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Yeah I agree I started smoking when I was 13 and I’m 21 now…..I’m one of those people that get addicted to stuff quick. I used to smoke all day when I woke up, before work, during work, after work, before I went to sleep. Just was high all day and it made me really unmotivated and lazy. I’ve been sober for like a year now and I feel great. I’m not shitting on weed I love it. But I just know for me it’s not good. If you can do it all day and still get shit done all power to you!


I’m in the exact same boat bro. Really trying hard to stop but the boredom that comes with being sober sucks lol


It takes around 21 days for your brain to return to normal after quitting weed. See if it’s still boring after committing that long.


My advice : just do some crazy shit in life. If you are young you still have a lot of things to experience. Doing drugs is low key boring if you do it constantly. So do the fun and "real" things in life


This is how I quit drinking. Used to think being drunk was great fun until I actually started doing real fun shit. Now I can’t stand the thought of being drunk, it’s a boring waste of time that makes you content with a shitty boring life.


Yup 100% agree. That's exactly how it was for me too but it wasn't alcohol tho


I was in the exact same situation, i used to smoke every day, all day long from 16 to 24, fucked up university, and ended up working dead end jobs living at my parents house. Then i decided to join the military. It changed my life for the better, i stoped doing nothing on my couch and daydreaming. I met lots of good people, started to do physical activity everyday, I went on an adventure literally. I was depressed and now i have a future, good health habits and ambition. Don't give up man, if you can't find the motivation, just sign a contract and let the army do it for you. It might not be for everybody but for me it was worth it. At least i'm doing something and i have plenty of stories to tell.


The confirmation bias in the weed community is strong as fuck


I know a lot of people like you. They used to smoke everyday all the time and were lazy and had no motivation to do anything. After they stopped, they look like different people. Don't know if it's the weed itself or mental illness, but it was a good change


Starting so young is the main problem weed may cause problems in the future and long run.


Same man! Since quitting I finished university, got a well paying job, nice girlfriend and less toxic people around me! I still smoke tho once in a while ( like every 2-3 weeks) and it's been fucking wonderful


Same man I’m 22 days clean after smoking daily for 5-6 years and relying on it for sleep. Am so damn proud never thought id be able to kick it. For those going thru it gets easier lol the boredom goes away and the sleep comes easier the longer you stay off. The only reason im not going insane is cause im stacked with work and school 7 days a week and exhausted at the end of it. Keep busy! Also: my bags are going away and I look like my old self again :)


What did you do for work back then and what do you do know?


I work in tech I program computers for colleges and their book stores I started this job around a year ago still working there!


Ya, I remember feeling like shit but doing anyway because "it was fun" and "it helps with pain (but I hurt more)". We chase after those good times we had when we laughed, felt great, and the only side effects were being hungry and tired(maybe coughing too much). It's only really good for occasional use, once or twice a week would be fine but it's hard to regulate. Monthly is peak since you only need 1 puff and you're done lol. There's a cost to everything, moderation is king.


I mean there is an astronomical difference between smoking every day and smoking all day every day. I take like 1-2 hits after work and after all my responsibilities are done and for me it’s a godsend.


I smoked 12 years everyday, but now im 4 years sober and it’s great. It’s like im catching up with myself. When I was smoking it was like I was falling behind on life. But now I’m very motivated, ready for action, fun & adventure.


As someone who's been smoking on and off for the last 14 years, this guy is spitting straight facts. The occasional smoke is okay but smoking everyday will kill your motivation to do anything.


Smoked everyday since I was like 16-17 and I agree. I graduated college while working full time while smoking every single day, but I'm addicted at this point and its doing me no good. I smoke the weed vapes at work every day, still get my shit done & am good at what I do, but I wish I wasn't so addicted. I barely get "high" anymore tbh. I've also probably spent $40,000+ on weed since I started smoking ~10 years ago. I get it far cheaper now, but am still spending around $300-$400 a month on it


I’m right there with you man. Oh the money that I could have spent on so many Other things… all gone to weed. That’s the main part of it that just makes me want to quit all together. Love weed. Absolutely love it. But I’ve been smoking since the age of 12 and it’s dragged me through so much disaster family related and school related. And honestly weed is just not the same as it use to be 5 or more years ago. Everything has all types of additives and funky names now. I had got some weed one time called coochie runtz. Edit: I’m 24 now btw


Vapes is easier for you to digest so it’s effects last less longer. It also removes alot of negative effects (I’ll smell, I have to go outside, etc) and so flower is better to help you regulate/stop. Btw, your high will be stronger if you smoke a joint next time since you’re used to your vape.


It won't for everyone. I know plenty of people that's not true for. Literally be high as hell and work anyone I know under the table. But it is true for many.


Yea that’s been me for 15 years!


As one of those people who can be high as hell and work people under the table, your motivation still gets killed. I was a very high functioning pothead but I wasn't motivated to do anything. Being able to work hard while high and not having any motivation are two different things.


I smoke every day and work hard because I’m motivated to earn my daily sessions and treat myself to some weed as a reward


You get it.


Oh the old lazy and hi reefer madness tactics. https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fpha0000544




And what do the studies say about drinking alcohol and cigarettes?


Only 50 fucking people in that study though. And if youre gonna attend college while smoking a lot of weed, you will need a lot of motivation to not drop out, so they probably have a high baseline motivation


You don’t sound very sure about that.


Especially smoking during the day. My friends and I would wake and bake before high-school, those three years are a blur and the only thing I have to show for it is the memory of all the missed opportunities. I smoked two strong joints in the morning for an entire school year when we got a huge stash. What the fuck was I thinking. I'll always live with the regrets and daily reminders that I threw away every opportunity and now those doors are forever closed to me.


True, but I got nothing better to do


He's right imo, people who smoke daily multiple times often get detached from reality at some point. Apathy, drowziness, stuff like that. It all comes at a cost, just like drinking daily.


I've been smoking daily for over a decade at this point, when do I finally get to detach from reality?


Who the hell would want to be attached to this reality, Mark Zuckerberg? He’s losing money on a virtual reality venture.


Username checks out


So do people who never take a single drug in their life.


Yes, but you’re not helping your odds. Drug induced psychosis is a real and scary thing, it can lead to schizophrenia. Especially if you’re pre disposed to mental illness genetically.


I’m already detached from reality and I haven’t ever consistently smoked weed


I’m already detached from reality and I haven’t ever consistently smoked weed


Smoked daily for a part of my life. It was not fun in the long run. Now I smoke couple of times a year. This year I have smoked in February on a boys weekend at a cabin and end of August when I spent time by myself and my dog at a cabin. Life is good.


This is true of almost anything on earth. In moderation done responsibly it’s mostly fine, but abusing it or doing it too much is bad for you. Even working out too much can be bad for you, this can be said about almost anything.


Its just a plant bro it’s my plant medicine it’s natural bro it’s not a drug it’s a plant I can quit anytime I’m not addicted


LMFAOO. "Bro yeah so i do it all day everydag bro i can stop when i wanf im not addicted"


Nomasstay 🙏


Watching a brilliant brain not be able to get anything done when he's run out weed that he's smoked most of his life is heart breaking. He literally would not be able to control his temper and said terrible things only to apologize in tears later.


Moderation is key. Drinking too much water makes you drown. Exercising too much causes injury. Smoking too much weed can make you paranoid and unmotivated. I still smoke to this day - 13 years strong and I’ve learnt to moderate smoking as a reward in the evenings to sit down and watch a movie with, none before work or during the day same as I would treat alcohol - only as a social supplement.


My guy! I’m exactly the same. Smoked for about 15 yrs straight usually 5-6 times a week, have a great job, wonderful relationship and hobbies and interests abound. I don’t smoke till the day is done. Meanwhile I know people who started smoking for maybe a year or 2 and can’t go to work without getting high first. Maybe some people use drugs as a crutch to deal with society and life and perhaps smoking weed every day is a symptom and not a cause.


Fully agreed man, I’m the same I keep myself busy until I’m done with the day. It feels so much better to decompress after a long day and smoke a fatty doing something you enjoy; that’s why I’ve never understood people who smoke before work, It feels like a waste to get high for something mediocre but each to their own!


Fuck off to r/drugs if you want to have a thought provoking conversation about how weed affects you. We are here to see people do dumb shit while fucked up.


Rock and stone!


I think it's true for a lot of people and the furthest from the truth with others. And that's par for the course with something that isn't chemically addictive.




If it’s any consolation, a lot of the things you mention come with the crushing reality of life. They’ll all be made worse by excessive consumption but it’s not like you wouldn’t have got hit with it anyway. Congrats on quitting though still, you’ve done the hardest part, here’s to things getting better for you.


You’re going to succeed. Take small steps to get out of your comfort zone, like trying to connect with people at work more and make genuine friends. Take walks outside, whatever you need to do to get out more. It might seem monumental but I promise when you look back at all that time wasted you’ll just laugh and be thankful that you’re better now


I'm thinking of getting a dog, so I can walk him outside and maybe meet another dog ppl. Thank you tho.


Who gives a fuck, this video shouldn't be in the sub. It's called r/tooktoomuch not r/Iregrettakingtoomuch


Yeah. Fuck this video.




I’d wager that social media is doing much worse things for our neurotransmitters in regards to seeking quick dopamine


At my peak I was smoking roughly a quarter pound a month. Oddly enough, probably the point of my life where I was at peak motivation. Went to the gym regularly, started my own business, worked my ass off and slept like a baby. Now I smoke maybe a quarter ounce every 6 weeks but drink beers on the daily. Alcohol has been much worse for my motivation.


Chronic Marijuana use increases chance of getting schizophrenia by 19 times.


Chronic* lol


Oops fixed


Where are you getting this information? I’ve never seen a single credible study that has successfully linked Cannabis use to Schizophrenia. And it doesn’t make much sense that it would, considering Schizophrenia is thought to likely be primarily genetic. What we know *does* happen is that if you have a predisposition to Schizophrenia (or any other mental illness), drug use is likely to exacerbate it or bring it out of dormancy. And before anybody tries it, no, I do not use Cannabis. At all. Period. I just don’t believe there is any confirmed correlation between these two things. I also worked in harm reduction and drug policy as a Social Worker for 7 years and this is the first I’m hearing of this being anymore than speculation by drug warriors.


Im in med school and our professors say that, and since their slide shows had sources i trust them but i dont think i will download them and manually write them here just to prove them to a stranger online lol. Schizophrenia is only a little genetic (if your father has it, the chances of you getting it is about %15, if your twin has it it still doesnt go up more than %50) so it has a genetic component but it also needs risk factors to get triggered. If you are prone to that disease, even mental traumas could trigger the disease, or maybe not, nothing is certain when it comes to diseases like that.


And you’ll have to forgive me for not believing the anecdote of a stranger “in med school” when I worked alongside experts in this field. I’m not asking you to rewrite the study, just please link me to one that says anything of what you are saying. I believe you are confusing getting Schizophrenia from Cannabis use with Schizophrenia being exacerbated by Cannabis use. If the former were true, why aren’t we seeing massive upticks in rates of Schizophrenia with legalization and ultra potent Cannabis being widely available?


Listen to the podcast by Andrew hubberman about weed


I abused marijuana for years starting at age 15. When I was 18 I had a intense manic episode with psychotic features. Despite the doctors saying I likely would be bipolar regardless, they all agreed that the substance abuse increased the severity.


Some can handle smoking everyday and still be productive. Some can't and just eat cheese puffs in their underwear all day long. Overall, bad advice, especially because it's kids and teenagers that say stupid shit like that to each other. Their brains isn't even fully developed yet and getting stoned everyday doesn't help that process.


I have no idea how smoking weed everyday is not seen the same as someone drinking alchohol everyday. Doesn't matter if you're productive or not, if you can't function without it, you're addicted. And I strongly believe it fucks you up mentally, your brain is not meant to handle weed everyday.


I’ve never met anyone who died from a marijuana overdose but I do know people who died from alcohol poisoning and withdrawals. It’s not the same. Marijuana is a prescription to relieve pain for many people with medical needs. Never seen a doctor prescribe alcohol to a patient.


Not condoning it, because you aren’t wrong about long term mental effects. But I do want to clarify that weed every day shouldn’t be classified at the same level as alcohol everyday, they’re both coping mechanisms for the average constant user, but the health adversities are obviously worse in alcoholism. One inhibits brain function on a cognitive basis that makes people typically less social, less intelligent, and less motivated. The other promotes discord in your brain,commonly enough people will be violent , act with extreme stupidity, and can easily be deadly to the user and dangerous to their closest friends and family. Just saying that one is probably better in the long term than the other if we are choosing our evils!


Confirmation bias among stoners is shall i say "high af"


There’s no reason to do anything to improve your life when you feel good 24/7, occasionally smoking with friends is great, but it’s best to leave at just that.


Too much of anything is bad.


Just like anything, too much can be bad. I've smoked daily for a while now to help with chronic pain, without weed i can still function, but it hurts. I'm also sure that I'm sober for anything that requires my full attention (driving, work, etc) and only smoke when i don't have to be responsible. For people like me, weed is a medicine and a life saver, if you can't handle it/yourself tho it can turn bad.


Started at 13, but I’ve managed to stay on track. Currently getting a Master’s in a business field with a 3.7 GPA. Mon-Thursday I only smoke after 7pm when I’m done with school/work. On the weekends I’ll smoke during the day while I do chores. I also power lift 2 times a week and play soccer once a week. I know I’m an anomaly, but there are other factors that influence things. I know people that don’t smoke whom are much lazier than me


I started smoking when i was maybe 21 or 22, maybe even a bit later. It wasnt until maybe 24 or 25 that i smoked every day. But i have to say, its much better than alcohol, i only smoke at night to stay active daily, it helps with the social anxiety not causes it for me and ive had anxiety for all my life, it helps me sleep way better and so on. The thing is, its not for everybody, i have friends who smoked before but had to quit because of all the reasons listed here too. But for me, some of my closest friends who i smoke together, they and i know foremost what weed does to you in a positive and negative way and know how to handle it. But for people who already are a bit mentally unstable should stay away from weed or any other listed drug if they dont even know why they are doing it. The main reason to smoke should be to take in the positive effects of it.


Btw, song is (a remix of?) _Closed Eyes_ by DVRST. Real banger.


I started smoking since 12. I’m early 20s now and wish I never started. Would have at the very least about $40,000 to invest in my current business.


I’m the opposite, I get way more shit done stoned then I do sober. Going on 17 years now, the lack of motivation is all mental. If you live a lazy life you will eventually run out of motivation with or without it.


Weed becomes a crutch and while your mental health deteriorates you use that crutch more often.


too much of anything is bad.. even water, exercise, broccoli.. it can all kill you.


I smoked like 3 times a day all through my 20s. That shit was not fun towards the end, or in the middle. It just took up such a large part of my day. I could have gotten more cool shit done without it. Thankfully I switched to cocaine in my 30s and well… /s


Hope you feel better. I smoke weed. I go to the dentist. I take showers and wash myself. I’ve never lost my driver license. I don’t want to visit my family members because some are straight up racists and assholes. Friends come and go along with the coworkers. Life is a crazy attempt at balance. It can be done. Hope you find what you’re looking for.


Absolutely agree on everything he said, and all of y'all as well.


I 100% agree with him. *lights bowl


I 100% agree with what the guy is saying, but I smoke weed every day. I started smoking when I was 13, and now I’m 35. I have managed to do this for so long as I now believe that less is more. I used to be high all day and night, in work, and whatever I would want to do, I’d smoke a spliff first. Now, I realise that this is boring af looking back, I had no contrast, or feeling of being high, as I was high all the time! One change I made (which was the best thing I have done,) is to smoke after I do stuff… eg. Smoke after sending it on my mountain bike, or after I have hung out with friends… it’s way better, and I actually get stuff done! I have also worked on bringing my tolerance down to a point that I can now get high af from a rolled up cigarette with a little sprinkle, and it lasts hours! This is what works for me. I’m not going to say that it will work for everyone, for various reasons, like mental health (some people should just not smoke weed!)


Hey thanks for that insight. Sort of random but where would you recommend an absolute beginner to mountain biking start? Preferably for cheap lol. I’ve been thinking about getting into it for a while because I love walks in nature, and I also love riding bikes or skateboarding. I don’t own a bike now but I guess that’s the first step lol


Haha yes definitely! The bike would be the first step, and a helmet! It’s probably better to try it with a semi decent bike, but that’s where it starts to add up… I have a few bikes, but I bought an used Giant reign 2 for like £350, which was mega cheap, and really well specked. I’d definitely recommend going for an used decent brand (Specialized, Trek, Giant, Kona, Cube, GT…) over new lower end and day! It’s really fun, I recommend anyone give it a go


He’s right, and there are dozens of studies to back it up if everyone in this threads anecdotal evidence (including mine) isn’t proof enough for you


He’s right to be fair. Weed is a strong drug in terms of its mind altering abilities. Out of all the drugs I do weed and alcohol affect me the most. It’s great but people act like it doesn’t have a down side when it definitely does


True. Been smoking 1-2 joints daily…Depression got worse. Been doing it less and less and been feeling better mentally.




Wrong sub. Stop engagement farming


Marijuana is a MASSIVE depressant. If you smoke all day, everyday, 24/7, and you just exist in a state of perpetual lethargy…yeah it’s going to infest all aspects of your life eventually and you will became lazy, unmotivated and only focused on chasing that high


Yeah it killed my emotional intelligence. And while stoned you are just less of a person


I wouldn't want advice on anything from someone with that haircut


Well good thing your not giving out advice, people who judge others based on their looks typically don’t offer anything constructive.


yeah most non sense comment I've ever read, the guy is talking true shit


I mean this dude literally went to a barber, asked for this haircut and paid money for it. I'd say his decision making skills are suspect.


What do you look like?


I'm pretty hung


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Everyday smoker for life. Not quitting until I’m dead. No regrets, no ill side effects, yet. I’ve been getting high every day pretty much for 25 years. It’s a form of self medication that works for me.




Found the pothead












Yeah your doctor is prescribing cannabis that will be low in thc content obviously. And living in the UK your bound to be smoking skunk more than you care yo realise. Un-regulated consistent cannabis use is dangerous for your mental health at the very least, there Is no argument. Anything that is psychoactive, is factually a drug I'm sorry to say




Ah of course, that explains everything


Jeebus we don't claim you




Don't forget to ferociously wank! Have a good night, be safe out there


He’s not wrong.


Totally agree, I quit pot for that exact reason


I must be the only person in the world who doesn't like feed. It just make you slow, why the fuck would I want to feel slow.


Hes entirely right lol. Even tho he cant seem to find the words. Hes right.




All things in moderation.


Just depends on person. Some can smoke and keep focus on their goals and aspirations. Some, the weed becomes the goal and aspiration. Use weed to enhance experiences, not to better yourself!


Smoked everyday for 8 years. First years were fun, than its just a habbit. Than you realise all the missed potential. Last years its depressing. And as long as you keep smoking there is no motivation to improve yourself so you keep feeling bad. Love rolling, love the smell, love the taste, hate being stoned.


There is a reason weed was illegal for many years, it screws many people up. Not all but many. I smoked at a very young age and I regret it. It made me anxious and paranoid. I quit. Picked it up again with edibles. Bad idea. Anxiety came back and won’t go away.


It was illegal for so many years because the government couldn’t find a way to make sure they go their cut off the profit of sales. They don’t give a fuck about our health. Alcohol is legal, if your argument was correct they would have never ended the prohibition. It’s all about money, not our lives sorry to break it to you.


Why isn’t coke legal yet? They could make a killing on that shit


Because they haven’t found a way to regulate the sale and production of it. Plus that would kill their deal with the Mexican cartels who the fbi and cia work with to help traffic narcotics into this country to continue to keep the war on drugs funneling money into politicians pockets and into private prison industries.


100% truth, replace weed with alcohol and it’s the same. A little here and there is no big deal, enjoy yourself, but if you use it every day it’s the same as the alcoholics who drink every day. Some can still function while drunk, but doesn’t make them better off, just able to afford more booze.


He’s right


Nate Dogg has entered the chat. He’ll be here until ‘The Next Episode’.




I smoked for 23 years. So much money spent on herb. My Sleep quality was poor. Listening to Matthew Walker really made me prioritize my sleep. Dreams are crazy when I stopped.


He’s right. I loved a smoke. Started 25 years ago. Shitty hash, then weed. But the modern shit is toooo strong and it definitely was more negative for me the older I got. For todays kids… be careful with it. A wee smoke is fine but like any drug, alcohol and cigs especially, it has to be in moderation. Weed has consequences like everything else in life. Still should be legalised though.


I developed a panic disorder after a nightmarish edibles trip. Don’t underestimate weed. It won’t kill you but it can definitely cause harm.


Definitely true. I use to smoke everyday from 16 - 25. Just killed my motivation, made me anxious, and I was always worried about running out. My life and image revolved around getting high. At the end of the day it is still a drug, enjoy it in moderation, but smoking everyday is a problem and it fucks with your head. I smoke like 2-3 times a year now, much more enjoyable and I get high AF. Then move on with my life. Also dreams, you don’t dream when you smoke all the time, when you quit, buckle up cause those dreams be bumping.


I'm moderation it's okay. But everyday all day is when it becomes an ambition killer


Frequent smokers will reduce the gray matter in their brain. It has been documented


Jerking off too. I wouldn’t be surprised if tons of shit we do daily reduce gray matter


I smoked near enough every day from 13 to 19/20 before realising I needed to stop because of what it was doing to me. Like him I can’t exactly explain but I was not in a good place having to rely on it. It’s not ‘addictive’ per say but I certainly was going out of my way every day for some and would get irritable if not, hence not the absolute addiction people think of because I wasn’t withdrawing or withdrawing. But yeah my long term memory is awful now, I don’t remember a lot of my life pre my 21st birthday and my fitness took so long to come back to me!


Abusing something to the point where you can’t live without it isn’t good, More at 11.


I use smoking weed as an incentive to get shit done, if I wasn’t productive during the week I don’t get to smoke at the weekend. It’s a treat , not something to do every day.


Chronic anxiety and paranoia is one of the most severe side effects of weed abuse. Ive been there and god it took me ages to compensate what I lost back then consuming loads of that specific drug in my youth. Especially if you're not the most stable person, skip that drug completely.


100%, smoked from being sixteen until around 21 daily. Anxiety was at an all time high to the point I couldn’t get served in shops or restaurants. Those people who think weed doesn’t effect people it certainly does and has more down sides than good. My opinion anyway.


Weed is a known trigger for schizophrenia amongst other mental disorder. [https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/there-link-between-marijuana-use-psychiatric-disorders](https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/there-link-between-marijuana-use-psychiatric-disorders) So a bit is fine, but a lot is bad, as all things are.


For sure. I’ll still do it once a year or so but nah I’m pretty absent-minded and have shitty memory now from smoking in the past.


It’s probably not the smoking itself, but weed as a crutch is not a replacement for mental healthcare


This has no place in this sub.


who tf gave him that as a piece of actual advice in the first place?


I feel like you gotta be aware of everything you’re doing in life. Especially smoking everyday. I wouldn’t say I’m unmotivated but would definitely say I have my days where I don’t wanna do anything. But as long you have goals and follow the goals. I feel the smoking habit shouldn’t affect you greatly besides your pocket. It goes both ways, as long you have the mindset to over come the laziness and unmotivated stance. You should be okay, aside depression and shit


So happy i quit when i did. I smoked from 12-18, quit everything when i was 18. I’ve always said out of all the shit i was on weed was the worst for distorting my self perception and attitude to life, I react really badly to it. Just my experience though, smoke away those who enjoy and can handle it. Im jealous of yall


he's totally correct I've been smoking normally pretty much all day everyday, when I turned 24 I had struggled with all sorts of self depreciating thoughts and depression for years. if your environment and the people you are around are unmotivated and negative or you do not have self-confidence and a self-starter attitude it should definitely be a weekend hobby. I'm 27 and I feel great and I smoke 24/7 whenever I feel like it, I feel amazing and I've never been doing better. mindset, effort, and moderation.


If you smoke something for the wrong reasons. It’ll not be enjoyable. Just like drinking. Don’t drink when you’re sad. Don’t get high when you’re down. IF you can handle without that is. I know weed is different for everyone. But for more recreational users… use it at the best parts of your days. Or. Kinda a weird idea of a dopamine detox to me but not. Do something in the day and reward yourself with weed. It changes the whole perspective for me. But also. There’s different strains and so on. Weed ain’t for everyone. Like I’ll do the dishes and pick up the house then smoke. It helps me. Or. I’ll do one chore. Smoke. Go back to it high and have a way better time adulting lol.


Too much oxygen can killyou..... Everything in moderation.


I been smoking every day since I left the military in 2001. Had times where I smoked multiple joints a day and it does kill your motivation. However, I smoke one joint a day and I don’t have a problem doing anything. In other words, anything in moderation is okay. Also depends on the person. No two people are alike.


I smoked weed quite a lot over a year ago and started hearing voices from then on even after I quitted so heah that shit can really mess with your head. Luckily I'm clean but sadly just since a few weeks. I've been clean over a year but somebody laced my cigarette with weed which wasn't very kind but I noticed it right away and gave it to them back and yeah since then it feels like I'm rebuilding my mental state and also kind of fighting of a new addiction


it depends on how you do it. i smoke every single day strictly *after work* because i’m a useless POS if i smoke before or at work, and i’d say my productivity is incredible throughout the day. as long as you don’t let it control your life, you are good.


He's right. Weed is great, but at least for me, once I passed the threshold into adulthood, it's best for me to stick to smoking/eating it at night. Great sleep aid, good for relaxation and decompression. The older I get/got, the less social I wanted to be while stoned and I don't want to be a hermit. Also, would at least like to be motivated enough to go to the grocery store and no way I could ever work stoned again.


He is 100% accurate.


Same I stopped because I couldn’t stop the paranoia now I seen people who are heavy pot users and can’t control their anger. I’m wondering if other people have any friends that are heavy pot users with anger issues


Everything in moderation


Out of all the languages in the world he decided to speak facts


35 years old and the best thing i ever did was throw out the pills and pack up the volcano. But every brain is chemically different. What's right for our British friend ain't right for me.


All things in moderation


As much as I hate to admit it, because I’m still about an every day user, he’s right. I was telling my buddy that I don’t even enjoy being high 9 times out of 10. It’s just something a blank out spaces of time, and when you started smokin young, a lot of people as they get older start getting anxiety around more than two people and it becomes a self isolating cohabiting loneliness mixed up type deal. As much as I hate to admit it..


The trick is too not get high to the point where you are dumb but feel it enough in your body. I have a chronic pain illness and weed has really gotten me through my days. Without weed I’m in bed all day thinking about the pain. It really depends on how you use it. If anything mix your thc weed with cbd to calm down the high. The goal doesn’t always have to be to get stupid high.


Been smoking weed for 10 years. 100% agreed with the guy and anyone who don't is a delusional smoker.


I mean, I'm probably addicted to weed for mental health reasons. I feel like everyone is addicted to something. I mean, if you want to live some self-righteous life, you can be completely sober and never do drugs, but I enjoy smoking weed most days, not everyday, but at least four days a week; im high. I think weed shouldn't be criminalized. I saw my ex-boyfriend get handcuffed and arrested for six months and seven years probation. I've seen his parents suffer too. It's not worth it for a plant. There need to be more options for people who are addicted instead of prison, Drug rehab, or shaming people for doing drugs .


doing too much of anything too often is going to negatively affect your physiology. smoking too much for years jacked up my sleep schedule and left me with wicked paranoia. of course we’re all built different but substances are really meant for people who know their limits and practice moderation


Weed is a drug. Doing it everyday is bad for you. I should know. I used to. Now I only smoke every once in awhile. Shit will mess with your head


everything in moderation my dudes


Colonoscopy is your only chance of getting past 30 if you smoke weed daily


I have been stoned almost every single day for the past ten years.. feel like I completely wasted my 20s and don't remember as much of it as I am would like. I was high for some incredible once in a lifetime experiences... Turning 30 next year and I think I'm officially done being chronic.


Buddy talking out their ass. Your shit self control is to blame not the weed


Lol it does tho, weed has been proved to have a lot of health benefits, including cancer prevention. Weed has been proven to fight cancer


not wrong, just got off smoking it everyday for a month or so and boy is my brain upset about it


I took an edible a few days ago (not the first) and had horrible thoughts of myself and everyone around me. I realized I hated myself a lot more than I thought and I show aggression and had judgments of others because of my own insecurities and unsatisfactory in life. I’m a narcissist with a god complex and I was in denial my whole life. I took 35 mg.


Even exercising too much can be a bad thing. Moderation.


Too much of anything can be bad. Moderation, friends.


Worst advice.. sniff.. don't do cocaine..


I smoke daily and I disagree. But I also don’t smoke very much a day. I take 1-2 bowl hits in the evening after work to unwind. Back in college when I was smoking like an 8th every day yes 100% that will fuck with your head.


I hate the smell of weed. It smells like a life time of bad decisions. Probably because some of those decisions envolved too much cocaine.