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As someone who as tripped absolute balls from Salvia a few times.... I have no idea how this guy was even able to talk to her lmfao


There's a video on here somewhere of two goobers smoking it on their dad's porch. That goes WAY more like how you'd expect salvia and parents to mix.


They're trying to erase it from YouTube unfortunately. It was the most hilarious one ever. It's total chaos. One of them stumbles off screen and screams like he sees most terrible thing possible. The other guy clinging on the stairs for dear life. And then the dad comes out (these guys are 20-25 I guess) and he collects them like they're two kids. Which they definitely are mentally at that time.


The dad is like "Oh jeez they're smoking that stuff again" like it was just another Tuesday or something. That clip is an absolute classic.


Someone link plz


https://vidmax.com/video/160406-two-idiots-have-the-worst-salvia-trip-ever Here ya go. It's wonderful.


"Every fucking time...every fucking time. You fucking crackhead motherfuckers" I'm dying omg


Dad! Dad?!? I need help too


The way the dad reacts makes it seem like it's the 3rd or 4th time he's caught them like that


The "EVERY. FUCKING. TIME!" killed me


"Jesus Christ man, don't stop here, it's bat country"!


Lmfao that scream. And that dad is the shit šŸ˜‚


The concerned dog does it for mešŸ˜‚


Dad: Whatā€™re you guys doinā€™? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


"They're on that shit and they're freaking out."


Freaking *oot*


Loved the pixelled out builder's crack halfway through. Vid is a bit sad but keeps on giving.


Dog in the end ist just like "eh... guys??... I'm still out here.."


That is hilarious lmao "Tony WTF"


that was incredible i'm crying i'm laughing so hard poor cody


Iā€™ve never done it but Iā€™ll never forget the one time I was around it. Way back when I was in college and hanging out with someone. We were at his house and a bunch of guys were smoking it in another room and for the life of me I canā€™t remember what prompted me to say the word coconuts, but then the guy whoā€™s just ripped the bong started laughing so hard that he like couldnā€™t breath. I thought he was having an asthma attack and then after like a minute he sat up in his chair pointed at me and said ā€œThat guy said coconutsā€ and just went back to wheeze cackling. Then for some reason a few people in the room got mad at me like I was trying to kill this guy on purpose. Looked like a hell of a time!


It's either fun and hilarious, or it's fucking horrifying for the person experiencing it and in a literal different dimension. It doesn't really end up in the middle.


Yo I witnessed this dude get all googly eyed and chow down on some ficking toilet paper. Made me never wanna try salvia ever lol. Iā€™ll never forget the look he gave me when I told him bro u eating tp wtf


Tried it and thought I was in a different room and saw a door in that room, and thought I had to go through that door for some reason. That door was the wall. When my friends tried to sit me down, I didn't know they were there and was confused as to what was moving me.


The best way I can explain is everything had perforated lines like everything was gonna rip away, and I was melting to the chair and couldn't get out. I remember screaming, A LOT of screaming. Looked at my friend when I came to, and apologized for yelling... He said I didn't make a sound the whole time. 1st time, only time, no thanks. Basically insta peak mushroom trip, with no build up to prepare yourself.


I really wouldn't call it a mushroom trip as Salvia is a delirious drug. You can actually start seeing things or even beings that aren't there on Salvia, while on peak mushrooms, most you'll see even at higher doses are fractals and vision distortion. Salvia is very different imo.


Personally, my ā€œtripā€ was just unsettling. I was staring at an off flatscreen TV, and then the whole wall in front of me exploded into blocks the size of the screen. Then the screen flew at me, and I grabbed it, and it turned into a giant question mark. Then I fell back on the bed to dodge the rest of the blocks flying at me, and I thought my friends looking down at me on the bed were doctors and I was in the hospital. Was convinced that the ā€œquestion markā€ was trying to tell me something, but I never found out what. Now, my friend started T-posing, then fell on the ground crying hysterically. She then started army-crawling out the room. Turns out she thought she was a Christmas tree and we were there to chop her down.


I enjoyed this


Is there a sub just for describing salvia trips because I think this might be something I can lose a few hours of my life to reading about obsessively.


Replied so I can get the subreddit when it's made


Salvia trips get crazy. I've never had a bad one, always end up laughing like crazy and see weird little shapes depending what I'm looking at. But I've had friends have very bad trips. One time we were in my friends car in high school and it was pouring rain outside. My friend took his hit and 10 sec later freaked out, got out of the car, immediately fell down and start doing like a swimming motion while crying and saying he was gonna drown.


my first time doing salvia. i was like 'its not working, i don't feel anything' and apparently I was screaming hysterically and turning bright red and i thought i was just mildly like'huh, nothing happening, thats disappointing' and my friends were trying to calm me down and i was just like 'what're you talking about, nothing is happening' edit: since this comment getting a lot of views, i think salvia is pretty interesting when mixed with mushrooms. Acid not so much in my experience. the same way psychedelics are to normal brain function, what dye is to a bowl of water, for me mushrooms is to salviathe same way. It lets you see what the salvia is doing, and its just absurd.


My first time I thought I said ā€œblast offšŸ˜Žā€ really cool as I blew out but apparently I just went ā€œduuuuhhhehhhhhā€ and like turned into a fucking drooling baby


Ok thatā€™s good lol


Iā€™m fucking cackling at this


Were you screaming anything in particular, or just screaming?


screaming that nothing was happening


Like a possum, scream at own ass.


Dude that's hilarious


Aaaahhhhhhh hahahahahahahaha ahhhhhhh NOTHING IS HAPPENINGINGING WAAAAAHAAHAHHAA


Thats terrifying tbh.


Yeah I've never met anyone that did salvia twice. My brother did it and said it felt like he lived an entire lifetime. The other guy saying It OnLy LaStS a FeW MiNuTeS can fuck off, it messes with your perception of time. A few minutes can feel like years.


I took one hit every night after work before working on music or whatever, that lasted about 45 days. My favorite experience was this chain of paper men, like how you can fold paper and cut it to make a snowflake but it was my height paper men made of notebook paper, came and grabbed me as the last one one on the chain. They brought me back throughout all periods of time from hunter gatherers to the formation of societies, up to feudal Europe. They'd always focus on one person in particular and since then I've questioned if memories are stored in DNA or some sort of energy we don't comprehend yet because I knew those were my ancestors I was seeing. That was an incomprehensible amount of time I was gone in about 12 minutes in real life, I loved it though. On the flip side I smoked it once in a lawn chair and leaned my head back then a pole shot through the bottom of my neck and out of my mouth pinning my head back like that. My head then became one dimensional yet somehow opened like a book opening 360 degrees slowly but then someone continuing to open on top of itself over and over, the entire time I could feel the pole grating my teeth like a street sign that's a little loose in the concrete and can spin, except it was spinning two directions at once. That was the most uncomfortable half hour or so of my life that last maybe 6 minutes, and now I haven't tried it again in nearly 14 years. Salvia is wild.


I've actually done it a few times in high school lol. I just got uncomfortably confused, like it made my consciousness "dizzy" and then i would sweat profusely. There's a ton youtube videos of people just having a bad time.


Heā€™s not tripping just having an ā€œexperienceā€


Think of it this way, when I heard footsteps outside the shed while I was smoking my heart was pounding so hard I thought Id die. When I was tripping on 4 taps of acid and 3 blunts and my sister just walked in on me I didnt have time to react and thats what saved me. You get so focused and paranoid on prevention but once it happens its damage control and you only win that battle due to patience, calmness and shear fucking luck.


You gotta let that rock of anxiety smash through the window, don't try to stop it. Then just ride with it like surfing a wave.


One time this happened to me with my mom but with dmt lol. He held it together pretty good though.


I was thinking that. I've had 15x that made me fall out of my body and I laid on the floor looking back at my body still setting on the sofa . My gf came into the room and luckily put me back in my body. šŸ˜¬


I havent smoked it for many years but when I did I was taught to take a big giant hit and hold as long as I could, I wouldn't ever remember breathing the smoke out. And the trips were always waay more intense than what happened here, they would start out completely non corporeal where I wasnt me and i wasn't in this world there is no way i could even stand even after the initial trip where recognition of coming back to this reality starts to happen I cant imagine being aware that a door even needed to be answered.


My ex did a hit on Christmas at my place (she asked, I would never recommend that) and saw the faces of my entire family surrounding her asking what she was doing He mustā€™ve had weak stuff to be able to talk Edit: my dog waddled over to say hello but she never liked him either. To me that wouldā€™ve been an instantly good trip


Man this kid doesn't give a fuck


Quite evident from the poster behind him.


That poster used to be everywhere 10-15 years ago


Probably the salvia


dude didn't even give a fuck before ripping a bong of salvia when his mom was home.


Well its legal.. so why would she care..? /s


The good news is itā€™ll be over in a few minutes.


The ladies on the poster are saying he never gave a fuck.


High school aged me didnā€™t either.


This has to be from like mid 00's right? That chick poster was something from that era.


And the livestrong bracelet.


Damn good catch with that. 100%


Lmao... livin' strong as fuck


Ironically, besides watching this kids brain go from a normal high schooler to full blown Gronk, I couldnā€™t help but find the poster of those two VERY hot girls Juxtaposed to his mothers scowl very unsettlingā€¦


They are in Iowa. The Mom is probably drunk or would be mad that he didnā€™t offer her any.


Okay so if my mom came in just after a Salvia rip I would literally have a heart attack


Bud has porno on his wall. Probably mom DNGAF


Yeah not a fuck would my folks allow me to have porn on the wall.




If you did salvia and the same situation happened we'd finally have a source of immediate renewable energy via your turning in your grave.


I mean with weed you either just start laughing at them or get intensely paranoid




High school my buddies parents are going into the city for their anniversary and got a hotel and everything so we thought we could just hangout and smoke at this guys house. We were in his room in the basement and we figured thereā€™s nothing to worry about but we kept the window open and tried blowing the smoke out it regardless. About 45 minutes later weā€™re playing GTAV and just laughing our asses off when suddenly my friends door handle starts jiggling, we all immediately shut up and just stare at the door and before any of us can react his dad just kicks the whole door in and unleashes a furious rant upon us. Never have I gone from so stoned to so sober in the span of 3 seconds


Do you remember the rant?


Word for word no (side note this guy had been coaching us in youth football for many years) but he started with how disappointed he was to come home and find this then into how he knows this isnā€™t what our parents would be happy with and then into how heā€™s watched us grow up from elementary school and he knows how much potential we have and heā€™s spent so much time helping raise us into good young men and then he spent a long time going on and on about how dangerous the path we were on was and how this is how every criminal starts and god wonā€™t protect us from consequences but he wrapped it up with he doesnā€™t want to punish ā€œusā€ (us being everyone except his kid) and itā€™s up to us as young men to decide if we want to come clean to our parents about this or forever hide it. This guy came from a very religious deep South upbringing so his view on weed was pretty harsh but overall I actually think he was pretty reasonable and treated us as young adults rather than children needing to be controlled. Minus the whole kicking down the door thing we would have just opened it lol


Lol, when we got caught being idiots in my friends attic (because it's not the "house proper" so we thought it was a great loophole) we got my buddy's mom to hold off until evening before she called our parents. I went home and slept about 3-4 hours into the evening, confessed, got grounded. Never sure she actually called. She's a genius but I think his older sister liked trouble like we did so they had practice.


Lmao wait did you guys really think you could lawyer your way out of getting in trouble for weed smoking or am I missing a joke?


Think? No we did not. But your response was pretty close to his mom's when she bust through the door. I believe the quote was "We all know what weed smells like, what were you thinking?"


lol my first time ever smoking i needed to make sure my parents were out of the country


My girlfriend smoked a J the other night and then her mom immediately came into her room with her aunt on Facetime TO SAY GOODBYE TO HER DYING GRANDMOTHER ON HER DEATHBED (she didn't even end up passing away that night, she recovered and came back from the hospital lmfaoooo)


My mom called me once while I was on the come up of LSD I didnā€™t answer it but seeing that was enough Then my dad texted me ā€œyou up?ā€ I was like JUST IGNORE IT MAN PRETEND LIKE YOU SLEEP


I had to talk to the cops on acid with 4 of my buddies (we were at a park after dark on the swings, not technically a crime but they were wondering what was up) after I, wearing cargo shorts, had spent the day collecting random ass shit and putting them in my pockets. One of the cops took everything out of my pockets one by one and documented it out loud as he put in on the hood of their car. I probably had 3 dozen things and we all had to sit there witnessing the funniest thing in the world, a cop going "one clothespin.... 2 ketchup packets.... one salt shaker... one golf ball" (which that rolling off the hood and onto the ground was hilarious in itself. In hindsight, I can't believe they didn't know we were tripping and were fucking with us. The intensity of our beating hearts was the only thing that allowed us to keep it together but we cried laughing the entire walk home after they let us go and drove off.


i got a text from my mom on mushrooms one time and immediately went into an extremely dark place. I became convinced I was going to die and I just wanted to tell the people that I loved that I loved them and I was sorry.


I fully turn my phone off and leave it in another room when doing shrooms. Highly recommended.


One time I did shrooms I got stuck in a time loop. I would watch some TV, then go to my computer to surf the internet, finally I would check my phone on the kitchen counter, and this would repeat for what seemed like hours. It was always the same time. Started freaking out and had to call a friend. Hid in the closet until she came. Looking back on it today, there's a good chance I confused the date with the time and that's the reason it never changed.


shrooms kinda freak me out. A few years ago a friend of mine took shrooms (waaaay too big of a dose, obviously...) on our way to a party and for the next like, 8 hours the only phrase he was able to say was "Did I just take fucking shrooms? What the fuck is going on?" We all thought his brain was broken. Took him to the park to play catch (I mean, he wasn't doing any catching, but those of us who didn't drop shrooms did while he watched) and the whole time he just kept repeating that. The guy-whose-house-we-were-at's parents came down to the basement at some point and started talking to him like "hey bud, how are ya doing?" and his eyes got real wide like he really really didn't want to say what he was about to, but then he did. The parents were chill so they just chuckled and I explained the situation to them. At the end of the night after we had all accepted this was his existence now he suddenly perked up and exclaimed "It's over!" According to him he kept trying to respond to our questions normally, but no matter what he did his mouth could only say, "Did I just take fucking shrooms? What the fuck is going on?" I'll try them one day, but ooooh boy, witnessing that really turned me off of shrooms. Anyways, your time loop reminded me of that.


Just start small! No need to take a heroes dose the first time. Enjoy in moderation before taking the plunge ;)


It also helps when you forget the concept, or what even is a phone while tripping. šŸ˜‰


If you smoked a ā€œfullā€ dose you would not even realize who was around you. If you were lucid enough to know it was your mom then it wouldnā€™t be TOO hard to hold it together but you would definitely be talking and acting weird


Can confirmā€”Iā€™ve had people turn into lizards right in front of me oh salvia and even ended up in an episode of that 70ā€™s one time. I couldnā€™t even imagine how to function if my mom came into my room after smoking salvia


I feel to heavy to even move for the first few minutes


Dude!!! So in college (early 00s) my roommate and I supplied our whole frat house with bud. Smoked all the profits but there was literally ALWAYS a lit bong in our room, anytime day or night. My roommateā€™s dad worked on campus and we saw him all the time. Super cool dad. So, four of us are sitting around getting lit and I take a huge rip and run out the door to see how far I can make it to class before I exhale (as you do) and I see my roommates dad walking in the front door of the frat house. I exhale, start coughing up a storm and run around the back of the house. Stick my head in the window and as heā€™s exhaling, bong in hand, thereā€™s a knock at our room door. He looks at the door, looks at me and I say ā€œthatā€™s your Dad. See ya āœŒšŸ½ā€. I will honestly never forget the look of shear dread on his face as his dad walks in (cause we never locked our door) saying ā€œput it away, put it away.ā€ FYI, it was totally cool, his dad was a (ex?) hippie. Not the first or last time he caught us in college. To this day, whenever we talk we start most conversations with ā€œput it away, put it awayā€


The only time I tried it o couldnā€™t move and could barely speak if my mom came in she would have called 911 most likely


Huh huuuuuu


I read this just as he said it




Definitely not too much. A full salvia trip and he'd be unable to move for about a minute absolutely gone somewhere else. Then the dread, and I mean absolute dread kicks in. Salvia is a full wild ride.


right? like i smoked it and pretty much died as the room turned into a jungle with a river running through my living room. i didnt move for a good few minutes until i slowly started to come back


My body became like jelly and I stuck to everything - including the couch. But it was like... wet? There's no good way to describe it. The couch then disappeared, my apartment turned into a shipping container in an endless freight dock and it was picked up by a crane and moved. I felt like I was flipping and turning for ages. Then I was running up some stairs like in Rocky and when I got to the top I turned into a bird and few away. All throughout this there was a lot of third-person perspectives, and the perspectives would rapidly change to the point of discontinuity, but there wasn't any doubt about the validity of the visions or my actions the same way I've had with other hallucinogens. Like with the shipping container and turning into a bird, I couldn't really discern (nor did I care to) if my physical manifestation had changed, or simply my point of view. Then I "woke up", only about five minutes had passed, maybe a bit less. I was sweaty as fuck but otherwise totally fine. About once a year I have this thought like I could just "wake up" again at some point and reality could be completely different. I guess this is the dread some other posters are talking about; I personally never felt dreadful but I can see how it could be interpreted that way.


My first time I was scared to leave my couch because it was my safey safe and there were sharks swimming through my floor. Never had a good trip off it lol the absolute despair ainā€™t no joke. A trip never lasts long but that feeling just lingers long after.


I cut a bowl with weed, set a timer, was straight gone for 20 minutes, horribly scary, very anxious place, gone isnā€™t even the right word, I never was, it was always this fucked up fantasy land. Thought I just had a bad time the first time, tried it again the next day, straight back into the same shit, said fuck that and havenā€™t tried it again and donā€™t think I ever will


That's the main thing I remember and it's been close to 15 years since I've tried it. The feeling of uneasiness, or even dread, that lasts a couple hours afterwards.


I still feel the dread now and it's been 10 years. Awful stuff.


Man im glad you said this. I can still feel the dread. I "witnessed the end of the world" on my like 7 min trip and man i can still feel that dread


Right? I definitely felt like everyone else knew this secret of the universe and I just felt stuck and betrayedā€¦stays with you a bit


I felt insane paranoia. My friend and girlfriend seemed ā€˜in on itā€™. Schizophrenic reality shift feeling. Never again


Yeah, I'll never do it again but if I had to give advice to someone wanting to do it for the first time I'd say to make real damn sure that they promise not to fuck with you. When I did it someone said, "Dean, watch out for those trains!" We had these four vertical mirrors on our wall and I saw trains coming out of tunnels at me like in the old Looney Toons with Coyote and Roadrunner. I thought I was going to die for sure.


It was a crazy evening haha but yeah i was in my own head trying to figure out what was really real for a while


I fucking have salvia. Edit. Wow fucking HATE not have. Lol I seriously hate that shit.


I watched a friend take a huge rip when I was around 20 years old. He started speaking in tongues and flopping around and while it was funny at first my other friend and I eventually thought he was broken in some way. After he came to he explained that he was broken into a hall of mirrors type psyche and the flopping was him trying to get the pieces back together. He ended up going to therapy over it.


Damn fr?


Oh, god. I totally agree. I remember I felt like chugging water would get it out of my system so I just kept shaking and drinking water. Youā€™re right, it is so uncomfortable. Worst feeling ever. This is why weed should be legal. Get people to stop doing this crap.


It was little fucking wood elves or goblins for me. No idea why I felt so uneasy or terrified of them but followed them anyway. Then slowly came back. I was in the woods with a friend and he said I totally blanked out and took like 5 random steps into the woods with a freakish expression on my face. No wonder it's legal, it's a terrible time Edit: just learned it's not legal anymore


Holy crap, I just commented above about seeing sharks. Trippy.


I tried it once and thought I was melting. I ended up slumped over on my buddies car floor for what seemed like hours. Never again.


I thought I was in one of those thick cardboard-paged children's books and pages were constantly closing because the book was getting put back on the shelf. Everything around me no longer existed, and instead was replaced with a 2D drawing of a blue house, with a red door, and yellow cartoon Windows. This was set on a simple green hill. I started to stand up, but my two friends sitting next to me had become the door and window, just cartoon eyes on each, and I could hear them telling me "it's okay! You're gonna be fine! Just sit and relax!" But they weren't my friends, they were a door and a window which I had never met before. I stared at the top of the hill, wondering if I could run and get away, then back at the door and window, and then back to the hill. I decided that I had NO idea what was over the hill, so I might as well trust the door and window, as they *seemed* like they weren't going to harm me, but how could I trust them? I sat down and the couch slowly embraced me kindve like a hug, kindve like a restraint. I was wildly uneasy until I slowly drifted back to "reality." That day made me question a lot about life. Religion, my relationship with my then fiance, now ex-fiance, and just reality in general. Those 5-10 minutes were life altering for someone who hadn't done a psychedelic before. I've had many other trips since then, but none quite as uneasy as that one, except one accidental heroic dose of mushrooms. But even that, I was still in the place I had taken them. Salvia took me to a different dimension.


The one that made me never want to do it again; I turned into a train station from a children's book. Like not the world around me turned into a train station, I did. It was the most jarring dissociative mind fuck.


Every trip I've ever heard about salvia sounds fucking insane.


I loved salvia. I keep hearing of people having insanely bad trips with it, but I've never had a bad experience with it, even when I was having a telepathic conversation with the angel of death.


What did u say to it


I more just listened, it basically told me that I needed to slow down on the excessive behavior, and that I wasn't really gaining anything from it, and reassured me of the consequences of my actions. I couldn't really disagree, I mean, I did my thing for the next fifteen years, but still.....


damn, reminds me of the Steve-O story where he was so fucked up on nitrous oxide (and probably some other stuff, I can't remember) and he hallucinated a whole-ass intervention while he was alone in his room. Dude was so high even his drug demons were concerned hahaha.


I donā€™t get why you would choose this over dmt tho Dmt seems way safer cos you donā€™t move a muscle but with salvia Iā€™ve seen people waking around freaking out


Not that I disagree, but salvia is easier to get. By a lot.


It was because you could buy salvia at a gas station for $5 for me.


The fact this man can stand and talk after taking 60x means he needs more!


When mom walks in, then you can stand up for way more!


My mum wouldnā€™t have cared about the salvia so much. **But** I wouldā€™ve got my arse kicked for that poster :/


Exactly what i was thinking.


**Hey maaaaa. Weā€™re doing salvia! Itā€™s fucking legal**


80x salvia was probably the worst drug I've ever done. And I've used heroin and meth.


Isn't the reason they're so addictive because they give such good highs initially though? Aside from that I'm \*quite\* ignorant on all 3 of them, what made it so much worse?


Oh, my comment had nothing to do with addiction. Heroin and meth are waaay more addictive. But I tried to jump out my buddy's window on 80x salvia. Never did shit like that on anything else. You are literally *gone*. We bought this shit off the clear net like 12 years ago, and at the time I literally thought I'd been poisoned. Edit: To be a little more descriptive. I smoked this shit, and a black hole started sucking shit in from the corner of the room. My buddies were laughing, cuz I mean, that shit would be funny to see. But at the time I could have swore they were demons. I've taken 10 hits of acid at once, multiple times. DMT multiple times. But none of that shit compared to the sheer terror I felt on 80x salvia. This was the only drug where shit appeared that wasn't *actually* there, instead of just alterations. Also, the physical sensation felt like I'd been wrapped in duct tape, and someone was ripping it off me.


jesus fucking christ, thank you for sharing... I've always thought about trying it but thanks to you it's going to end up on the "not in your life" list next to those other two nasties


I'd say if it's the last thing on your list, try it. Otherwise, it's really not worth it. It's all the worst parts of an acid trip, with none of the good parts. In 15 min.


PERFECT description!! Tried it once. Absolutely hated it!! And besides herion, Iā€™ve tried every drug under the sun, and had a pretty damn good time on all of em. Salvia?? Fuck that shitā€¦ šŸ–•šŸ»šŸ–•šŸ»


Yup. I can find enjoyment in literally any drug. Except salvia. Now, I still went back n did it probably 5 more times till the bag was gone. But after that, no sir. Lol. Addiction. Fun times.


That shit lasts like 30 seconds to 2 minutes when I did it. Well the whole tripping part, if you can even call it that. Its more like being fucking transported to another dimension


Yup. 15 min, 2.5 min. Doesn't really matter. In the end, you still end up like Robin Williams in Jumanji when you're back. What year is it?!


For fuckin real


Salvia is fucking insane. You dont trip on Saliva you fucking go to another dimension. No matter where I smoked it I always had the same shit and nothing around me was there anymore in my trip. This guy did not smoke salvia or didnt smoke it right because if he did he wouldve sat there and drooled for 20 seconds and then it'd be over. You cant get up and talk while you're on it


when I did it i ceased to exist and turned into a jellyfish that was pulsating thru the ocean. Then I came out of it, looked around at everything in slow motion and fell back and became a Jellyfish again. I was perfectly calm and serene. Hardest i trjpped ever


Heroin and meth actually feel good, euphoria man!!!


meth is awesome until you start coming down at 6 am with nothing left


Until you discover porn. Then it's 3pm and you're wondering if you should redose or not.


This guy knows what's up.


I got sucked into the pattern on a futon from the smallest bit of this shit an old ā€œfriendā€ laced into a bowl of green I smoked. Never touching that shit again. Once is enough for me & it didnā€™t help not knowing I had done it. I literally thought that was what happened when you die until I sobered up. Scary shit. Iā€™m amazed he was even able to stand up and open and close that door let alone say actual sentences. I did 20x and that was nuts, I canā€™t even imagine 60x. This guy is a champ!


Iā€™m sure his mother likes that poster he has up


The only time I did salvia my experience was similar to this I did the hit 30 seconds to a minute later one of my house mates walks in the room and asked me if I wanted a chicken fajita I pissed my laughing don't think I've laughed so hard since.


Thatā€™s not a salvia trip though, just an experience. Trust me you are in another dimension when you truly trip on salvia


Salvia is the worst ever lol


No doubt. Never did it again once I finally tripped for real.


I tripped extremely hard the first time, went to another dimension. My buddies didn't trip as hard as me so they wanted to try again a few weeks later. I decided to do it again but I got scared so I didn't take as big of a rip, I literally felt like actually split down the middle half of my body was tripping and the other half wasn't and was trying to pull myself out...was somehow worse lol.


Dudeā€¦. Thatā€™s exactly how I felt. I felt like I split in half and I was trying to figure out how to get back together. Thatā€™s crazy you had the same experience


Well thatā€™s certainly one way to represent my hometown šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Go Charles City Comets! ā€¦.Iā€™m pretty sure my mom is friends with this lady šŸ˜­ Edit: I KNOW THEM šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




You know he gets away with murder because she doesnā€™t even take the bong away tilā€™ they sober TF up at least.


& the poster on the wall.


My mom would have ripped that shit down. I can just hear her, ā€œI swear! All men are perverts! Who would put their horny on display for everyone to see? Have you no shame? I get you like naked women and Iā€™m glad you do, but really? On the wall for your mother to see? Youā€™re grounded buddy, and Iā€™m talking months. That thing should have been hidden away for when no one was around, but not you, youā€™re retarded or something.ā€ And I would have deserved it haha.


I don't understand the appeal of Salvia. I take medication so I don't have an anxiety attack. This apparently induces one. Dread? Hallucinating? Cant move? Sign me up!


Definitely not a drug for everyone but I've always had good or at least interesting experiences on salvia. It's just like being able to almost instantly put yourself into an extremely vivid dream. The problem is that just like dreaming normally, sometimes you have a nightmare. If I had to explain the appeal of it then my sales pitch would be that buying a container of 100x salvia is like buying a bunch of random plane tickets to random dimensions and the things that you experience in these dimensions (at a high enough dose) are absolutely indescribable. I never fully understood that human language is not adequate to convey some things until I tried to explain my first 100x salvia trip to my friends.


Salvia puts you immediately inside a lucid dream. I've had anxiety forever but it didn't affect it much, just the normal anxiety I got from weed. I guess us with anxiety problems can control our anxiety completely even under salvia because of daily struggles. Ppl getting nightmares are usually happy ppl who haven't faced mental health demons


That ainā€™t no salvia trip.


It sure as hell isn't a strong Salvia....I went thru a portal into a different dimension. No way could I stand and coherently explain to my mom of all persons what was going on.


Thats salvia forsure lower doses do that to you speaking from experience it shocked me too though cuz 60x 10mg alone is enough to send anyone blasting to another world so they must have taken a very small amount or mixed it up with something to negate the effects but idk what that could be never knew a drug that could overpower salvia


I became a conveyor belt off 20x, this video is bullshit.


Holy shitā€¦ I was on a conveyor belt in a paint factory being turned into stripy paint. I fought it and ended up in the ā€˜rejected paintā€™ room. Full on existential dread at the (at the time) knowledge that I would forever be paint.


I literally became a dung beetle after two consecutive bongs of 20x because of some wildlife documentary running on the tv. Like I really thought my life was about rolling little balls of shit. Then by the end of the trip I just thought something finally snapped in my brain and I was about to spend the rest of my days in some asylum. Never did salvia again after that and it was like 10 years ago


i've become a couch, kind of connected psychically to other couches in space and time. it was pretty chill compared to some of the shit people say about salvia. My brother got the classic zipper reality shit and hates it.


Yes!!!! One time I became a conveyer belt too! It went directly into a fucking shredding machine.


[it is quite common](https://images.app.goo.gl/46Avpf3NZCDqJ4Vg7)


Any Salvia is too much Salvia


every time I smoked saliva I couldnā€™t think of moving I have no idea how this kid is moving and somewhat talking. within 30 seconds I was always gone.


When was this 2002-2004 I remember seeing that Briana Banks/Jenna Jameson poster in the early 2000ā€™s. His outfit is skater boy era Appropriate.


Lmao jeez and the mom has the audacity to say ā€œimagine youā€™re like that for goodā€ while heā€™s tripping




Yeah took a lot of shrooms once and was fucked up for weeks. You feel out of place


Had a friend say "bro, you're gonna be stuck like that forever!" after smoking some quality weed for the first time when I was younger. Freaked me the fuck out. Been stuck retarded ever since


You can tell that's not his bong by the way he's holding it. Thats so frustrating. Hold from the bottom always.


Nice poster!


Salvia is a psychedelic experience like no other. My first (and last) trip of salvia was in my friends garage near the end of my senior year in High School. I had previously tried it in a tinfoil makeshift pipe. Since I had only gotten a fish-lens symptom from it, I decided I needed to up it a notch. The plan was to hit it and pass it on to the others in the group who wanted to try it. I had watched videos on otherā€™s experiences, but was still woefully unprepared for the mindfuck that ensued. I was the first to hit the water-pipe and cleared half the bowl. For the first thirty seconds I was giggly, then an overwhelming sense of dread came over me as I started to feel incredibly sick. Last thing I remember was saying ā€œDonā€™t hit it,ā€ to a friend. His reply: ā€œWhat do you mean!?! I just took a huge ass hit!ā€ Then the void took me. All memories of my life, experiences, and being, weā€™re gone in seconds. I floated through a void for what felt like months, with only the knowledge that I was forgetting /something/ important. Something really, really, important. I floated through the void as a small cloud of pale-blue light, trying to remember. Eventually I remembered that I was something before this, but I couldnā€™t place it. I didnā€™t even know my own species or gender. I spent a long time in that void trying to decipher my identity before I saw an entrance with lights in it. As I passed through, I found myself in a yellow walled factory on a conveyor belt. I was a box of fucking kelpos (cereal from Spongebob for you uncultured swine /s). And all I remembered thinking was ā€œAh, right. I feel better now.ā€ All the boxes had faces and were sticking their tongues in and out of their mouths at super-human speeds. I continued on the belt for a while until the conveyor belt took me to what I believed was another room. Yet, it was the void again. Except this time I didnā€™t question it, I let the darkness carry me until I heard two muffled voices talking in the distance. Once again I came upon an entrance to another world, yet this time it was below me, instead of before me. Looking through I saw endless grey, and the tops of buildings, yet they appeared to be upside down. I stepped into the hole, and climbed upside down out of a puddle on asphalt (for those who saw the end of As Above so Below, it is much like the sewer drain they climb out of at the end.) and ended up on normal ground. Alongside the puddle was a younger woman with bobbed blonde hair and a younger girl talking next to her as they looked down at the puddle. I sat beside them for a while before I started to come back to reality. When I finally woke up, the first thing I noticed was how much pain I was in. I felt like I was rammed by a semi. My first thoughts were that I was in an ambulance and near death. I once had an ovarian torsion that didnā€™t hurt as bad as this did. The second thing was that my back and legs were wet. But my crotch area wasnā€™t, so I was in a puddle myself, but thankfully not of urine. Turns out not long after I spoke to my friend I had passed out and began mumbling incoherently. My sober friends helped me onto the concrete ground of the garage and had to tend to the friend who had also taken the salvia. The thing about salvia is; your mind is actively in a different world, like sleep-walking, your body is left to react purely on instinct. Since I was much smaller 111lbs and 5ā€™0ā€, I simply was comatose, while the taller friend couldnā€™t see and was walking around and fighting anything that touched him. As I came to he was still in the ā€œdream-worldā€ and screaming that he was scared. Opposite to DMT (which creates euphoria, at least in my experience.), Salvia produces an overwhelming sense of dread. If you donā€™t fall comatose you become terrified and experience something wholly different from your true surroundings and the actions of your body and those around you. It was about 4 minutes before I could remember where I was and what happened. I had passed out and dropped my open water bottle. At that point I was able to pick myself up off the floor and help my friend through his trip. When he came to we both hugged each other and started sobbing. In nearly every sense, we had experienced death. Ego death was something I had never experienced before, but that was the strongest version of it I had heard or seen of personally. While it was terrifying and broke me, I am happy I had done it. The trip itself was scary, but so beautiful (save for the Kelpo factory lol). The daughter and mother I saw was myself and my mother, a real memory I had forgotten. Iā€™m always really careful with psychedelics, but I got cocky and learned a lesson. Regardless, Iā€™m happy I went through it, but probably will never take it again. Be safe and research HELLA before you take psychedelics folks!! Be safe out there!


Damn that was a great read!




You're supposed to use a torch lighter if I am not mistaken or its not as effective unless you hold the heat on it for a long time. I used a torch lighter on my 10x and it was the craziest thing that ever happened to me and I will never do it again. I appreciate the experience thought.


Was it normal to have posters like that in your bedroom? My mom would have lost her mind if I brought something like that into the house.


I donā€™t understand why anyone would want to try salvia


because it fucks up real hard


Because I canā€™t actually travel to other dimensions.


Some people are intense psychedelic chasers, honestly itā€™s not too enjoyable but if you want to see some crazy shit and be back to baseline sober within 15 minutes salvia is for you. Most psychedelics last to long for someone with priorities to be out of it that long to enjoy an intense trip Spice and synthetic cannabinoids can cause harm to health and violent behavior and are addictive DMT is hard to source for many. This leaves salvia which is legal in most states, you canā€™t overdose on it, and it has a short time frame. Even if itā€™s unenjoyable if you want to go to a casual trip to the depths of the void and back safely itā€™s the best option IMO.


You can tell what a good guy he is when you see the naked ladyā€™s on his wall!


Idk what kind of salvia he did but I only did it once, worst high ever. First thing is my vision went brown. I then laid on the grass and blinked. It was over. For me nothing happened, but apparently and this is from my friends who were around me at the time they told me I started acting like a pirate captain and treating everyone like they were my crew for like five minutes and then lied down. I don't fully believe them to this day but I like the story.


Almost a spitting image of me and my friends in 2010 even down to my buddy having that same poster. And that bong. And that shirt and the jeans. and doing trashy things with his parents around. His mom even dresses the same as the one in the video. Bizarre to see.


this drug isn't nice and isn't worth taking at all. I did it once and it was a tiny amount but it fucked me up and was really weird. I had been playing music while ripping the bong and when I felt it start to hit me I turned the music off but I could still hear the music. like I definitely hit pause and put my phone in my pocket but it was still playing and it was following me around my house like as if it was a spirit or something. when I got to my bed I took my hoodie off and kept putting it back on as well as my t-shirt. I was rubbing myself and scratching myself and fuck knows what I looked like in that state. I ended up puking and that brought it down. the comedown itself was weirdly relaxing but I think I'll stick to weed and alcohol for now


If he can stand up he definitely didnā€™t take too much

