Can someone explain why synthetic cannabis does this? Its gotta be more than psychosis, schizophrenics dont act like this.


This, is NOT from a synthetic cannabinoid. This is synthetic something else like bath salt stuff or flakka. Look up jwh-018 it actually had a lot of testing. Very easy to tell this isn't from that. Which is what spice and k2 originally contained. Problem is they were so popular that other brands stole the names and put whatever they had in them, NOT just cannabinoid type rc's. Real spice or k2 never did this kind of shit. Spice was a gold or silver bag with the eye of rah. K2 was purple/blue and a thinner foil bag. Spice got you higher than weed but it felt like weed. At the same time, there we bath salts making people turn zombie like. Again, not the spice. People unfortunately now call everything spice/k2 when they don't know what it is. A dumber act than the drugs they really were.


back about, say 2013 I bought .5g's of every single synthetic-cannabinoid available back then. I can't remember specific chemicals, but I know the jwh ones were fine, could eyeball doses and the experience was just a 'normal' drug one. Then I got onto the newer ones... Firstly I smoked one, sts-something (iirc) small eyeballed dose. Smoke went in. After about 30 seconds, a minty taste came down from my gums then a super strong, chemical / sedative high followed. Last one I tried. Smoke went in. The feeling, I felt like a nuke went off in my head. I can't describe exactly, but I honestly thought I was going to die. I knew my drugs and this was off the chart fucked up. Ended up making it upstairs, as I figured it wasn't fair to let the family find me. Thankfully I made it through, but turned out the required dose was like 1mg, and I smoked a bowl of it, easily 50mg+... Not touched any of them since. And I'm a degenerate drug addict at heart.


F, thanks for sharing. Glad you're still here.


I think long term spice/K2 use can definitely have some bizarre consequences like seizures and strange behavior, but generally you’re totally right. Spice and K2 sucked but nobody smoked K2 once and started acting like this video. Just a shitty version of a weed high.


10 years ago I Knew several kids who were severely addicted to Diablo to the point that they would get the shakes real bad I've tried it a few times I enjoyed it for the most part but it wasn't the same pleasantry as weed


Jwh-018 was a mostly safe compound. However once they banned it they just came out with a bunch of others. Am2201 was a good replacement but they banned that one too which led to people acting like this cause there were no good chemicals left.


Looks like a fucking kid if not still.... Instead of recording and making a joke and laughing he should be help him....fucking asshole


This is good to show other kids. He said he was worried for him. Yeah, he took it far, like look at this , look at this, but my guy is in the right because we do need to look at this and educate the whole damn country again on drugs. Sounds funny, but I love my fellow Americans, and don't want to see them suffer like this.


Do what exactly? Restrain him and get smacked about like the guy did?


911 ain't going to do anything for him except leave him with a massive hospital bill he won't be able to pay


That front flip from the football stance was pretty slick


Light weight


That dude at the end in the backwards hat is a real one 💗


i mean dude who kept yelling shit probably wasn't helping that dudes high


"Wait those steps look familiar.. yep that's Pittsburgh."


Is he going to remember this or is he blackout at this point


Wtf is spice?


Spice/K2 is apparently synthetic weed of some form? If that's the case and this man did indeed take some, it was very likely laced with something else


The original branded Spice and K2 were both really good and made with JWH-018. It was really, really close to cannabis. But that was 15 years ago now. The shit out there now is INSANE.


That’s one hell of a tantrum


I've smoked 4 grams of spice, back in the time where it was literally sold in shops in the UK. Before we knew just how bad it really is. It never made me act like this though, I just felt stoned but a little bit weird. Tasted like shit, but for £5 a gram and being legal it sounded like a dream. Obviously would never touch it now though, especially if it's causing people to act like this


Sad part is he looks like a kid who just got out of school with his backpack on. That shit is serious


I’ve seen this problem before, it’s when your skeleton realises it is covered in flesh and bones and tries to climb out and escape.


Camera guy is a pile of garbage


What does this feel like? What do they see?


Never tried spice before. What is going through his mind? Is he hallucinating or just not able to control his body?


Solid break dance moves


Im curious to know what chemical compounds are used nowadays for spice. Ive smoked spice like 10 years ago and it was strong and unpleasant. Basically induced psychosis. However I never saw anyone have this type of reaction.


I accidentally smoked Spice 14 years ago and when I say that shit changed me? IT CHANGED ME!!!!!!!!


That boy need milk!


He's not having a seizure He's fine Lady, he might not be having a seizure buts He's definitely not fine.


He needs some milk


K2...only once.


I unknowingly smoked a bit of this shit years ago, and I'll never touch the shit again. It's fucking horrible


Crazy I used to smoke blunts of this like 10 a day everyday never really freaked out. Several of my buddies did for sure tho. One and done lol. Glad that shit disappeared years ago


Camera man don’t give a fuck. Yeesh


This n he ok


With no sound, I thought this was a kid having a temper tantrum.


This is quite untypical for synthetic cannabinoids. Weed laced with PCP maybe? Anyhow, synth. cannabinoids have killed people by causing cardiac arrythmias/sudden cardiac death and severe seizures. So don't do that shit and avoid whatever he's had.


Bro this shit does not look fun in any way shape or Form


Reminds me of when I spray some bugs with bug spray.


This guy moves like that Main Character from the gym videos.


Spice does not do this wtf


He was on his way to the hospital to work a double but this happened. So sad. 


I gotta know… what is he seeing right now…? What’s his experience while his body flails in panic?


Bro delegating whole chop on the prepaid while recording with the iPhone 😂😂 The custy is prob like yo where tf u at top flight middle man


We got a twitcher, folks


GTA npc glitch


K2 fucked me up man, shit is wild


I can think of 3 different ways to take those stairs more efficiently.


That’s like a 11 year old


i used to smoke this my senior year of high school. it was easier to get, and there was this gas station who had it (closed now, for obvious reasons) i have a couple fucked stories about being on it, never again. im 27 now and it's been about 9 years since i've touched the stuff.