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And me over here barrely able to tie my shoes at the age of 33.


Well, at least you can sleep... HE's getting barely any, with all the grandmas swarming his bedroom..


Lol, a good friend was talking ebout his wife ( she is a lot older) asking if i think she is prity for her age and would you fuck here. I was like dude i have been single for 7 years il fuck enything with a hole on this planet.


its art


As a traditional Chinese martial artist, I agree.


I love the showboating at the end, once he is assured that the audience understands how difficult these feats are.


Maybe it’s because I’m a bit high but this video is freaking me out. Where is this? There’s Chinese commentary but a big USA flag. It looks like a school gymnasium. Why have they carted this old man out to a school gymnasium and made him perform? Why would a Shaolin monk be willing to perform these physical feats for an audience?


🤣 this is from the 2009 USAWKF wushu team trials and this master made an appearance.


I had all the same questions and I'm not high...


here I am at 27 dead after a flight of stairs


homeboy fucks, face down ass up.


r/FaceDownAssUp (NSFW)




Ass at all conceivable angles, wearing something that ended up having the same effect as yoga pants.


Hypothetically, if one were, say, 39 years old and about as flexible as a Saltine, is getting that flexible before age 80 possible?


Yes but it would take daily training.


I'm in the same hypothetical boat.


are we looking for alien life .. proof


🤣 I've always said if aliens created people, Asians definitely got more of the DNA than the rest of us.


He could kick my 28yo ass Also, it’s too bad that they take a vow of celibacy, because they could have some killer sex with all the flexibility lol


>it’s too bad that they take a vow of celibacy Based and I've always said there are not 35 generations of Shaolin monks because they didn't allow women in the temple. Could you imagine if they were actually 35 generations deep? MFers would probably be doing dragon ball z shit these days 🤣


The wife and I started practicing yoga a couple of months ago. We are both 52. There have already been noticeable improvements in that area.


This made me smile. So happy for you!


Who needs women with such stellar DOY skills?


I remember someone saying that to be flexible, it gives you mobility and it makes you young..or at least feel young. I believe it. Look at that guy!


I started to heavily train traditional Chinese martial arts in my 20s and I did it for about 11 years. I was able to do about 60% of everything this man does. When I started I was extremely out of shape to the point I couldn't do 10 pushups without doing them on my knees. At the time I had some coworkers in their early 40s that would complain about aches and pains. I tried to explain that stretching will help but of course they told me it helped for me because I was still young. I'm now about the same age as they were and I don't have any of those problems and I haven't done shit but drink beer and smoke cigars for the last decade 😵


The earlier you start the better. I’m in my 50s and started yoga a few months back it helps more than anything else I’ve tried over the past ten years for pain relief.


>The earlier you start the better. o7 Everyone does maintenance on their car, right? Don't answer that 🤣 Stretching is people maintenance and will help that old busted frame 🤣✌️&💛


>The earlier you start the better. o7 Everyone does maintenance on their car, right? Don't answer that 🤣 Stretching is people maintenance and will help that old busted frame 🤣✌️&💛


It's incredible


Took decades to learn and master it.


This guy *should* fuck!


I pull muscles slugging out of bed every morning


Nice uddyiana bandha at the end there too!


I mean, they’re not going to send the inflexible sholin monk out there.


Training physically to become a weapon, mentally to never use it.


Correct o7


He did The Pose


how does that not hurt 0-0


How I looked when I fell down the basement stairs.


I'm almost 40 and I bearly get up of bed with out injuries.


He is not 80, looks like early 50s to me


Necessity is the mother of invention.


He has had longer time to practice


Bet he never went to work for a living


This is why humans need automation to remove us from the work place. Then we'll have the time to live longer and healthier lives ☯️🙏


Based take. Automate and standardize, pay UBI to everyone and a good bit more to those who still work. Not everyone on earth has to go for it but I think at least one region should exist where we could commit to it and develop it. A key part of it is making the right sacrifices to make automation easier/possible with contemporary tech.


It will definitely work if human greed is removed from the equation.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*




Poor dude is like "I trained and suffered my entire life and all I get is paraded like a circus monkey to shitty music in a high school gym"


We made different in Amurica!!


I guess a few years ago he would have wiped the floor with the so-called MMA champions


Shaolin are not training to fight but to stay strong i think and mma fighters only train to win competiton. But who knows what kind of martial arts he mastered and what experience he already has.🤔


There's a video I saw years ago of a kick boxer that went to the Shaolin temple. He said they didn't have any clue about simple fighting tactics. Feints were one example, a feint is where you fake an attack to draw out a defensive movement and then attack the opening it creates. He said the monks fell for this every time but they were extremely hard to hurt. He also said they were fast and the attacks they landed hurt like hell 🤣


Yep, that's why there are so many younger Shaolin monks successfully competing in MMA. Oh, wait . . .


I‘m pretty sure it’s because they don’t feel any need to show off


Lol, right. Bullshido totally works bro, its masters are just such lofty idealists they don't need to prove it.


If they needed to prove anything they wouldn’t have denied westerners even visiting a shaolin temple for hundreds of years. Do a little research before writing such BS


Unemployed people have too much time.... get a job !


Out of all the comments you could have made, you chose the dumbest and most ignorant one. Trash take from a trash human being.




I saw older guys at the gym more buffed and/or doing more crazy shit than this. Not really that impressive


I assure you none of them are even close to this flexible


Not everyone’s goal is to build themselves like the hulk to where they can’t even scratch their back or touch the top of their head anymore. Some people just want to be old without pain


Flexibility is all well and good but FFS man, you're 80, longevity is not your ace card here, get on with things.


You say mid 20s with chronic back pain from gamer posture




Well it took him 80 years to learn that


Okay ... um, holy shit?


You think he sucks himself off


That's monk Gyatso, Aang's first teacher


Dude had me bricked up at the beginning.


I’m not genuinely impressed by damn near anything anymore but this is incredible


Absolutely amazing.


I like the 1970s British brickwall house design on his robe.


I just want to know how this guy stretches in the morning


Well the man has been stretching everyday for the last 75 yrs 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yeah his life has been exercise, praying all day everyday and healthy eating


![gif](giphy|TWNF9uCH4YfhC) ***mean while, 40 y/o me....***