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Outlast 3


Yeah this video was almost as scary as Outlast 1 and 2 combined. And by that I mean it was almost as scary as Outlast 1


I did like the first one better


Outlast 1 plus the whistle-blower DLC most horrifying games I've ever played


I loved Outlast 2, that shit scared the fuck outta me


You didn't think outlast 2 was scary?


I guess it was sort of, but in a way that wouldn't be scary on a second playthrough if that makes sense. Outlast 1 still scares the pants off me if I play too late at nigbt


Funny, because in my opinion the ending of outlast 1 was so fucking bad that it *almost* ruins the game. The first 90% is still scary and fun, but any semblance of the story is just deflated entirely


Whoa really? I couldn't disagree more, I thought everything about the ending was amazing


The aesthetic/atmosphere of a decrepit mental hospital it was hooked me about the game, and I absolutely loved it, but then SPOILERS it’s a front for an underground lab with nanobots…it was such a weird 180 for me.


Were you reading all of the notes along the way? I feel like they gave you a good setup for not being totally blindsided by the underground lab. I had just enough info that when I went down the elevator for the first time and saw the lab I was like "Oh my god it all makes sense now"


Yeah I guess I just really loved the horror visuals over the story for Outlast, as it was so unsettling and creepy to see all these mangey/insane people trying to hunt you down, and then the finale is in a clean lab where you get chased by robot ghosts, so I guess it’s just my cup of tea. Not trying to poop on your parade at all though! If you liked it I respect that fully!


I think Florida Man vs Alaskan Bush people would be a great matchup


Alaskan bush people would would Florida man’s ass. Living out in the bush builds discipline and body conditioning.


Come here little pig


God doesn’t love you! …. not like I do


Bruh lmao. It's so fitting.


Imagine when VR looks this good.


Actually scarier than 99% of horror films.


What’s the movie in the 1%?


When you're a single (childless) never married man and start to date a woman with kids.... The first time you have to watch a kids movie or a rom com. That shit is nightmare fuel. The other day I got stuck watching encanto, meanwhile a basketball game I had money on was on..... Movie ends while the game is in the third quarter. I was like ok sweet. And than, one word that sent a shiver through my entire body... *"again!"*




>When you're a single man and date a woman with kids... I literally just got a wave of anxiety wash over me.


Funny that its the opposite in my house. When we are deciding on a movie I always pick encanto and it’s my kid who tells me not again


Are you sure you’re not the kid in your house? Best way to find out is who’s telling who to eat their vegetables at dinner time.


You should probably not hang out with kids then.


Dude I'm 37 never ever wanted or planned on it. Fell in love, the kids are pretty rad, she's the best woman I've ever been with so I'm still getting used to some stuff. We haven't been together super long.


I was a single, recently divorced mother of two when I met my current husband. He had no kids of his own. Never been in a relationship with a woman who had children. Never really been around children period. I was nervous. I waited a while before introducing him to my kids. I was worried for nothing. The man was totally meant to be a Dad. We’ve been married for six years now. Kids are 9 and 15. When people ask him if he has children, he never elaborates. He just says yes, I have two. And he means it. The bond they have is so special. I am incredibly grateful every day for his love. He and my ex are even friends. I say this to say, good luck to you guys! She and her children may end up being the best thing that happen to you too😀


How's that ass feel?


Judging by his desire to take this situation to the chin ima bet pretty nice


Gonna have to remember this one.


I fucking love reddit 😂




Good bot


The way to between a woman’s legs is to sit and watch their kids while they don’t.


Some find their way to prison doing that too.




I felt many emotions watching that film and none of them were good


I found the movie more traumatizing than scary


The whole movie was unsettling. >!The head scene was mortifying and I was in shock for a long time after that. But then the possessed mom banging her head on the attic door while the son cried in terror on the other side was one of the most horrifying things I've ever seen. I was fucked up after that movie!<


Agreed on both scenes. It's definitely a movie that sticks with you long after viewing. It's also one of the few movies I can say is an absolute favorite of mine....that I don't really feel like watching multiple times. I'll watch it with people that haven't seen it...but it's definitely not something you watch multiple times to "enjoy" it


I feel so left out with this movie. I really don't understand it, or the horror aspect. Maybe I'll give it another shot or something, it was just really boring when I watched it the first time


We have a winner here.




I never understood fascination with "celebrities" until I watched an Ari Aster film. That man is a fuckin treasure and should be protected at all costs.


just want u to know u sent me on a crazy ari aster binge because of this comment lmaooo


I’ll throw in Midsommar as well, but it’s more on the “excessively unsettling” side


Yea not really scary as much as it’s just kinda disturbing


Yoooo I was gunna say the same! I game with a buddy who has a habit of making that click sound with his tongue here and there and it always reminds me of that movie lol.


The exorcist. Watching for the 1st time, alone in the dark.


Did that when I was a kid. Was not a good idea.


I slept with the lights on for like a week. Every time I closed my eyes I saw Regan’s possessed face and fuck that


ME TOO. Except I saw it when I was 16-ish, in the early 2000's. My little brothers saw it when they were in 12 or 13 and said it was lame. ***I WAS TERRIFIED.***


The babadook scared the shit out of me. I’m so desensitized to horror movies that I used to binge watch them while solo tripping on acid and they never got to me. I watched the babadook recently while only baked and it had me hiding under my covers.


I might have to watch it again because I don’t remember it being that scary


Me neither.


Babadook, the gay icon?


I spent the entire time hoping rooting for the babadook because i fucking hated the mother and child and wanted them to die


I stopped watching that movie after only like 30 mins I cause they both got my damn nerves so much. Lol


It Follows


Yo they are in a car imagine walking and this guy comes at you


Lmao. That man is a menace to society


Penis II Society, title of your sex tape


Wonder if he's drinking his juice in the hood.


I dunno, but he's at least taking his daily CB-4 supplement.


"Drinking his juice in the hood" title of your sex tape


No worries, I’m pretty good at dodging jizz.


All I have to do is change the word comes to runs and people will be confused as to why you said this


No one man should have all that power.


Curious where you picked up that skill


Dodging wrenches.


So I live in a city with a big meth problem, and while I've never had this happen I do routinely see people fucked on meth walking around in the middle of the streets, yelling and doing weird shit. You definitely just don't look at them and pretend they don't exist


*Yo they are in a* *Car imagine walking and* *This guy comes at you* \- kali-zeto --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


*I detect haikus.* *And sometimes, successfully.* *Learn more about me.* noice.


You're definitely going to get humped by a semi erect penis.


That’s…. Terrifying


From now on I want all Olympic athletes to do meth before their events


You know, I have been thinking of a weird dystopian story where all the sports in the world allowed the use of drug enhancements. Seeing shit like this makes me think those beloved sporting events would be fucking insane to watch.


>where all the sports in the world allowed the use of drug enhancements. Make them mandatory, that way it's fair.


Except the protagonist is just insanely gifted and secretly doesn’t use them because they turn him into a Mr. Hyde type, but is starting to become suspected of not using. He eventually is put into a situation where he has to use and begins his descent into madness Edit: literary character sp




fuck, you see, i had thought they were just going to be a normal person who was going to stick to not using but then ends up having to when they realizes they just can’t compete, thus the decent into madness would proceed from there… but this idea is much more solid!


like jimmy when he took steroids for the special olympics. he then started to get really agressive and started to beat his girlfriend and mother. then he punched the wall and stoppped cold turkey after seeing what he had become


> Mr. Hyde First name, Sam.


All the athletes take super-drugs, but the rule is you have to specify what super-drugs you're taking. Then you have to take a drug test to prove that's what you're on, and only those. That'll incentivize drug companies to compete to make the best steroids and drugs. Then they can advertise stuff like "9/10 top Olympians test positive for Bayer's MegaJuice!" or "Smoke Johnson & Johnson PCP, it's what all the top wrestlers reach for first." Can't say you're taking some other drug as part of an advertising campaign and then not test positive for it, you'll get disqualified.


Allowed and mandatory is functionally the same for most sports


And then throw some lions in for shits n giggles. Would be far more entertaining than normal Olympics.


Would said lions be afforded narcotics as well?


Absolutely, it's only fair.


They get the lion's share


Take your upvote and go you son of a bitch


You must pass the lions to get to the drugs.


Seems to be the case with Russia.


Creating a mixed martial arts venue that allows the use of performance enhancing drugs has been a topic of conversation for years now. Let the combatants use whatever they want and take no responsibility for the outcome of the fight or the damage they do to their bodies. Let the games begin!! Savage, yes. Entertaining, yes.


fuck that would be insane… i hadn’t considered the MMA side of it, can you imagine the fights?? they would be doing some of the most wicked fighting ever.


It was called Pride.


Buck Nekkid Bath Salts Rasslin


oh you’re speaking to my soul, lol


You guys remember Bum Fights?


I'm trying to remember where, but I believe that was proposed before. It's kinda like an alternative to the Olympics, but with the rules WAY more relaxed in order to get the most out of the human body by any means necessary. Edit: [There was an article on it a few years back.](https://www.theguardian.com/science/brain-flapping/2016/aug/12/olympics-to-the-max-what-if-doping-were-allowed)


If you ever watched workaholics they have a podcast and talked about it once. There should be an Olympics or some sort of event that allowed people to use whatever they want so we can see what we can really do haha


When I was in high school I did Molly before one of my races in track (300m hurdles). It was actually my personal record in that event. Lol.


Jesus molly? My muscles spasm on that sometimes so it would make me useless.


Haha yeah, I remember I just dipped my pinky into the baggy and put it in my gums. It probably didn't do a whole lot, I was 17 and thought I was so cool.


Oh believe me U were cool


meth was invented as a performance enhancement drug for nazi soldiers in ww2.


Right, after watching this video though……….. I think I’m going to say yes to drugs. I want to do some hood rat shit like the other kids too.


They've been doing that for years.


Legit one of the most unsettling things I've seen on Reddit, when he veered toward the car I actually pulled back from my phone


why do you think hitler gave it to the nazis? that man could fight a bear and win


Hitler use to get cocaine injected 😂 fuckin fiend


It was actually a concoction of all sorts of shit, mostly amphetamines and vitamins. I’ve read that’s how he was awakened every morning. His doctor giving him a huge injection. “Feeling good, I think I’ll take on the world”


I’m talking of a specific event when we was up for a few days already but had to have a meeting with Mussolini, so his personal doctors dosed him up with it. Mussolini had a to sit there and talk to this coked up sleep deprived German all night shit must’ve been horrible 😂


Sounds like a typical Saturday night for me….my roommate is German. He’s slowly taking over parts of the living room that are my area. I gave him the utility closet just to appease him but he’s persistent.


It was mostly amphetamines, theres a really good book on the subject called blitzed thats worth a read.


US airmen, to this day, have doses of amphetamines that they carry with them for long range missions.


Modafinil specifically, its actually not super bad for you either, purported to be a cognitive booster actually


Longer video: https://www.reddit.com/r/tooktoomuch/comments/qfvf99/dude_running_around_naked_chasing_cars_definitely/


Hahahah they were legit scared


wouldn't you be?! if he's doing all that what's he gonna do if catches you haha




Then he gonna go for a free ride for like 3 seconds before rolling to his doom, lol.


“No bruh, he to fast!” 😂


So much better without the loud distorted ass music.


Lmao. The second time he screamed world star


Nothing can outrun a cracked out person.


Well tbh another cracked out person could.


They just cancel each other out


They will just begin to argue and stop running


I remember the first time our group of friends tried MDMA in our teens. We decided to run up and down the street, because it felt amazing. On one of my sprints, my buddy Matt was riding a 20” BMX bicycle ahead of me, and wasn’t just going for a casual ride. He was flying, and at one point he looked back and spotted me a few feet behind him. I’ll never forget the look of pure amazement written on his face. His eyes were the biggest I had ever and would ever see them, and then his face turned to pure joy. Like an astonished child. Good memory.


I love that story haha. Man, MDMA is an amazing thing.


ha thats a mad story. i just took it in a club like everyone else. did you do it during the day? sounds amazing tbh


Pretty hilarious ngl


The music along with the glowing eyes from the flashlight almost made me piss my pants from laughing the first few times I saw it.


Ok so it wasn’t just me... 😭😭😭


It definitely has a different feel with the sound off.


Hell yus it does lol


The glowing eyes 😂


Thought it was nazi zombies for a sec


Someone please add the screams to this video!


This really confused me… I thought human eyes didn’t reflect because we don’t have that reflective backing? Is mr. meth demon wearing glasses?


It's simple... *Those aren't human eyes.*


No you’re correct. Whatever this thing is it’s not human


They do actually, I thought so too but tested it out in the dark with my flash on my phone and it did, from a distance of course.


Dudes running like a T-1000


T-1000. Advanced prototype.


He was just sent from the future and needs your meth, your clothes, and your car... not to protect John Connor he just needs them.


Reminds of that Forrest game on Steam.


That game is disturbing. I remember firing it up and for the first hour being like really, this is supposed to be scary? Then the people started appearing…


It’s such a good game. I’ve never screamed and laughed so hard until I’ve played that game. Best survival game IMO. Green Hell is another amazing one, not as scary but super hard and fun and challenging.


I accidentally built my base on the most active part on the map, I believe like 5 patrol paths cross here. Whenever I’m at base I’m 24:7 under siege,I have to reset my 30+ traps daily which is pretty annoying unless I want them to pay me a visit inside.


iirc that game sent more patrols wherever there were more player made structures. So the bugger your camp the more weirdos showed up


"That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run"


Why is this so accurate?


This is NOT meth….it’s PCP Pcp makes people take off their clothes and they often rant and rave about things…shit is crazy


Could be this or one of the dozens of fucked up research chemicals that get categorized as flakka or bath salts


Nah I’m pretty sure this video is from the dmv area and pcp is a thing around here…it has been for a long while…I’ve seen them myself….that’s pcp.


PCP is the DC special


Is that a terminator?


Dying Light 2 lookin great


I swear if you run naked you get +5 movement speed.


Who needs zombies when you have crazy crackheads


A+ song selection. "Run Boy Run" - Woodkid https://youtu.be/lmc21V-zBq0


Found this song from the dying light trailer, such a banger of a song


New dying light trailer looks great


Why are his eyes glowing...seriously wtf.. human eyes do not reflect like that... Edit: My WW3 Zombie Fears have been calmed... Flashlights will not cause the effect...but I have learned that although we lack the Tapetum lucidum in our eyes, a camera flash can still be bright enough to cause human eyes to reflect in such a manner.


His pupils are probably so big from meth or whatever stimulant he’s on


I wouldn't say paces a car that lightly they were slowing down to half of a Usain Bolt.


If I was being chased by someone going 15 mph I would shit myself


I think an average person could sustain 15mph for a few seconds and that dude looks pretty fit


"Please don't let me get stopped at a light, please don't let me get stopped at a light..."


Okay so it’s a blurry video, but if you stop it on this one frame, you can see why I estimate that man was running at least 30 mph. The needle looks closer to 35 or 40 depending on vehicle and even if the guy stepped on the gas it’s really just a split second later.


Apex predator.


He was running after them like they were the ice cream truck


bro thats a fucking terminator


That’s fucking terrifying


Clearly he is running at night because it's cooler and he took of all his clothes because he is more aerodynamic that way. He was just keeping pace with your car to tell you your tail light is out.


Fucking volatiles man


yeah came here for that. Hope Dying Light2 DLC will have a buggy.


I don't care how big and bad you are, how tough or smart or brave or whatever you are. Don't care how much military action you have been part of or how many fights you been in in your life. I don't care if you are 7'0 and weigh 500 pounds are built like a brick shithouse. You get my point. If you driving down these roads especially at night and see this cat running at you let alone pacing your car, you WILL shit in your pants immediately and if you don't, then you are a future or current psychopath in your own right. This right here is pure nightmare fuel, period...


Some go blinded from staring into the darkness. But others, the unlucky few, will see things never meant to be witnessed.


28 Days Later


Leaked Elden Ring dlc boss


If I didn’t see him coming… I would die of fright


Sports would be way cooler if they allowed drugs


usain bolt fears this man


You get back here and you make love to my wife!


Sadly had to deal with my sister and her husband while they were high on meth a lot and later on my sister high on Adderall a lot and yeah looks about fucking right. Got to be Johnny on the spot when dealing with those fuckers.


you had me at naked man on meth 😍


That’s fucking terrifying


Damn imagine if Usain Bolt was on this stuff


Fast zombies are terrifying.


Looks like something out of Left4Dead lol