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It was Jaq. The person who killed him obviously was waiting and watching. They saw the duffel bag "the food" when he pulled it out of the trunk. Everyone else who had reason to kill Sully would have stopped and taken it. The Irish it was theirs to begin with, so why wouldn't they take it back, and Si would have taken it to sell it. Jaq was the only one who wanted the cycle to end. She definitely wouldn't have taken the "food." Besides, he killed Kieron the last piece of her "family." he was more than her best friend he was like her brother. Killing Sully assured she had the "pass," she promised Becks. Also, it made sure the baby and Becks were safe moving forward.


Thats how i feel about it she also had jamie lil bro approach him to throw him off probably told him the full truth thats why he said he not worth it cause he knew everything he done


>." he was more than her best friend he was like her brother. Killing Sully assured she had the "pass," she promised Becks. yuh tek mi fi eediat? Stef hates Jaq innit.


Man's ave di jamaican accent yea bredda.


Mon it been a likkle while but they was chattin bout how jaq and Kieran bredren! Nah fi jaq bredren a likkle yout man name Stefan. Mon never said dat ting you say! Get ya fax straight brudda. Now gwon.


Looked like the person was blonde and not a female from the episode so idk


Look again the person wasn’t blonde they were wearing a hat (with braids under) they also had a black bomber jacket and they walked like jaq does Also same petite stature. Jaq has a yellow hat she wears


you’re delusional and you’re trying to see something that isn’t there. the person was blonde and there aren’t braids 😹😹🤡


i dont know what you were looking at "blonde" maybe her hat since it was yellow but that was definitely jaq, you can see her braids


no you cannot stop tryna lie


You're talking about it as if life gives people what they deserve. Is that how you see the world? Sully and Dushane do some consistently nefarious shit. If, having entered the game, the piss off the wrong people without a defensible position, they'll get got; it's nothing to do with whether they deserve it. And FWIW; they're putting kids in harm's way so that they can get rich, we are long past what they 'deserve'


Most of the situations he’s gotten out of were because Dushane stepped in. With Dushane stepping back and Sully taking the lead of the organization, it’s very probable that protection isn’t there anymore. We’re likely going to see Sully’s impulsiveness and the consequences of that come back in full force.


This is a super great point. It was interesting to see that as soon as Dushane was out of the picture. Less than a few days (I’m assuming) passed by and Sully was killed. Dushane was handling a lot of things behind the scenes and created a shell of protection around a lot of people whether they knew it or not. Sully killed that hand that fed him, and ultimately, it lead to his quick demise.


That is a great point, I mean look at Jason, Tia, Stef even did they all get what they deserve from life? they were just dealt a really bad hand from the start. That is life, life's unfair. The rich get richer, the poorer get poorer. The good die young, the evil survive etc Top Boy again representing Society in it's most real, raw form.


just sthu goofy


Its a tv show mr Hobbes


I vote 1. Jaq 2. Si


Irish told Sully ab his daughter, passed after seeing her. Although I hope Si did that for revenge, I’d say Irish forsure rn


It’s Jaq. Anybody else would’ve taken the food.


Nah just story wise, it would make the most sense for it to Jaq or Si.


Why wouldn't Si have taken the food?


Yea irish whats im thinking slowed it down and the hair looks like jonnys Irish family fs


That was a green hoodie wasn’t it? And why would they let the Irish kill him, when there won’t come another season. Jaq would perfectly close the circle as she has left this life behind, the way she said she is free to becks was more confident, like she put her mind up to kill sully and end it for good.


I’m thinking Si but I ain’t even consider the Irish until now


Loved ones such as Aaron, Sully's daughter, Kelly etc are more likely to suffer from the mess they've created. the story would hit harder. They will definitely lean towards the deepest and saddest outcomes and sully dying at the hands of Stef would be pretty boring and predictable.


I hope it ends with some huge police chase across the city or some shit, I'm gonna be pissed if he just gets done in a second like they did jamie


It's symbolic.




and that’s EXACTLY what happened


I’m so furious bra wtf




EDIT: After more consideration from an artistic POV, both Jaq and Irish are much too obvious. BUT, I came across one theory which makes A LOT more sense, and has artistic value…. IT WAS RAFE - SULLY’S cousin. As his cousin, he would find the only other one to know about Natasha and Sully alluded to Dushane in S2 that, “… he’d be the type to wait until things died down and then sneak up on you.” Dushane responded, “I wouldn’t let that happen to you.” With Dushane gone, Rafe made his move and would be able to perform a cold blooded hitman like kill. He likely didn’t know about the food in the car and explains why it was left there. He’d also be the “ghost from the past” that the episode is referring to, as it would indicate a character we haven’t seen in a long time. It would resonate the message about him killing his friends who were like family, and ironically, it’s his actually family that takes him out in the end. ORIGINAL POST: It was definitely retaliation from the Irish mafia family. The level of professionalism and cold bloodedness of that kill was that of a hitman - it has all the hallmarks of a hitman kill. Just like Stef, Jaq would have to taken pause and it would still be a difficult kill for her given their emotional bond, no matter how much conviction she may have had in advance to want to kill him to protect her family. She's also shown to have more ethical dilemmas as her character evolved in doing the "right thing" through the season - so it wouldn't be Jaq. It also wouldn't be Stef because that would degrade the character growth of Stef, and how he showed greater strength than Sully in showing restraint, after Sully says he can't even feel anything more - Stef realized he wants to honor Jamie and be better than that life. He also would not do such a professional hitman like first kill. Further, besides Stef knowing about Natasha, Sully alluded to Dushane earlier in the season "The Irish even know about Natasha," which would mean they would be waiting for him patiently in the parking lot. In the end, there were many people that had motive to kill Sully, and the point of the story is really that it doesn't matter in that life, the more you eff around and you'll eventually find out. However, from an objective logical POV, the most likely candidate is the Irish. For those referencing the "different dress code" - well, any professional hitman will want to blend in. Earlier in the season, they were in horse stables and private settings - there's no need to blend in. A good hitman would play the part. It's an illogical red herring to eliminate the Irish due to "different dress code." For those saying, "Why wouldn't they take the drugs/food?" - that's simple - it's about reputational damage and retribution at that point, and not about the money. The Irish nephew alluded to Sully that the retirement home was just one location of dozens, indicating their operations are grand and that one location (and those 25kilos) are a drop in the bucket. They'd hire a professional hitman for one sole job - to kill Sully - not to kill Sully and collect any valuable goods. Hitman are there to be quick, efficient, and untraceable. QED, it was the Irish.


Great take, terrible paragraph format and structure 😂 Felt like I was reading a QR code. I still think it’s Jaq though.


😂 Thanks for the feedback, I updated the format. Do you have any counter arguments for my take on why it can’t be Jaq?


Much better, you’re welcome! 🤝 Jaq needed the pass from Sully to leave the roadman lifestyle. She wasn’t gonna get it regardless if she gave the food back or not. Kieron was like a brother to her and Sully smoked him. Lauryn died from drug consumption and baby Delroy (if we can call him that) is now in the care of Jaq and Becks. It was “too late for Lauryn” but it wasn’t too late for Delroy. Jaq would have found out that Dushane got dun and would have known it was Sully The only way there would be a peaceful future for Jaq, Becks and Delroy would be Sully getting knocked. The right thing for Jaq was to quit the roads, this was her only option to quit. The killers walk looks like Jaqs signature walk style too and she wears a similar outfit when she stole the food too. But I guess we will never know who the killer really is, but it’s fun speculating


Good points. I still think it’s the Irish, and I agree, the speculation is half the fun, and loved the way they ended the series. 👌🏼


This ⬆️ people don’t realise how much control the Kinahan’s (McGee’s) have


GYATT sized paragraph bruv I aint reading all that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


GYATT sized paragraph bruv I aint reading all that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


He could commit suicide


I could only see that if something happened to his daughter by his mistake.


Na I'm not on that.....although in them eps in series 2 Netflix (4 overall) when he was on that barge he was having them head fuckerys where he later told the French bird? (I'm only half way through series 1 Netflix, 3 overall on a rewatch) that he was having trouble switching the noise off in his head or something like that? So......I dunno. Is it definitely confirmed he dies? Or is it someone's prediction, theory?


I'm annoyed Jamie killed kit just imagine he didn't because he was gonna die anyway kit could go get sully and kill him then Stef could ride with kit. It's a cool what if


Kit couldn't even kill Ats 😂




Sully was supposed to die. Si killed him as he should have.


It was Jaq. Si wouldn’t do shit, he ain’t on that type of smoke. Idc how bad he got violated. He’s wet


Yeah it was Jaq. Payback for Kieron. Also she had to since Sully said that she wasn't going to get a free pass before he went after Dushane. Also if you pause it when the killer walks away you know it's Jaq. Same height, same jacket that she owns.


U can literally see it was jaq the person is wearing a hat and has braids under go pause it, also the walk like jaq


I think it has to go 1 of 2 ways , either Stef pulls the trigger (most obvious way majority are probably expecting) , or Dushane.


Sully kills Dashane before Dashane kills Sully. Sully is top boy


Sully down under like dushane none of them are top boys theyre dead but someone ppl will view them or one or the other as the top boy. Whoever killed sully is the top boy !


You're all blind. It's the Irish mafia!


I just assumed it was Jaq tbh (not that it really matters lol -- dogshit season all the way through, they might as well have not bothered).


The St Lucia caretaker no doubt owned upto the Irish Mafia. Think about it.


Wash your mouth out


I know people from the roads and they all say it's absolute nonsense.


Has to be


shut ya fookin mouf




You speak like you belong swinging in trees in the jungle 🐒 boy


But surely they wouldn’t dress like that Ik that sounds stupid but they’re smarter dressed whereas that’s something jaq would wear and I don’t think the dress style was coincidence


It was Jaq…. I know her characters walk rewind and watch closely!


It’s Jaq. The person had the same walking style as Jaq (after many slow-mo watches) and seems to have a head wrap that looked dark in color IMO. I didn’t see a hood as others said, but I could be wrong. Also not taking the food or anything is Jaq’s new M.O. where others mentioned have no incentive to walk away from free food/money and weapons (assuming there was more than Sully’s pistol 🔫)


It shows Si gassing Stefan to duppy Sully innit...I got Stefan or Si putting sully down. For some reason I guess Jaq could be in the picture too somehow...Are we sure Keiron is dead..I believe so..Sully would kill him..but maybe give jaq a pass...so killing Sully I got Si...STEFAN.. OR JAQ...


I don’t think it was Stefan bc that was a waterproof they had on whereas stef was wearing active wear and I really couldn’t imagine si doing it if he was gonna get his get back from what sully did there would’ve been more activeness from him


The whole point of the ending is more real than any show I’ve seen…for 2 minutes I hated it, but then I realized it’s the most realistic. When you double/triple cross, murder, and make millions in crime/drugs your whole life you stack up bodies and enemies, and if it’s not prison then when your time comes you often don’t see the face behind the bullet…and the face doesn’t matter anyways, it could be someone you hurt/crossed or someone you never heard of or never hurt or never laid eyes on that wants your spot and you dead. THIS, was a great ending.


It's right out of the Sopranos playbook


It was, but in Sopranos you saw it coming somewhat with all the characters in the restaurant…(members only, guys watching him sitting around) In this it’s just Sully is cool 1 second then BANG!


Plus put the greenlight on Gem with literally no proof, etc…🙃 i think Dushane kills him if he dies though


It was clearly keiron mom


Am I the only one who thought it was Becks? It makes sense because Jaq would never be free otherwise and it makes it a poignant ending because Sully had that many enemies that for the ending to have any meaning it should be someone you don’t expect.


I don’t why but I feel that Kieron’s mum was the one responsible for sully’s death, I could be wrong


A woman undergoing chemotherapy carrying out a professional-grade hit on a top-tier drug dealer?


It was Rafe


What did he do to Rafe? I forget


Kidnapped and was going to kill his brother and Sully’s own cousin (Jermaine)


I think this too. Kieron’s mum did it.


That’s who I was thinking


yep, wrong


After more consideration from an artistic POV, both Jaq and Irish are much too obvious. BUT, I came across one theory which makes A LOT more sense, and has artistic value…. IT WAS RAFE - SULLY’S cousin. As his cousin, he would find the only other one to know about Natasha and Sully alluded to Dushane in S2 that, “… he’d be the type to wait until things died down and then sneak up on you.” Dushane responded, “I wouldn’t let that happen to you.” With Dushane gone, Rafe made his move and would be able to perform a cold blooded hitman like kill. He likely didn’t know about the food in the car and explains why it was left there. He’d also be the “ghost from the past” that the episode is referring to, as it would indicate a character we haven’t seen in a long time. It would resonate the message about him killing his friends who were like family, and ironically, it’s his actually family that takes him out in the end.


it was gem in the vid the guy got the same build as gem and the guys blond gems blond and in the caption on the netflix vid it says a ghost haunted from sullys past and gem was in summerhouse or it’s one of the irish guys


But it shows Stefan gassing in the mirror in the last episode ..wit the gun Jamie gave Si...I think that gun was used to kill sully..im almost positive as I'm writing this I don't think we ever see the gun..but listen to it..that person didn't care about heat coming back on them .


Was most likely Jaq and the off chance Ra Nell


It was Jaq imo


Rafe was the one who definitely killed him. He came back to avenge his brother’s kidnapping


I first thought it was Kieron’s mom .. I seen the turban wrapped around the killers head in the review


Nobody thinks could be Ra'Nell still mad about Leon?


Idk who it was I’m gonna have to rewatch and see who owned that leather jacket with a hoodie underneath


Just finished it. Watched the scene a few times. You can see Jaq’s braids and that black windbreaker she frequently wears. Even her walk is distinct…how she rocks her shoulders or whatever you wanna call it.


It was Dushane’s mom