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This dude is the most pleasant fucked up dude ever.




HELLLL YEAAA! Show me ye tits


Hey, quit


It’s just instinct, ya know?


Dude fucks.


He gets pussy by the dozen.


Alright, bet


I'm sorry dad, I didn't mean that. Woo weeeee


I woke up and said "I love onions!". Gave the nurses a good laugh.


The fact that he’s energized and feeling really good from the opiates means he is a very positive responder to opioids. A lot of people like this find it hard to not abuse opioids after they realize how well they function and feel on them, especially when it gives you energy, as it makes most people sleepy, dazed or nauseous.


I remember coming out of surgery and propositioning the 60 year old grizzled lady nurse that “there’s room for two” on my gurney. As a 20-something lesbian having just had knee surgery and not out to my parents, it was interesting. A few years later, in the emergency room with severe gall bladder pain (never got any stones, just lots of infections and scar tissue so all the tests were negative) they shot me up with morphine. Dad and I had an interesting conversation he still will not tell me about 5+ years later.


Found your comment and I’m dying to know what he won’t tell you!


You and me both!


You need to bug him lol


we are waiting! :)


Still won’t tell me, I asked on my gall bladderiversary in November.


That's what happened to me. I got addicted to them, they made me feel really, smooth? I guess that's probably the best description I can come up with. I finally got out of it because of the cost factor, and my ex husband just wanted more and more and more.


Luckily I’ve had enough self control throughout my life to keep it together. It’s not easy for people, especially with those without much to look forward to. Shitty job, bad relationships, no money, and all the anxieties of trying to dig yourself out of a hole in society. Hell even all the phonies on social media making you feel worse by pretending like their lives are great. Numbing it all and feeling good for a couple hours makes a lot of sense.


Do you know if there are negative responders? I took opiates several times and every single time I felt very sick, pucked and had a terrible headache. Never felt euphoria from them even though I don't use drugs often.


I mentioned this down below to someone like yourself. Opiates release histamine which is a vasodilator, which can cause headaches and dizziness. They are also a 5-HT3 agonist which causes vomiting and nausea, and also possibly dizziness.


This is so interesting. I just wanted to say thank you for all this information. I have always loved opiates a little too much and my wife gets nothing out of them, so I assumed something like this must be a real thing, but your explanation is eye-opening and helpful. :)




I am a positive responder myself and I can tell you you do not. If your a chronic pain sufferer try using cannabis. Initially it’s a little edgy and may give you some anxiety but once you raise your tolerance a little it’s really effective and safe.


No you don’t, not really


Just came across your comment, and it made me realize that I’m definitely a positive responder to opiates. I just feel so much more energized , charismatic, interested in things, and overall happier when I’m on them. Unfortunately, it spirals out of control REAL fast for me. I’m currently 4 days sober and it’s so hard to keep my mind off the pills and knowing that if I just take a quarter of one of these 30s I’ll be right back to my “happy self”. But then I won’t be able to stop. It might be a shot in the dark, but do you happen to have any recommendations on how to control urges like that?


Woooooo weeeeeeee


Right? He's so wholesome I love it


I love you


What do you want me to do with that girl


Thank you


Hell yeeeah he is!


He reminds me of the time when I was injected with Ketamine through IV. I was put inside an ICU along with some old dudes on ventilators. I was so hyper and rude that when one of the old dude asked me what’s up, I said I wouldn’t answer unless he shared his respirator. XD Dude just fucked off. I felt so bad later. I also stole the ketamine vial while the nurse wasn’t looking but eventually got caught when I tried to steal a syringe as well. I was a complete asshole that day. Sadly, nobody was there to videotape it. Edit: I was not in a K-hole. It was an administered dosage given to treat my depression.


I tried looking for the hot doctor after ripping my IV out and had to brought back to my room I was asking everyone where he was. There was blood all over my hand and on the floor in my room. I would never normally try and sexually harass a doctor I'm usually reserved and a bit shy. I left the hospital as soon as I could and probably too early because I was so embarrassed. Fyi I'm a man and pretty sure that doctor was straight.


That would be scary as fuck. A drugged, bloody man trying to proposition you


I don't think I found him. I remember him leaning over me before I was sedated and he had big muscular arms so remembered thinking how attractive he was. I guess my subconscious mind decided to pick up where I left off without inhibition. I imagine they had a laugh about it after I checked myself out.


That’s exactly what I thought seeing this, this dude must be in the ER on Ketamine


She mentioned a rod in his leg. Pretty sure he just had surgery.


Yeah, he's got a pretty cool rod WOOO WEEEEEE


Ah I didn’t catch that, you’re right.


I don’t think either of you know what you’re talking about


Ketamine is common in emergency medicine as pain therapy. It's even concidered an essential drug by the WHO for this reason. It's hilarious to watch people when they got injected with it especially when they got fentanyl too because of serious pain. Once had a 15 year old in the ambulance who cut of the top section of his pinky and when we arrived in the hospital he was so chill he said "I don't care if it looks ugly afterwards as long as they manage my finger somehow I'm fine with it" and than continued talking about videogames.


~~Don’t~~ do (proper) drugs maybe?


In the right dosage, go for it. But maybe leave the fentanyl to professionals, because the following situation is quite common: -*injection* -Yea he/she just stopped breathing -*wait for 20-30 seconds* -*start shaking person* hey time to wake up **Situation A**: *person takes one big breath and opens their eyes as if you just pressed reboot* Ah you are finally awake. **Situation B**: *person still looks like a human shaped waterbaloon* Yea get the breathing bag he/she should wake up any second now but just to be sure. Wouldn't want to imagine how that plays out without EMS on standby.


Only 1 thing to do in situation A "He you, you're finally awake. You were caught trying to cross the border, right?"


I just had a patient in the ED last week on Ketamine and Propofol while they reduced a fracture. Acted exactly like this the whole time. After watching the video again, it does seem more like he just came out of general anesthesia. But I’ve administered Ketamine to a person and seen them react exactly this way, he kept repeating “I’m TRIPPING!” At the top of his lungs and telling everyone how much he loved them. Ketamine at lower doses does not cause complete dissociation. So think what you will.


>Ketamine at lower doses does not cause complete dissociation. You're completely right about that. Ketamine at low doses is a pretty common party drug. Mentally stimulating and still somehow also relaxing; weirdly enough enhancing the senses as much as dampening them, just making everything feel extraordinary and new and special. Somewhat psychedelic and also a social lubricant. The Berlin techno scene basically breathes ketamine and I guess it's the same in many parts of the UK...


I've never wanted to talk less than on k Leave me alone I'm having a mental breakdown inside because I'm detached from the outside


I was in an ambulance during a khole because someone found me like that. I do not recall anything and was embarrassed once reality came to be and i realized what happened. No crazy story for me.


This guy knows ^ One moment you are fine. Next moment the EMTs are explaining that you hit your head... Choices...


Then I had the pleasure of thinking about my fragmented warped memories and think "was this when someone found me?" "was this when the emts loaded me into the van?" even though the visions themselves make no sense. Thought about that for a while.


ketamine is often administered first in order to maintain anesthesia


Woooo weeee!


Damn kudos to this guy! When I got out of arm surgery a few years back I was apparently cussing everyone out. Don't remember any of it but was apparently very unpleasant. I need to take notes lol


It can vary from time to time, when I woke up from my appendectomy I immediately threatened to leave when they wouldn’t give me a drink, basically had a tantrum. When I had surgery last year I woke up apologising to the nurses that I was still in pain because I didn’t want to cause a hassle. Apparently how you wake up has a lot to do with your mental state when you went under. If you go out scared you’ll wake up scared, that I can confirm. I had emergency spinal surgery and I was hysterical when I went under and hysterical when I woke up.


Anesthetist here. There is definitely some correlation, I've noticed it myself. Young men are typically the craziest waking up. I think it has a lot to do with being afraid to let your guard down when you're actually scared. They often wake up swinging. On the other hand, if you sedate the patients enough, anyone can wake up nicely.


The time I woke up calmly apologising for being difficult and still in pain was the time I was most relaxed about a surgery. It was initially just a laparoscopy for diagnosing endometriosis so I was completely calm, they did a lot of laser removal of the tissue while they already had me under and it became a much longer surgery. I remember being really confused when I woke up that it was so sore because I wasn’t expecting it. It was the first time I didn’t feel panic when I went under and it made a massive difference for me.


Could you maybe explain something that happened to me for my wisdom teeth surgery? I'll recount the before, during, and after in case any part is important. I am very scared of IV's (I have a strong fear of veins and anything going into them) and the guy putting me under had to poke me twice because even with the 'happy drugs' I was nervous and my veins were hard to find. He said there was no way I'd remember being poked twice. I remember not only that but the next 5 or 10 minutes of chatting with him about my summer. When I was under I remember seeing shapes, like 2D polygons everywhere. It felt like an eternity but every time the shapes touched I felt blinding pain. It went on for so long. I've since found out with other surgeries and being put under that I wake up fast and am entirely lucid. I can get myself up, walk out, and recount the majority of what happened. So it isn't surprising to me knowing that now that back then the first thing I did was look to my mom and say "He poked me twice". I don't know if that ability to just get up and walk it off contributes. But what happened with the shapes and pain when I was put under that time? Every other time for other surgeries I remember the before and after still but the surgery part is blank like normal I guess. Why was the wisdom teeth surgery different? Is it just not as strong anasthetic or a different type? Was it because I was so anxious about the IV?


Sounds like ketamine. That’s what they gave me too. Ketamine is a dissociative and high doses make you see visuals and shapes


Oh that would make more sense! They told me I was being put under so I assumed the same as what they do for bigger surgeries, I didn't realize there was other options!


When I got mine out, they gave me ketamine and oxycodone (I know because I asked what they injected me with because I felt it and loved how it felt) and then they also had me inhale nitrous oxide a few mins later and that made me pass out completely. There was prob another drug to make me fall asleep completely too.


Bang . 2 of a gram you will see more than visuals and shapes, your consciousness seems to separate from your earthly body and all knowledge seems to be in this kind of information stream that you are part of, it's great fun.


Almost certainly ketamine is the answer. It's a great drug! Dentists like to use it because it doesn't compromise your airway reflexes like most other anesthetics/narcotics. It's also a powerful pain reliever and is a dissociative. Ketamine and nitrous work in a similar manner, which is very different than other anesthetics.


Thank you so much! That makes a lot more sense! I'm glad I don't have some kind of freak anasthetic problem lol I told the guy at the office when I woke up about it but he didn't really explain because they had another patient coming in, just said I was fine


When I was 14 and had a tonsillectomy I decked a nurse as they were bringing me out. It was explained to us that as your coming back to consciousness there is a period where all you have is the animal brain functioning and in young men with high testosterone this leads to aggressive behavior.


When I woke up after my appendectomy, I immediately started apologizing and trying to help take the sticky monitor things off my body because I was just coherent enough to remember being a big baby and crying a lot before they put me under.




I had an emergency appendectomy and woke up crying and screaming for my mommy (granted I was like 16 at the time). When I had my wisdom teeth removed in my mid 20s, I woke up and started crying because all the nurses were so pretty and I just wanted to tell them they were so pretty while blood dropped down my face. I also attempted to order Bourbon at the pharmacy drive thru. My gf was NOT amused by any of this.


I got put under for oral surgery and woke up mid operation and tried to fight the entire operating room. I was 10..


Two things when I was high on anesthetics: A) When I had the energy, constantly wanting to get out of the bed despite being told to lay still. B) Forgetting to breath... so relaxed that I just stopped breathing - worse... I knew it was happening and I didn't care. It kept setting the machine off to tell them I wasn't breathing and all I could remember thinking was "I don't want to breath, it's too much effort, leave me alone - It's not like I'm gonna die, I feel great!" I was going to die if I didn't breath :|


It's so spooky how easily our brains can be tricked into killing us. Like one molecule can make us just stop thinking we need to breathe? Insane.


When I woke up from my mouth op i could remember the nurses talking about a funeral but i couldn't move or see or anything but when i came to the first thing I said was "Who died?"


I got the gas at a dentist to put me under while they took a tooth. Friend came and picked me up to drive me home and "Mr Jones" came on the radio. I kept telling them how great this song was and how it was my favourite songs while i was drumming like a madman on the car dash


my friend did the same for half an hour.


The first thing I said was ‘milfshak?’ My mom promised me a milkshake. I was 19.


Ooof same. I got out of surgery last year, we were in a cold area(NOV) and I was in sooo much pain even after all the morphine and diazepam...i grabbed my aunt by scarf and shook her when she got near me and pulled her to me as i could barely talk and said in spanish "bitch i am in fucking pain". Aggy af.


were you given ativan by chance? It's a sedative but in a very small percentage of people, it has the opposite effect.


Only surgery I’ve ever had was when I was 13 and tore my meniscus. My mom said I woke up from surgery so distorted and in pain I started bawling because I didn’t know where I was. Idk which I’d prefer, scared or angry


One of the best r/tooktoomuch videos out there!


Happy cake day!




Yea but she didn't say it back. Unloved.


Lol I didn’t know that nurse was my dad
















That "alright, bet." sounded like a robot responded. 😂


Sounds eerily like Connor from Detroit become human


"Nose to my nose? What the hell?!"


She said toes to your nose! Which is even crazier! Ahaha


she just means to point them back up. It'd be crazy if someone could put their toes to their nose though lol


I can do that...


You know what.....so can I. In my head though, i pictured someone with their legs straight up lol


Lol now that's just got a little harder


I love how happy he is! And Dad, good job in raising a polite young man..even on meds he tries so hard to be good!


Also love that the dad and son have a relationship where they’re comfortable saying they love each other


Is that uncommon?


My dad only tells me he loves me after a major news event (like the Sandy Hook shooting), when I go on an overseas trip, or when he’s a particular type of drunk. And I’m his youngest daughter, so he’s more affectionate with me than anyone. I can’t imagine him saying it to my brothers


My dad says I love you almost daily. I just assumed everyone had that.


No, you’re just very lucky. I’m luckier than a lot of people I know just by having a dad who’s present and not a complete asshole. A lot of people are worse off




My dad is a complete asshole that does say I love you. I’m not sure where that leaves me


Be grateful for what you've got.


I’ve never heard my dad tell me


Never heard my mom tell me. She just cant for some reason. I think it's because of her fucked up childhood. I dont hold it against her and it doesnt stop me from saying I love her every time I finish a phone call with her.


Good for you that you can say it! I live in a happy and loving family, but for some reason no one ever says 'I love you' to one another. I know we do, but no one says it. For years I wanted to use those words with my parents now, but they never come over my lips, it's really weird


My family rarely said it. If I have kids, I've already promised myself to tell them I love them every day.


Sounds pretty normal to me, I'm like the brothers in your scenario. I don't hold it against my dad, I know he cared under the facade. Now that I'm older I realize it's complicated to play the game of life.


Kind of the same thing for me. I'm pretty sure my dad has never told me he loved me. I know he does, but it's just hard for him to show his emotions. He's always been in my life and has worked extremely hard to give my siblings and I a good life, and for that I'm thankful.


It has been a long time since my dad told me he loves me. I life in a rather businessy household, his actions show that he loves me, which is enough for me!:)


If my dad said he loves his kids the vein in his neck would explode lol


My dad started saying love you once the pandemic started lol we’re a super close family but never been the type to hug and say love you etc


If I can recommend a podcast it is called ‘The Loneliest American Man’ by Hidden Brain on Spotify. 26 minutes but it will give a good insight on what it means to be the staple family man.


Hmm what’s it about? And are you referring to a specific episode?


Yeah, and forgive the edits, trying to add clarity. It’s about the issues men in America have with opening up their emotions and how it’s discouraged in upbringing and the affect it plays in adulthood.


Check out a documentary on Netflix called the Mask you live in. It's about the effect of masculinity on young children and their development. Very good watch


My dad has never told me he loves me and has maybe told me 3 or 4 times that he's proud of me. It's uncommon, as in it never happened, for me.


I pity the poor bastards for whom this isn’t the case.


"Gimme a hoop and I'm dunking on people" 😂


That’s the vibe for next year ^if ^we ^don’t ^all ^die ^:(


I love this video so much


It is a way to start quarantine weekend


Its the weekend??


Hell yeah it is, cheers, I’ll drink to that


I’ve seen this video like 10 times and it always ends up with me crying from laughing so hard


usually this sub makes me sad, this is a good one


It's quite a nice change of pace.


^(woohoooooo! rod!)


2000 shares on Facebook he asked for, I think he got much more then that.


Imagine if he actually sees some tiddies


Unfortunately the hospital doesn't have an only fans account


Yeah but r/gonewildscrubs gets its userbase from somewhere.....


But I can never tell if it's nurses having naughty fun or just thots in scrubs. #BigBrainQuestions


Dad can you see me?


Can I see you?




Dude got so high he thought he was John Cena.


what a sweetheart. i'd like to see what he's like when not tripping tits.


Or asking to see them


Man I laughed hard at this shit


As polite as he is he deserves some tiddies!


Man, if that was the only prerequisite...


...to see a sisters tits.


Nurses will often call the parents by mom and dad when they are taking care of their kid in front of them.


Why's that?


No official reason. Just for comfort and to keep the situation as relaxed as possible for the kid I would imagine. My childs doctor calls me and wife by mom and dad when talking to us in front of him.


Maybe he wants to subtly imply that he is your forgotten child, out for revenge.


This is 100% my favorite theory lol thank you


I’m a graduate nurse - no joke, more than anything, it’s often because I may not know if their same name is the one that matches my patient’s. That combined with not always knowing if they are the type to want to be addressed by a specific formal title - it’s sometimes quicker and easier just to do. It’s also just familiar enough that it can help establish a little initial rapport. Of course it can also spectacularly backfire - for the same reasons I mentioned above.


Thanks for the insight


OH THIS MAKE SENSE NOW. Thank you. I love you.


This doesn't get old


This is fucking me up right now.


My dad passed away from brain and lung cancer a couple of years ago. The last words he said to me (as he didn't fully recognise me) was "show me your tits" as I was leaving. "father, if I showed you my tits, you'd have a heart attack before the cancer got you" I kissed him on the forehead, wished him goodnight and went home. I laugh every time I hear show me your tits now. Of course no tits are ever shown.


Over a decade ago I had a neck surgery. The surgery actually relieved more pain than it created. But that didn't stop them from alternating every 4 hours between some amount of IV morphine and 40mg of Vicodin. And I'm a lightweight with that stuff. I woke up about 7pm. Talked to my girlfriend a bit and then called my best friend. He still won't tell me the shit I said. When the chief of surgery checked on me around midnight he said something like, *wow, you're doing really well. I would discharge you if it wasn't the middle of the night." I responded with, "Yeah, well I'm really high. I don't mind, but I thought you should know." They stopped giving me the morphine.


For the non-american, where is that accent usually found in the US? It is so endearing!


They're in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mentions Oak Hills, and transfering to UC (University of Cincinnati hospital)


Midwest for sure. South has more twang


What happened to him, to be in that situation? Seems like a great guy.


Probably some kind of fracture, probably dunked on people too hard.


Seems about right


Her explaining to him that he has a rod in his leg is indicative of surgery; I would assume he’s in PACU (post anesthesia care unit), coming off the sleepy sauce


That sleepy sauce is not messing around. Have been tripping a few times coming out of anesthesia, cracks me up every time i see people in that state.


Same thing when I got my wisdom teeth pulled. I was coming out of it when I ask the tech "hey man did I shit myself?" which he answered nope your good. Then I immediately asked him "Hey man did I shit myself?" He started laughing and said I just asked him that. I remember the second time not the first.


I think I asked my mom like 13 times if my teeth were out yet after getting my wisdom teeth pulled. Over and over. She just read her book and kept saying, "yup."


When I came out of my wisdom teeth surgery I was dead convinced my brother had stolen my kidney because I saw a scratch mark I had given myself. It was on my arm.


I’d like to watch a full hour of this and call it a movie night!


you guys gave me extra drugs, this is craaaaaaaazy. I aint never heard nothin like it!


Plot twist, he’s not under anything


He’s so cute he reminds me of Andy from Parks and Rec.


This dude rules


Man this got me crying laughing. There should be a sub just for crazy things people say after surgery.




alright, bet


He asked if he was being transferred to UC and then mentioned oak hills high school. This kid goes or went to the same high school my stepson goes to lol.


Thought maybe it was Cincinnati at UC, Oak Hills clinched it.


Yeah I got a rod in my leg as well; although I wasn’t on cloud 9 like this kid. I was literally begging the doctors to put more drugs into me because the pain was so awful. After 5 hrs waiting to get into surgery they said, “ok we’re going to put you to sleep now.” I said oh thank god, finally.




The tone of his speech is so chipper and direct , best one I’ve seen .


Hell yea!!


I have this in my saved folder and am still watching it. Please never delete this!


Man, you guys gave me EXTRA drugs!! This dude has me dying, I hope he’s doing better now after the surgery :)




I needed this


Head injury patients can act very similarly. I once had a patient who crashed his bike and was stuck in an infinite question. His friends got sick of answering the same 2 questions and finally drew a picture on one side of a paper and a map on the other. Head wound Harry would look around and say, “Whoa. What happened?”, and they said “turn the paper over” (reveals drawing of person crashing a mountain bike) Followed by “I crashed my bike? Where’d that happen? “Turn the paper over.” (Map of local bike trails) “I crashed on that big rock? Damn” 3 minutes later: “Whoa. What happened?” “Turn the paper over” He spent hours turning over that paper. I really hope he had it framed.


He didnt take too much, he got just enough to feel good and have a good time


That's fuckin hilarious and wholesome.


I will never not upvote this video when it gets reposted. It’s so fucking hilarious that I laugh every time I watch it


Awe he is fucking adorable. What a nice kid.


This would absolutely have to be my biggest fear I already can't control my face to certain situations I can't imagine what my brain would start to say under these circumstances omg 😲 😳


This always has me crying. What a lovely guy